Error logging in via FTP script in KornShell - shell

I am trying to FTP a file using a script in KornShell (ksh) and I am getting a login failed message. I can login manually just fine but when I try the automated script, it does not like the password portion of the login information.
Here's my script:
ftp -n <<EOF
user quser pass Sky3s3ch
put chr*.dat
And this is the error that I get:
dns: /u04/lms/ora_shell/clients/STMP > LMS_STMP_ECHI_FTP.ksh
Not logged in.
Login failed.
Please login with USER and PASS.
Hash mark printing on (1024 bytes/hash mark).
Interactive mode off.
Please login with USER and PASS.
Please login with USER and PASS.
I would appreciate any help I can get in figuring this out. Thanks in advance.

there are many different ftp clients, but I'm not familiar with one that requires the word pass as part of a single line login like you are using. Try
ftp -n <<EOF
user quser Sky3s3ch
. . .
Another common form is to move the hostname inside the ftp input stream, i.e.
ftp -in <<EOF
quser Sky3s3ch
. . .
I don't have my sample code availab.e You may need user on the 2nd line of input, but I don't think so.
Finally, I noticed you have put chr*.dat in your input script. To transfer multiple files at the same time, you'll need the mput command instead.
I hope this helps.


store ftp command output in a variable

I am using bash a script to connect to an FTP server for deleting a file.
I would like to store the output message and code of the delete command executed on the FTP server into a variable of my script.
How could I do this ?
Here is my snippet :
function delete_on_ftp{
ftp -i -n $ftp_host $ftp_port <<EOF
quote USER $ftp_login
quote PASS $ftp_pass
delete $1
output_cmd=$(delete_on_ftp $myfile)
By the way I do above I only get the message, no way to get the returned code. Is there another way allowing to get the code and the message, in 1 or 2 variables ?
Thanks, Cheers
I just tested the following curl command, which make your task easy.
curl --ftp-ssl -vX "DELE oldfile.pdf" ftp://$user:$pass#$server/public_html/downloads/
Please do not forget the slash at the end of your directory, it is necessary.
curl: (19) RETR response: 550
550 oldfile.pdf: No such file or directory
curl: (19) RETR response: 250
250 DELE command successful
curl is available at
One of the ways to get FTP to act automatically is to use a Netrc file. By default, FTP will use $HOME/.netrc, but you can override that via the -N parameter. The format of a netrc file is fairly straight forward. A line is either a Macrodef or a line that contains login information. Here's an example below:
Netrc File
mysystem login renard password swordfish
another login renard password 123456
default login renard password foofighter
macdef init
cd foo
get bar
delete bar
macdef fubar
The three first lines are the logins for various systems. The default is a login for any system which you don't define a particular login for. The lines that start with marcodef are macros you define to do a series of steps for you. The init macro automatically runs right after login. If the last line is quit, it will quit out of FTP for you. There should be a blank line to end the macro, (although most systems will take an End of the File as the end of the macrodef too).
You can create a Netrc file on the fly, enter your FTP command in that, and then, run your FTP command with that Netrc file:
cat > $netrc_file <<<EOF
$ftp_host login $ftp_login password $ftp_password
macdef init
delete $my_file
ftp -N $netrc_file
You can capture the output via STDOUT, or in a variable and then parse that for what you need:
ftp -N $netrc_file | tee $ftp_output
Other answers on this question should provide you what you want.
However, if you are keen on specifically using ftp command, you can use expect command for the same...
Note, that this is not the best way to achieve what you are trying.
expect -c "log_user 0;
spawn ftp -i -n $ftp_host $ftp_port;
expect \"<add ftp login username: prompt details here>\"
send \"quote USER $ftp_login\r\n\"
expect \"<add ftp login password: prompt details here>\"
send \"quote PASS $ftp_pass\r\n\"
expect \"<add ftp shell prompt details here>\"
log_user 1; send \"delete $1\r\n\"
log_user 0;
expect \"<add ftp shell prompt details here>\"
send \"quit\r\n\";
You may need to add some more lines in the above for the login & shell prompts returned by the ftp command.

In shell,how to make a comand2 as a continue for comand1

I have a shell file,I want to use it like
./ connect localhost login user password
after connect success,it will wait for the next command,
and then I will input the second command like
deploymenet xxxx.xml
now my question is how to make the 2 command into 1 command line because I want to call it in a ruby file.
The way I use to call shell in ruby is like "%x[command1;command2]".but it will got error because comand2 will be treated as a shell command,not a input after cammand1.
how to solve this? thanks for help.
Try this:
echo 'deploymenet xxxx.xml' | ./ connect localhost login user password

using grep in a script which prompt user for input

I have written one shell script which ask for some username and password from standart input.
Once username and password is typed there is a output depending upon the parameters passed in the script.
Say my script name is XYZ.ksh.
Now my problem is that users of these script want to use want to use this script in conjugation with other shell commands like grep, less, more, wc etc.
Normally yes they can use
XYZ.ksh | grep abc
But in my case since XYZ is prompting for username and password we are not able to use "|" in front of that. It blocks forever.
I just wanted to know how can I implement the functinality.
What I tried
I tried taking input of "more commands " from user where user types things like "| grep abc"
but when i used this input in my script it did not work.
Use <<< like this:
XYZ.ksh <<< "your inputs" | grep abc
In your script you can test to see if stdout is connected to a terminal with:
if [[ -t 1 ]]
That way you can supress the prompt if the output is not going to the console.
Alternatively, with your "more commands" solution, run the command connected to a named pipe.
There are multiple solutions commonly used for this kind of problem but none of them is perfect :
Read password from standard input. It makes it really hard to use the script in pipes. This method is used by commands that deal with changing passwords : passwd, smbpasswd
Provide username and password in the command line parameters. This solution is good for using the script in pipes, but command line can be viewed by anyone, using ps -ef for exemple. This is used by mysql, htpasswd, sqlplus, ...
Store username and password unencrypted in a file in user's home directory. This solution is good for using the script in pipes, but the script must check if the file is visible or modifiable by other users. This is used by mysql
Store private key in local file and public key in distant file, as used by SSH. You must have a good encryption knowledge to do this correctly (or rely on SSH), but it's excellent for use in pipes, even creating pipes accross different machines !
Don't deal with passwords, and assume that if a user is logged in in the system, he has the right to run the program. You may give execute privilege only to one group to filter who can use the program. This is used by sqlplus from Oracle, VirtualBox, games on some Linux distributions, ...
My preferred solution would be the last, as the system is certainly better than any program I could write with regard to security.
If the password is used to login to some other service, then I would probably go for the private file containing the password.
One less-than-optimal possibility is to display the prompt to stderr instead of stdout.
echo -n "Username:" >/dev/stderr
A better solution would be to check stdin of the shell. If it's a terminal, then open it for writing and redirect to that file. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to do that in bash or ksh; perhaps something like
echo -n "Username:" >/dev/tty
You can use (I assume you are reading username and password in your script with read)
read -p "user:" USER
read -p "pass:" PASS
) < /dev/tty > /dev/tty
and you'll be able to run
$ cmd | XYZ.ksh
However, I agree with other answers: just don't ask for user and password and give the correct permissions to the script to allow access.

Run a Bash Script automatically upon login

I wrote a script that sends the date and username of the person who logs in to a log file to keep a record of who has logged in. I am wondering how can you set this script to execute automatically when a user logs in rather than have to manually run it in the terminal. NOTE: the USERNAME is the current user that is logged in.
my code:
printf "$(date) $HOSTNAME booted!\n" >> /home/USERNAME/boot.log
A more elegant way to solve this problem is to read from log files that are already being written and cannot be changed by the user. No one could say it better than Bjørne Malmanger's in his answer:
I wouldn't trust the user to GIVE you the information. As root you
TAKE it ;-)
A nice way to do this is the last command, which is great because it neatly displays all logins: Graphical, console and SSH.
A less elegant but still secure way is to do a grep on /var/log/auth.log. On my Gnome/Ubuntu system I can use this to track graphical logins:
grep "session opened for user USERNAME"
The right pattern for your machine needs to be found for each login type: graphical, console and SSH. This is cumbersome, but you might need to do it if you need information that goes further back than last reaches.
To directly answer your question:
You can modify the script like this to get the username
printf "$(date) $HOSTNAME booted!\n" >> /home/$(whoami)/boot.log
And add this line to /etc/profile
. /path/to/
This is not secure though because the user will be able to edit his own log
Why don't you use the last command?
I wouldn't trust the user to GIVE you the information. As root you TAKE it ;-)
Put it in ~/.bash_profile. It will be run each time they log in.
More information is available at the women's rights page (i.e. man bash).

FTP inside a shell script not working

My host upgraded my version of FreeBSD and now one of my scripts is broken. The script simply uploads a data feed to google for their merchant service.
The script (that was working prior to the upgrade):
put /usr/www/users/myname/feeds/mymerchantfile.txt mymerchantfile.txt
Now the script says "unknown host". The same script works on OSX.
I've tried removing the "ftp://". - No effect
I can log in from the command line if I enter the username and password manually.
I've search around for other solutions and have also tried the following:
ftp -dni <<END_SCRIPT
open $HOST
quote USER $USER
quote PASS $PASS
put /usr/www/users/myname/feeds/mymerchantfile.txt mymerchantfile.txt
ftp -dni <<END_SCRIPT
open $HOST
user $USER $PASS
put /usr/www/users/myname/feeds/mymerchantfile.txt mymerchantfile.txt
Nothing I can find online seems to be doing the trick. Does anyone have any other ideas? I don't want to use a .netrc file since it is executed by cron under a different user.
ftp(1) shows that there is a simple -u command line switch to upload a file; and since ascii is the default (shudder), maybe you can replace your whole script with one command line:
ftp -u\
(Long line wrapped with \\n, feel free to remove the backslash and place it all on one line.)
Please note that the above code can be easily broken by, for example, using spaces in the variables in question. Also, this method gives you virtually no way to detect and handle failure reliably.
Look into the expect tool if you haven't already. You may find that it solves problems you didn't know you had.
Some ideas:
just a thought since this is executed in a subshell which should inherit correctly from parent, does an env show any difference when executed from within the script than from the shell?
Do you use a correct "shebang"?
Any proxy that requires authentication?
Can you ping the host?
In BSD, you can create a NETRC script that ftp can use for logging on. You can even specify the NETRC file in your ftp command too using the -N parameter. Otherwise, the default NETRC is used (which is $HOME/.netrc).
Can you check if there's a difference in the environment between your shell-login, and the cron-job? From your login, run env, and look out for ftp_proxy and http_proxy.
Next, include a line in the cron-job that will dump the environment, e.g. env >/tmp/your.env.
Maybe there's some difference...Also, did you double-check your correct usage of the -n switch?
