core-plot remove decimal points from axis labels - label

Can someone tell me how to remove the decimal points from the Axis labels? Instead of 10.0 I'd like to have only 10 showing.

CPTXYAxis *x = axisSet.xAxis;
NSNumberFormatter *Xformatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[Xformatter setGeneratesDecimalNumbers:NO];
[Xformatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
x.labelFormatter = Xformatter;
[Xformatter release];
This will take care of the decimals on the x axis as well as add commas with NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle. You will need to do the same for the y axis.
There are a ton of things you can do with NSNumberFormatter, including converting numbers into dollars using:
[Xformatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
//this will add a decimal point again if you put this in the code above
Play around with the Esc key to see all formatting available for setNumberStyle or other methods.

Set the labelFormatter property on the axis to a new formatter. This is a standard NSNumberFormatter object. See Apple's class documentation for details on the options available.


xcode How to show $ value in a Label and a Text Box. Example 125000 as 125,000.00

I need to show $value on a Label.
currently it appears as 125000 but i need it to be 125,000.00
thanks in advance to all supporters.
The solution of your problem is NSNumberFormatter
Some code to get you started:
NSNumberFormatter *currencyFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[currencyFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
NSLog(#"%#", [currencyFormatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithInt:10395209]]);
[currencyFormatter release];
Drag the Number Formatter (found in the object library) object onto the field/label. Change the behavior (be sure your in the attributes inspector for the number formatter) to 'OS X 10.4+ Custom' (that's what it was in Xcode 4.5.2).
In the 'Integer Digits' field, change the minimum to 1 and leave the maximum whatever you need. For the 'Fraction Digits' fields set the minimum and maximum to 2.
Near the top of the field, stick a dollar sign in front of the 'Format (+)' and '(-)' fields.
Check the group separator box then change the primary and secondary grouping fields to 3.

Adding TextFields with Commas Xcode

I am trying to add the values in two textfields. When value is inputed into both and a button is pressed to add it, the text fields are formatted to have commas:
NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc]init];
[formatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
carPriceField1.text = [formatter stringFromNumber: [formatter numberFromString:carPriceField1.text]];
so then if you click the button again, the commas are still inside of the textfield. So the calculation ignores all the numbers after the comma.
for example, if it were to add 20,000 and 30,000 the answer would be 50.
How can I add these numbers with commas? Do I have to reformat, and then add?
NSNumberFormatter is not intended to be used this way. In Interface Builder just drag a Number Formatter onto the text field you want to be formatted with commas. Then it will format the text it displays in the text field according to the settings you provide in Interface Builder. When you want to retrieve the numerical value just get it as follows for example if you want integers:
int carPrice = [carPriceField1 intValue];

How to move to the right the label Core Plot?

I use the following method to display the labels for my plot:
-(CPTLayer *)dataLabelForPlot:(CPTPlot *)plot recordIndex:(NSUInteger)index{
CPTTextLayer *label=[[CPTTextLayer alloc] initWithText:stringValue style:textStyle];
which for every index should return the label
I know that it's possible to move label up or down using:
The question is: how can i move the label a bit to the right?
I tried to use
but it doesn't work.
Adding padding as in your example does work, but maybe not in the way you expect. Scatter and bar plots will center the label above each data point (with a positive offset). The padding makes the whole label wider so when centered, the test appears off to the side. It's hard to control, especially if the label texts are different lengths.
There is an outstanding issue to address this (issue 266). No guarantees when it will be fixed, but it is something we're looking at.
I ran into the same problem and came up with a different solution.
What I decided to do was to create the label using the CPTAxisLabel method initWithContentLayer:
CPTTextLayer *textLayer = [[CPTTextLayer alloc] initWithText:labelStr style:axisTextStyle];
CGSize textSize = [textLayer sizeThatFits];
// Calculate the padding needed to center the label under the plot record.
textLayer.paddingLeft = barCenterLeftOffset - textSize.width/2.0;
CPTAxisLabel *label = [[CPTAxisLabel alloc] initWithContentLayer:textLayer];
Here barCenterLeftOffset is the offset of the center of the plot record.
I wrote an article about this:
A demo project I created that uses this solution can be found at:
You can subclass CPTTextLayer and include an offset.
#interface WPTextLayer : CPTTextLayer
#property (nonatomic) CGPoint offset;
#implementation WPTextLayer
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(position.x + self.offset.x, position.y + self.offset.y);
[super setPosition:p];
Then Use:
WPTextLayer *tLayer = [[WPTextLayer alloc] initWithText:#"blah" style:textStyle];
tLayer.offset = CGPointMake(3, -3);
return tLayer;
There may be consequences of this that I'm not aware of, but it seems to be working so far.

How do I make 2 labels add together with each other?

Hi I'm kinda new to Xcode and I'm trying to make an app where you press a button and the number will go up; and I have 2 buttons and 2 labels. I've got it to where the 2 labels will count up, but now I'm wanting the numbers from both labels to add together and show in a different label. Is there any line I can add to the buttons to make them just count up in the other label as well or do I need to have a separate action and/or button?
Straight up:
int sum = [[label1 text] intValue] + [[label2 text] intValue];
label3.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", sum];
Should work, just make sure to replace the pointers I used with the ones you're using.
esqew's answer would do the trick, but the format specifier is incorrect.
If the variable sum is in fact an int ...
label3.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", sum];
should be:
label3.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", sum];
%# is for Objective-C objects, an int is not an Objective-C object.

UIKit's [NSString sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:] in AppKit

Is there any equivalent method in AppKit (for Cocoa on Mac OS X) that does the same thing as UIKit's [NSString sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:]?
If not, how could I go about getting the amount of space needed to render a particular string constrained to a width/height?
Update: Below is a snippet of code I'm using that I expect would produce the results I'm after.
NSDictionary *attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont systemFontOfSize: [NSFont smallSystemFontSize]], NSFontAttributeName,
[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle], NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
NSSize size = NSMakeSize(200.0, MAXFLOAT);
NSRect bounds;
bounds = [#"This is a really really really really really really really long string that won't fit on one line"
boundingRectWithSize: size
options: NSStringDrawingUsesFontLeading
attributes: attributes];
NSLog(#"height: %02f, width: %02f", bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width);
I would expect that the output width would be 200 and the height would be something greater than the height of a single line, however it produces:
height: 14.000000, width: 466.619141
Try this one:
bounds = [value boundingRectWithSize:size options:NSLineBreakByWordWrapping | NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:attributes];
The newer NSExtendedStringDrawing category API (methods with the NSStringDrawingOptions argument) behaves in the single line mode. If you want to measure/render in multi line mode, want to specify NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin.
EDIT: You should be able to do things the normal way in Lion and later. The problems described below have been fixed.
There is no way to accurately measure text among the current Mac OS X APIs.
There are several APIs that promise to work but don't. That's one of them; Core Text's function for this purpose is another. Some methods return results that are close but wrong; some return results that seem to mean nothing at all. I haven't filed any bugs on these yet, but when I do, I'll edit the Radar numbers into this answer. You should file a bug as well, and include your code in a small sample project.
[Apparently I have already filed the Core Text one: 8666756. It's closed as a duplicate of an unspecified other bug. For Cocoa, I filed 9022238 about the method Dave suggested, and will file two NSLayoutManager bugs tomorrow.]
This is the closest solution I've found.
If you want to constrain the string to a certain size, you use -[NSString boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:]. The .size of the returned NSRect is the size you're looking for.
Here is a more complete example of how you can do this using boundingRectWithSize.
// get the text field
NSTextField* field = (NSTextField*)view;
// create the new font for the text field
NSFont* newFont = [NSFont fontWithName:#"Trebuchet MS" size:11.0];
// set the font on the text field
[field setFont:newFont];
// calculate the size the textfield needs to be in order to display the text properly
NSString* text = field.stringValue;
NSInteger maxWidth = field.frame.size.width;
NSInteger maxHeight = 20000;
CGSize constraint = CGSizeMake(maxWidth, maxHeight);
NSDictionary* attrs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:NSFontAttributeName,newFont, nil];
NSRect newBounds = [text boundingRectWithSize:constraint
options:NSLineBreakByWordWrapping | NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin
// set the size of the text field to the calculated size
field.frame = NSMakeRect(field.frame.origin.x, field.frame.origin.y, field.frame.size.width, newBounds.size.height);
Of course, for additional info, take a look at the Apple documentation:
Options for the attributes dictionary
If you search the documentation for NSString, you will find the "NSString Application Kit Additions Reference", which is pretty much analogous to the UIKit counterpart.
-[NSString sizeWithAttributes:]
is the method you are looking for.
