How to specify a controller & action for Ajax pagination with Kaminari? - ajax

I'm using the Kaminari gem for my ruby on rails application (For anybody still using will_paginate, I would recommend to consider switching! Much cleaner and more versatile).
The problem I have is that I want to specify a controller action when doing AJAX pagination, ie. get my pagination to work remotely, as such:
<%= paginate #feeds, :param_name => :page, :remote => true%>
By default, when I set :remote => true, and add the following lines to my "pages" controller home.js.erb file, it works on my homepage. I don't even need to specify which js partial to refer to; it chooses automatically.
$('.synopsis').html('<%= escape_javascript render('exchanges/synopsis', :feeds => #feeds)%>');
$('.paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#feeds, :param_name => :page, :remote => true).to_s)%>')
BUT the catch is that this "synopsis" div is a partial that I render on a lot of different pages in my application. So on pages where the controller isn't my "pages" controller, the remote pagination no longer works.
One solution would be to add these two lines to js.erb files in my many different controllers. But that would be redundant and inelegant.
I would prefer to be able to specify in the "paginate" call, which controller and which action to use for the remote call. Then I think I would write an action like:
def paginate_remotely
respond_to paginate_remotely.js
How would I be able to do this? It seems like such a simple question but I haven't been able to figure it out. The following certainly does not work:
<%= paginate #feed_exchanges, :param_name => :exchange_page, :remote => true, :controller => :exchanges, :action => :paginate_remotely %>

For those who are interested, the answer is you have to specify the controller and action under a :params specification, as follows:
<%= paginate #feed_exchanges, :params => {:controller => :exchanges, :action => :paginate_remotely}, :param_name => :exchange_page, :remote => true %>
Don't forget to write define the route for this action in config/routes.rb, and create a js partial, in my case called paginate_remotely.js.erb, containing:
$('.synopsis').html('<%= escape_javascript render('exchanges/synopsis', :feeds => #feeds)%>');
$('.paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#feeds, :param_name => :page, :remote => true).to_s)%>')


Submit a form via Ajax with Simple Form and Rails 4

I'm using Rails 4.0.1, Simple Form and Bootstrap 3 to create a modal dialogue for creating a new record. I'm trying to submit the form via ajax, but I am unable to do so.
I've added :remote => true to the form declaration, as well as to the submit button. Yet the request is still being sent via HTML POST, causing a full-page reload.
The form is created as:
<%= simple_form_for, :authenticity_token => true, :remote => true, :html => {:class => 'form-horizontal'} do |f| %>
And I've tried to create the submit button with:
<%= f.submit :data => {:remote => true}, :class => "control-button" %>
Neither of these work. The generated HTML shows the proper data-remote attributes. Yet elsewhere in my app, I've been using standalone links with link_to together with the :data-remote => true option, which work via ajax as expected. Turbolinks is disabled. But I'm simply having trouble submitting the form with ajax.
Am I overlooking something? What is a suitable alternative?

Rails link_to unable to get a confirmation dialog to appear

I am trying to get the link_to to be able to create a link with both options and html options. I need to be able to add the so I went with the method with the do.
My question is: How do I get this to work with the :confirmation. As it is written, it is appending confirm to the url. I would like to pass it in as a html option so it will pull up the dialog box.
Any ideas what I need to do to be able to get it to behave like that?
<%= link_to :controller => "services", :action => "delete_results", :build => #id, :suite => #cookie_value, :confirm => "Are you sure?" do %>
<i class="icon-trash"></i>
Delete Results
<% end %>
url_options and html_options are separate attributes for link_to. You need to tell ruby that they are different parameters in your list
link_to({:controller => "services", :action => "delete_results", :build => #id, :suite => #cookie_value}, {:confirm => "Are you sure?"})
Wrapping of second hash in {} is optional, but simplifies reading

passing data to modal

After checking Google for a long time, I can't find a solution:
A link like this:
<%= link_to, "#myModal", :data => {:toggle => "modal",\
:id =>}, :class=> "openModal"%>
should open a modal window and show the complete Instruction data.
What is the best solution using coffeescript?
I can manage to show the id within a span tag.
But how to get the id in a Function.find(:id)?
Thanks for your help.
o.k. nobody anwered... found myself:
the view:
<%= link_to, "#myModal", :data => {:toggle => "modal", :href => instruction_path(instruction)}, :class=> "openModal"%>
$(document).on "click", ".openModal", ->
Works with Twitter bootstrap

Multiple pagination with kaminari via Ajax

I want to apply multiple pagination with Kaminari via Ajax now here is my code for controller
def user_note
#user = current_user
#notes = Bookmark.where('user_id = ? && note is not NULL','created_at DESC').page(params[:page_1]).per(4)
#bookmarks = Bookmark.where('user_id = ? && note is NULL','created_at DESC').page(params[:page_2]).per(4)
respond_to do |format|
format.xml{ render :xml => #user}
end end
now for views i have two partials to render this arrays
<div id="bookmarks">
<%= render :partial =>"users/bookmark",:locals => { :bookmark => #bookmarks} %>
<%= paginate #bookmarks,:remote => true, :param_name => 'page' %>
inner partial is
<% bookmark.each do |bookmar| %>
<%= render :partial => 'show_bookmark.html.erb' , :locals => { :bookma => bookmar} %>
script for pagination update is being handled in a separate file
$('#bookmarks').html('<%= escape_javascript render(:partial =>"users/bookmark",:locals => { :bookmark => #bookmarks}) %>');
$('#paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#bookmarks, :remote => true).to_s) %>');
But by doing every thing it is not updating to state of page neither the contain in the page.
you are missing to pass params at this line
$('#paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#bookmarks, :remote => true).to_s) %>');
i think it should be like this
$('#paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#bookmarks, :remote => true, :param_name => 'page_2').to_s) %>');
and you are also passing wrong param at this line
<%= paginate #bookmarks,:remote => true, :param_name => 'page' %>
it should be like this
<%= paginate #bookmarks,:remote => true, :param_name => 'page_2' %>
and please also check that whether you are sending the response correctly to the JS file or not.
I found this question searching for paginating multiple models on the same page. It's not clear to me how the pagination for the #notes collection is intended to work, but as presented, the solutions will only paginate the #bookmarks collection via AJAX.
There will be issues if you want to maintain pagination for both collections via html OR if you change the js file to render both collections.
I implemented a solution to my similar problem like this:
An html view that renders a template with two partials: one for #notes (including its pagination helper) and another that renders #bookmarks with its pagination helper
Pagination links marked with remote: true
One js view that re-renders the two partials, something like
$('#notes_container').html('<%= j(render partial: 'paginated_notes_list') %>');
$('#bookmarks_container').html('<%= j(render partial: 'paginated_bookmarks_list'); %>');
This is the key: Pagination links that take the current page of the other model as a parameter. This way you do not "lose" which page you are on in the other model.
<%= paginate #notes, param_name: 'page_1', params: {page_2: params[:page_2]} %>
<%= paginate #bookmarks, param_name: 'page_2', params: {page_1: params[:page_1]} %>
Again, I'm not really clear on how the asker's system is supposed to function, but this solution will allow user to page through both models without losing their "place" in the other model via AJAX or html.

Problem rendering an Ajax partial with link_to specifying a controller action

I have a div (id="content") on a "proposition" show page into which I want to render different partials depending on which tab at the top of the div is selected.
I'm trying to render a partial (substantive_content) with AJAX using the following link_to:
<%= link_to "Connected", :url => {:controller => "propositions",
:action => "substantive_content"}, :remote => true %>
I've got two problems:
On clicking the link, a GET request
is sent to
PropositionsController#show, and
not (I presume) to the "substantive
content" action. This just refreshes the page and doesn't do anything remotely. The correct partial isn't displayed.
I'm not sure how then to render a
partial into the "content" div.
At the moment I have this in the PropositionsController:
def substantive_content
respond_to do |format|
format.js{ render :update do |rightbar|
rightbar.replace_html 'content', 'Hello World!'
... but am not sure where to go from here. Am I even going about this in the right way? I'm very new to rails, javascript, etc.
Any help with either of these problems would be fantastic. Thanks!
In your routes.rb file you should have an entry for the substantive_content action. It might look something like this:
match "substantive_content" => "propositions#substantive_content", :as => substantive_content
Then in your view the link should look something like this:
<%= link_to "Connected", substantive_content_path, :remote => true %>
I would render a js.erb file when the js request comes to the substantive_content action. The action would look soemthing like this:
def substantive_content
respond_to do |format|
Then create a substantive_content.js.erb file in your views/propositions directory. In that file you can use jquery to update the content div:
$('#content').html("<%= render :partial => 'your_partial_name_here' %>");
Without knowing more about the actual application you're working on, its hard to say if this is the best way to accomplish what you want. I generally try to stay as "RESTful" as possible with my apps so I'm reluctant to create actions aren't part of the normal index, new, create, show, etc. set. That's not to say that it isn't neccesary in this case, but it's something to think about.
