I have an iPhone app which needs to load some data from a URL. I have the following line of code:
NSString *versionControlContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:versionControlURL] encoding:encoding error:NULL];
The issue that I'm having is that if the contents of the URL have changed since the first time the URL was loaded, the changes aren't being reflected. Every subsequent time that line of code runs, versionControlContents ends up with the same content as the first time it ran.
I'm assuming this is because the iPhone has some sort of caching mechanism so that it doesn't actually load the data from the URL every subsequent time. How can I disable this temporarily?
You might try + requestWithURL:cachePolicy:timeoutInterval:
Then you can set your cacheing policy as you wish.
Sometimes, when an object is not in the cache, varnish will send an object that has a real size smaller than the size declared in the content-length header. For example - only part of the picture.
Is it possible to construct such a rule...?
if (beresp.http.content-lenght <> real_object_body_size) { return(retry); }
I wrote a script that tests the same request against the varnish and the backend. It compares the downloaded size with the content-lenght header. The backend, unlike varnish, sometimes ends up with a timeout but the size is always fine. The problem is rare but annoying because the objects are set to long user cache time.
After a few days I can say that the problem was in occasional backend problems with varnish's ability to send a chunked transfer if the object is not in the cache.
Thank you #Thijs Feryn for pointing this out. I knew about that property but until I read it here, I didn't connect it to my problem at all.
It seems that "set beresp.do_stream = false;" solved the problem.
Longtime D7 user, first time with D9. I am writing my first custom module and having a devil of a time. My routing calls a controller that simple does this:
die("hello A - ". rand());
I can refresh the page over and over and get a new random number each
time. But, when I change the code to:
die("hello B - ". rand());
I still get "hello A 34234234" for several minutes. Clearing the cache doesn't help, all I can do is wait, it's normally about two minutes. I am at my wits end.
I thought it maybe an issue with my docker instance. So I generated a simple HTML file but if I edit then reload that file changes are reflected immediately.
In my settings.local.php I have disabled the render cache, caching for migrations, Internal Page Cache, and Dynamic Page Cache.
In my mymod.routing.yml I have:
_admin_route: TRUE
no_cache: TRUE
Any hint on what I am missing would be deeply appreciated.
I'm working on a simple script in a custom theme in Drupal 7 that is supposed to just rotate through different background image each time a user loads the page. This is my code in [view].tpl.php that picks which image to use.
$img_index = (!isset($_SESSION["img_index"]) || is_null($_SESSION["img_index"])) ? 1 : $_SESSION["img_index"] + 1;
if ($img_index > 2) {
$img_index = 0;
$_SESSION["img_index"] = $img_index;
Pretty simple stuff, and it works fine as long as Drupal starts up a session. However, if I delete my session cookie, then always shows the same image, a session is never started.
I'm assuming that since this code is in the view file that the view code is being cached for anonymous users and hence the session is never started, but I can't figure out how to otherwise do what I want.
Don't mess with session like /u/maiznieks mentioned on Reddit. It's going to affect performance.
I've had to do something similar in the past and went with an approach like /u/maiznieks mentions. It's something like this,
Return all the URLs in an array via JS on Drupal.settings.
Check if a cookie is set.
If it's not, set it and set it's value to 0.
If it's set, get the value, increase the value by one, save it to the cookie.
With that value, now you have an index.
Check if image[index] exists
If it does, show that to the user.
If it doesn't, reset index to 0 and show that. Save 0 to the cookie.
You keep caching. You keep showing the user new images on every page load.
You could set your current view to do a random sort every 5 mins. You would then only have to update the logic above to replace that image. That way you can keep something similar working for users with no JS but still keep this functionality for the rest.
You can replace cookies above with HTML5 local storage if you'd like.
#hobberwickey, I will suggest to create a custom module and implement hook_boot() in module. As per drupal bootstrap process session layer will call after cache layer everytime. hook_boot can be called in cache pages and before bootstrap process also. You can take more information here.
One of the main purposes of caching is to save resources and not do things like hit your database every request. In light of this, I'm confused by what all Codeigniter does in a controller when it encounters a cache() statement.
For example:
$this->load->view("main/index", $data);
I realize that the cached main/index html file will show for the next 5 minutes, but during these 5 minutes will the controller still execute the get_data_from_database() step? Or will it just skip it?
Note: the Codeigniter documentation says you can put the cache() statement anywhere in the controller function, which confuses me even more about whats getting executed.
I can answer my own question. NOTHING in the controller function other than the cached output gets executed during the time in which the cache is set.
To test this yourself, do a database INSERT or something that would be logged somehow (e.g. write to a blank file).
I added the following code below my cache() statement and it only inserted into the some_table table the first time I loaded the controller function and not the 2nd time (within the 5 minute span).
$this->db->insert('some_table', array('field_name' => 'value1') );
I think this can be verified enabling the Profiler in your controller and check if any query is done. Make sure this is enabled only for your IP if you're using it in Production environment.
-- EDIT 1 --
This will be visible only once. Soon after the cached page is stored, the profiles result won't be visible again (so you might wanna delete the file and refresh the page).
-- EDIT 2 --
You might also use:
log_message('info', 'message');
inside your model, then change in config.php, $config['log_threshold'] to 3 and check the log file.
-- EDIT 3 --
For sure the selection will be done unless you have enabled the database cache. In this case, in the cache folder you'll see the database selection cached.
I'm POST'ing a small image, so i'd like the timeout interval to be short. If the image doesn't send in a few seconds, it's probably never going to send. For some unknown reason my NSURLConnection is never failing, no matter how short I set the timeoutInterval.
// Create the URL request
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc]
initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"http://www.tumblr.com/api/write"]
/* Populate the request, this part works fine */
[NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:request delegate:self];
I have a breakpoint set on - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError:(NSError *)error but it's never being triggered. My images continue to be posted just fine, they're showing up on Tumblr despite the tiny timeoutInterval.
There's a thread on Apple dev forums discussing this issue. Apparently on iPhone OS, the setter mandates timeoutInterval a minimum of 240 seconds (4 minutes). This only occurs when the postBody is not empty (typically when using a POST request). This seems crazy, but apparently it's there to make sure requests leave the system even though it might take many seconds for the WWAN (3G) interface to wake up. 240 seconds seems rather steep, so they suggest to set a timer and cancel the asynchronous connection when your timer fires. I know this seems stupid, but that's the only I managed to get timeout for POST requests... :-(
As François mentioned above, the 240 seconds seemed to be working as he described up until iOS 6 (including on 5.1). Now, this timeout appears to take on the default value of 60 seconds as expected (if you didn't explicitly set it yourself), so if you have a POST request that might have relied on the longer time inadvertently, you might need to change the timeoutInterval manually to use a higher value. I've been able to set the timeout both below and above 60 seconds for a POST so it doesn't appear that the 60 second mark represents a minimum restriction to the timeout for this type of request either.
This issue is fixed in iOS5, So you won't be facing this problem now. And your code will work perfectly