Sort Report table by totals - sorting

I have built a report with a table. It looks very much like the table in the following link (last figure, before "Next Steps").
Microsoft Tutorial: Adding grouping and totals
I have turnover values for products which are grouped by subcategories and categories and have a total for subcategories and categories. I want to sort the table by turnover (in the example it is "line total"). I can do that for the single product values in a subcategory, but not for the totals. Is that possible?

For all people interested: the row groups can be sorted by themselves (in Row Group - Group Properties). As the sort expression, one has just to choose SUM(Fields.LineTotal.Value).


top n values (row-wise) in a table in presto

I want to find the max n values of each row (excluding the table key and time stamp) of a table in presto. For example, I have the daily sales of a shop in different category, I want to find the top 3 sale amounts on each day and their category (which would be the column name women's apparel, kids, toy, etc). The table has 100+ columns (different sale categories). Is there a better way than to use greatest() function and writing out all column names?

How to show different groups in same matrix where no parent or child relationship

I am tasked with reproducing a spreadsheet in an SSRS report to save hours of Excel spreadsheet work. I have done all the calculations and got them into a single dataset however I am not able to work out how to display in the same table/matrix.
My spreadsheet looks like this:
Column B is a text column used to describe what the figures in each group are showing. Col C is 'Region' grouping.
I have got this far with my matrix - grouping by region and month. This gives me rows 3 to 8 incl of the spreadsheet.
But I am not able to work out how to add the next group of data (rows 9 to 12 in the spreadsheet) into the matrix. Each group of figures would use an expression to pull by a different field so only using single dataset: I still want it to use the region and month exactly the same as the top group. There is no parent or child relationship between the labels in col B in the spreadsheet.
I have tried adding an adjacent group below but it is still trying to keep it as part of the top group.
Is this at all possible?
do I need to have 6 different matrix, placing them together and just hide the month names in the bottom 5?
This is an extract of the data results. The top group counts the uniques customer id, the second group counts the unique sale id, the 3rd group totals the net sale value, the 4th group totals the profit value, the 5th group calculates the total sales and divides by the number of customers, the 6th group calculates the total sales and divides by the number of sales.
It looks like you will have to have 6 separate tablix and amend the aggregate function and field for each tablix

Sorting aggregate data in SSRS report

I have what seems to be fairly simple table in an SSRS report. My data query gives me a set of product names with a price column and category column. In my table, I have shown the categories as rows and the total price of all products in that category as data.
How can I sort the categories based on the largest aggregate sum of prices?
I've tried adding a sort expression to the category row group and the column group, but neither are working correctly. The sort expression is 'Sum(Product_price)'
My guess is that it's sorting based on the largest individual produce price rather than the aggregate, or something else entirely.
My recommendation would be to create a subquery in your sql statement that returns the sum.
(SELECT Sum(S1.YourFieldNameHere) FROM Products S1 WHERE S1.AValueToLinkWith = T1.AValueToLinkWith) AS Product_price_sort
FROM Products T1
Then use your new field in your sorting expression like any other field.

Google Spreadsheets multiple/scenario filter dropdown

I can create drop down filter options for each of the dimensions in the spreadsheet: month, description, and type. using data validation and then sum(filter in Google Sheets. I want to include an option in the drop-down to include all months, include all types, etc. The end product would sum the amount based on the filters selected. I can sum(filter based on individual selections but my question is how to sum the amounts if one of the scenarios was: all months, groceries only, all descriptions.
You'd have to use a Pivot Table. Then you have all this things in one view.
Select colums A to D. Go to Data/Pivot Table.
Add Month to Rows and Description to Colums (or vise versa) and add Amout to Values.
You'll see a total for all Descriptions/month and Grand total/month and /description.

Joining grouped tables

I have two different scripted data sets that I am pulling data from and aggregating (on the same key). What I want to do is to display one one line the aggregated data from both sources. The data is coming from a scripted data source (POJOs).
A simplified example is given below in which an Order has many Components, with each component being for a different customer at a different quoted price. Then when each Order is filled in different lots (or Fills) at different prices. I want to be able to produce a summary of each Order with the total Ordered and Filled quantity, and the weighted average quoted price and filled price.
An Order Component table
Order ID, Customer Num, Qty, Quoted Px
And then a Order Fullfillment table
I would like to display something like this:
Order ID, Order Qty, Fill Qty, Avg Order Px, Avg Fill Px
Ord01, 6, 6, 101, 102
Ord02, 10, 10, 202, 208
I've tried using subreports and that seems to be able to get me the results but in a terrible format. The subtable headers repeat so every order gets it's own headers.
You may want to create a BIRT joined dataset between your two scripted datasets, based on a full outer join on the "order ID" column, and then use this joined dataset in your report. It should meet your needs.
I solved my problem by more or less following the following guide.
So I created a List linked to my first data source. I then added a group on Order ID so that I had one list row per Order. In the group header I added a 2x1 grid, I placed a table of the Order Components into one side of the grid and a table of Fills into the other. I had to add filters to both of these so that they only contained data for the correct OrderId. I then grouped the tables by OrderId, added my aggregation fields.
All that is left is to set the visibilty. So I set the visibility of the table details to false. In order to only show the table header once (instead of once per order) I added a Running Count aggregation to the List and set the visibiity to invisible when this aggregation was greater than 1.
Was actually quite easy in the end but took me ages to work out how to do it.
