Controlling an embedded user interface - user-interface

I am busy with a small project that allows for the controlling of an embedded hardware user interface to be moved from state charts and simple constructs as if .. else to a more visual representation.
I would now like to begin testing on a real project. I am looking for an open source hardware project. I've searched around but I have not been able to find anything that meets my requirements.
1/ hardware and software publicly available (i'm don't mind having to buy something)
2/ written in C/C++
3/ has graphical user interface
Any ideas?
Thank you

You might take a look at the open source QP state machine frameworks, which are also supported by the free graphical modeling tool called QM ( QP run on many embedded MCUs, including Arduino and mbed rapid prototyping platforms. The webstie contains a lot of information, including using statecharts for embedded GUIs.

This is not C++ but free with sources and might give you an idea:
If made to work on Linux, it may be combined with fpGUI on ARM.


Good GUI library for program that connects to a microcontroller?

I'm trying to find a good GUI library I could use to create a program on the computer that connects to a microcontroller by USB. I've never done any GUI work before but I have done a lot of webpage design/tools. We are going to program the microcontroller with C but I don't think the GUI will need to be C. It needs to work on Windows, so probably compile on Windows too. I've also never done any USB transmission but I'm hoping to take it one step at a time.
Right now I'm looking at using GTK but it needs a bunch of other things to download with it. I'm also going to look at QT and someone else suggested making a Windows Forms Application. There's a lot of options out there so I'm having trouble figuring it out.
As for my requirement, it just needs to be a very simple GUI that has a few control buttons, a display area (info from microcontroller), a notification area (basically error messages go here), and maybe a graph. I've included a prototype GUI help give you an idea of what I'm doing.
Edit: It needs to run and compile on Windows. We don't really have a budget for it, free open source is preferred. I don't need something elaborate and fancy, I just want to get it done as fast as possible.
We are using a TTL-232R cable, UART interface. I know nothing about USB transmission, school has crushed me.
From what you've specified, I would set base-camp up at Java.
Java in Eclipse to write the code.
Java Swing libraries (helped by the WindowBuilder plugin for Eclipse) to "draw" the GUI. It is very easy to create "Windowsy" GUIs using these.
JFreeGraph libaries to allow you to create graphs very easily, again from within Eclipse.
RXTX library for "virtual COM port" serial communication within Java (it doesn't sound like you're using proper USB, but just RS232 with a USB adapter).
Your created GUI would run on any machine with Java installed, which is not a big ask for the end user. You can even create a Windows executable/installer from the resulting Java files if you wanted it to be a (apparently) native Windows application.
And - bonus - all the tools mentioned are free as a bird.
It will kind of depend on what kind of compiler, IDE, etc you will settle on. If you are going to windows cold, and
money is an issue, then open source is always a good thing to look at. I have enjoyed using eclipse and Code::Blocks IDEs. For C/C++, I use minGW. In terms of GUI plug-ins, HERE are some conversation with GUI recommendations specifically for use with Code::Blocks.
If money is not an issue, I have use National Instruments LabWindows/CVI full dev kit forever. It is one of the easiest ANSI C compilers/IDE I have ever used. It is only ANSI C, but has extensions to make using instrumentation easy. I have written a little USB stuff (not much), sockets, instrumentation, and many GUI apps.
Please comment what tools you currently prefer, I may have other suggestions.
Lazarus CodeTyphon has cross platform native compiler with GUI working on every supported platform. It supports 8 OS-CPU host layers (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, FreeBSD32, FreeBSD64, Solaris32 and Solaris64), and 25+ OS-CPU target layers. It also incorporates many graphical widgets and SCADA like behaviour with PascalSCADA and other components. There are wrappers for LibUSB.
I would use Microsoft Visual Studio to develop the GUI. They offer a free version called Express. I would use the C# language but MSVS supports other languages as well so just choose whichever you're most comfortable with. The best thing about MSVS is that there are millions of developers out there, which means that you will be able to search for and find lots of examples for how to use an RS-232 COM port or USB interface. I'm guessing that you'll be able to find GUI objects for graphing and other objects as well. (The basic stuff like buttons and edit boxes is all built into MSVS.)
BTW, you need to sort out whether you're using an RS-232 COM port or a USB interface. They're both serial interfaces but they're not the same thing. Either could work.

Prototyping and simulating embedded software on Windows

I am looking for tools and techniques for prototyping (virtual prototyping), simulation, and testing of deeply embedded C code on desktop Windows, including building realistic embedded front panels consisting of buttons, LEDs, and LCD displays (both segmented and graphic).
I'm specifically interested in a possibly low-level approach, using pure C code and raw Win32 API rather than MFC, .NET/C#, vxWidgets or Qt. I'd also like to use free development tools, such as Visual C++ Express with Platform SDK and ResEdit for editing resources.
I'm looking for code examples to render graphic LCDs (from monochrome to 24-bit color) with efficient pixel-level interface, multi-segment LCDs, and owner-drawn buttons that respond both to "depressed" and "released" events.
I am surprised that my original question triggered so many misunderstandings and adverse comments. The strategy of developing deeply embedded C code on one machine (e.g., a PC) and running it on another (the embedded microcontroller) is called "dual targeting" and is really quite common. For example, developing and testing deeply embedded code on the PC is the cornerstone of the recent book "Test-Driven Development for Embedded C" by James Grenning.
Avoiding Target Hardware Bottleneck with Dual Targeting
Please note that dual targeting does not mean that the embedded device has anything to do with the PC. Neither it means that the simulation must be cycle-exact with the embedded target CPU.
Dual targeting simply means that from day one, your embedded code (typically in C) is designed to run on at least two platforms: the final target hardware and your PC. All you really need for this is two C compilers: one for the PC and another for the embedded device.
However, the dual targeting strategy does require a specific way of designing the embedded software such that any target hardware dependencies are handled through a well-defined interface often called the Board Support Package (BSP). This interface has at least two implementations: one for the actual target and one for the PC, for example running Windows. With such interface in place, the bulk of the embedded code can remain completely unaware which BSP implementation it is linked to and so it can be developed quickly on the PC, but can also run on the target hardware without any changes.
While some embedded programmers can view dual targeting as a self-inflicted burden, the more experienced developers generally agree that paying attention to the boundaries between software and hardware is actually beneficial, because it results in more modular, more portable, and more maintainable software with much longer useful lifetime. The investment in dual targeting has also an immediate payback in the vastly accelerated compile-run-debug cycle, which is much faster and more productive on the powerful PC compared to much slower, recourse-constrained deeply embedded target with limited visibility into the running code.
Front Panel Win32 GUI Toolkit
When developing embedded code for devices with non-trivial user interfaces, one often runs into the problem of representing the embedded front panels as GUI elements on the PC. The problem is so common, that I'm really surprised that nobody here could recommend an existing library or an open source project, which would provide a simple C-only interface to the basic elements, such as LCDs, buttons, and LEDs. This is really not that complicated, yet it seems that every embedded developer has to re-invent this wheel over and over again.
So, to help embedded developers interested in prototyping embedded devices on Windows, I have created a "Front Panel Win32 GUI Toolkit" and have posted it online under the GPL open source license (see This toolkit relies only on the raw Win32 API in C and currently provides the following elements:
Dot-matrix display for an efficient, pixel-addressable displays such as graphical LCDs, OLEDs, etc. with up to 24-bit color
Segment display for segmented display such as segment LCDs, and segment LEDs with generic, custom bitmaps for the segments.
Owner-drawn buttons with custom “depressed” and “released” bitmaps and capable of generating separate events when depressed and when released.
The toolkit comes with an example and an App Note (see, showing how to handle input from the owner-drawn buttons, regular buttons, keyboard, and the mouse. You can also view an animated demo at
Regarding the size and complexity of the "Front Panel Win32 GUI Toolkit", the implementation of the aforementioned GUI elements takes only about 250 lines of C. The example with all sources of input and a lot of comments amounts to some 300 lines of C. The toolkit has been tested with the free Visual C++ Express 2010 (with the Express Edition Platform SDK) and the free ResEdit resource editor.
The appliances you mention in your comment clarification to the question will never be using a windows PC, so low level windows programming is not a requirement in that case. In fact, I'd say its undesirable. Prototyping is about speed. It's about how fast you can put something together to show potential investors or upper management or some other decision maker.
You wouldn't want to spend the extra time with low level C and Win32 api until the project requirements were flushed out enough that you knew that was an absolute requirement for the final project deliverables (perhaps a server/PC monitoring tool?). Until then you want speed of development. Lucky for you the industry has tools for rapid prototyping and development of hardware like you describe.
My Preference for Prototyping with Embedded Development
As for my opinion as a developer, I like the .net microframework (.netmf) simply because I'm already a Microsoft .Net developer and can transfer a lot of my existing skills. Therefor I prototype with a FEZ microcontroller using C# under Visual C# Express 2010 (free as you required). Its fast, easy and you are working on the core of your project in minutes.
If your experience as a developer is different, you may look for a micro controller which is programmed using BASIC, Java or some other language to help with the speed of development by reusing your core skill set.
Addressing your Question Bounty Comments
Astonishingly large portions of the embedded software can be developed
on the desktop computer as opposed on the deeply embedded target. This
avoidance of the "target system bottleneck" can potentially improve
productivity by an order of magnitude, if done right. However, to
develop embedded software on the desktop, one needs to simulate the UI
components, such as displays (both segmented and increasingly
graphical), LEDs, knobs, and buttons. I'm looking for such UI
components written in plain Win32 API in C for easy integration with
embedded code to be developed and tested on the desktop Windows.
I did embedded development full time professionally for well over 4 years as well as many years surrounding that part time. While what you said above is somewhat true, it will not save you time or money which is why everyone is confused about the motivation for this strategy. We spent years trying to put out a windows emulator for this company's hardware devices that would theoretically save time for prototyping. It was always a pain and we spent many more hours of work trying to emulate the experience than if we just went straight from sketched UI drawing specs to real development. The emulator lagged behind hardware development and often wouldn't support the latest features until 6 months or more after the hardware was released. It was a lot of extra work for very little value.
You will spend more of your time developing non-reusable win32 platform code and hardware emulation components than actually writing the code for the core project itself. This only ever makes sense for hardware vendors who provide this emulator as a 'value add' tool to potential 3rd party developers, but it does not make sense for prototyping new hardware designs.
Modern development environments like Visual C# Express 2010 with a FEZ microcontroller can compile, push the project output to the microcontroller, and then begin debugging just as fast or faster than you could compile and run a low level windows app in C emulating LCDs or LEDs or switches, etc... So your comment, "improve productivity by an order of magnitude", is simply no longer true with modern tools. (It may have been prior to the last 10 years or so.)
If you really, truly just want to simulate the embedded hardware visually on a PC use something like adobe flash to mock up a UI. But don't duplicate code by coding for windows when the final device you are prototyping won't be running windows (maybe it will be, but you didn't say that). Use the fastest most reliable prototyping tools available today, which is unequivocally not low level C and win32 api!
Maybe use StackExchange for Electronics?
Because this is a development oriented site, discussion about the merits of specific embedded hardware isn't really relevant. If you decide to refocus on using microcontroller electronics for prototyping (Arduino, FEZ, Propeller, Basic Stamp, Pololu, etc) you might ask for electronics hardware advice on stackexchange for electronics. I will say that most of those platforms are designed to facilitate the prototyping of LCDs, LEDs, buttons and interfaces as you outlined. You can usually assemble a few pre-built modules in a matter of minutes and be ready to start coding your project. Huge time savings can be had here.
You are asking for too much you need to take a look # proteus.
As Mahmoud said, you may find your code solution with prototyping example in proteus professional. It is one of popular software for prototyping, simulation and coding, you can download proteus professional for free and check their manual.
Best of luck

Starting point for coding a virtual device

I want to write something like DaemonTools: a software that presents itself to the system as a real device (a DVD-ROM in the previous example) but it reads the data from a file instead. My requirement is not limited to DVD-ROM. The first goal is a joystick/gamepad for Windows.
I'm a web developer, so I don't know from where I could start such a project. I believe it will have to be written in C/C++, but other than that, I have no clue where to start.
Did anyone tried something like this and can give me some starting tips ?
Most drivers are written in either C or C++, so if you don't know those languages reasonably well, you'll want to get familiar with them before you start. Windows programming uses a lot of interesting shortcuts that might be confusing to a beginner - for example PVOIDs (typedef void* PVOID) and LPVOIDs (typedef void* far LPVOD;). You'll need to be happy with pointers as concepts as well as structures because you'll be using a lot of them. I'd suggest writing a really straightforward win32 app as an exercise in getting to grips with the Windows style of doing C/C++.
Your next port of call then is to navigate the Windows Driver Kit - specifically, you'll need it to build drivers for Windows. At this stage my ability to advise really depends on what you're doing and the hardware you have available etc, or whether or not you're really using hardware. You'll need to know how to drive your hardware and from there you'll need to choose an appropriate way of writing a driver - there are several different types of driver depending on what you need to achieve and it might be you can plug into one of these.
The windows driver kit contains quite a large number of samples, including a driver that implements a virtual toaster. These should provide you with starting points.
I strongly suggest you do the testing of this in a virtual machine. If your driver successfully builds, but causes a runtime error, the result could well crash windows entirely if you're in kernel-mode. You will therefore save yourself some pain by being able to revert the virtual machine if you damage it, as well as not having to wait on your system restarting. It'll also make debugging easier as virtual serial cables can be used.
This is quite a big undertaking, so before you start, I'd research Windows development more thoroughly - check you can't do it using the Windows APIs first, then have a look at the user-mode driver framework, then finally and only if you need to, look at the kernel level stuff.

The possibility of creating an OS independent GUI software

Greetings , I have a few questions that need experts' help to demystify it.
1.)Can a GUI be created without using any framework or API like GDI and DirectX??
2.)How microsoft develop the GUI environment for his OS??
3.)Is it possible that I could get knowledge about creating a GUI which run during booting without relying on an OS??Does it require any special tools which we do not own at home but is available in microsoft??
4.)Any book recommended for me to know more about GUI development of OS like windows and linux??
Thanks for spending time reading my question , your help is much appreciated
I'm not an expert on this field but to my knowledge:
Without considering your question #3, Yes, use a programming language (PL), but if you consider PL's as framework then NO, or even if it's possible, it is certainly not practical. Even Assembly (machine language) is a programming language.
To help understand the answer to this question, I suggest you read what an operating system is and how it is created. MS Windows (depending on the version) is written using PL: C, C++, C#, and Assembly. They used what we consider now as "low-level" programming to create their GUI's.
I find this question conflicting, I believe you need an OS to run a GUI. Because an operating system is responsible for connecting your hardware together (e.g. where to output the display, where to get the inputs like keyboard and mouse, etc). If you want, create an OS yourself but again, I find this very impractical. What you can do is start learning how to create GUI from Linux or even build your own minimalistic OS from Linux from Scratch. I recommended Linux because it's free and mature (relatively stable, has tons of documentation and internet references)!
I can't recommend any specific book, but types of book: Programming Languages and Operating Systems. Also, you can find all the resources you need on the internet. You just need to know exactly what questions you are looking an answer for.
But if you simply want to create a GUI that can run on most Operating Systems, this has been the aim of Java. Java uses a virtual machine to do this. Of course there are other options too, you can research about it. If it's already available that suits your needs and it's legally free, use it. It will save you a lot of effort. :)

How does porting between Linux and Windows work?

If a particular piece of software is made to be run on one platform and the programmer/company/whatever wants to port it to the other, what exactly is done? I mean, do they just rewrite linux or windows-specific references to the equivalent in the other? Or is an entire rewrite necessary?
Just trying to understand what makes it so cost-prohibitive that so many major vendors don't port their software to Linux (specifically thinking about Adobe)
this is the point of a cross-platform toolkit like qt or gtk, they provide a platform-agnostic API, which delegates to whichever platform the program is compiled for.
some companies don't use such a toolkit, and write their own (for whatever reason - could well be optimisation-related), meaning they can't just recompile their code for another os.
There are also libraries available that ease, at least on a specific area, the port of Windows API calls to Linux. See the Windows to Linux porting library.
In my experience, there are three main reasons why it's cost-prohibitive to take a large existing program on one platform and port it to another:
it has (not necessarily purposely) extensively used some library or API (often GUI, but there are also plenty of other things) that turns out not to exist on the other platform
it has unknowingly become riddled with dependency on nonstandard features or oddities of the compiler or other tools
it was written by somebody who didn't know that you had to use some oddball feature to get things to work on the other platform (like a Linux library that isn't sprinkled with the right __declspec directives you need for a good Windows DLL).
It's much easier to write a cross-platform app if you consider that a design goal from the start, and I have three specific recommendations:
Use Boost—oodles of handy things you might ordinarily get from platform-specific APIs and libraries, but by using Boost you get it cross-platform.
Do all your GUI programming using a cross-platform library. My favorite these days is Qt, but there are other worthy ones as well.
Build and test every day on both platforms, never provide an opportunity for the code to develop a dependency on only one platform and discover it only too late.
There are many reasons why it may be very difficult to port an application to a different platform, most often it is because some interfaces the application uses to communicate with the system are not available, and one either has to implement them on their own, port a library your application depends on, or rewrite the application, so that it uses alternative functions. Most languages today are very portable across hardware architectures and operating systems, but the problem is with libraries, system calls and potentially other interfaces the OS (or platform) provides. To be more specific:
Compilers may differ in their configuration and the standard functions they provide. On Windows the most popular compiler for C/C++ is Visual Studio, while on unix it is gcc and llvm (in combination with the standard library glibc or BSD libc). They expect different flags, different forms of declaration, produce different file format of executables and shared libraries. Even though C and C++ have standard libraries, they are implemented differently across platforms. There are some systems whose aim is to make compilation portable, such as Autotools, CMake and SCons.
On top of standard libraries there are additional functions OS provides. On Windows they are covered by win32 API, on unix systems these are part of the POSIX standard, with various GNU, BSD and Linux specific extensions, and there are also plain system calls (the lowest-level interface between applications and the operating system). POSIX functions are available on Windows via systems such as cygwin and mingw, win32 API function are available on unix via Wine. The problem is that these implementations are not complete, and often there are minor (but important) differences.
Communication with the desktop system (in order to make a GUI interface) is done differently. On Linux this might be the X Window System (together with freedesktop libraries) or Wayland, while Windows has its own systems. There are GUI libraries which try to provide an abstract interface for these, such as Qt, GTK, wxWidgets, EFL.
Other services the OS provides, such as network communication may be implemented differently. On Windows many applications use .NET libraries, for which there is only limited support on unix systems. Some unix applications rely on Linux-specific features such as systemd, /proc, KMS, cgroups, namespaces. This limits portability even among unix systems (Linux, BSD systems, Mac OS X, ...). Even .NET libraries are not very compatible across different versions, and they might not be available on an older version of Windows or on embedded systems. Android and iOS have different interfaces entirely.
Web applications are usually the most portable, but HTML5 is a live standard, and many interfaces may not be available yet in some browsers/web engines. This requires the use of polyfills, but it is usually much less painful than the situation with "native" applications.
Because of all of these limitations, porting can be a pretty hard work and sometimes it is easier to create a new application from scratch, either specifically for the other platform, using cross-platform abstraction libraries/platforms (such as Qt or Java), or as a web application (potentially bundled in something like Electron). It is a good idea to use these from the beginning, but many programmers choose not to because the applications tend to look and behave differently from "native" applications on the platform, and they might also be slower and more restricted in the way they interact with the OS.
Porting a piece of software that has not been made platform-independant upfront can be an enormous task. Often, the code is deeply ingrained with non-portable APIs, whether 3rd party or just OS libraries. If the 3rd party vendor does not provide the API for the platform you are porting on, you are pretty much forced into a full rewrite of that functionality, or finding another 3rd party that is portable. This only can be awfully costly.
Finally, porting software also means supporting it on another platform, which means hiring some specialists, and training support to answer more complex queries.
In the end, such a process can be very costly, for very little additional sales. Sadly, the decision is easy: concentrate on new functionality on your current platform that you know your customers are going to pay for.
If the software was written for a single OS, a major rework is likely. The first step is to move absolutely all platform-specific code into a single area of the code base; this area should have little or no app-specific stuff. Then rewrite this isolated portion of the code for the new target OS.
Of course, this glosses over some extremely major implications. For instance, if your first version targeted the Win32 API, then any GUI code will be heavily tied to Windows, and to maintain any hope of preserving your sanity, you will need to move all that code to a cross-platform GUI framework like Qt or GTK.
Under Mono, you can write a C# Winforms program that works on both platforms. But to make that possible, the Mono team had to write their own Winforms library that essentially duplicates all of the functions of Winforms. So there is still no free lunch.
Most software is portable to some extent. In the case of a C app - there will be a lot of #ifdefs in the area, apart from path changes, etc.
Rarely windows/linux version of the same software don't share a common codebase - this would actually mean that they only share a common name. It's always harder to maintain more codebases, but I think that the actual problem with porting applications has little to do with the technical side and a lot with business side. Linux has much fewer users that Windows/OSX, most of them expect everything to be free as in beer or simply hate commercial software on some religious grounds.
When you come to think about it - most open source software is multiplatform, no matter what language was used to implement it. This speaks for itself...
P.S. Disclaimer - I'm an avid supporter of Free and Open source software, I don't want to insult anybody - I just share my perspective on the topic.
