Symfony 1.4 Ajax - ajax

I want to make a form on ajax in Symfony Framework. The problem is the only way I found is with jquery and .load function. But with this way how to pass post values? I don't want hardcode anything so be flexible, but how make ajax submission form in symfony 1.4 with post data? How pass input posts in the load function?
Thanks a lot.

.load is fine. You can grab the values of the form with jquery.
The only issue is that you will have to bind the form manually yourself(in the controller). I consider that the bigger issue :P


using Wicket's PagingNavigator with Ajax?

Is there a way to link paging Navigator to Ajax? I'm confused on how to do this since PagingNavigator interacts with pagableListView under the hood. So basically the Ajax action I'm looking for is for the pagableListView to be updated with PagingNavigator using Ajax.
I was researching PagingNavigator and Ajax, but I was looking for the wrong thing.
AjaxPagingNavigator is the answer.

In Rails how do I use ajax? where do I put my Ajax code?

How do I get data from the database, without refreshing the page?
I dont even know where to start...
In Rails you will need to implement a page that pulls data from the DB and shows the data in whatever format you prefer, plaintext/json/xml. There's no asynchronous stuff in this part.
Ajax will be happening in frontend, the javascript part, that asynchronous connects to the webpage that you made above. jQuery's $.ajax will save you a lot of time.
You'll need to make your AJAX call from either an onload.js or a page specific js file (example.js). You'll then need to run a $.get or $.post call to the URL of the data.
Here is a pretty detailed tutorial:

Usage of Ajax form

I am an average newbie to CakePHP. While reading cookbook found Ajax form and its submission. But it lacks more details.
What are the main difference between ajax form and a normal form or What are the more specific cases we need to use Ajax form over normal form?
An example will be appreciated
A properly implemented Ajax form is exactly the same as a regular form, except that if JavaScript is enabled a submit handler will be bound to it that will prevent the normal submission of the form and send the data using the XMLHttpRequest object. The response will then be processed by JavaScript in the current page instead of by loading an entirely new page.
This isn't necessarily a CakePHP question, it's understanding what AJAX is.
AJAX in layman's terms is basically submitting data to a website without reloading the current page. If this is the sort of feature you want, you'll need to look into the RequestHandler component and the JsHelper in the CakePHP book for the version you are using.

Does anyone have a working Django AJAX form example?

I have a working django form that submits and the django view handles the form data and stores the data in the database. I would like to change this submission to use AJAX so that it validates one of the fields of the form with the database. There are no good examples out there for AJAX django. The ones that are out there, I have tried and just don't work. I used this example with prototype but this doesn't post form values and the django is not able to get any form values.
A solid working example would be great.
Please Help!!!
I wrote a couple of form classes, one for regular forms, one for model forms, that return any errors as json. I have a working example of how to use the form, and also how to process the json response back to your page using jQuery. The code is available at:
Hope that helps you out.

Drupal 7 Ajax Forms

I am using Drupal 7, and I am building a web site, that has a contact form in the footer which should appear in every page. The requirements was to make this form work via Ajax, all examples I found on Internet was form that related to node.
So when I tried to apply the same concept, I faced the problem of rendering the form, so I have passed it to the template as a parameter like this:
$vars['node']->contactForm = drupal_get_form('nilecode_form');
When I render the form by using drupal_render_children($node->contactForm), all the fields were rendered but with no wrapping form tag.
So after frustration, and not very useful IRC chats, I am thinking to do it by using normal Ajax request.
Before doing so is there any solution, before doing it the bad way?
Take a look at my ajax form examples, the best way of achieving this is using a theme function for the form:
Theres an attachment in the post, so you can get the full code example.
