How do I return strong type object in Linq? - linq

I have a stored proc that returns a list of users (rows in User table).
var admins = db.aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles('/', "Admin");
LINQ generated aspnet_User classes for me, so can I somehow map the result to a List of aspnet_User type? Something like:
List<aspnet_User> admins = db.aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles('/', "Admin");
Here is a capture of what is returned.

It's entirely possible that you just need:
List<aspnet_User> admins = db.aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles('/', "Admin")
But it's hard to know without seeing what type the method call returns.

Perhaps this should be a comment but it is way too long...
Well, you do not really want the internal class <aspnet_User> you should want a MembershipUser.
So how about not using the stored procedure that comes with the membership provider but really use the Membership provider itsself.
There is a beautiful class: Roles in System.Web.Security
And it gives you this:
public static string[] GetUsersInRole(string roleName)
From here, a foreach to get the MembershipUser(s) in a list is not that complicated.

By default a stored procedure will return a type that it determines based on the output columns with Result tacked on to the end. It doesn't associate it with types you have already determined. To change this, you can either change the Return Type in the property window to the type you have already defined in your model, or when dragging the stored proc into your model, drop it directly on the type that you want the stored proc to be mapped into.
You don't get the opportunity to change the column mappings for stored procs however, so make sure the shape that the stored proc generates is the same as your target object structures.

It's an old post and I was working on it today and I get the same issue,
I think you are requesting asp membership ?
You can not convert this stored procedure to aspnet_User because it returns aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRolesResult type.
but from this aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRolesResult you can get userName, then request the aspnet_User table:
String app = "your application name";
String role = "your role name";
ArrayList userInRoleList = new ArrayList();
//Get the role ID
ASPNETDBDataContext aspDB = new ASPNETDBDataContext();
var userInRole = aspDB.aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles(app, role);
foreach (aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRolesResult users in userInRole)


Attribute routing not working with dictionaries

Being new to attribute routing, I'd like to ask for help getting this to work.
This test is a simple dynamic DB table viewer: Given a table name (or stored query name or whatever) and optionally some WHERE parameters, return query results.
Table COMPANIES (one of any number of tables which has an associated SELECT query stored somewhere, keyed by table name):
1 Apple USA Consumer electronics
2 Bose USA Low-quality, expensive audio equipment
3 Nokia FIN Mobile Phones
public object Get(string table, Dictionary<string, string> parameters) {
var sql = GetSql(table);
var dbArgs = new DynamicParameters(parameters);
return Database.Query(sql, dbArgs); // Return stuff/unrelated to problem
SQL stored in some resource or table. Obviously the parameters must match exactly:
SELECT * FROM companies
WHERE name = :name
-- OR hq = :hq
-- OR ...etc. Doesn't matter since it never gets this far.
Request (Should look clean, but the exact URL format isn't important): --> 404: No matching controller --> parameters is null --> Exception: A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&).
When I use: [Route("view/{table}{parameters}")] I get:
A path segment cannot contain two consecutive parameters. They must be separated by a '/' or by a literal string. Parameter name: routeTemplate. Makes sense.
My question is: How do I accept a table name and any number of unknown parameters in the usual key1=val1&key2=val2 form (not some awkward indexed format like the one mentioned here) which will be later bound to SQL parameters, preferably using a vanilla data structure rather than something like FormCollection.
I don't think that binding URL parameters to a Dictionary is built-in to the framework. I'm sure there's a way to extend it if you wanted to.
I think quickest (but still acceptable) option is to get the query string parameters using Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs() like this:
public object Get(string table) {
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
var sql = GetSql(table);
var dbArgs = new DynamicParameters(parameters);
return Database.Query(sql, dbArgs); // Return stuff/unrelated to problem

Updating an Entity Without Saving the Data back to the Database

I have created a new query like the following
var pressData = from press in dataContext.Releases
select new
Heading = press.Heading,
Description = press.Desc,
DatePublished = press.PublishDate.ToString(),
Body = press.BodyContent,
Later in the code I want to update the entity from a session variable, but not save any data back to the database. Here is the code I am trying to accomplish this with....
var edit = pressData.Where(a => a.Heading == sectionPreview.HeadingContent && a.ID == sectionPreview.tionID).FirstOrDefault();
if (edit != null)
edit.Body = sectionPreview.SectionContent;
The code aboves purpose is to look at pressData and replace the body content with the new body from a session variable(not shown here), but NOT save it to the db. I want pressData to be filtered and updated only in the entity. So when I bind it to the control in this case it binds the data stored in my session.
this.rptSections.DataSource = pressData;
I am getting a complier error stating
Property or indexer 'AnonymousType#1.Body' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only.
I checked the entity model and nothing is read only not any fields not anything. I must be missing something?
Anonymous Types encapsulate a read only property collection - for more information, read here. The compiler rewrites anonymous types as a constructor injections, ie:
select new
Heading = press.Heading,
Description = press.Desc,
DatePublished = press.PublishDate.ToString(),
Body = press.BodyContent,
Is really rewritten as:
new Anonymous`1(press.Heading, press.Desc, press.PublishDate.ToString(), press.BodyContent, press.ReleaseID, press.CreatedBy)
And the properties are read only (public get, private / protected set, to use an easy comparison). If you want to solve your issue, instead of taking the data and making an anonymous object, create a real type and set properties on it.

Table with a foreign key

how can I build a table of "orders" containing "IdOrder", "Description" and "User"?... the "User" field is a reference to the table "Users", which has "IdUser" and "Name". I'm using repositories.
I have this repository:
Repository<Orders> ordersRepo = new OrderRepo<Orders>(unitOfWork.Session);
to return all Orders to View, I just do:
return View(ordersRepo.All());
But this will result in something like:
IdOrder:1 -- Description: SomeTest -- User: UserProxy123ih12i3123ih12i3uh123
When the expected result was:
IdOrder:1 -- Description: SomeTest -- User: Thiago.
PS: I don't know why it returns this "UserProxy123ih12i3123ih12i3uh123". In Db there is a valid value.
The View:
It is showed in a foreach (var item in Model).
#item.User //--> If it is #item.User.Name doesn't work.
What I have to do to put the Name on this list? May I have to do a query using LINQ - NHibernate?
What type of ORM are you using? You mention "repositories" but does that mean LinqToSql, Entity Framework, NHibernate, or other?
It looks like you are getting an error because the User field is not loaded as part of the original query. This is likely done to reduce the size of the result set by excluding the related fields from the original query for Orders.
There are a couple of options to work around this:
Set up the repository (or context, depending on the ORM) to include the User property in the result set.
Explicitly load the User property before you access it. Note that this would be an additional round-trip to the database and should not be done in a loop.
In cases where you know that you need the User information it would make sense to ensure that this data in returned from the original query. If you are using LinqToSql take a look at the DataLoadOptions type. You can use this type to specify which relationships you want to retrieve with the query:
var options = new DataLoadOptions();
options.LoadWith<Orders>(o => o.User);
DataContext context = ...;
context.LoadOptions = options;
var query = from o in context.Orders
select o;
There should be similar methods to achive the same thing whatever ORM you are using.
In NHibernate you can do the following:
using (ISession session = SessionFactory.OpenSession())
var orders = session.Get<Order>(someId);
This will result in only two database trips (regardless of the number of orders returned). More information on this can be found here.
In MVC the foreign key doesn't work the way you are using it. I believe you have to set the user to a variable like this:
User user = #item.User;
Or you have to load the reference sometimes. I don't know why this is but in my experience if I put this line before doing something with a foreign key it works
Maybe when you access item.User.Name the session is already closed so NHib cannot load appropriate user from the DB.
You can create some model and initialize it with proper values at the controller. Also you can disable lazy loading for Orders.User in your mapping.
But maybe it is an other problem. What do you have when accessing "#item.User.Name" from your View?

How do you query an object set and in that same query filter an attached entity collection?

I am using Entity Framework for the first time and noticed that the entities object returns entity collections.
DBEntities db = new DBEntities();
db.Users; //Users is an ObjectSet<User>
User user = db.Users.Where(x => x.Username == "test").First(); //Is this getting executed in the SQL or in memory?
user.Posts; //Posts is an EntityCollection<Post>
Post post = user.Posts.Where(x => x.PostID == "123").First(); //Is this getting executed in the SQL or in memory?
Do both ObjectSet and EntityCollection implement IQueryable? I am hoping they do so that I know the queries are getting executed at the data source and not in memory.
EDIT: So apparently EntityCollection does not while ObjectSet does. Does that mean I would be better off using this code?
DBEntities db = new DBEntities();
User user = db.Users.Where(x => x.Username == "test").First(); //Is this getting executed in the SQL or in memory?
Post post = db.Posts.Where(x => (x.PostID == "123")&&(x.Username == user.Username)).First(); // Querying the object set instead of the entity collection.
Also, what is the difference between ObjectSet and EntityCollection? Shouldn't they be the same?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Sorry, I'm new to this. I'm trying to understand. Attached EntityCollections are lazy loaded, so if I access them then memory is populated with them. Rather than doing two querys to the object sets like in my last edit, I am curious if this query would be more what I was after:
DBEntities db = new DBEntities();
User user = (from x in db.Users
from y in x.Posts
where x.Username == "test"
where y.PostID == 123
select x).First();
ObjectSet<T> does implement IQueryable<T>, but EntityCollection<T> does not.
The difference is that ObjectSet<T> is meant to be used for querying directly (which is why it does implement the interface). EntityCollection<T>, on the other hand, is used for the "many" end of a result set, typically returned in a query done on an ObjectSet<T>. As such, it impelments IEnumerable<T>, but not IQueryable<T> (as it's already the populated results of a query).
I was almost ready to say yes, they both do. Luckily I check the documentation first.
EntityCollection does not implement IQueryable.
As for the difference, ObjectSet<TEntity> represents the the objects generated from a table in a database. EntityCollection<TEntity> represents a collection of entity objects on the 'Many' side of One to Many or Many to Many relationship.

Calling a function with user defined type parameters (Oracle ODP.NET)

I'm using a function :
udt_person is a user defined type :
create or replace TYPE udt_person AS OBJECT
(name VARCHAR2(3),
id VARCHAR2(18));
I want to use bind variables whan calling this function, but i'm not really sure what am i doing wrong ... Here's the code :
OracleParameter udtPersParam = new OracleParameter();
udtPersParam.ParameterName = ":pUdtPers";
udtPersParam.UdtTypeName = "UDT_PERS";
string[] paramValues = { name, id };
udtPersParam.Value = paramValues;
OracleParameter pAction = new OracleParameter(":pAction", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 255);
pAction.Value = action;
_loginOdr = DBFacade.ExecuteSelectQuery("select fu_has_permissions(:pUdtPart, :pAction) from dual", parameters);
the udt type must be a class that implements
and/or IOracleCustomTypeFactory, IOracleArrayTypeFactory
unfortuntately you cannot just create a string array and pass it in
look in the samples that come with the odp installation
also check out these links for samples and walkthroughs
Don't know anything about ODP.Net really, but the error suggests that it doesn't like you trying to use a string array as the value for an Oracle parameter. Which doesn't sound unreasonable.
A quick google of ' object varchar2' gave this OTN forum post as the first result; it includes an example of using an object about half-way down, including converting to and from Oracle object types.
if I were you I'd have a look at the ODP add-in to Visual Studio. With this you can connect to your database, select a UDT on the database, and "Generate Custom Class" to get a .net class you can use.
Look inside the class and you'll see what Harrison means. Pay particular attention to the OracleObjectMappingAttributes on top of the properties, and the overrides of To/FromCustomObject.
When you construct your OracleCommand, the OracleParameter.Value needs to be a class of this type.
That should get you started at a high level. A word of warning, though. The code generated by ODP is ugly to say the least - we're on the point of ditching all ODP-generated classes in our own scenario. But you'll need to understand what things like IOracleCustomType, IOracleCustomTypeFactory, IOracleArrayTypeFactory, INullable are before you'll be in a position to do this.
Incidentally since your specific question surrounds arrays, you might want to look at Oracle NTYPEs here, rather than TYPEs.
