Cannot see files uploaded to Windows box running Apache - windows

I have Apache set up on our development server (Windows 7 Home Premium). I am creating a CMS site and using TinyMCE to allow for the insertion of images. This all works fine, but I cannot access the images uploaded. I can see and edit them if I view them on the actual Windows box, but cannot view them over the network.
Any help with this would be appreciated.


XAMMP on Linux working but ajax isn't loading page 2022

So, I have Xammp running and on my Windows it all works as expected. I just installed it and have it running on an hp running Mint Linux.
The issue, is that the exact same structure on my windows machine works completely but on the Linux machine, when I click a link within an html file, it's supposed to open a modal window and load a different html file. The modal opens but the html doesn't load.
When I open the specific html that is being loaded, it loads fine on its own.
Everything is in the htdocs directory and all permissions are correct.
Anything else I don't know or am not thinking about? Again, it's a one-to-one set up as on Windows and the localhost/.. runs fine.

Caching not working in Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 7)

I have a Windows 7 machine with IE11. For some reason the caching feature does not seem to be working. e.g. when I refresh pages I noticed that the js, css and other files are not being cached. In Internet Options - General - Settings, the 'Check for newer versions of stored pages' is set to 'Automatically'.
If I access the same (or any other application) on a Windows 10 machine with IE11 the caching works.
Any idea why caching is not working in IE11 on Windows 7?
I try to make a test with Windows 7 and IE 11.
I clear the temporary data first and then try to visit several sites in IE 11.
Open the folder which stores temporary data. You can see new files.
If that folder was already opened then refresh it.
It will show you a new files.
Try to make a test on your side and let us know about your testing result.

Amfphp BackOffice Reports Flash Player is Needed When Installed

I have created a second website on a Windows 2008 server and added the Amfphp 2.2.1 folder. I can view the BackOffice page in the local browser but when I go to the ServiceBrowser page it reports that Flash Player is needed. I have installed Flash Player and viewed Flash content to prove to myself it is working. Can anyone explain how to solve this please?

How to access my dev laptop mvc site from my ipod touch on same wireless network?

I'm running vista business with IIS 7. Here is what I want to do and can't figure it out. Have tried all kinds of permutations, but I'm missing something and could really use the help.
I'm on a home wireless network. My laptop, which is my dev machine has an IP of I'm writing a mobile site using MVC beta 4 (but should be same configuration as MVC 3) and have an ipod touch 4g which from a mobile site standpoint is identical to an iphone 4.
What I want to do is be able to navigate to the site from my ipod touch thats running on my dev laptop. When I navigate to the aforementioned IP address, I get the IIS 7 home page. So that's the good news. I can get to it from the ipod. (both are on the same wireless network) However, I don't want the default IIS site. I want to see my mobile site. However, I don't want it as a virtual site. (I don't want I want to navigate to and have it go right to my mobile site rather than the default IIS 7 site.
Here's what I have done:
Created a new website under IIS 7 with port 80. I intend to use host headers.
Added a host header and also added to the hosts file
On my dev laptop, I can navigate directly to and it works fine. However, when I use the ipod touch and navigate to I still get the default IIS 7 site.
How can I configure my dev laptop so that from my ipod touch I can navigate to and it displays the home page of my site? Is this possible?
Thank you kindly in advance for your help.
Perhaps I'm being foolish and not fully understanding your question properly, but why don't you just move your web application outside of your folder and put it in the root directory? Isn't that what you're trying to do?

IIS7 shows welcome screen in Firefox, Internet Explorer works correctly

Has anyone encountered the following problem: I have IIS7 running on my computer. On that same computer, I open IE7 and the website works (http://localhost/ Put that same url in Firefox 3 and I get the welcome screen of IIS7, a big image with IIS7 in the middle and 'Welcome' in several different languages. Clicking on the image leads you to
One browser accesses your server via, and another via your external IP.
Make sure virtualhost works with all network interfaces.
Perhaps your browsers have different locals set , only guessing as I have not used IIS7
Strange. That happened to me this morning (April 9, 2009), but the other way around. I was trying to get to IE7 brought me to that IIS7 Welcome screen and Firefox brought me to the correct site. Happened 3 times before it corrected itself.
I do not have IIS anywhere on my network and my default home page is Google, which came up without a problem. The redirection occurred when I typed the new URL. I wonder if Dell is using IIS7...
