xcode iphone back button - xcode

Seems like this would be a simple thing, but I cannot find any good info on it.
I just want to be able to 'force' the back button to show. I have a main view and when I transfer to another view there is no back button. But then if I transfer to a 3rd view, the back button appears. This seems to always be the case. Only the 2nd transferred to view shows a back button. I need it to show up on all views except the main view.
I dont need to override it, just simply force it to show where it is not showing...

I know this is an old question, but this might help...
...sometimes you need to embed a view inside a Navigation Controller for the back button to show. Simply select your view controller and select Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller.
If the button does not show (usually if you are presenting a modal view rather than push) then you will need to manually make a 'Cancel' button. Create an action for this and in the method put (I call my method switchback):
-(IBAction)switchback:(id)sender {
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

Patch's solution (dismissModalViewController)had been unfortunately deprecated and replaced by dismissViewControllerAnimated.
Here is the current one:
-(IBAction)switchback:(id)sender {
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];


How to drag a View Controller on top of a View Controller?

I have a View Controller that is presented when you first open the app, and I have another controller that can be shown on screen if you tap a button at the top of the screen. However, instead of doing it this way I was wondering if I can either drag the view down or tap the button and have an animation take care of that.
I have tried doing this with a PageView Controller, but this doesn't show the effect I wanted as it simply translates over to the next view and doesn't actually keep the initial view fixed in place while the second view slides over it.
Also, instead of a view controller would a view initially placed out of bounds in the main View Controller work? Thanks in advance!
You could use a side menu like MMDrawerController that has 4 type of animations for presenting the viewController.
Or you can create your custom UIView (not viewController) even using Interface Builder and animate that screen yourself. The animation can be started using UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer.

Standard Back Button in XCode (XIB)

I can't get the standard back button of iOS into a navigationBar because I can't find it in the Object Library, so can I do it with code or something else?
I just want the normal, standard, blue back button - you know which I mean.
To "automatically" have a back button you need first have a UINavigationController. Then you need to take a different UIViewController and add it as the root view controller in UINavigationController's init method:
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:someOtherViewController];
Be sure to also set a title for someOtherViewController, usually in it's viewDidLoad or initializer. I'll tell you why this is important in a second:
self.title = #"Some other VC";
Then take a second UIViewController and push it onto your navigation controller:
[navigationController pushViewController:anotherViewController animated:YES];
You now have two UIViewControllers on your navigation stack: someOtherViewController and anotherViewController.
Your view will now have a back button with "Some other VC" in it. This is the title of the view controller that was just moved out of view:
I would also suggest reading up on how UINavigationControllers work and searching this site a bit more for customizing the back button. There are plenty of threads about it.
You can't add the back button yourself. The back button is part of the Navigation controller. If you embed a Navigation controller into your view(s), the back button will appear and be populated by the name of the previous view.
If you're using storyboards select your view controller, then in top menu choose "editor" -> "embed in" -> "navigation controller".
Edit: Here is an exmaple.
I'm running Xcode 7.2. This was driving me crazy, but I figured it out. Here are all the pieces you need to make the Back button appear (make a test project to prove it):
1) You have to have a Navigation Controller and it has to be set to be the initial view controller. So add the Navigation Controller, you will import two tables. Click on the Navigation Controller and on the properties list, check the box that reads "Is Initial View Controller". You will now see and arrow pointing to this view.
2) In our case we want a ViewController and not the included / connected TableViewController, so delete the TableViewController (RootController) and add a new ViewController.
3) Connect the Navigation Controller to the new ViewController by clicking on the top bar of the Navigation controller and orange circle with the arrow pointing left. Hold the Control button on your keyboard down and click and drag from the orange circle to the ViewController and let go. When given the list of options on how to connect the two views, select 'root view controller'.
Done! Now you the functioning navigation bar and you automatically get the back arrow on all segues added. Test this. Add another ViewController and connect to it with a button on the existing ViewController. Use the Control-click-drag approach from the button to the newest ViewController. Select the 'show' option for the new segue you created.
Run it. You'll see the back option has automatically appeared when you click the button and moved to the newest ViewController.
This is all provided by the Navigation Controller, but only when you make another controller the RootController. Happy navigating!

Return for the first view after I'm on the fifth view of an iOS application in Xcode

I'm fairly new to xcode, and am creating a single view application with five views (xib files). I am not using navigation controller or storyboard for two reasons.
If I use Storyboard, I am forced to have my other views be UIView files. These dont have
Which prevents me from loading a few timers I have in my application.
I am able to navigate from the first page to the second and so on, all the way to the fifth page/view with the following code.
-(IBAction)pagethree {
countdown=[[Countdown alloc] initWithNibName:#"Countdown" bundle:nil];
[self.view addSubview:countdown.view];
However when I want to go back from the fifth view to the first page I run into a problem.
My first view is called ViewController. If I try the code from above, my app is full of errors.
I also tried using
-(IBAction)back {
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
but that only took me back one view.
My fifth view controller is called Statistics and the first one is called ViewController.
What can I code to get from back from the last view to the first?
First, to answer your question, you need to do a removeFromSuperview (or similar) for each addSubview: you did. Each time you do addSubview, you're placing your new screen "on top" of the last one, like a stack. When you reach your 5th view, you have 4 other views "behind" it. (Actually, that's not exactly what addSubview does, but I'm just describing the effect in your particular situation).
But I think you're doing it wrong... You should read more about storyboards and navigation controllers. Both are used with UIViewController and support out of the box what you're trying to do by hand. For example, using a navigation controller, to push a new view controller you can do:
[navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
You can do that as many times as you want. Then, to go back once, you do:
[navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
And to go back directly to the first one:
[navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Hope this helps.

NSButton Doesn't Respond to Click When Putting inside M3NavigationView

I'm using M3NavigationView to do view navigations, but there I got a problem when push one view inside(some animation happens here), A button doesn't responds to mouse click most of the time, I'll have to click it twice,
I clicked once on the button, and it seems the mouse up event doesn't happen. I have to click the button again to trigger my action.
After more testing today, I found the button inside works normally after it is displayed for 2 seconds. more weird.
Is there anyone knows that going on here?
I used one out of two of my apple developer support service, and get it solved. row double clicked of PXListView needs to change a little to work with M3NavigationView
if([theEvent clickCount]>1) {
if([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:#selector(listView:rowDoubleClicked:)]) {
[[self delegate] listView:self rowDoubleClicked:[theCell row]];
return; //return here, this is the change

Does anyone know what the new Exit icon is used for when editing storyboards using Xcode 4.5?

Right-clicking the Exit icon yields an empty window. Can't Ctrl-drag a connection to any IB elements or corresponding source files. Docs give no love. Doesn't appear in nib files, only storyboards. My assumption is that it's a corollary to segues, but I don't see any new methods to back it up. Anyone?
I had a hard time following the accepted answer so here is more detail.
Given the photo below on view controller C you can "exit" back to any view controller in the segue path.
ViewController A you can write:
- (IBAction)done:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue {
// Optional place to read data from closing controller
ViewController B you can write:
- (IBAction)back:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue {
// Optional place to read data from closing controller
ViewController C you control drag from "back" button to the green exit option and select back:
ViewController C you control drag from "done" button to the green exit option and select done:
Note: Even though the methods are on other view controllers they show up for the ViewController C's exit. Control dragging and selecting a method defines which ViewController to unwind to.
There's a lot of information in the WWDC video "Session 407 - Adopting Storyboards in your App."
Say you have two view controllers linked by a segue. Implement the following exit action on the first view controller:
- (IBAction)done:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue {
NSLog(#"Popping back to this view controller!");
// reset UI elements etc here
Then, on Storyboard scene for the second view controller, Ctrl-drag from a UI element, such as a button, to the exit icon at the bottom of this view controller. The done: action you added to the code of the first controller will appear as an option. Now, activating the button you Ctrl-dragged to the exit icon will pop back to the first view controller and maintain its original state (ie UI elements such as text input supposedly still intact).
As addition to Eric answer here is how it works with swift:
The function you add to the destination controller looks like:
#IBAction func backFromOtherController(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
NSLog("I'm back from other controller!")
