Moving joomla installed directory? - joomla

I'm developing a site in Joomla! 1.5 on my currently active server. I installed joomla in a folder at the root of my server, so I access it at while I'm developing. Once it's ready for roll out, how do I move the installation to the root of the directory? Is it as simple as moving the files, or do I need to change some configuration within joomla, too? Thanks in advance.

All you need to do is move the files to the root, nothing else changes with the possible exception of one line in HTACCESS is you have SEF URLs turned on already.
You should also seriously consider building your site on 1.7. You are going to be at end of life for 1.5 next April, you might as well start on the new version to make updating easier.

You need to change these lines in the configuration.php file:
var $log_path = 'absolutepathtoyoursite\foldername\logs'; //remove foldername from path
var $tmp_path = 'absolutepathtoyoursite\foldername\tmp'; //remove foldername from path
var $live_site = ''; // remove the foldername or leave empty
Might also work without changing these values. I always change them though.


Pyro CMS - trying to move files/folders up a directory level

I did a Pyro test installation at, and now that I have the site configured, I wanted to move everything up to the root directory. It worked fine, except for when I leave off the "www" in my URL, so:
'' works fine, all of the navigational links point to the right pages
'' does not work, all of the navigational links still point to the '/pyro/' test directory
I can't find anything in the config files or the database to change this.
How can I fix this?
Have you tried clearing you page cache? Utilities > Maintenance then under Cache Maintenance
Have you checked the default_pages.uri and default_pages.slug columns in your database?

Change magento folder screwed up the style

I installed a magento website in my root folder "/". Everything was working fine until I moved all the contents of magento in a subfolder in the domain. So instead of having the magento in the root folder, it is now under a subfolder.
The problem is, the design is screwed up. It is not showing the css and images for the default theme.
Please help me.
You have to change the base url setting.
It's very likely your admin panel stopped working as well, so look into the DB table core_config_data. Look for the paths web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url and update the corresponding value fields to include the new folder.
Dont't forget to put a trailing slash to the new urls

Concrete 5 - move C5 code, images and references up to docroot

I have installed, configured and built a site on Concrete and it is all working well. I have a problem that I have a URL of, for example, which is where the index.htm file sits. Is there a way that I can bring the code back up to the docroot without breaking all references such as image paths in the database for example?
Considering that the download of Concrete 5 includes this directory I am assuming that this is a common issue for some developers when using this CMS.
I'm not sure why you have an "index.htm" file -- there is no such thing in a concrete5 installation. In general, though, you should be able to move the site without problems. A few possible exceptions would be:
Depending on how exactly you're moving things, make sure you get every folder/file. For example, if you're using SSH and do something like mv concrete5.5.2.1/* ./, then you will miss the .htaccess file (because it's hidden). But if you're talking about index.htm files I am guessing you're on a Windows server instead of unix so perhaps this doesn't apply.
In older versions of Concrete5, there was a setting in the config/site.php file called DIR_REL that you would need to change when you move the site. For example, if moving from the concrete5.5.2.1 subdirectory up to the top level, you'd change define('DIR_REL', '/concrete5.5.2.1);todefine('DIR_REL', '');. So take a look in yourconfig/site.phpfile, but if you don't see thedefine('DIR_REL'...` line then don't worry about this step.
If you manually entered full URL's to page links or images, you'll need to update those. Usually this isn't an issue (assuming you use the Concrete5 toolbar that sits above the Rich Text Editor controls -- e.g. "Insert Link to Page", "Insert Image", etc.). But if you notice dead links after you move the site, then either manually update the links by editing the blocks in question, or if you want to make sure you update them all in one fell swoop, you can run the following queries on your database (via PhpMyAdmin, for example):
UPDATE btContentLocal SET content = REPLACE(content, '/old/base/dir/', '/new/dir/') WHERE content LIKE '%/old/base/dir/%';
UPDATE btContentImage SET externalLink = REPLACE(externalLink, '/old/base/dir/', '/new/dir/') WHERE externalLink LIKE '%/old/base/dir/%';
UPDATE btSlideshowImg SET url = REPLACE(url, '/old/base/dir/', '/new/dir/') WHERE url LIKE '%/old/base/dir/%';
Be careful with these queries!! You will need to change it so /old/base/dir/ and /new/dir/ make sense for your particular site. You should absolutely positively back up your database before running these queries otherwise you may completely and utterly destroy your site without any way to get it back!!!
It is actually possible to move the code from a ROOT/concrete5.5.2.1 directory back to the root without running the queries above. I simply moved the code up a directory and everything worked.

Magento connect manager renders blank page

I just installed Magento on my Ubuntu Apache server and everything is working just fine aside from one thing:
The Magento Connect Manager simply brings up a blank page. In Firebug it is just <html><body></body></html>. I read that it might be permissions but I gave 777 permissions to the Magento directory and all subdirectories and still the blank page.
Any ideas?
Alright, for some reason it was looking for a PEAR file in a non-existant location. Magento included this in line 27 of PEAR.php:
$_pearDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DS . 'downloader' . DS . 'pearlib';
However, this led it to a directory that included "/includes", which wasn't correct. I ended up just putting
$_pearDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DS . '../downloader' . DS . 'pearlib';
Notice the only difference is the "../" in front of downloader to remove the "/includes" directory from the path. But my real question would be why Magento would have this error in the first place. This couldn't have happened to everyone who installed Magento on an Ubuntu server, right?
I got the same error today without changing anything (no updates etc.) ... blank page when trying to access Magento Connect from backend.
With the help of the answer above I was able to get it to work again. So in Magento base directory go to /includes/src/Varien/ and make the change in Pear.php (include ../ before download) in line 12.
It still would be nice to know what really caused this problem.
Not sure if my solution is 100% related to your issue - but I had been struggling with a blank page for Magento Connect Manager too (version
After a couple hours I discovered that the pear.ini file (/downloader/pearlib/pear.ini) needed to be updated.
It may happen that the filepath references in your pear.ini are not up to date in the case that you changed servers, installations or Magento directory locations.
Therefore you need to do two things:
Open your pear.ini in a text editor and update all filepath references with your current Magento directory location.
Adjust the number of characters for each string. A bit of a pain, I know but it works. (you can use a word editor to do your character counts)
For example:
where "s:59" is the number of characters in the path /var/www/vhosts/ and "Test" is the old directory.
Upon going live (i.e removing "Test" folder) This needed to be updated to:
Let me know if you have luck?

Joomla opting out "~username/", so CSS, images, etc. are pointed in the wrong spot. Please help

I've made a clean install of Joomla and all settings were done correctly. However I'm not using a domain, instead I'm using a temp URL (http://IP.ADDRESS/~username/) with Joomla installed in the root public_html directory. But when I visit, no images or styles show up... and I noticed in the source all URL's are trying to use JUST http://IP.ADDRESS without the /~username/ ... so nothing is pointed in the right place.
How can I fix this?
Open configuration.php located in the web root.
Find the row that says var $live_site = '';
If the var is not empty, try making it so and save it.
If it's already empty, try typing in http://ip.address/~username/
