Attach keyboard events to html5 canvas - html5-canvas

It looks like mouse events will add listeners to canvas elements fine, but keyboard events don't seem to be working for canvas elements.
Chrome 14.0
FF 5.0.1
I know I can use the document level listeners, but I'm trying to get the Canvas element first (so that your keyboard works everywhere else on the page).
Any ideas on how to get key event listening working on canvas elements?

I don't think you can add keyboard event listener directly to the canvas. If you don't want to register event handler on window level then I think you can wrap the canvas inside a div and register keyboard events on the div.
<div id="canvasWrapper" style="border:1px solid; width:600px; height:400px;">
<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="400" >
Could not create Canvas!
keys[e.keyCode] = true;
alert("key pressed!");
Another interesting way is to use tabIndex on the canvas tag and bind keypress on the canvas. I have updated the code at jsfiddle, pasting here too for future references.
<canvas id="my-canvas" tabindex="1"></canvas>
keydown: function(e) {
var key = e.keyCode;
var elem=document.getElementById("my-canvas");
var context=elem.getContext("2d");
context.font = "bold 20px sans-serif";
context.fillText("key pressed " + key, 10,29);
focusin: function(e) {
focusout: function(e) {


Unable to configure the kendo editor applied on a div element without a toolbar

I applied kendo editor on a div element rather using textarea as it's giving some issues in iPad. Now, I don't want the editor to have toolbar to format text.
I tried applying styles as none & set tools to an empty array but still the toolbar appears with a draggable button in it.
<div id="targetdiv" contenteditable="true" style = "resize: none;width:
!important; height:150px; max-height:150px;max-width: 100% !important;">
tools: []});
The toolbar appears though the editor it initialized with no tools, as in image below.
Approach 1: (Not working)
Approach 2: (Not working)
Approach 3: (partially works)
Added a select event but still the toolbar appears for an instant and then disappears.
tools: [],
//Fires when the Editor selection has changed.
select: function (e) {
let editor = $("#targetdiv").data("kendoEditor");
If you don't want to show the toolbar define an empty tools in the KendoUI editor initialization:
// Empty tools so do not display toolbar
tools: [ ]
If you want to disable the edition, you should use:
you can try this one as well
{display:none !important;}
I have to subscribe for the open event of the editor toolbar and prevent its execution. This resolved my issue.
let editor = $("#targetdiv").getKendoEditor();
editor.toolbar.window.bind("open", function (e) {

Embedded GWT Widget not responding to Mouse Events

I have a GWT widget that I want to embed in a non-GWT application. I am using get-exporter to expose my API and I have the widget appearing in a simple HTML page (which includes my nocache.js) and drawing itself. What it does not do is respond to mouse clicks.
I attach the widget to a div like this (objects are exposed using get-exporter):
controller = new GraphController(MakeGraphConfig.makeGraphConfig());
var element = controller.getGraphPanelElement() ;
The element 'graph' is a simple div and a direct child of the body element.
<div width="500" height="500" id="graphPaneId" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 11px; "></div>
The widget draws and does not respond to mouse events. What am I missing here?
My solution was to pass the elementId into the controller:
controller = new GraphController("graphPanelId",MakeGraphConfig.makeGraphConfig());
and use :

Using a CSS image sprite for hover effect without the scrolling animation

I'm using a sprite image to change the background on hover and click (the .keepImage class is for the click). It all works, but when the background picture changes it scrolls over to the correct position. Is there a way to do it without the scrolling motion?
$("a.doing").click(function() {
a.doing {
width: 229px;
height: 202px;
margin-right: 8px;
background: url(http://localhost:8000/img/manifesto/spr_doing.png) 0 0;
a.doing:hover, a.doing.keepImage {
background: url(http://localhost:8000/img/manifesto/spr_doing.png) -229px 0;
I think, somewhere in your css you have the transition property specified. Usually when you have a transition property specified like this: "transition: all 500ms ease;", the background position will change with a scrolling effect. If you want to prevent this scrolling from happening, then you can either remove the transition property completely, or you can use transition only for the properties you want to animate like - border, color etc.. but not background. If you can somehow provide a link to your page, or give the html mark up and css, it will help. Thanks.

jQuery Waypoints with different actions

I'm currently using jQuery Waypoints to highlight nav items as you scroll through sections of the page. All of that works fine; thanks to copying the code from the demo at
My demo is:
However, I also want to create a waypoint at the #footer div which would trigger an event to change the color of all of the nav links.
$('#footer').bind('waypoint.reached', function(event, direction) {
$('.nav ul a').addClass('white');
This doesn't work, as there's nothing telling it to change back once it exits the #footer div. I'm not very experienced in writing jQuery or using this plug-in for that matter. What do I need to add to make this work? Is the fact that there are two levels of waypoints also causing problems?
well, looking closer at the "sticky elements" demo, I was able to modify the example of the disappearing '.top' button to make this work for my own needs described above:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.container .nav ul a').addClass('black');
$.waypoints.settings.scrollThrottle = 30;
$('#footer').waypoint(function(event, direction) {
$('.container .nav ul a').toggleClass('black', direction === "up");
}, {
offset: '50%'
The key was to add the .black class below the .white class in my css so that it overrides the color parameter properly.

How to find some certain event handlers with jQuery?

As many browsers do not show tooltips on disabled form elements (as Opera does), I decided to emulate disabled button with jQuery.
When disabling I just set control's class to disabled and for buttons/submit controls I add an event handler click(function(){return false;})
and I can unbind it later when reenabling the control.
Now the problem is - I need to remove all attached event handlers (click, enter key) from the disabled control, except 'mouseenter' and 'mouseleave' because I am using a custom jQuery based tooltip which needs those events.
And after re enabling the button, I need to restore all handlers back.
I know that I can store the attached event handlers in $.data() but I have no idea, how to gather all the event handlers except 'mouseenter' and 'mouseleave'.
Can you help me?
try this:
$(function() {
//Lets attach 2 event handlers to the div
$("#el").click(function(){ alert("click"); });
$("#el").mouseover(function(){ alert("mouseover"); });
//We iterate on the div node and find the events attached to it
$.each($("#el").data("events"), function(i, event) {
$.each(event, function(j, h) {
//DO your unbind here if its not a mouse-enter or a mouseleave
function output(text) {
$("#output").html(function(i, h) {
return h + text + "<br />";
<div id="el" style="width: 200px; height: 200px; border: solid 1px red;">Test</div>
<span id="output"></output>
unbind -
I wouldn't go to all that work.
Since you have a .disabled class on the disabled elements, I'd just use that as a flag to disabled/enable the functionality by testing for that class in an if() statement, and returning false if the element has the disabled class.
So using the click handler you gave, instead of:
$('someElement').click(function(){return false;});
I'd do this:
$('someElement').click(function() {
if( $(this).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) {
return false;
} else {
// run your code
Now when you remove the .disabled class, the input will work again. No unbind/bind or tracing using .data(). Much simpler.
