Is ruby 1.9.2's new regex engine (Oniguruma) very slow? - ruby

I recently migrated from rails 2 to Rails 3 and thus got the new regular expression engine that comes by default in ruby 1.9.2.
I had heard a lot of good things about this regex engine. However, a portion of my app that relies heavily on regex has become very slow.
This is what I want to achieve: I need to check a string for some specific keywords. Once I hit a keyword, I need to modify the string to add a link to some site based on the keyword that matched. A string might contain more than one such keywords, and I need to check the string for thousands of keywords. All this needs to happen in a matter of minutes, and everything was working fine with the logic in ruby 1.8.7.
Earlier it used to get done in a matter of seconds, and now it takes hours. I compared today running both simultaneously, and the ruby 1.8.7 got done in 2 seconds, whereas the 1.9.2 one took 1.5 hours! There is obviously something wrong.
My regular expressions looks like:
Do I need to phrase by regex differently, or is there some other trick to speed up the matching process in ruby 1.9.2?
Worst case, is there a way to use the ruby 1.8.7 regex engine with ruby 1.9.2?

You can drop the .* from your regex completely. All it does is match the entire string and then backtrack until your search string is found. Remove it and see if it's still as slow.

It may not be the regex engine, but the fact that 1.9.x has String encoding built-in and will default to UTF-8 (I think). Try forcing the encoding on your input string to US-ASCII.
Performing thousands of regexes on UTF-8, which is computationally expensive (comparatively) is likely to be a great deal slower.
This may or may not work. I haven't tested it, but it springs to mind, before the regex engine does, when we're talking about speed differences on this magnitude.
How big are your input strings? o_O
I'd also profile your algorithm to try and identify where the bottlenecks are. You may be surprised.

Just as a recommendation for dealing with multiple regex lookups:
Check into the Regexp.union method, or use regex '|' to or your expressions into groups. The engine is fast, but only you know how to best look for things, so it relies on you to set it up for success.
For example, you can search for multiple targets various ways:
if string[/\btarget1\b/] || string[/\btarget2\b/] ...
if string[/\b(?:target1|target2)\b/] ...
You can build that or'd list of targets however you want, but it will be faster than separate searches.
Use Ruby's Benchmark module to prove your work. :-)
And, sometimes it is useful to think outside the Ruby box. Consider using a database to do your searches. Set up your data correctly and a DBM can be incredibly fast.


Search using Xapian Omega - with Wild Cards or Regular Expressions

We are confronting different search engines for our research
archives and having browsed the Xapian-Omega documentation, we
decided to try it out since the Omega option appears to be an
appropriate solution with several interesting search options.
We installed Xapian-Omega on a Linux Server (Deb 7) and tested
the setup with success. However we are unsure as to how one can
employ or perhaps even enable the use of Wild Cards or Regular
Expressions with Xapian-Omega.
We read that for Xapian one has to enable the Wild Card option
"QueryParser flags"
Could someone clarify this ?
ie. explain with or indicate a page with an example or two.
But we did not see much information regarding examples with Omega
CGI and although this latter runs well, wild card options
(such as * for the general wild card and ? as a single character),
do not seem to work as expected by default and they would be
useful, even though stemming and substrings etc may be functional.
Eg: It would be interesting to be able to employ standard simple
wild char searches with a certain precision such as :
medic* for medicine medical medicament
or with ? for single characters
Can Regexp be recognised with Omega ?
eg : sep[ae]r[ae]te(\w+)?
or searching for structured formats such as Email or Credit Card
Numbers or certain formula types in research papers etc.
In a note from Olly Betts long ago (Dev Mailing List) regarding
this one suggestion was to grep the index file but this would
defeat the RAD advantage of Omega.
Any examples of searches using Omega with Wild Cards or Regular
Expressions would be most appreciated ... even an indication of
a page where information regarding this theme is well presented
with examples illustrating how to develop advanced searches
using Xapian alone would be most welcome (PHP or Python perhaps).
(We are not concerned for the moment about the eventual
substantial increase in the size of the index size or in the
time to index the archive)
You can enable right-wildcards (such as "medic*") in Omega using $set{flag_wildcard,1} (covered in the Omegascript documentation), which enables FLAG_WILDCARD. There's a section in the user manual on using wildcards.
Xapian doesn't provide support for regular expression searching, although in theory I believe it would be possible to support, if potentially costly (depending on the regex). It would have to run the regular expression against unstemmed terms in the database, and then feed them into the search. Where it becomes difficult is if the regex expands to a lot of terms (eg just 'a' as a regex). There's also some subtlety in making it efficient; it's easy to jump through the term list to something with a constant prefix, and you'd want to take advantage of that if possible.
For your example of sep[ae]r[ae]te(\w+)?, it sounds like you actually want a combination of spelling correction (for the a-e substitutions, which you can enable using $set{flag_spelling_correction,1}) and stemming (for the trailing letters after 'te'; Omega defaults to English stemming, but that can be changed), or either wildcard or partial match support.
If you do need regular expressions for your use case, then I'd suggest bringing it up on the xapian-discuss mailing list. Xapian has moved on since the last discussion, and I believe it would be easier to build such support now than it was then.
James Ayatt: Thank you for your answer and help, my apologies for this belated reply, a distraction with other work.
We had already seen the Omegascript page but it was not clear to us how to employ these options with the CGI interface. Also the use of * seems to be for trailing chars, is that correct ? ie not for internal groups of words eg: omeg*ipt; there are cases where the stemming option would not be sufficient. We did not see an option for single wild chars, sometimes represented by ? in certain search engines. Could you comment here ?
Regarding the use of regular expressions we had immagined that it might not be quite as simple as one could hope. The examples mentioned in the preceding post were of course simple possible uses, there are of course many more. Your comment on using the stemming option seems appropriate.
In certain cases it could be interesting to enable some type of regexp option for the extraction of text forms, such as those mentioned. The quick extractiion of such text, perhaps together with some surrounding text could be very useful.
We will certainly try your proposal with the mailing list.
Thank you again.

a simple filtering language that can be embedded in ruby?

I have a ruby project where part of the operation is to select entities given user-specified constraints. So far, I've been hacking my own filter language, using regular expressions and specifying inclusion/exclusion based on the fields in the entities.
If you are interested in my current approach, here's an example: For instance, given this list of entities:
[{"type":"dog", "name":"joe"}, {"type":"dog", "name":"fuzz"}, {"type":"cat", "name":"meow"}]
A user could specify a filter like so:
"type":{"included":["dog"] },
"name":{"excluded":["^f.*"] }
Would match all dogs but exclude fuzz.
This is sort of working now. However, I am starting to require more sophisticated selection parameters. I am thinking that rather than continuing to hack on my own filter language, there might be a more general-purpose filter language I can just embed in my application? For instance, is there a parser that can in-app filter using a SQL where clause? Or are there some other general, simple filter languages that I'm not aware of? I would especially like to move away from regexps since I want to do range querying on numbers (like is entity["size"] < 50 ?)
It is a little bit of an extrapolation, but I think you may be looking for a search engine, or at least enough of one that you may as well use one just for the query language.
If so you might want to look at elasticsearch which does have Ruby client bindings, and could be a good fit for what you are trying to do. Especially if you want or need to express the data you want to search as JSON for use by client code, as that format is natively supported by the search engine.
The query language is quite expressive, and there are a variety of built-in and plugin tools available to explore and use it.
in the end, i ended up implementing a ruby dsl. it's easy, fun, and powerful.

to_tsquery() validation

I'm currently developing a website that allows a search on a PostgreSQL
database, the search works with to_tsquery() and I'm trying to find a way to validate the input before it's being sent as a query.
Other than that I'm also trying to add a phrasing capability, so that if someone searches for HELLO | "I LIKE CATS" it will only find results with "hello" or the entire phrase "i like cats" (as opposed to I & LIKE & CATS that will find you articles that have all 3 words,
regardless where they might appear).
Is there some reason why it's too expensive to let the DB server validate it? It does seem a bit excessive to duplicate the ts_query parsing algorithm in the client.
If the concern is that you don't want it to try running the whole query (which presumably will involve table access) each time it validates, you could use the input in a smaller query, just in pseudocode (which may look a bit like Python, but that's just coincidence):
execute("SELECT ts_query($1)", input);
return True
except DatabaseError:
return False
With regard to phrasing, it's probably easiest to search by the non-phrased query first (using indexes), then filter those for having the phrase. That could be done server side or client side. Depending on the language being parsed, it might be easiest to construct a simple regex of the phrase that deals with repeated whitespace or other ignorable symbols.
Search for to_tsquery('HELLO|(I&LIKE&CATS)'), getting back a list of documents which loosely match.
In the client, filter that to those matching the regex "HELLO|(I\s+LIKE\s+CATS)".
The downside is you do need some additional code for translating your query into the appropriate looser query, and then for translating it into a regex.
Finally, there might be a technique in PostgreSQL to do proper phrase searching using the lexeme positions that are stored in ts_vectors. I'm guessing that phrase searches are one of the intended uses, but I couldn't find an example of it in my cursory search. There's a section on it near the bottom of at least.

Extracting a Hostname's TLD with a Regular Expression

Extracting an accurate representation of the top-level domain of a hostname is complicated by the fact that each top-level domain registry is free to make up its own policies regarding how domains are issued and what subdomains are defined. As there doesn't appear to be any standards body coordinating these or establishing standards, this has made determining the actual TLD a somewhat complicated affair.
Since web browsers assign cookies only to registered domains, and for security reasons must be vigilant about ensuring cookies cannot be assigned on a broader level, these browsers typically contain a database of all known TLDs in some form. I've found that Firefox has a fairly complete database:
I have two specific questions:
Although it is fairly trivial to convert this listing into a regular expression, is there a gem or reference regexp that's a better solution than rolling your own? The tld gem only provides country-level info for the root-level domain.
Is there a better reference than the Firefox TLD listing? All of the local Google sites are correctly parsed by this specification, but that's hardly an exhaustive test.
If there's nothing out there, is anyone interested in a gem that performs this kind of operation? This sort of thing should be present in the URI module but is apparently missing.
Here's my take on converting this file into a usable Regexp in Ruby:
'[^\.]+\.(' + %q[
// ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
// ... (Rest of file)
].split(/\n/).collect do |line|
line.sub(%r[//.*], '').sub(/\s+$/, '')
end.reject(&:blank?).collect do |s|
Regexp.escape(s).sub(/^\\\*\\\./, '[^\.]+\.')
end.join('|') + ')$'
You might want to look into using Addressable to see if that has what you need. It's got a lot more features than Ruby's default URI library. In particular, its template ability might help you.
From the docs:
Addressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It more closely conforms to the relevant RFCs and adds support for IRIs and URI templates. Additionally, it provides extensive support for URI templates.
With the recent opening of the new TLDs, it's going to be a nightmare for a while. Check out the related list to the right to see how many people are trying to find a solution. Regex to match Domain.CCTLD recommends using a function to break it down into smaller steps and is what I'd do. Trying to do this with a regex assumes you can do it all in one expression, which starts to smell like using regex to parse XML or HTML. The target is too wiggly for a single pattern, or at least for a single maintainable pattern.
That answer mentions the public TLD list. Using the information there you could quickly use Ruby's Regexp.escape and Regexp.union methods to build a reasonably good regex on the fly. It'd be nice if we had Perl's Regexp::Assemble module available to us, but we don't so union will have to do. (See "Is there an efficient way to perform hundreds of text substitutions in Ruby?" for a way to work around this.)
There is another flat-file db here at
Perhaps you could combine the 2, and upload it to somewhere like, github, sourceforge, etc.
There's a gem called public-suffix-list which provides access to a more formalized version of the Mozilla listing.

Algorithms recognizing physical address on a webpage

What are the best algorithms for recognizing structured data on an HTML page?
For example Google will recognize the address of home/company in an email, and offers a map to this address.
A named-entity extraction framework such as GATE has at least tackled the information extraction problem for locations, assisted by a gazetteer of known places to help resolve common issues. Unless the pages were machine generated from a common source, you're going to find regular expressions a bit weak for the job.
If you have the markup proper—and not just the text from the page—I second the Beautiful Soup suggestion above. In particular, the address tag should provide the lowest of low-hanging fruit. Also look into the adr microformat. I'd only falll back to regexes if the first two didn't pull enough info or I didn't have the necessary data to look for the first two.
If you also have to handle international addresses, you're in for a world of headaches; international address formats are amazingly varied.
I'd guess that Google takes a two step approach to the problem (at least that's what I would do). First they use some fairly general search pattern to pick out everything that could be an address, and then they use their map database to look up that string and see if they get any matches. If they do it's probably an address if they don't it probably isn't. If you can use a map database in your code that will probably make your life easier.
Unless you can limit the geographic location of the addresses, I'm guessing that it's pretty much impossible to identify a string as an address just by parsing it, simply due to the huge variation of address formats used around the world.
Do not use regular expressions. Use an existing HTML parser, for example in Python I strongly recommend BeautifulSoup. Even if you use a regular expression to parse the HTML elements BeautifulSoup grabs.
If you do it with your own regexs, you not only have to worry about finding the data you require, you have to worry about things like invalid HTML, and lots of other very non-obvious problems you'll stumble over..
What you're asking is really quite a hard problem if you want to get it perfect. While a simple regexp will get it mostly right most of them time, writing one that will get it exactly right everytime is fiendishly hard. There are plenty of strange corner cases and in several cases there is no single unambiguous answer. Most web sites that I've seen to a pretty bad job handling all but the simplest URLs.
If you want to go down the regexp route your best bet is probably to check out the sourcecode of
Again, regular expressions should do the trick.
Because of the wide variety of addresses, you can only guess if a string is an address or not by an expression like "(number), (name) Street|Boulevard|Main", etc
You can consider looking into some firefox extensions which aim to map addresses found in text to see how they work
You can check this USA extraction example
It depends upon your requirement.
for email and contact details regex is more than enough.
For addresses regex alone will not help. Think about NLP(NER) & POS tagging.
For finding people related information you cant do anything without NER.
If you need information like paragraphs get the contents by using tags.
