I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 application that I want to detect what browser the user is using globally so for example if they visit: app.com/login or app.com/organisations etc the check will still happen.
What file would I be best putting such code in? The code should check if their browser is a certain version and if so then load a different view and layout.
so e.g.
if(browser is ie < 9)
return ('chromeFrame');
elseif (browser is ff < 4 etc)
return ('upgradeBrowser');
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
To clarify this wouldn't be a redirect rather calling different views and layout if the browser isn't correct so the url wouldn't change and it would happen on any url!
One way to do this would be using HttpBrowserCapabilities that is exposed on the Request as Request.Browser.
Be mindful however that the .browser file that is used to identify browser capabilities may not be updated as frequently as new browser versions are released.
I'm building a website using Spring and the SpringMobile extension.
I've configured the LiteDeviceDelegatingViewResolver with mobilePrefix = m/, tabletPrefix = t/ and enableFallback = true, so that, whenever a dedicated mobile (or tablet) view isn't available, the "normal" (desktop site) view is served.
The site has several sections and subsections. For instance, there's a Products section and several Categories within it.
Currently, there isn't a landing page for Products, so I redirect the user to the first Category. In other words, when the link to /products is clicked, the corresponding #Controller method redirects to /products/category1 (by returning "redirect:/products/category1"); then, the method mapped to /products/category1, serves the view (by returning "viewname").
This works as expected when using the desktop site. However, in the mobile site, whenever I try to browse to /products, I get automatically redirected to /m/products by SpringMobile (which is fine), but then my #Controller gets into action, and, instead of being eventually redirected to /m/products/category1, strangely I get redirected to /m/products/m//products/category1.
Any ideas on why is this happening, and on how to achieve the expected behavior?
P.S.: If I navigate directly to /m/products/category1, the desktop view (the fallback) is properly shown.
Well, it turns out this was a bug in SpringMobile(MOBILE-70, MOBILE-78) which was fixed in version 1.1.0.RC1. It also affected forward: redirection.
I've updated my project dependencies, and the issues appear to be gone for good.
In the past I have developed large extjs single page applications. Many users get frustrated for not being able to use the Back or Fwd buttons or reload the page.I would also like to warn the user if they navigate away from a page without completing a work flow, and enable users to directly access particular views.
For the next application, I am thinking of using the Codeigniter php MVC framework. It is possible to something similar to this example. I am stucked thinking about the navigation. If I load the ExtJs for each view, that is a significant slowdown.
How best to approach this?
Have a look at the Ext.History class (Ext.util.History on Ext4). With it you can register listeners for changes to the hash:
Ext.History.on('change', function( token ) {
console.log('token changed to: ', token);
The Ext.History singleton includes forward() and back() methods for triggering navigation from within the client-side code.
By having only the hash part of the URL change the browser stays on the same page, thus eliminating the need to reload the Ext library.
How this would integrate with your PHP framework I cannot say. I am not familiar with CodeIgniter and your example link goes to a dead page.
Also, do note a caveat with History in that under Ext3 at least it may give you issues with newer browsers. If this is the case an alternative is to code your own History-like solution using the 'hashchange' browser event as illustrated in this answer.
We have a requirement where support for different users in different tabs of a browser window. How can we achieve this in Spring 2.5? The application is based on Users, where users will have their own agents and articles. An internal user should be able to login to different user accounts in different tabs at same time and manipulate their data. Any help is much appreciated.
A browser's cookie store does not distinguish between different windows or tabs when deciding what cookies to send. So a cookie based approach won't help.
My suggestion for an alternative would be to have a hidden "userName" parameter that is passed back and forth as a URL query parameter for all requests from a given tab or window. You could finesse the setting of the parameter in browser requests by using some Javascript to add a hidden parameter to each of the HTML forms in the page just loaded. The parameter value would be snarffed from the query string of the current page URL. You'd just need to make sure that all pages included stuff in the header to load the JS and run it when the page load completed.
Generally speaking, no, because all of the tabs within the browser window share the same cookies.
One way to do it would be use multiple domain names all pointing at the same app. Each domain name would have its own set of cookies. You would need to have some way of switching to a new domain name after you open a new tab.
How about, have a set of bookmark toolbar bookmarks, each corresponding to a different domain name. Control-click on the bookmark and it opens in a new tab. You could provide the users links in your navigation to the different domains that they can drag onto their toolbar.
Depending on what browsers your users are using you could get even slicker - in some browsers Javascript window.open() opens a new tab. You could have the JS compute the new domain name before the window.open().
Is there any way I can change the URL or add more history to the "back button" without having to refresh the entire page?
My application is AJAX based and I'd like to add some "undo" events to history so that the user can simply hit back and retain the old values.
What's possible today? I hear some of this may be in HTML5 but haven't checked whats supported in current browsers.
I think you can use window.location.hash to track the #part of the page, in your case, #state1, #state2 and so on.
window.location.hash = '#state' + (++ stateN) to set and
stateN = parseInt(window.location.hash.match(/\d+$/)[0])
See On - window.location.hash - Change? for more details about how to detect location hash changes.
You could use 301 redirection. Personally, I would use cookies on the client side, or sessions in your back end, to store the breadcrumbs. Storing state information in the URL is a bad idea for AJAX applications, because people might return to a url that the server side is not in the right state to respond to.
Another option would be to provide your own Back button that knows which page to go back to.
The answer for this question will be more or less the same as my answers for these questions:
How to show Ajax requests in URL?
How does Gmail handle back/forward in rich JavaScript?
In summary, two projects that you'll probably want to look at which explain the whole hashchange process and using it with ajax are:
jQuery History (using hashes to manage your pages state and bind to changes to update your page).
jQuery Ajaxy (ajax extension for jQuery History, to allow for complete ajax websites while being completely unobtrusive and gracefully degradable).
It is possible to use ASP.NET's built in Script Manager to update the browser's history. A full how-to to do this is located here:
I'm writing an AJAX app, but as the user moves through the app, I'd like the URL in the address bar to update despite the lack of page reloads. Basically, I'd like for them to be able to bookmark at any point and thereby return to the current state.
How are people handling maintaining RESTfulness in AJAX apps?
The way to do this is to manipulate location.hash when AJAX updates result in a state change that you'd like to have a discrete URL. For example, if your page's url is:
If a client side function executed this code:
// AJAX code to display the "foo" state goes here.
location.hash = 'foo';
Then, the URL displayed in the browser would be updated to:
This allows users to bookmark the "foo" state of the page, and use the browser history to navigate between states.
With this mechanism in place, you'll then need to parse out the hash portion of the URL on the client side using JavaScript to create and display the appropriate initial state, as fragment identifiers (the part after the #) are not sent to the server.
Ben Alman's hashchange plugin makes the latter a breeze if you're using jQuery.
Look at sites like book.cakephp.org. This site changes the URL without using the hash and use AJAX. I'm not sure how it does it exactly but I've been trying to figure it out. If anyone knows, let me know.
Also github.com when looking at a navigating within a certain project.
It is unlikely the writer wants to reload or redirect his visitor when using Ajax.
But why not use HTML5's pushState/replaceState?
You'll be able to modify the addressbar as much as you like. Get natural looking urls, with AJAX.
Check out the code on my latest project:
This is similar to what Kevin said. You can have your client state as some javascript object, and when you want to save the state, you serialize the object (using JSON and base64 encoding). You can then set the fragment of the href to this string.
var encodedState = base64(json(state));
var newLocation = oldLocationWithoutFragment + "#" + encodedState;
document.location = newLocation; // adds new entry in browser history
document.location.replace(newLocation); // replaces current entry in browser history
The first way will treat the new state as a new location (so the back button will take them to the previous location). The latter does not.
SWFAddress works in Flash & Javascript projects and lets you create bookmarkable URLs (using the hash method mentioned above) as well as giving you back-button support.
The window.location.hash method is the preferred way of doing things. For an explanation of how to do it,
Ajax Patterns - Unique URLs.
YUI has an implementation of this pattern as a module, which includes IE specific work arounds for getting the back button working along with re-writing the address using the hash. YUI Browser History Manager.
Other frameworks have similar implementations as well. The important point is if you want the history to work along with the re-writing the address, the different browsers need different ways of handling it. (This is detailed in the first link article.)
IE needs an iframe based hack, where Firefox will produce double history using the same method.
If OP or others are still looking for a way to do modify browser history to enable state, using pushState and replaceState, as suggested by IESUS, is the 'right' way to do it now. It's main advantage over location.hash seems to be that it creates actual URLs, not just hashes. If browser history using hashes is saved, and then revisited with JavaScript disabled, the app won't work, since the hashes aren't sent to the server. However, if pushState has been used, the entire route will be sent to the server, which you can then build to respond appropriately to the routes. I saw an example where the same mustache templates were used on both the server and the client side. If the client had JavaScript enabled, he would get snappy responses by avoiding the roundtrip to the server, but the app would work perfectly fine without the JavaScript. Thus, the app can gracefully degrade in the absence of JavaScript.
Also, I believe there is some framework out there, with a name like history.js. For browsers that support HTML5, it uses pushState, but if the browser doesn't support that, it automatically falls back to using hashes.
Check if user is 'in' the page, when you click on the URL bar, JavaScript says you are out of page.
If you change the URL bar and press 'ENTER' with the symbol '#' within it then you go into the page again, without click on the page manually with mouse cursor, then a keyboard event command (document.onkeypress) from JavaScript will be able to check if it's enter and active the JavaScript for redirection.
You can check if user is IN the page with window.onfocus and check if he's out with window.onblur.
Yeah, it's possible.