VS 2010 and TFS 2005 compatibility - visual-studio-2010

We are currently in a position to move up from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010. Unfortunately, we don't have a server allocated for a TFS upgrade yet (should happen in about 6 months), so we are stuck with TFS 2005 for now. Will VS2010 be compatible with TFS 2005? If so, any potential issues we need to consider?

Visual Studio and Team Explorer 2010 do not officially support TFS 2005 servers (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997788.aspx for the compat matrix). I don't think it is actively blocked, though, and it may work just fine for the mainstream scenarios. I don't have TFS 2005 server to try it.

Currently using VS2010 and TFS2005 here and they work well together.


How to connect to visualstudio.com TFS using Visual Studio 2008

I have some requirements that I need to use Visual Studio 2008 for a new SSIS package. But we are using visualstudio.com as our source control because we were allowed to use Visual Studio 2012 for our main project.
I tried following the instructions here http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/get-started/connect-to-vs.aspx and here how to open Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2008 and no go.
Has anyone been able to connect to their TFS server at visualstudio.com from Visual Studio 2008? If so, how did you do it?
Officially VS 2008 is only supported against TFS 2013 (and Visual Studio Online) by using the MSSCCI. However, in practice it still works fine without MSSCCI, MS just no longer tests this particular scenario, so it's not guaranteed to continue working.
Make sure you have the appropriate updates installed, you need:
VSTS 2008 Team Explorer
VS 2008 SP1
TFS 2012 Compatibility GDR
Order of installation is very important. Refer to this article.
Moreover, if you are still having issues connecting to TFS after successfully installing above mentioned updates, consider clearing your IE browsing history (all checkboxes) and retry.
Per MSDN you can access version control on Visual Studio Online with Visual Studio 2008 using Team Explorer for Visual Studio Team System 2008 and MSSCCI 2013.

Can you install VS2013 alongside VS2012 without issues?

I cam across this question here on SE:
Can Visual Studio 2012 be installed side-by-side w/ Visual Studio 2010?
According to one comment with a good amount of upvotes, having 2010 and 2012 installed at the same time can present issues. I then came across this MSDN page about 2013:
If you use Visual Studio 2013 together with Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2010 SP1, you can [blah blah]
That suggests that 2013 can be safely installed along with VS2012. Can anyone confirm?
Take a look at Brian Harry´s Blog post announcing Visual Studio 2013.
VS 2013 can be installed side by side with previous versions of Visual Studio or, if you have a VS 2013 pre-release, it can be installed straight over top of the pre-release. TFS 2013 cannot be installed side by side but can also be installed over top of either a previous version (TFS 2012 or TFS 2010) or a pre-release.
Looks like you can, yes.
You can install this version of Visual Studio on a computer that
already has an earlier version installed.
Only issue I can see is during uninstallation, where the file associations may get lost.
I was having two installation on my computer. Really no problems.
From personal experience, I've come across multiple issues with using Visual Studio 2012 and prior, while a VS2013 installation exists on a machine.
Some of the issues include built executables failing to launch (double clicking .exe does nothing, but debugging them in VS launches them), and inability to compile solutions that mix C# and C++ projects.
I would avoid 2013 until these issues are resolved, as just having it installed on a machine breaks older code, even if you don't use VS2013.
There are some minor (compatibility) issues between using both VS2010 and VS2012 on the same Solution, but simply having VS2012 installed on your machine won't effect anything in VS2010.
There may be compatibility issues with 2013 Community edition. I had VS 2012 Ultimate and VS 2013 Express installed and working without any issue, but as soon as I installed VS 2013 Community, my VS 2012 Ultimate install has been behaving unusually. When I first open VS 2012 U, there is a really long load time. When I perform some action (open a file, select a menu option, anything actually) I have to minimize and maximize VS 2012 U for the screen to refresh. I am still trying to figure it out myself - so if anyone has a solution, please share.

Can i use Team Explorer 2010 with Visual Studio 2008?

I think the title is very clear, but also i want to say why:
I already downloaded TFS 2010 and Team explorer 2010, but i'm still using VS2008 (with no short-time plans to change)
My question, can i use those toghether?
Also, my VS is just the professional version. I don't want to download the TE2008 because for my internet conection, it is just too big.
Thanks in advance
The 2010 client is backwards compatible with 2008 servers (though not 2005). Details: http://blogs.msdn.com/teams_wit_tools/archive/2009/10/19/compatibility-matrix-for-2010-beta-2-team-foundation-server-to-team-explorer-2008-and-2005.aspx
However, it will not integrate inside the VS2008 shell. If you want full source control integration you'll need to download TE2008 + SP1.

Mixing Visual Studio versions OK?

Can Visual Studio 2005 Team edition for Developer coexist peacefully with Visual Studio 2008 Database edition on my machine? Are they completely separate applications that won't interfere in any way with each other?
What about Visual Studio 2008 Developer edition? If I install this on the same machine as 2008 Database edition, will it create two different 'VS 2008' installs or will they merge together as a single Visual Studio 2008 with the combined functionality?
2008 is side by side compatible with 2005. Also, be sure to apply 2008 SP1 as it will change the icon slightly so that you can tell the difference.
You can have both installed and make use of both. However, there are some caveats:
Opening a vs2005 solution with vs2008 will update to solution so that it can no longer be used in vs2005.
You can only have one default debugger on the machine, so they may fight with each other.
It's generally easier to get everyone up to vs2008 and just use that to target .Net2.0 when needed, but certainly not impossible for them to co-exist.
Generally speaking, yes that are completely separate applications. I've not tried the specific combination you mention, but I have had any number of combinations of VS 2003, VS 2005, VS 2008, and VS 2005 Express Editions all running without issue.
If VS2005 and VS2008 are mixed together on your development team, I believe you can have a VS2005 solution and a VS2008 solution and they can both load the same VS2005 projects. I'm not sure if you lose anything there (other than the VS2008-specific stuff like 3.5) but I believe it will work.
I use Visual Studio 6, Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 concurrently without any issues. [That too with all of them integrated with VSS]
Yes, they are completely separate apps that won't interfere with each other. I've been running both for over a year now.

Can Visual Studio 2008 work with Team System 2005?

I would like to upgrade my team from VS2005 to VS2008 without touching the version of Team Server which is 2005.
Is that possible?
And if so, how do I tell VS to recognize TFS?
Currently in my VS2008 options menu, I don't have any source control to choose from.
VS 2008 works fine with TFS 2005. There are a couple of exceptions in the Team Build area (which changed massively between 2005 and 2008) but otherwise you will be able to do everything you need to do from the Visual Studio 2008 client.
You need to ensure that you have the 2008 version of the Team Explorer installed to add TFS functionality into Visual Studio. The 2005 version only installs into Visual Studio 2005. To download the 2008 version see the following link
Note that if you have previously applied SP1 of Visual Studio 2008, then you will need to run it again once installing Team Explorer.
For what it is worth, I would encourage you to upgrade to TFS 2008 on the server side as soon as you can. TFS 2008 works fine with client connecting from Visual Studio 2005 machine but it has some significant performance improvements and the Team Build functionality is much improved.
Yes, you can... (We're doing that here too)
Tools -> Connect To Team Foundation Server
Enter IP / hostname
Yes, that works fine. If you install the Team Foundation Client from the TFS 2008 DVD on your VS machine, you can connect to both TFS 2005 and TFS 2008 servers. If you don't have access to a TFS 2008 DVD (note that the trial should be fine), installing the 2005 client on VS 2008 should also work, but I've never personally tried that.
Do you have the Team Foundation Client installed?
If you have the Team Version it should be residing in the TFC folder on your installation DVD. (I don't know why it isn't an option in the installer)
It is also possible to download the TFC from Microsoft (for free), there is an SP1 version on Microsoft Downloads.
