Visual studio file sorting order - visual-studio-2010

Is there any way to make visual studio sort files the same way that windows does, we have a number of scripts that are numbered ie. 1.sql, 2.sql ...100.sql.
In windows it shows up 1.sql,2.sql,3.sql...100.sql but in visual studio it shows up 1.sql,100.sql,2.sql....
Not really a big problem just slightly annoying when trying to figure out the next number to add.


Installs of Visual Studio are numbered

I've updated Visual Studio several times since release but occasionally it seems to act like it's creating a duplicate (as you would with a duplicate file/folder) and post-fixing a number to it e.g. Visual Studio Professional 2022 (3)
Anyone know how to fix or correct this? I've gone through the start menu, short cuts, etc. which also had the duplicate indicator but they were the only entries in their respective locations. I corrected the name which fixes it in Windows itself but the Installer still has the (3) in it.

Visual Studio Diff shows unwanted case differences

I'm trying to compare two versions of a VBA file which are placed on a TFS. The Diff Tool shows several changes, but there actually are none.
♪And they don't stop coming...
In fact, VS tries to beautify the code by changing it's case despite the fact that I turned the Pretty Listing feature off.
Well, I've disabled literally EVERYTHING here
Note: VS does not change the files either on disk or TFS.
The question is how to make it stop. I can't find real changes when comparing files.
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
Version 16.4.6

Visual Studio 2010 only shows the first of "could not find file" - how to get whole list?

I'm using VS 2010. I've just made changes to a large number of files in a project. About 40 or so files got deleted. I checked out the entire project first (using Team Foundation 2012 as our source control). Now when trying to check in, I see an error "Could not find file 'C:\folder\filename.dll'" in a popup dialog. This is the first missing file it came across. When I check the Output window, I only see that one file. I know there are several others.
Visual Studio 2012 will display the list of all of the missing files in the Output window.
Is there a way to do this in VS 2010?
There is no way to do this in Team Explorer 2010. Due to feedback this behaviour was changed in Visual Studio 2012.
Note: Visual Studio 2010 drops out of mainstream support in July.
I would try command line first, tf checkin, posdibly with /i (not to prompt) and /validate (to not risk actual checkin).
Other, very basic solution is to get list of all checked out files(tf status) and write a script that undo checkout if file does not exist.

Perform a search in Visual Studio only on files that have been recently modified

I was wondering if there is a way for Visual Studio's built-in search to only look in files that have been modified in a certain time frame.
I think it would be very convenient, especially when working with a large codebase where you don't really need to search for certain things in ancient code (or even code older than, say a month, even a week).
No. Not in Visual Studio 2010. Also not in Visual Studio 2012 (which includes the Quick Find feature from the Productivity Power Tools extension.)
You'll probably need to make do with Windows Search or a third party tool like Agent Ransack.

Visual Studio 2010 Find in Files, Appending Results

Is there a way (setting or extension?) to have the Visual Studio 2010 Find in Files feature append the search results (rather than replace them)?
I realize you can send the result to one of two result screens, but that is cumbersome, and wont work past two result sets.
Using SlickEdit in the past, It was nice to just append search results, and just scroll up.
