Cocoa: NSPopover in statusbar unresponsive - cocoa

An application has an NSPopover with some user inputs in the status bar and some windows. The windows work fine but when I open the popover in the status bar it opens inactive. I can see everything but it's all greyed out, like it's a background window. I've been trying everything I can find on activate, activateignoringotherapps, makekeyandorderfront, etc but none of these is having an effect. How can I shift the focus to the statusbar popover?
I also made a button in the window that showed the same popup to make sure it is working, when called from the window button it works perfectly from there. Then I click on the status bar, and it opens from there instead, but inactive.
Thanks for the help.

I've run into the same problem and haven't found a solution. Unfortunately, I believe this is a bug:

There's a framework called SFBPopovers which provides similar functionality and works fine with the menu bar.
It might help with your issue.


How do you make a button automatically press without user interaction in Swift Cocoa

This sounds like a weird question, but I am using Swift 2.0 and Xcode to create a cocoa app, and I have a popover linked to an invisible button. I wan't to activate it so it pops up after the user has been on the page for a little while. I have a timer set, but I can't figure out the code to get the button to actually activate at that time, so that the popover will show. I am using a button so I can have an access spot for the popover to show at.
Right now, if you click the (invisible) button, everything shows perfectly. However, I need the click to activate programmatically. I would really appreciate any help!

NSStatusItem app focus

How can my menubar application achieve the same behaviours as 1Password or Dropbox:
clicking their menu bar icons or popovers does not steal focus, e.g. while I am in for example TextEdit and open 1Password/Dropbox, the blinking cursor disappears but the window itself does not go into the background, yet I can type into 1Password's text field.
even though they didn't take focus in the first place, they disappear when I click back into another application
I figured out how mouse over works in the Dropbox popover table view by using an NSTrackingArea with the options MouseEnteredAndExited, AssumeInside, and ActiveAlways.
I am trying to get the same behaviour to work in an NSPopover that opens from an NSStatusItem.
I found a workaround for now. I am able to get the same behaviour by using non-activating NSPanel with a window level kCGPopUpMenuWindowLevelKey and I had to override canBecomeKeyWindow to return true.
Unfortunately I haven't found a way yet to get a NSPopover to behave this way since it's not a subclass of NSWindow.
To set the kind of behavior you are describing you use:
yourPopover.behavior = .transient

NSPanel loses focus although being modal

I have a strange problem with one of my NSPanels. Starting up my application, I use a simple panel with only an NSTextField and an NSButton to get the player's name. Working on some other stuff on my application, all of a sudden the panel does not get focused any longer when starting the app. The button does work, though, but the text field refuses to be focused and take any input.
Any ideas are appreciated.
I found the solution myself, shame on me.
For the NSPanel, I had deselected "Title Bar" in the Appearance section of the Attribute Inspector. Unchecked, the panel does not have a title bar and thus cannot get the focus.
Checking it again, everything works as expected :-)

Hidden window takes all input

I have other application's fullscreen direct-x window, which I need to hide. I found the way to hide it by hooking direct-x create device and changing window parameters so it is not fullscreen. This works ok on XP but on Win-7 I can't use any other application because it looks like application is switching it to be foreground window so all clicks and keyboard input goes to that window. However if I click fast I can make some action. This make me think that this app is using some function to direct input to itself, or to focus, dunno what.
The other thing is that if I resize the window and don't hide it, all works ok.
I tried to hook SetCapture, SetForegroundWindow, SetActiveWindow and SetWindowPos and none of this helped.
Do you have some idea how can I hide window in other way, or what can cause this focusing to invisible window?

update statusbar menu on click mac os x cocoa

I've been playing around with a statusbar menu app and what I'd like it to do is to update the content of the menu when it is clicked. I've been able to get everything working on the awakefromnib function and it works as expected. Now i just want to update the menu everytime I click on the status bar. This surely can be done, since it's done in the dropbox statusbar menu and many of the native app statusbar menus. I'm not able to associate a action directly with the click of the menu and I don't want to leave a loop running in the background cause I don't really see a need for it. Any ideas? An alternative would be to have an action associated to a menu item which does not cause the menu to get hidden again. Any help would be welcome.
Just set a delegate for your menu, and implement the -(void)menuWillOpen:(NSMenu *)menu method.
