Disable Warning 1591 message in VS 2010 - visual-studio-2010

How to disable Warning #1591 message in VS 2010? Now I get Error List filled up wore than 200 such messages. I would like not to have them here. I use XML comment on some of class properties.

Go into the project properties, the Build tab and in the "Suppress warnings" text box, enter 1591.
See this blog post for more details (and a screenshot, albeit from VS2005) of exactly this case.


SSIS/SSDT Warnings Don't Appear in Error List

Essentially, I encounter the same problem as the question below, except that the accepted answer does not resolve it. I have neither warnings nor errors in the Error List:
See complete tooltip error message for Data Flow SSIS element in Visual Studio
Similar to the question noted above I can see a truncated warning message on the Data Flow design surface.
However, no corresponding warning is visible in Visual Studio's Error List view.
How can I view the entire warning?
This is a bit misleading from Visual Studio and could have been handled better. The long and the short of it is that the Error List window lists only messages that are related to build issues.
The warnings and errors that you see in design time are related to the execution flow. In other words, a package can be built correctly but is designed in such a way that it will generate an error. For more reading:
MSDN: Cannot see errors or warnings in SSIS - why ?
SQLServerCentral: Cannot see errors or warnings in SSIS – why ?
You will need to run the package in debug mode and then go to the Progress window. From there, you can see all messages (e.g., information, warnings, errors, etc.). Some messages may be so long that they cannot be seen. For those messages, you can click on them and paste them into your favorite text editor.
Note: when you stop debugging, the Progress window changes its name to Execution Results and the error List window becomes available.
Per Hadi's follow-up comment, I was initially able to re-create the OPs problem by just modifying an existing package to create the warning message. I then built and ran the project with without receiving any error messages.
Now, after having left the office and shutting down Visual Studio, I am unable to recreate the error. The Error List window now populates with the messages. I tried building a new package from scratch without any luck either. My best recommendation at this point would be to, as with all Microsoft products, restart the application if it is not working as it should be.
This text truncation issue/bug is not just tooltips.
It's in SSIS Toolbox (description box at bottom) - no way to see the entire text describing the task/component (if not too big you can increase the width of the pane but that is not really acceptable).
(VS/SSDT 2019)
Many things to try
Try to change the combobox selected value from Build + Intellisense to Build only
Open and close the OLEDB Source by double clicking on it, since you tried to build the package the warnings disappears from the Error List, you must revalidate the component to show them
Try to update the Visual Studio 2017 to the latest release

Does SSRS preview create phantom error messages?

I am using Visual Studio 2017 to design a SSRS report. Are some of the error messages one sees when they click on the Preview button actually meaningless? For example, I get, "The tablix 'Tablix2' is invalid. The value for the DataSetName property is missing." But when I look at the xml for the rdl file, I can not find any "Tablix2".
Report Properties are empty. When I build, there are no errors or warnings
Visual Studio is probably showing you all the errors from the SOLUTION rather than just the one report. There should a drop down menu below the Error List window title bar with the different scope selections.
It defaults to Entire Solution but you can change it to Current Document.
The errors also don't disappear after you correct them (thx MS). You need to close and re-open VS to not see them.

Putting Resharper's ignored errors under version control

When I ignore specific errors in "Errors in Solution" window, Resharper remembers this setting.
I tried to reboot and restart Visual Studio, the ignored errors stayed ignored. Now I wanted to pass the ignored errors list to another programmers in the team by putting some setting file under version control. But I could not find where does Resharper store which errors are ignored.
I have the following versions of SW.
Visual Studio 2012
JetBrains ReSharper 8.2.1 Full Edition
Build 8.2.1000.4556 on 2014-05-19T10:12:38
I removed files in the following folder and the ignored errors reset, all errors became unignored.
So it keeps the ignored errors somewhere in those files. Still I did not see the way to put it under version control.
Though not related to the exact issue of the original poster, you might have stumbled upon this question looking for the answer below :)
If you've changed the behavior of an inspection from the glyph like this and saved it to a configuration layer and set it to Do Not Show or something else and then saved it to the Team level:
Then depending on where you set the value, Computer, Solution personal or Solution Team, it's stored in a different settings file.
You can then add the Solution.sln.DotSettings file to source control to share these suppression between all team members.
To undo the supression of such warnings, you'll have to venture into the layered options structure of Resharper, which can be a little confusing if you haven't gone in there before.
Then depending on where it's saved, look under the wrench item for the selected layer:
Find the inspection and set it:
In the toolbar to the solution errors window, there should be an export button. You should be able to export all ignored items to xml or html here.

Visual Studio, Filter on error list

I 'm working with Visual Studio 10, my project is with monorail and I get a lot of error on my ".vm" files, those errors are not pertinent, and I don't want to see them anymore is there a way.
I tagged this ask with castle monorail, because I guess some users could have the same problem. But I'm sure it's a problem more general.
I get the same problem sometime with aspx or xslt visual studio check the file's validity ( with the own rules) and report the errors in the error list
New Answer:
Unfortunately, these errors are emitted by CVSI, and can be ignored - I agree they're a bit annoying. I've found that they go away if I re-open the solution. Not a great answer, but it's the only one I've found that works.
Previous Answer:
Are these errors ObjectDisposedExceptions?
What are your settings WRT exception handling in VS.NET? Go to Debug -> Exceptions in the menu. If there's a check in the "Thrown" column, then you need to open that up and then find System.ObjectDisposedException and then deselect it.
If you're looking to still break on deselected exceptions which are thrown elsewhere, you're out of luck, as this isn't currently supported by VS.NET.

Custom intellisense for server controls?

Can you program/configure Visual Studio to produce custom intellisense for your own server controls.
eg can you get it to do this:
alt text http://www.yart.com.au/test/vs.gif
for a tag of your own like:
<MyCompany:MyTag ...
You should be getting this for free (default behavior of control). Are the references all in place while you are typing the custom control?
There is an attribute to hide properties from intellisense:
[EditorBrowsableAttribute (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
Use the description attribute to provide additional help:
[Description("My extra helpful description")]
There are some other attributes that affect intellisense and the property explorer you might want to look up...
Bluevision have a nice plugin for Visual Studio to do this for you. Last time I looked, it was free. (yep, it's still free!)
IntellisenseAttribute class allows you to specify members for which intellisense symbols will be generated.
Ability to generate default intellisense symbols for assemblies when you don't have access to the source code.
NEW Snaps right into the IDE so that intellisense generation can be automated during the build process.
Supports two visual views: Full Mode and Skin Mode.
Full source code.
