Styles - Visual Studio code fragment, copy & paste Outlook (HTML) - retain styling? - visual-studio-2010

I'm a fan of the Son of Obsidian Visual Studio style (white/color letters on dark-gray background).
It's also great that Outlook attempts to retain syntax highlighting, however I use the white default background in Outlook. The result is that I need to either strip all syntax highlighting on code fragments I email to coworkers, or set the background color of the email darker.
I've tried out the Copy As HTML plugin, however this didn't override the background color for the code fragment in Outlook.
Has anyone figured out a good solution for this kind of workflow?

Hello this is really a late reply :
I use the same theme.
You can refer to this article for the general steps.
The article though tells how to do the opposite of what we want so instead i came out with this :
<style type=”text/css”>pre{background:#344042 !important}</style><pre>
and this does pretty much the job.


In Visual Studio2019 how to setup the codehighlightcolors in the editor for Classes/Parameter/Functions etc.?

I watched a youtube video about Blazor and noticed that my color highlighting of my code in the texteditor was different from the video. In the video much more codebits had different colors then it is the case in my Visual Studio 2019 setup.
My code has some coloring but its alot of white lines instead of every codebit differend colorsetting (Class/Function/Parameter/...).
Please see the attached jpeg!
How can I also have those color settings from the video (jpeg left side is what I want // right side is what I have) in my VS? Is that a "plugin" to download or where can I find the settings for that?
In VS I checked Tools-Options- and then tried different dropdown menues but could not find the place for these settings (kind of lost because there are so much options)!
Thanks for helping me to get more colors in my code/life :)
Don't know if that is totaly the same thing I saw but it it close to what I wanted.
You can install a Extension to VS via Marketplace. I installed this:
Enhanced Syntax Highlighting
From Stanislav Kuzmich

format dollar chracter for javascript files in visual studio 2013

Im learning angular and it would be nice if i could have $ the dollar sign, formatted so its maybe red since it would make reading angularjs code much easier.I am using visual studio 2013.
To recap.I want the dollar symbol in javascript files to be of color red.
Since this isn't really a question, add your suggestion/request to
If you want to implement this yourself you would need to create your own intellisense settings for JavaScript, which I'd suspect is something you probably don't want to do.

Integrated Markdown WYSIWYG text editor

In looking for a straightforward WYSIWYG editor for Markdown code, I am not finding a comparible UI to that of CkEditor, TinyMCE, ect.
Specifically, the Markdown "WYSIWYG" editors that are often recommended (such as posts like this ) are not pure WYSIWYG editors in the sense that users either still write raw Markdown ( MarkItUp ) or go to the other extreme of having in-line editing without standard controls ( Hallo ).
I need something in-between.
I'm looking for a Markdown editor that looks and functions like a stripped down CkEditor text box, and that accepts and outputs Markdown. There should be a toolbar with a minimum set of formatting options (B, I, U, lists, ect), and the text entry area should show the converted Markdown, not the raw code. There should be a Source button that will allow users to edit the raw Markdown, but even that is optional. Ex:
I get the reason for Markdown/wiki, ect - the security it offers. I don't mind entering raw code like here at SE, but my users are not geeks and do not find this enjoyable. They don't want to see * * * ___ and spaces mixed in with their text. They are used to "Word" style editing, and are most productive in that environment.
So - is there a truly integrated WYSIWYG editor for Markdown? I'm writing in a PHP, so something that I can invoke with a class would be perfect.
Sept 23, 2015 Update
CKEditor now has a Markdown addon that does this exact thing. The addon project is hosted on github.
Apr 13, 2015 Update
Someone professing to develop CKEditor says that the appearance of CommonMark is a game changer, and we could possibly see a proper markup interface for CKEditor (read comments for the full story).
Feb 6, 2015 Update
CKEditor now comes with a plugin that outputs (and accepts as input) BBCode.
SimpleMDE, a newcomer, may be the answer. I've been searching for something just like this for a month now. I'm surprised that this does not show up higher in search results. I had to go through a notice on lepture/editor to find this.
I was researching in this subject the other day and I haven't found any decent WYSIWYG editor with Markdown output. In fact, first you have to have to create a WYSIWG Markdown editor is WYSIWG HTML editor and there are just few of them that are usable on the market.
There's a chance that you'll be able to create dataProcessor for CKEditor that will change HTML editor into Markdown editor. We've got a plugin for BBCode that works like this (check out
All you have to do is implement this interface!/api/CKEDITOR.dataProcessor. If you check BBCode plugin's code you'll see some hacks and tricks, because unfortunately current CKEditor's architecture isn't ready (yet) to create such a data processor. However, I believe that if you want to provide only few styling options you should be able to implement Markdown support pretty quickly.
EDIT Sept 23, 2015
CKEditor now has a Markdown addon that does this exact thing. The addon project is hosted on github.
As posted in my Feb 6, 2015 update, CKEditor now includes plugins that allow BBCode input and output.
A demo is available here:
EDIT Apr 13, 2015:
Someone professing to develop CKEditor says that the appearance of CommonMark is a game changer, and we could possibly see a proper markup interface for CKEditor (read comments for the full story).
Pen is a new (active as of 2014) WYSIWYG editor that outputs Markdown.
It's not perfect—I've had issues with pasting HTML there—but it works.
Edit: Sorry! It doesn't output Markdown. Walery Strauch pointed out in the comments that the Markdown formatting signs I saw were actually CSS pseudo element rules:
Still, I'll leave it here as an option since some people upvoted this answer and it may have been of use to somebody.
I implemented a very simple editor that allows the contents of a <textarea> that contains Markdown to be edited in a WYSIWYG fashion.
I used Hallo. I don't think its web site makes it obvious that it is not itself a Markdown WYSIWYG editor but the demo does forge the path to one.
Hallo allows WYSIWYG editing of the HTML inside a <div>. I used javascript to hide any <textarea> blocks that have a specific wysiwyg CSS class, replacing it with a <div> and copying the contents of the <textarea> into the <div>. The copying runs through Showdown which produces HTML from Markdown.
Another Javascript routine reacts every time the <div> contents change. It copies the contents back into the (now hidden) <textarea>. The content is run through to-markdown to convert from HTML to Markdown.
If the <textarea> is a field in a <form>, then the edited Markdown will be sent to the server when that form is submitted.
The inspiration for this comes from the Hallo Markdown Example, specifically the editor.js file. I used that as a basis for my own script along with hallo.js, showdown.js and to-markdown.js.
My script, wysiwyg.js is a derivative of editor.js from the Hallo Markdown Example. Some points to note:
I use this in a Rails application (not that that matters)
It runs on ready and also on page:load, the latter because Rails uses Turbolinks
It runs on ajaxComplete because I use Ajax for form error reports
There are other dependencies: JQueryUI and Rangy (Rails users can avail of the gems jquery-ui-rails and rangy-rails).
Also Font Awesome is used for the tool bar icons. The version of hallo.js used by the demo is out of date (it uses an old version of Font Awesome) - use hallo.js from GitHub instead.
You only need to add CSS class='wysiwyg' to any <textarea> to enable WYSIWYG on it. The <textarea> should conain Markdown formatted text.
I would expect that wysiwyg.js could be easily adapted to use another editor if you don't like Hallo as long as it works on the HTML in a <div>. There are quite a few to choose from but not all are as lightweight as Hallo.
A smilar piece of work that I found is markdown-html-form. It uses the same Showdown and to-markdown.
I am also looking for a markdown editor that is described at the top of this thread
Have you seen "markdown tools":
That seems pretty close to what we are looking for, it does a reasonable job of taking your WYSIWYG rich text and outputting markdown. However it failed on an encoding exception when I pasted in some rich text from a google doc.
I found two which currently seem to be quite popular, active and free but haven't been mentioned yet.
The first one is Toast UI Editor. It supports both modes (WYSIWYG and raw). It has official react and vuejs wrappers.
The second one is ProseMirror which calls itself "a toolkit for building rich-text editors on the web" and it seems to be very flexible and extensive. It also supports both modes.
I'm pretty sure solid unofficial react / vue / angular wrappers for it can be found as well.

WP7 - Not picking up embedded fonts

I have been trying to use some custom fonts within my WP7 app.
I followed the example as per but in my project it simply will not pick up the custom font.
I have downloaded the sample project in this example and this one does work okay.
So, I have now used the same font used in there, and included in my project. I have ensured that the properties on the file are identical (Build Action = 'Content' and Copy To Output Directory = "Always")
I have used in my XAML in exactly the same way i.e.
FontFamily="Fonts/DigitalDream.ttf#Digital Dream" FontSize="24"
But to no avail. The custom font is just ignored. Is there something that I am missing, or a setting .. anything that would allow this to work in one project, but not another?
I have discovered that it will work if my XAML page is defined at the root level, i.e. immediately under the project, but in my case I have it in a 'Views' folder.
My understanding was that
FontFamily="/Fonts/DigitalDream.ttf#Digital Dream" FontSize="24"
should start at the root folder of the project?
Custom fonts can be a little tricky. I spent several hours once trying to embed an .otf font only to find that it just didn't seem to be doable.
You're on the right track, though. A .ttf font should be embedable. It's hard to get the right combination of paths and filenames to make the font work, though.
The easiest way I've found to handle some of these more difficult "magic string" type of situations in XAML is to let Expression Blend do the heavy lifting.
Here's a blog post about using Blend to embed fonts. The nice thing about using Blend is that it gives you some visual indications that things are set up correctly--i.e. you can see the font you want in the font selection menu. This is what finally clued me in on the .otf issue. I couldn't see the font in Blend.
And here's an example of a custom font that I've used in one of my apps:
<TextBlock Name="MyTextblock"
FontFamily="/MyAppName;component/fonts/ UI Mono">
That's FontFamily URI is a pain to get right. I'm pretty sure that's your problem.
I was actually having the same problem. I followed everything to the dot and still I wasn't able to embed one particular font. So I created a new project and tried embedding the font there. Still no luck. I then tried embedding some other font. And lo and behold, as soon as I typed the FontFamily attribute, I could see that it had embedded. This was particularly odd since I didn't have to change any properties of the font.
I opened the project in Blend and clicked on the font property box to the right. It took a few seconds and then it embedded the font I was having problems with in the first place.

Visual Studio copy/paste into Outlook with standard formatting?

I have custom settings in Visual Studio that include a dark background. Copy/pasting to Outlook produces a crime against eyeballs with a dark background in code on a white background of the mail.
Does anyone have any ideas of how I can paste code in standard VS formatting (NOT unformatted text from paste special, and not paste with my custom VS formatting)?
(Alternatively, does anyone know a quick way to switch between themes in VS? Thinking that could also work...)
The following blog post details how to address this issue in VS2012:
Ok so the closest I got was using CopySourceAsHtml which also allows you to define custom css styles for that copied html. I peeked at the css styles when copying code from the default VS theme and copied them over.
Got me 90% there which is good enough - no black code backgrounds on white email backgrounds!
This free VS Extension (named "Copy As HTML") allows you to choose the background color when copying to clipboard:
This is a lightweight tool that allows you to copy code from the Code
Window and convert it into HTML while preserving syntax highlighting,
indentation and background colour.
This add-in adds a command to copy in plain text: VSHelper
