How do I delete an embedded doc from Mongoid? - ruby

I'm having some issues deleting my document using Mongoid...
The code actually does delete the gallery, but I get a browser error which looks like:
Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound at /admin/galleries/delete/4e897ce07df6d15a5e000001
The suspect code is below:
def self.removeGalleryFor(user_session_id, gallery_id)
person = Person.any_in(session_ids: [user_session_id])
return false if person.count != 1
return false if person[0].userContent.nil?
return false if person[0].userContent.galleries.empty?
gallery = person[0].userContent.galleries.find(gallery_id) #ERROR is on this line
gallery.delete if !gallery.nil?
My Person class embeds one userContent which embeds many galleries.
Strangely enough I've got a couple of tests around this which work fine...
I'm really not sure what's happening - my gallery seems to be found fine, and is even deleted from Mongo.
Any ideas?

find throws an error if it can't find a document with the given id. Instead of checking presence of given gallery and returning nil if it doesn't exist, you directly ask mongodb while querying to remove any such gallery.
def self.remove_gallery_for(user_session_id, gallery_id)
user_session_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(user_session_id) if user_session_id.is_a?(String)
gallery_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(gallery_id) if gallery_id.is_a?(String)
# dropping to mongo collection object wrapped by mongoid,
# as I don't know how to do it using mongoid's convenience methods
last_error = Person.collection.update(
# only remove gallery for user matching user_session_id
{"session_ids" => user_session_id},
# remove gallery if there exists any
{"$pull" => {:userContent.galleries => {:gallery_id => gallery_id}}},
# [optional] check if successfully removed the gallery
:safe => true
return last_error["err"].nil?
This way you do not load the Person, you don't even get the data from monogdb to application server. Just get the gallery removed if it exists.
But you should prefer #fl00r's answer if you need to fire callbacks and switch to destroy instead of delete

def self.removeGalleryFor(user_session_id, gallery_id)
# person = Person.where(session_ids: user_session_id).first
person = Person.any_in(session_ids: [user_session_id])
if person && person.userContent && person.userContent.galleries.any?
gallery = person.userContent.galleries.where(id: gallery_id).first
gallery.delete if gallery
In Ruby usually under_score naming rather then CamelCase is used

Kudos to Rubish for pointing me to a solution that at least passes my tests - for some reason fl00r's code didn't work - it looks like it should, but doesn't for some reason...
{"session_ids" => user_session_id},
{"$pull" => {'userContent.galleries' => {:_id => gallery_id}}},
:safe => true
=> this code will pass my tests, but then once it's running in sinatra it doesn't work.... so frustrating!
have posted this code with tests on github


rake db:seed not working to seed from API in Ruby CLI app - will seed manually written data - Ruby/ActiveRecord

I’m trying to make improvements to a project for school (super beginner) using seeded data from an API to make a CLI app using Ruby and ActiveRecord, no Rails. I have had to kind of "cheat" the data by taking it (a hash of object IDs), appending that ID to the end of another URL link (creating an array of these links) and then iterating over each one and making a GET request, putting it into final hash from which I iterate over and seed into my database.
I was able to successfully do it once - but I wanted to expand the data set, so I cleared the db and went to re-seed and it no longer works. It hangs for quite a bit, then seems to complete, but the data isnt there. The only change I made in my code was to the URL, but even when I change it back it no longer works. However, it does seed anything I've manually written. The URL works fine in my browser. I tried rake:db:migrate:reset but that didnt seem to work for me.
I apologize if my code is a bit messy, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this issue and it is my first time working with APIs / creating a project like this. I appreciate any help. Thanks!
response = RestClient.get("*")
metData = JSON.parse(response)
url = ""
urlArray = []
metData["objectIDs"].each do |e|
urlArray.push(url.to_s + e.to_s)
# urlArray.slice!(0,2)
def finalHash
finalHash =[]
object_id_joiner.each do |e|
response = RestClient.get(e)
data = JSON.parse(response)
finalHash.each do |artist_hash|
if artist_hash["artistDisplayName"] == nil
if (!artist_hash["artistDisplayName"])
art1 = Artist.create(artist_name:artist_hash["artistDisplayName"])
if (!artist_hash["objectID"])
Artwork.create(title: artist_hash["title"],image: artist_hash["primaryImage"], department: artist_hash["department"], artist: art1, object_id: artist_hash["objectID"])
As mentioned in comments you had some rogue ! in your code.
Here is a simpler version of your last loop.
finalHash.each do |artist_hash|
next if artist_hash["artistDisplayName"] == nil
# Now you don't need conditional for artistDisplayName
art1 = Artist.create(artist_name: artist_hash["artistDisplayName"])
# Now create artwork if you HAVE objectID
if (artist_hash["objectID"])
Artwork.create(title: artist_hash["title"],image: artist_hash["primaryImage"], department: artist_hash["department"], artist: art1, object_id: artist_hash["objectID"])

Why does ::TableView.model return nilClass when Nokogiri is used?

The problem was with something else so the trouble wasn't really Qt, still I don't know why this happened.
The thing was that in the method display_filesize #yt.get_filesize(row_id, format) I used Nokogiri to parse the XML. I don't know if the XML was corrupted (it was loaded from quvi), but it was definitely the culprit. After switching to XMLSimple everything works fine.
The code I used:
def get_filesize(video_id, format)
video = #videos[video_id]
if video.formats[format].empty?
to_parse = `quvi --xml --format #{format} #{video.player_url}`
parsed = Nokogiri.parse(to_parse)
video.formats[format] = { :size =>'length_bytes').text,
:url =>'link').at('url').text }
Now I use something like this:
def get_filesize(video_id, format)
video = #videos[video_id]
if video.formats[format].empty?
to_parse = `quvi --xml --format #{format} #{video.player_url}`
parsed = XmlSimple.xml_in(to_parse, {'KeyAttr' => 'name'})
video.formats[format] = { :size => parsed['link'][0]['length_bytes'][0],
:url => URI.decode(parsed['link'][0]['url'][0]) }
It works beautifully. Still, I don't know why it crashed. This is the real question.
I have a Qt::TableView that contains Qt::StandardItemModel. A row in the model consists of text, Qt::PushButton, checkbox and Qt::ComboBox. It works like this:
The user is presented with text values and can explore further if they want to.
The user clicks Qt::PushButton and the next cell is populated with a Qt::ComboBox containing other possible values to choose from.
If the user chooses an option from Qt::ComboBox, magic happens, objects get created, hashes populated and the cell on the right gets populated with appropriate text (through a Qt::StandardItem)
Then the checkbox can be checked.
After selecting the rows the user wants, a Qt::PushButton located outside of the Qt::TableView can be clicked. It then iterates through the model, tests if the checkbox is selected and should it be, tries to access the value in the appropriate ComboBox.
The problem is, when I insert code that tries to access the Qt::ComboBox, I can't insert the Qt::StandardItem, because I can't get the model, because Qt::TableView.model returns NilClass (at some point).
I don't know why and how this happens. It's a random thing, sometimes the value of Qt::ComboBox can be changed a couple times, sometimes the first try ends with an error.
Here is how I create the Qt::StandardItem:
def display_filesize
row_id = row_id_from_object_name(sender.objectName)
format = sender.currentText
filesize = #yt.get_filesize(row_id, format) # get the text
filesize_item ="#{(filesize.to_i/1024/1024)} MB ")
# #tc simply stores the indexes of columns so I can access them easily
#ui.tableView.model.setItem(row_id, #tc[:filesize], filesize_item)
And here is how I try to access the Qt::ComboBox value:
model = #ui.tableView.model
checked = do |i|
if model.item(i, #tc[:check]).checkState == Qt::Checked
# if I remove the following two lines it works...
index = model.index(i, #tc[:formats])
format = #ui.tableView.indexWidget(index).currentText
And this is the error I am trying to get rid of:
searcher.rb:86:in `display_filesize': undefined method `index' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/qtbindings- `qt_metacall'
from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/qtbindings- `method_missing'
from /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/qtbindings- `exec'
from qutub-player.rb:17:in `<main>'

Sinatra can't convert Symbol into Integer when making MongoDB query

This is a sort of followup to my other MongoDB question about the torrent indexer.
I'm making an open source torrent indexer (like a mini TPB, in essence), and offer both SQLite and MongoDB for backend, currently.
However, I'm having trouble with the MongoDB part of it. In Sinatra, I get when trying to upload a torrent, or search for one.
In uploading, one needs to tag the torrent — and it fails here. The code for adding tags is as follows:
def add_tag(tag)
if $sqlite
unless tag_exists? tag
$db.execute("insert into #{$tag_table} values ( ? )", tag)
id = $db.execute("select oid from #{$tag_table} where tag = ?", tag)
return id[0]
elsif $mongo
unless tag_exists? tag
$tag.insert({:tag => tag})
return $tag.find({:tag => tag})[:_id] #this is the line it presumably crashes on
It reaches line 105 (noted above), and then fails. What's going on? Also, as an FYI this might turn into a few other questions as solutions come in.
So instead of returning the tag result with [:_id], I changed the block inside the elsif to:
id = $tag.find({:tag => tag})
puts id.inspect
return id
and still get an error. You can see a demo at and the source at
Given that you are doing an insert(), the easiest way to get the id is:
id = $tag.insert({:tag => tag})
id will be a BSON::ObjectId, so you can use appropriate methods depending on the return value you want:
return id # BSON::ObjectId('5017cace1d5710170b000001')
return id.to_s # "5017cace1d5710170b000001"
In your original question you are trying to use the Collection.find() method. This returns a Mongo::Cursor, but you are trying to reference the cursor as a document. You need to iterate over the cursor using each or next, eg:
cursor = $tag.find_one({:tag => tag})
If you want a single document, you should be using Collection.find_one().
For example, you can find and return the _id using:
return $tag.find_one({:tag => tag})['_id']
I think the problem here is [:_id]. I dont know much about Mongo but `$tag.find({:tag => tag}) is probably retutning an array and passing a symbol to the [] array operator is not defined.

DataMapper first_or_create doesn't work... any ideas why?

Well, I've finally decided that I'm not crazy. So, that leaves DataMapper.
Here's what I'm doing. I have a model Msrun which has 1 Metric.
tmp = Msrun.first_or_create # I'll skip the boring details
tmp.metric = Metric.first_or_create( {msrun_id:}, {metric_input_file: #metricsfile} )
p tmp.metric # => #<Metric #metric_input_file=nil #msrun_id=1>
tmp.metric.metric_input_file = #metricsfile
p tmp.metric # => #<Metric #metric_input_file=#<Pathname:/home/ryanmt/Dropbox/coding/rails/metrics_site/spec/tfiles/single_metric.txt> #msrun_id=1>
So, why doesn't this work? I'm reading and doing what it shows working. This has been terribly arduous. Thanks for any help.
I still can't figure out what is going on, but to prove I'm not insane...
puts Metric.all # => []
tmp.metric = Metric.first_or_create( {msrun_id:}, {metric_input_file: #metricsfile} )
puts Metric.all # => [] #??????????????
tmp.metric.metric_input_file = #metricsfile
p tmp.metric # => #<Metric #metric_input_file=#<Pathname:/home/ryanmt/Dropbox/coding/rails/metrics_site/spec/tfiles/single_metric.txt> #msrun_id=1>
puts Metric.all # => [#<Metric #metric_input_file=#<Pathname:/home/ryanmt/Dropbox/coding/rails/metrics_site/spec/tfiles/single_metric.txt> #msrun_id=1>]
So, not only is first_or_create not delivering on the behavior I expect by reading the source
def first_or_create(conditions = {}, attributes = {})
first(conditions) || create(conditions.merge(attributes))
but it is also not even creating.
I'm probably missing something here (more of those boring details might help) but if the metric exists, it's metric_input_file shouldn't be updated, i.e., it's only set when new. If you're after updating then you can do
.first_or_create(msrun_id: #metricsfile)
Or if not hitting the database twice is relevant, then
m = Metric.first_or_new(msrun_id:
But if it's not being set on new models, I don't see what would cause that from the code posted so far, more..?
Based on your new code, I'd say this is "a classic case" of a false DM save. I usually add the following line to an initialization section, e.g., application.rb in Rails.
DataMapper::Model.raise_on_save_failure = true
Unfortunately, the exception raised never tells you why (there's a special place in hell for that choice, right next to people who talk in theaters.) But it's typically one of:
a slightly incorrect association definition
a has/belongs_to that isn't "required: false" and isn't set
putting the wrong datatype into a field, e.g., a string into a decimal
a validation failing
If you want to post your model definitions, the problem may be spottable there.
In addition to the answer above, I've seen this call die (like, literally halt all execution) with no error when I was doing a find_or_create that would have created an object that violated the primary key constraint. This is because the datamapper model was not in sync with the actual database schema.

ruby-aaws Get specific Album

I am trying to get a specific music cd from Amazon using ruby-aaws.
il = 'Music', { 'Artist' => artist_title,
'Title' => album_name } )
rg = 'Large' )
resp = il, rg, 5)
But this fails. It only seems to work when I search for artist or title, not both at the same time. What am I making wrong? If I construct the url by hand, it works prefectly, but I really don't want to parse the xml manually myself.
I've had a bit of a look at the code of ruby-aaws. It looks like you should be able to set $DEBUG to true before calling any of the ruby-aaws methods/classes and see what URLs are being requested. If there are any discrepancies between your handcrafted URL and the one being generated by ruby-aaws, this might give you some clues.
I just tried this use-case with the latest version of ruby-aaws and it works just fine.
I used the following for the ItemSearch (with the same code you posted initially):
il = 'Music', { 'Artist'=>'The Smiths', 'Title'=>'Hatful' })
and got good results back as I would expect. Please try again and see if perhaps the latest ruby-aaws has ironed out a wrinkle which was stopping you.
