Alternating Threads - linux-kernel

Could you point me in a direction for discovering how threads are being alternated in the Linux kernel?

Although I do not possess in depth knowledge about the kernel, but AFAIK to the kernel threads (& processes) appear as tasks. The switching between tasks is known as context switch. Context switch is triggered by scheduler through schedule call which is present in kernel/sched.c ( ). In schedule function context_switch is called which switches memory map & register values for the new thread. I would suggest looking at schedule function.
P.S.: You can use for browsing kernel code online.
Hope this helps!


aio on osx: Is it implemented in the kernel or with user threads? Other Options?

I am working on my small c++ framework and have a file class which should also support async reading and writing. The only solution other than using synchronous file i/o inside some worker threads I found is aio. Anyways I was looking around and read somewhere, that in Linux, aio is not even implemented in the kernel but rather with user threads. Is the same true for OSX? Another concern is aio's functionality of callbacks which has to spawn an extra thread for each callback since you can't assign a certain thread or threadpool to take care of that (signals are not an option for me). So here are the questions resulting from that:
Is aio implemented in the Kernel of osx and thus is most likely better than my own threaded implementation?
Can the callback system -spawning a thread for each callback- become a bottleneck in practice?
If aio is not worth using on osx, are there any other alternatives on unix? in cocoa? in carbon?
Or should I simply emulate async i/o with my own threadpool?
What is your experience on the subject?
You can see exactly how AIO is implemented on OSX right here.
The implementation uses kernel threads, one queue of jobs which each thread pops and execute in a blocking fashion in a priority queue based on each request's priority (at least that's what it looks like at a first glance).
You can configure the number of threads and the size of the queue with sysctl. To see these options and the default values, run sysctl -a | grep aio
kern.aiomax = 90
kern.aioprocmax = 16
kern.aiothreads = 4
In my experience, in order for it to make any sense to use AIO, these limits need to be a lot higher.
As for the callbacks in threads, I don't believe Mac OS X supports that. It only does completion notifications through signals (see source).
You could probably do as good of a job in your own thread pool. One thing you could do better than the current darwin implementation is to sort your read jobs by physical location on the disk (see fcntl and F_LOG2PHYS) which might even give you an edge.
#Moka: Sorry to say that you're wrong on the linux implementation, as of kernel 2.6 there is a kernel implementation of AIO, which comes in libaio (libaio.h)
The implementation that doesn't use Kernel threads but instead uses user threads is POSIX.1 AIO, and it does it that way to make it more portable, as not all unix based OS support completion events at Kernel level.

What involves to schedule a thread in Windows?

What exactly is happenning when Windows scheduling a thread. What computation resources are involved in process of scheduling itself.
More specific - how many CPU cycles can take rescheduling a runnable thread which just finished its timeslice/quantum for another timeslice/quantum (because there are no other threads for example).
Might have changed since Win2000 but otherwise there's a free sample chapter from Inside Windows 2000 available on the MS Press site which might be helpful. Chapter 6: Processes, Threads, and Jobs
Ok. here is quote from Russinovich latest book: "At each of these junctions [e.g. end of slice], Windows must determine which thread should run next. When
Windows selects a new thread to run, it performs a context switch to it. A context switch is the
procedure of saving the volatile machine state associated with a running thread, loading another
thread’s volatile state, and starting the new thread’s execution."
if anyone knows better it seems to me that there is context switch in the end of timeslice even if there are no other thread.... at least I couldnt find evidence on the contrary...

OS X inter thread communication question

I am developing a multi-threaded application in Cocoa. The main thread takes values from the user, and when a button is clicked I invoke a secondary thread in which a long calculation takes place. Now from this thread I have to return the output of every step of the calculation to the main thread. I want to periodically send data from one thread to the other. I can't find any simple example that does this. Any ideas?
There are a number of ways to do this, in rough order of complexity (easiest first):
use NSObject's performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: which is pretty self explanatory.
use performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:, which will let you go the other way
use an NSNotification (and NSDistributedNotificationCenter), though you can easily run into a race condition if you're not careful
Use NSPorts to send data back and forth
Check out the doc that Abizer mentioned for details on all of these.
performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: is often the easiest way to update the UI with a background thread's progress. You could also create your own storage area that's safe to access between threads using NSLock or a similar mechanism, or even use distributed objects (which also works between processes or over a network).
Then there's NSOperationQueue and NSOperation which does help a lot to simplify multi-threaded programming, although a lot of programmers have been avoiding it since it can cause a crash in certain circumstances under Leopard.
Have a look at the Apple docs for this.
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Multi-threaded Cocoa Programs

Can I be sure that the code I write is always executed in the same thread?

I normally work on single threaded applications and have generally never really bothered with dealing with threads. My understanding of how things work - which certainly, may be wrong - is that as long as we're always dealing with single threaded code (i.e. no forks or anything like that) it will always be executed in the same thread.
Is this assumption correct? I have a fuzzy idea that UI libraries/frameworks may spawn off threads of their own to handle GUI stuff (which accounts for the fact that the Windows task manager tells me that my 'single threaded' application is actually running on 10 threads) but I'm guessing that this shouldn't affect me?
How does this apply to COM? For instance, if I were to create an instance of a COM component in my code; and that COM component writes some information to a thread-based location (using System.Threading.Thread.GetData for instance) will my application be able to get hold of that information?
So in summary:
In single threaded code, can I be sure that whatever I store in a thread-based location can be retrievable from anywhere else in the code?
If that single threaded code were to create an instance of a COM component which stores some information in a thread-based location, can that be similarly retrievable from anywhere else?
UI usually has the opposite constraint (sadly): it's single threaded and everything must happen on that thread.
The easiest way to check if you are always in the same thread (for, say, a function) is to have an integer variable set at -1, and have a check function like (say you are in C#):
void AssertSingleThread()
if (m_ThreadId < 0) m_ThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
Debug.Assert(m_ThreadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
That said:
I don't understand the question #1, really. Why store in a thread-based location if your purpose is to have a global scope ?
About the second question, most COM code runs on a single thread and, most often, on the thread where your UI message processing lives - this is because most COM code is designed to be compatible with VB6 which is single-thread.
The reason your program has about 10 threads is because both Windows (if you use some of its features like completion ports, or some kind of timers) and the CLR (for example for the GC or, again, some types of timers) may create threads in your process space (technically any program with enough priviledges, can too).
Think about having the model of having a single dataStore class running in your mainThread that all threads can read and write their instance variables to. This will avoid a lot of problems that might arise accessing threads all over the shop.
Simple idea, until you reach the fun part of threading. Concurrency and synchronization; simply, if you have two threads that want to read and write to the same variable inside dataStore at the same time, you have a problem.
Java handles this by allowing you to declare a variable or method synchronized, allowing only one thread access at a time.
I believe some .NET objects have Lock and Synchronized methods defined on them, but I know no more than this.

Is putting thread on hold optimal?

Application has an auxiliary thread. This thread is not meant to run all the time, but main process can call it very often.
So, my question is, what is more optimal in terms of CPU performance: suspend thread when it is not being used or keep it alive and use WaitForSingleObject function in order to wait for a signal from main process?
In terms of CPU resources used, both solutions are the same - the thread which is suspended and thread which is waiting in WaitForSingleObject for an object which is not signalled both get no CPU cycles at all.
That said, WaitForSingleObject is almost always a prefered solution because the code using it will be much more "natural" - easier to read, and easier to make right. Suspending/Resuming threads can be dangerous, because you need to take a lot of care to make sure you know you are suspending a thread in a state where suspending it will do no harm (imagine suspending a thread which is currently holding a mutex).
I would assume Andrei doesn't use Delphi to write .NET and therefore Suspend doesn't translate to System.Threading.Thread.Suspend but to SuspendThread Win32 API.
I would strongly suggest against it. If you suspend the thread in an arbitrary moment, then you don't know what's going to happen (for example, you may suspend the thread in such a state the some shared resource is blocked). If you however already know that the thread is in suspendable state, then simply use WaitForSingleObject (or any other WaitFor call) - it will be equally effective as suspending the thread, i.e. thread will use zero CPU time until it is awaken.
What do you mean by "suspend"? WaitForSingleObject will suspend the thread, i.e., it will not consume any CPU, until the signal arrives.
If it's a worker thread that has units of work given to it externally, it should definitely be using signalling objects as that will ensure it doesn't use CPU needlessly.
If it has any of its own work to do as well, that's another matter. I wouldn't suspend the thread from another thread (what happens if there's two threads delivering work to it?) - my basic rule is that threads should control their own lifetime with suggestions from other threads. This localizes all control in the thread itself.
See the excellent tutorial on multi-threading in Delphi :
Multi Threading Tutorial
Another option would be the TMonitor introduced in Delphi 2009, which has functions like Wait, Pulse and PulseAll to keep threads inactive when there is nothing to do for them, and notify them as soon as they should continue with their work. It is loosely modeled after the object locks in Java. Like there, Delphi object now have a "lock" field which can be used for thread synchrinozation.
A blog which gives an example for a threaded queue class can be found at
Unfortunately there was a bug in the TMonitor implementation, which seems to be fixed in XE2
