Google plus's access_token integration - access-token

I followed :
and :
After I acquired the access token I didn't understand how to get the user's ID? How do I use it to get the user's data?

With the access token, you can make a people.get request with the userId me:
The returned person resource has an Id property that contains the userId of the user:
"kind": "plus#person",
"id": "108189587050871927619",
... ↑


How to use userId in einstein api

I am using B2C Commerce Einstein API for salesforce commerce cloud
And I want to retrieve products recently viewed for logged in user.
with body
"userId": "abcxxxxx"
The userId above is what i obtained when user logged int
but the result if empty
"recs": [],
"recoUUID": "61288d10-5346-42b8-ad1c-c0dd8f38fde2"
So what is the meaning of userId and how do I get that
Application-provided unique identifier for logged in users (hashed).

Plaid - Update mode not working showing ITEM_LOGIN_REQUIRED

I am new to plaid.
I created a plaid access_token and now its showing
Using the doc I understand that we need to use update mode for solving this
then access token will not change and no need to call token -exchange
after getting this error
I tried calling
method -POST
"client_id": "xxxxxx",
"secret": "xxxxxx",
"client_name": "test",
"user": { "client_user_id": "xxxx" },
"country_codes": ["US"],
"language": "en",
"access_token": "access-sandbox-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-111111"
then I got new link_token
"expiration": "2021-11-09T13:46:12Z",
"link_token": "link-sandbox-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx",
"request_id": "xxxxx"
Then after what I need to do ?? .. I understand that no need to do token exchange api.
but if I tried to use this api using the existing access-token it is showing the same error
method -POST
"client_id": "xxxxxx",
"secret": "xxxxxx",
"access_token": "access-sandbox-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-111111"
"display_message": null,
"error_code": "ITEM_LOGIN_REQUIRED",
"error_message": "the login details of this item have changed (credentials, MFA, or required user action) and a user login is required to update this information. use Link's update mode to restore the item to a good state",
"error_type": "ITEM_ERROR",
"request_id": "3LMjpQHxYAMDwos",
"suggested_action": null
in that document they are saying like this.
An Item's access_token does not change when using Link in update mode, so there is no need to repeat the exchange token process.
then why I am getting again this ??
What I need to do solve this issue?
// Initialize Link with the token parameter
// set to the generated link_token for the Item
const linkHandler = Plaid.create({
onSuccess: (public_token, metadata) => {
// You do not need to repeat the /item/public_token/exchange
// process when a user uses Link in update mode.
// The Item's access_token has not changed.
onExit: (err, metadata) => {
// The user exited the Link flow.
if (err != null) {
// The user encountered a Plaid API error prior
// to exiting.
// metadata contains the most recent API request ID and the
// Link session ID. Storing this information is helpful
// for support.
After getting the Link token, you need to initialize Link with the Link token. Per the docs:
"To use update mode for an Item, initialize Link with a link_token configured with the access_token for the Item that you wish to update."
Once the user has successfully completed the Link flow, the access token should be reactivated.

Get Gmail User Profile Picture and Name with Google API client

The Google API client has Class: Google::Apis::PeopleV1::Name and Google::Apis::PeopleV1::Photo how do I hit these endpoints? I tried
p =
response = p.url
But it returns nil. Opposed to this GmailService has instance methods like get_user_message which I can call like this
#service =
# authorization is done
response = #service.get_user_message(user_id, message_id)
It returns a response object which has the message, now I want to fetch the User's name and Photo, but I did not find any method to access this information. How do I retrieve the User's name and photo using the API client?
I think that the value retrieved with the method of users.messages.get in Gmail API doesn't include "User Profile Picture". Ref So for example, in order to retrieve the URL of user's profile photo, how about using the method of people.connections.list in People API? The sample script is as follows.
Sample script:
service =
service.authorization = authorize
response = service.list_person_connections(
'page_size': 1000,
'person_fields': "names,emailAddresses,photos"
puts "No connections" if response.connections.empty?
result = {|person| {
'resourceName': person.resource_name,
'email': person.email_addresses[0].value,
'photos': {|e| e.url}
puts result
When above script is run, the following result is returned.
{"resourceName": "people/###", "email": "###", "photos": ["https://###"]},
{"resourceName": "people/###", "email": "###", "photos": ["https://###", "https://###"]},
The URLs of phtots are the URLs of the user's photo images.
In this case, it seems that the method of otherContacts.list doesn't return the user's photo data.
Method: people.connections.list

How do I fetch the list of MS Teams users in an organization?

How do I fetch the list of MS Teams users in an organization? And store and then broadcast a notification to them.
I see this snippet but it fetches the list of members in a conversation only
bot.dialog('FetchMemberList', function (session) {
var conversationId =;
connector.fetchMembers(session.message.address.serviceUrl, conversationId, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
session.endDialog('There is some error');
else {
session.endDialog('%s', JSON.stringify(result));
Currently there is no option to fetch user's unique Id without installing the bot. You need the user’s unique ID and tenant ID to send a proactive message.
Bot can only send proactive message to users who has installed your bot. When user installs your app, you could save user details which can be used later to send messages.
You can fetch the list of the users using the Teams roster REST API.
Your bot can query for the list of team members and their basic profiles, which includes Teams user IDs and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) information such as name and objectId. You can use this information to correlate user identities; for example, to check whether a user logged into a tab through Azure AD credentials is a member of the team.
You can directly issue a GET request on /conversations/{teamId}/members/, using the value of serviceUrl as the endpoint.
Currently, the only source for teamId is a message from the team context—either a message from a user or the message that your bot receives when it is added to a team (see Bot or user added to a team).
Response would follow the format:
"id": "29:1GcS4EyB_oSI8A88XmWBN7NJFyMqe3QGnJdgLfFGkJnVelzRGos0bPbpsfJjcbAD22bmKc4GMbrY2g4JDrrA8vM06X1-cHHle4zOE6U4ttcc",
"objectId": "9d3e08f9-a7ae-43aa-a4d3-de3f319a8a9c",
"givenName": "Larry",
"surname": "Brown",
"email": "",
"userPrincipalName": ""

Can't write acl rules to primary calendar in google service account

So I have set up a google service account for one of my apps. My intention is to keep a google calendar associated with the admin portal that all of the admins can post events to. I have got the JWT auth working I can post events to the calendar and perform other API actions. However, for some reason I cannot change the access control rules on the primary calendar. It is initialized with a single acl rule (role: owner, scope: {type: user, value: service_account_id}), and when I try to add public read access (role: reader, scope: {type: default}) like so:
Authorization: Bearer my_jwt_here
I get the following error:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "calendar",
"reason": "cannotRemoveLastCalendarOwnerFromAcl",
"message": "Cannot remove the last owner of a calendar from the access control list."
"code": 403,
"message": "Cannot remove the last owner of a calendar from the access control list."
This doesn't make any sense to me because this request shouldn't be trying to remove any access control rules. When I create a secondary calendar and do this I have no issues. When I do this with the primary calendar of my personal google account I have no issues. Is this some behavior specific to service accounts that I am not familiar with or what? I could settle for using a non-primary calendar but it bothers me that this isn't working. Any advice is appreciated.
so I found a weird work around for this issue and im posting here because I could not find SQUAT to help resolve this so hopefully this saves others some hassle.
I will also post some common problems I found when creating a organization-wide calendar (whether this is your use case or not I believe these tips will be helpful) - Jump to the bottom of the solution to this particular error.
First I needed to set up authentication with google calendar:
const { google } = require("googleapis");
const calendar = google.calendar("v3");
const scopes = [
const path = require("path");
const key = require(path.join(__dirname, "google-cal-api.json"));
I created a service account and then allowed it domain wide delegation with the above listed scopes; then downloaded the key. Now if you want to do actions like create calendar events FOR users within this domain what you have to do is generate a JWT token that 'impersonates' the user whos calendar you wish to interact with; like so
const generateInpersonationKey = (email) => {
var jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(
return jwtClient;
To set up a JWT client for the service account itself (and so you can create a calendar people can subscribe to; in our case it was a google calendar to show whos on leave within the workplace; so a calendar that has ALL that people can subscribe and toggle on/off was ideal) you just replace the email with 'null' and it defaults to itself, instead of 'impersonating' someone within the domain wide org.
Creating events are simple, follow the google cal api docs, depending on the auth token will depend on where the calendar is generated
For resolving the issue you pointed out; What I did was set my personal accounts email as an owner of this service accounts calendar with the following NodeJS code:
var request = await calendar.acl.insert({
calendarId: "primary",
resource: {
role: "owner",
scope: {
type: "user",
value: "",
I set myself as an owner, then I went to Google Calendar API > Patch (Try Me) filled in the calendarId as the service account with the calendar im trying to restrict; and then rule ID would be the gsuite domain The body should be
"role": "reader",
"scope": {
"type": "domain",
"value": ""
And thats how I was able to restrict people within our gsuite domain from deleting or editing custom calendar events. This solution is coming from the perspective of someone who originally inserted the domain ACL as
var request = await calendar.acl.insert({
calendarId: "primary",
resource: {
role: "owner",
scope: { type: "domain", value: "" },
Because adding it as a 'reader' like this messes with the service account ownership and wont allow anything but owner
Hope this has been helpful
