jqgrid - validation of form data at entry time (or how do I get onblur events to bubble up?) - jqgrid

I am trying to do validation of entries via Ajax. I am validating if the information entered is valid Perl regexp before the user submits the data. Is there a way to use the onblur() event from the individual input field to do the validation?
Reading the docs it seems that I can override each event globally, but I want to be able to perform different checks for each input field. I also know there is the beforeSubmit() event, but that is generated too late for what I want to do.
I am using jqgrid 4.1.2.
Any help would be appreciated.


Is there a way to enable Javascript on bulkEdit form from Dynamics 365 CRM?

Multiple required fields from bulk edit form are not displayed. The labels for that fields appear on form but the textboxes don't appear. I think this happens because we have scripts that run for that fields. I tried to edit customizations.xml and to put BehaviorInBulkEditForm = "Enabled" but it is not working. Is there another way to enable javascript?
As per the Form XML schema, the BehaviorInBulkEditForm attribute goes on the <event> element, careful you're not putting it somewhere else.
The valid values, as per Microsoft KB 949941, are:
If you use this value, the field is enabled. Additionally, the code for the event is run when the event is called.
If you use this value, the field is disabled.
If you use this value, the field is enabled. However, the code for the event is not run when the event is called.
I would recommend to stay away from unsupported customizations which will eventually break in future updates.
If it’s worth, then move all the logic to post-update or pre-update plugins which is fail proof server side implementation rather than client side js route.

Symfony2 : Best way to check form, client side

I'm developing a form with Symfony2 : several text inputs and one file input (for one picture). I have defined some asserts (maxLength, minLength...) in my entity in order to check the form (isValid).
My problem is : if the user puts bad data in text input (text too long or too short...), he still can submit the form, and error and printed but the user have to re-choose his picture.
As I think it's impossible to keep the picture in the form after bad validation, I should maybe check the form in client side (javascript), before submit.
So, is there an automatic way to do this (to forbidden submit until data are correct)? Can we get the assert minLength, maxLength value in twig ?
Thank you !
You can use js validation before submitting the data, using some js form validation tools, but this way you need the replicate the validation logic from the server, so if validation rules changes, you need to modify on both server and client side. I recommend this method to reduce the traffic between client-server.
If you don't want this, use ajax form submitting (example here). You still validate the form using symfony, but the page won't refresh, so you won't lose the attached file. But this generates additional traffic to server, and you also need to implement error displaying using javascript.

I would like to define a component as optionally required (based on another field's value)

I built two custom components using built-in CQ components. The components' JSP's, along with some custom javascript, have a line like below in order to leverage the built-in components (and their formatting, labels, etc.).
<cq:include path="." resourceType="foundation/components/form/dropdown" />
I have one each of my custom dropdown components on a form. I can mark field A and field B as both being required in their respective components' editor dialog. I can provide required messages so that when either field is blank and the form is submitted, I get a message that the fields are required (with my custom messages). However, what I really want to do is hide or disable field B based on the value supplied in field A. I'm handling this manually via jQuery. However, this of course presents a problem on validation. I want field B to be NOT required when it is hidden/disabled and for it to be required when it is enabled/visible. Since the showing/hiding is done client-side, the server-side validation has know knowledge of the change and still expect a value to be provided for field B.
I'm been trying to poke around in the CQ Widgets API to find if there is something I can do on the client side to set/unset the required property so that when the form gets posted it is handled correctly. I'm guessing that there isn't since the validation seems to be happening on post instead of client-side.
Any ideas/thoughts/options?
It turns out that the link from my comment gave me the idea that I can have custom server-side validation for my form, I just wasn't sure how to connect it to the field. It turns out that all I had to do was create a servervalidation.jsp file in my "B" component. CQ will see the servervalidation.jsp and automatically invoke it for my custom component.
I was then able to examine the submitted value of field "A" (by getting the parameter from the request object) and doing some other custom logic for my needs.
I was then able to optionally do this:
FieldDescription field = FieldHelper.getConstraintFieldDescription(slingRequest);
FieldHelper.checkRequired(slingRequest, field);

Jquery validator method not working if used multiple times in a form

we are using a javascript form where a enduser has to enter phonenumber and promo code apart from other details. All the fields in the form are mandatory.
I am using validator.add(method) to validate phonenumber using regex.
Also using an another validator.add(method) to validate the promo code
But am able to use only one validator method. If am using multiple i.e., more than one, then the validation is not working.
Is the jquery validator method restricted to use only once in a form.
Please suggest me a solution for this.
You can use an OnSubmit function for the form and validate all the data there, you can also write several functions and use them in the main onsubmit function.

Validate data from CakePHP form with jQuery (AJAX)

I would like to validate both single field and multiple field data from a CakePHP form.
The single field validation should be done on blur from each field while the multiple field validation should be done on submitting the form.
I would like to use the $validate property declared in the Model for validating data and I would like to display the errors near each field (single field validation) and on top of the form (for multiple field validation).
My main goal is to achieve this the most "caky" way (if there is one for validating data with jQuery). I couldn't find any useful advice out there and I'm asking you for some help to get this going.
One of my concerns is how shall I pass data from the form to jQuery and then to the action that does the validation and also how shall I return and display the errors, if there are any.
Thank you in advance!
I'd suggest first making sure everything works without jQuery, then use the jQuery Form plugin to submit your forms via AJAX. If you include the RequestHandler component in your AppController, you should find that your controllers distinguish automatically between AJAX and synchronous requests.
OK, so I coded my own solution to this, but I am still waiting for a more "caky" approach.
I made two generic jQuery functions, one for single field validation and one for multiple field validation. The function should grab the data from the specified form and send it to the form's action via AJAX, to a specially created controller method which will attempt to validate data and output an AJAX response ("" for validation has passed and errors for errors in validation). Then, the result is checked in the jQuery function and the default form behaviour is triggered only if the validation has passed. Otherwise, display the errors and return false; to prevent default submission.
