Mixed currency products in Magento - magento

I'm evaluating if Magento will be suited to a particular client. They have an unusual requirement where their products may have two price components, one in AUD and one in reward points. There are three combinations of prices: all AUD, all reward points and a fixed mix of both.
I was wondering if Magento supports such a scenario? That is, can it have products flowing through to the shopping cart which have multiple currencies?
My research indicates you can have different currency prices per store for a product in Magento, but you can only have a single price per product within the same store. Also, that the shopping cart only supports a single currency (though you can switch between currencies), so I'm guessing I couldn't add two products, one from each store to the same cart. Are these true?
If my research is correct, I may need to resort to some sort of custom field against the products. If I do that, am I going to have to toss the standard Magento shopping cart out and roll my own?

Actually this might simpler than you think. If you want reward points as currency you can use:
SweetTooth Reward points http://www.sweettoothrewards.com/learn/
It already does what you need, and I have used it in the past several times. The company is very professional and the extension is A++


How to handle price dynamic

We have requirement to handle price dynamic (referring external system).
We would like to know, what is the best way to handle dynamic pricing among below :
Approach 1 :
Creating Price factory extension and overriding getBasePrice() method of customPricefactoryManager. Please confirm if it uses jalo layer.
Approach 2 :
In DefaultSLFindPriceStrategy we can customize getBasePrice() method.
If any other way too, please lets know.
We would like to know which approach can help to handle prices in addtocart operation, checkout and product page details pricing.
It is not good getting price in another system with integration online. ERP system used by few sales people but ecommerce site can be used by hundred customer in same time. ERP cannot be handle huge amount of connections. I prefer pushing price from ERP not pulling them from hybris side. On the other hand customer will be hate changing price while surfing between hybris pages. You need to plan correct time for updating price and re-calculating existing carts.
It is highly unlikely that you would need to override the above classes to get dynamic prices.
Hybris already provides OTB functionality to get prices for different-
User groups
Time range
If you are trying to get different prices based on above criterions then you can simply use the OTB price row model.Getting dynamic prices on different pages has many caveats-
The price on different pages i.e. Homepage, PDP, Cart, Checkout,
etc. might show different values confusing the customer.
It cannot
be indexed so the PLP page will almost always show a different price

Expresso Store - Exclude Product from Order Quantity

I'm using Expresso-Store to process product orders for a non-profit. In addition to selling a range of handmade products we are offering visitors an option to donate.
I have most of the donation stuff working just fine. I used Justin Long's advice posted here: http://iamjustinlong.com/blog/single/accepting_donations_with_expresso_store/
As suggested I have created a channel for all the products and then a separate channel which holds a single "Donation" product with a cost of $1.00. The visitor adjusts the quantity of this item which results in a donation amount of $1.00 * qty.
The specific problem I'm running into is displaying the total quantity of items in the cart when there's also a "Donation" product added. Since the donation amount is determined by quantity * $1.00 but in reality it represents a single donation, my {order_qty} is way off since it includes the many multiples of Donation products.
I have a small cart icon that is displaying a number above and next to it with the {order_qty} but I need to exclude the donation product from this calculation. How might I go about this?
This would be fairly difficult to do using the current version. The best I can suggest is not to display the {order_qty} on your checkout page (most sites only display the total anyway).
However, in saying that, the next version of Store has first-class donations support, so it will soon be possible.

Programmatically apply a discount price in product list

I would like to programmatically display a discounted price on the product list/page so that each customer as a personal price shown based on a customer attribute (like gender for instance, and of course let it be assigned as new price for the user session) but I can't see a viable option via the magento catalog price rules involving customer attributes other than the assigned group.
I'm using the group to do different kind of discounts and categorization of the customers, so the path of "split the customers on the gender" (or similar) is not an option unfortunately, since I can't assign more than 1 group per customer.
At the moment I was thinking about setting up a custom observer to check for calls to the price generation and then let it consider my customer attributes when calculating the price.
Is that possible? if so, any pointers about?
Would you suggest something different?
Thanks a lot to everyone for your time.
As I was thinking before, I solved my issue creating a custom module with an observer looking for catalog_product_get_final_price calls, getting the customer details from the current customer session.
It works great, I just need to let it display the correct price in the catalog product list, but is minimal, as the price seems to be calculated correctly inside the product page and the cart

how to get id of product in shipping method

Is there anyway to get product Id of product in Shipping module, so that for different category I can charge Additional amount.
for eg: i have to two product in carts. One is in phone category and other is in computer category. for shipment I have to add $5 for phone and $25 for computer . so shipment charge should be $30 dollars in frontend. Is there anyway I can get product Id and corresponding product's category Id in Shipping method collect rates method??
Please help me, I am in a deep trouble....I hope Eg that I provided , explains what I need.
Thanks in advance.
You can get the products from quote
and iterating over those items (be aware of grouped and bundled parents and so on) will give you the category(s) they might belong to and you can make your conditions against those
This is only a tenable option if products belong to only one category. Unless something has changed in the last couple of versions, there is no data for quote items that shows the category context from which they were added.
WebShopApps.com has several already-developed solutions for shipping scenarios. Depending on development contract & budget, it may be more cost-effective to use one of their well-tested extensions, e.g. Shipping Override Matrix.

Magento - Add configurable product option surcharge to tier pricing

When I set up configurable products and they have options that include surcharges (i.e. the 2XL costs +$2.00) and I select the option with the surcharge, the price itself updates, however, the tier pricing associated with that product does not. So, this is what my customer sees...
Product is $10, the 2XL is +$2.00. If they buy 10 or more, the product is $6. When they select the 2XL, the price updates from $10 to $12, but the tier pricing tells them they are still getting it for $6 each if ordering 10 or more. When they add 10 to their cart, they get the correct price of $8 (the $6 discounted price plus the $2 surcharge) but this is just a bad experience - they think they are getting a deal they were never intended to receive.
How can I add to it so that when the option with the surcharge is selected not only is the price updated, but so is the tier price that displays?
I would suggest looking at an extension called Simple Configurable Products:
It will allow you to make the product price dependent on the simple product that is related to the configurable product. You should be able to set up the tiered pricing on the simple product and have it reflected on the parent.
That extension is not 1.6 compatible out of the box, but the following addresses that issue:
Magento allows tier prices for products and prices for individual options. However, tier prices for individual options are not supported. Still there are three ways of realizing tier prices for custom options. The last option is the best, from my point of view:
1. Displaying the surcharges on basket price rules:
It is the most elegant option if the products are imported with an import interface from an erp-system. In this case you can generate basket price rules, during or at the end of the import, which deliver discounts on each position. However, there is a major drawback: The discounts on the products are shown as one sum in the checkout. Therefore this option will only be useful in rare cases.
2. Better Configurable Products:
For each variant of the product an additional simple product is added. Better Configurable Product makes sure that the tier price is taken from the simple product. However, with many products and many variants, it will quickly become confusing. All these simple products must be assigned to a configurable product. Furthermore, all products have their own stock. Additionally both of the extensions use numerous rewrites that change the very core of the Magento system.
3. Generating additional individual options with prices:
An individual option only allows one surcharge, when 5 are needed - one for each tier price. So you add 5 individual options with different prices. The advantages of using this solution are moderate changes to the system while displaying the prices for the products in a reasonable way. The solution works with two observers – and additional rewrites of blocks for better visual appearance. Once passed the checkout, Magento just works with standard custom options. Therefore, it is very unlikely to experience problems in the later steps – e.g. invoice, shipment, credit memo and export to an erp-system. The disadvantages are additional options in the backend that are somewhat disturbing when maintaining the products by hand.
There is also a module as a sample for your own development. It requires entering of tier prices and individual options, in the backend. Finally, the prices of the individual options for each tier price are entered in the newly generated options. You can request a copy at http://www.code4business.de/kontakt-impressum/ free of charge.
For more information about tier prices in Magento with custom options or about the use of the module just have a look at http://www.code4business.de/tier-prices-for-magento-custom-options-en/
