Magento XMLConnect...what is it and how can I use it? [closed] - magento

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Can someone explain what the XMLConnect extension is and what it is used for? I know that in general it can be used to develop a mobile friendly site, but that's about as far as I've gotten with my Google searches. Does anyone have experience working with this extension and can provide some details and/or examples?

XMLConnect is, essentially, an XML service. One way to think of a "normal" Magento website is
Backend code adds things to carts, fetches products from database, etc.
Execution is handed off to the layout system
Layout system makes HTML/Javascript/CSS
Magento has a product called Magento Mobile, which lets you create an iPhone or Android application to sell products from your Magento system. Magento Mobile works something like this
Backend code add things to carts, fetches products from databases, etc.
Execution is handed off to an XML rendering system
XML is sent back to the phone
The binary application sitting on the phone processes the XML and makes the pixels on the phone look and act like a store
XMLConnect is the module that lets Magento do this. It creates XML requests/responses.
Additional Reading: Develop your own Magento mobile application


Admin panel for inputting data for [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If an app that uses Parse needs a web-based data admin system, what's the best way to go?
I know already offers a data browser, but its main use case isn't for someone to mass enter data or perform admin functions. I know I can make one from scratch with the libraries found here on the Parse API Libraries page, but I was just wondering if there was a standard or most used way to use 3rd party admin panels.
Given that there is no "standard data admin", other than perhaps letting them edit all fields on all objects (which is provided by the data browser), I wouldn't expect to find some 3rd party admin panel.
What you do and don't expose in an admin interface often varies from product to product, some fields might be there only to support easier searching and be read-only (or hidden) even in admin screens.
Unfortunately that means you need to roll your own admin screens using whichever SDK works best for you.
Be aware that (last I checked) the JavaScript SDK only works for Internet Explorer if your pages are hosted on SSL (https), due to a quirk in IE. If you want to support IE you might want to use Parse's Cloud Hosting.

Mobile-Ready Site, How to alert? [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
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What's the Best way to let people know that a site can also be viewed in mobile devices?
Am thinking about putting something in the footer for computer users, that is hidden for mobile devices with display: none;, but what to put in there is the question? I've been searching google, and don't really see any images that say Mobile-Ready or something that would be unobtrusive to computer users that could let them know that the site is also optimized for mobile devices as well.
For example, what do other sites do about this? Should I even bother with worrying about this?
Also, we are using a mobile script in Javascript from this site here: that returns a boolean value false, if it is not any mobile devices that it searches for.
I wouldn't bother, people will see (and hopefully not notice) that it works when then visit your site on a mobile device.
Letting people know you have a mobile website isn't needed. Also a mobile-device website a part from the normal website isn't really '2013'.
I should go for
CSS #media-queries.
So in this case the people who visit it on desktop have no clue it's responsive, and people that visit the mobile-site don't know it's the same website, because of the #media-queries.
I see you have tagged the Q as CSS but if you have control over the backend you could first decided on what is a "mobile device" and then send back different data.

Joomla for Business Intelligence reports sharing across enterprise [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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We are looking at various options for common hub where we would wish to publish common business intelligence reports for sharing and providing easier access for information available along with metadata. We do have Microstrategy and Tableu as our enterprise reporting tools but lacking metadata linking to those reports. So we wish to have that link provided through a common hub area where users can explore and understand various information areas themselves to ultimately make it enterprise wide information repository rather than just a reporting application.
We are looking at several other options along with joomla. We understand that joomla is majorly a content management system for websites. But we wish to know your opinion on usage of joomla with probably customized admin console for sharing reports and linking. We currently do not know if it is right way to use so. If any of your organizations follow any easier approach for solving the issue, please suggest us the same. Also if possible, please provide us links on similar use cases along with any examples of customizing joomla admin console.
I'd use GroupJive the manage communication between groups of users. Groupjive has a wall where links can be posted, is forum (kunena) integrated and has a feature to upload documents.
The access rights for each group is configurable on groupjive, so you can restrict access to some information to some users and define moderators.
Hope it helps!
If using Joomla .. you could try to build described functionality using ZOO, a flexible and powerful content application builder to manage your content

Create a custom article template in Joomla! 1.5 [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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So right now I'm managing a staff of about 30 people working on a school website based off of Joomla 1.5. I am trying to make all of our Joomla articles regarding our sports teams follow the same general template (example). Right now, I'm just having everyone do it individually, which obviously causes quite a few inconsistencies. Ideally I would like to replace the articles in that section with a form (on the backend) that just has input fields for the various information (team name, schedule, roster, coaches, etc.) and then displays it using the template on the frontend. The closet thing I have found is Content Templater, but I'm wondering if there is a better way. Thanks in advance.
instead of using joomla's core article system you can try using a very popular joomla extension K2
It had all the features that are available in joomla content system. In addition to it you can create custom field.
As in your case just create a category sports team, create an extra fields group with files like team name, schedule, roster, coaches and select this field group while creating a category.
Now all the items in that category will show these custom fields where you can enter your data.
It also provide a great template system so that you can create different layouts for different category . See here

How to include advertising in an application? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Are there any services that allow you to place advertising in Windows software? I want to give away my software for free but still need to eat!
Check out OpenCandy, they have a really nice concept IMHO:
only a single, opt-in ad - in the installer (so your application remains ad-less). There is an interesting post about them # DonationCoder.
It is, of course, trivial to put a fixed collection of adverts into your code. The trouble comes if you want to sell eyeballs and have the ads change. Then the code has to go talk over the network to get new adds.
Many people would have a name for this: adware. If people find you making network connections behind their back, as it were, they are likely to break out some more negative terms.
However, if you are completely open and honest about it when you offer the code for download, then your conscience might be clear.
Practically, you need to have code that makes a network connection to some site of yours, pulls the ad content, and displays it in some sort of annoying popup.
Check with individual affiliate programs to see if they allow links in applications.
You can also try the Freemium model: Turn on some extra features if they pay for your program.
Or link to your website for support information, instructions, etc., and place ads there.
Or offer an e-mail newsletter with updates, news, etc. Advertising in these is easier.
You can also ask this over at
