How to debug Windows Service Applications? - visual-studio-2010

I'm creating a Windows Service Application in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate SP1.
I was following 'How to' from MSDN:
I have encountered two problems:
I cannot start a service via Server Explorer - my service is listed there, but in the context menu I have only two options available: Refresh and Properties. There is no "Start" though MSDN documentation says that there should be that option.
Fortunately, I can avoid this hassle by using Services Control Manager.
The next step is: "In Visual Studio, choose Processes from the Debug menu".
That option doesn't exist in Debug menu. I have only "Attach to Process", but services aren't listed there.
Does somebody know what is wrong and how I am supposed to debug my application?
Thank you in advance.

As a thought: I have built a lot of Windows services and for one of many reasons, I do not create the core code in the service itself. The service is essentially the "operational layer", if you will. Creating the core code in a dll permits debugging and testing of that particular code. You can create a console or desktop app that will run the core code which can be used during development and testing phases.
Personally, I created a service runner application which captures logging in conjunction with the start and stop functionality. My OnStart and OnStop code blocks are literally identical to that of the service.
Next, when you test the service, you should be able to start the service (e.g. myService.exe) and attach to process. However, another note is that you should pause/wait the service thread (for say 30 seconds) with a debug build so you have time to attach to the process and you don't miss your initialization code. Just remember, you have to install your service then start via the Windows service manager.
Here is some code you that might point you in the direction that I use. In the service program.cs file I use the below; then in the Service OnStart() method you call your dll and run. Also, you can stop your service, replace the dll with an updated version then restart. With C# you can replace the service exe as well, but these are only C# characteristics: in C++ you cannot.
static class Program
public const string SERVICE_NAME = "myService";
public const string SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME = "My Service";
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
foreach (string arg in args)
switch (arg.ToLower())
case "-install":
case "-remove":
ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;
ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[]
new Service()
private static void ManageService(bool bInstall)
string parms;
if (bInstall == true)
parms = string.Format("Create {0} type= own start= demand binPath= \"{1}\" DisplayName= \"{2}\"", SERVICE_NAME,
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME);
else // remove
parms = string.Format("Delete {0}", SERVICE_NAME);
string output = string.Empty;
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("sc.exe", parms);
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
proc.StartInfo = startInfo;
output = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
if (proc.HasExited == true)
// NOTE: The project type has been changed from Windows Service to Console Application
// so that Console.WriteLine will output to the console
Console.WriteLine("Timed out waiting to install service");
catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to locate sc.exe");

//From the main function a method from service class can be called like below code
//DebugApp method can be called from main and so the service can be debug:
//Service class
public partial class CServices : ServiceBase
public CServices()
**public void DebugApp()
OnStart(new string[]{});
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
protected override void OnStop()
//Calling from main:
static void Main()
Services1.CServices uc = new CServices();


TopShelf ConsoleHost exit on end

I have a TopShelf based console/windows service app. I am using this as part of an automation script (in OctopusDeploy), by running the console app. However, the console app does not exit unless I press Ctrl-C. Is there a way to disable this final key press check?
Code :
class Program
public static void Main()
HostFactory.Run(x =>
x.Service<BatchJobService>(s =>
s.ConstructUsing(name => new BatchJobService());
s.WhenStarted((svc, hostControl) => svc.Start(hostControl));
s.WhenStopped((svc, hostControl) => svc.Stop(hostControl));
public class BatchJobService : ServiceControl
private IDisposable host;
public bool Start(HostControl hostControl)
if (hostControl is ConsoleRunHost)
**// Code for console app....
return true; // Upon exit, program does not terminate**
// Start code for service...
return true;
public bool Stop(HostControl hostControl)
if (hostControl is ConsoleRunHost)
return true;
// Stop code for service...
return true;
seems that it is not possible
I've checked topshelf source code ConsoleRunHost.cs and there is no way to avoid waiting for the ManualResetEvent:
_log.Debug("Starting up as a console application");
_exit = new ManualResetEvent(false);
_exitCode = TopshelfExitCode.Ok;
Console.Title = _settings.DisplayName;
Console.CancelKeyPress += HandleCancelKeyPress;
if (!_serviceHandle.Start(this))
throw new TopshelfException("The service failed to start (return false).");
started = true;
_log.InfoFormat("The {0} service is now running, press Control+C to exit.", _settings.ServiceName);
It is done by purpose I suppose since Windows service is long-running process and it has no sense to execute the Start method of the service and exit immediately.
However I'm testing how docfx tool is executed in the Azure build pipeline so I've created console that starts docfx and exits so there no long running process but there is a need in the windows service :)

Requesting Android permissions in a class (Xamarin)

I'm trying to request a permission at runtime for my app. I use a service provider to talk between the portable class and Android.
I start by calling this code on button press in the PCL:
using (new Busy(this))
var locationHelper = scope.Resolve<ILocationHelper>();
This calls my Android level service:
public class AndroidLocationHelper : ILocationHelper, ILocationListener
readonly string[] PermissionsLocation =
const int RequestLocationId = 0;
public void GetLocation(SearchViewModel viewModel)
const string permission = Manifest.Permission.AccessCoarseLocation;
if (((int)Build.VERSION.SdkInt < 23) || (CheckSelfPermission(permission) == Permission.Granted))
RequestPermissions(PermissionsLocation, RequestLocationId);
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Error while getting Location service");
Messaging.AlertUser("There was an error with determining your location");
However, I get two errors on CheckSelfPermission and RequestPermissions. These two methods are only available to activities. The code works fine in MainActivity; however, I want to ask for permissions when the user hits a button, not in OnCreate or OnResume, etc.
Thanks for any help.
In your Android project, You can use this and use the Dependency Service to call it in Xamarin.Forms PCL project later:
var thisActivity = Forms.Context as Activity;
ActivityCompat.RequestPermissions(thisActivity, new string[] {
Manifest.Permission.AccessFineLocation }, 1);
new String[] { Manifest.Permission.AccessFineLocation },
You can try with ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission, passing the application context, like this:
ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(Android.App.Application.Context, permission)
In case of ActivityCompat.RequestPermissions, which requires an activity reference, you can keep track of the current activity. There is a very handy lib for that, called "CurrentActivityPlugin". You can find at
Rafael came up with a solution but I found another option that is a lot less effort just using MessagingCenter. In the MainActivity's OnCreate add a receiver that runs all the location code, that way you have access to all of the activities methods (and there are a bunch of tutorials on doing location services in MainActivity). Then add the Send inside of your service (the class).
To expound Rafael Steil's answer, I tried the suggested CurrentActivityPlugin and it worked on me. In my case I am trying to execute a voice call which needs CALL_PHONE permission. Here is the code snippet in your case: I used the ContextCompat & ActivityCompat so that I don't need to check the VERSION.SdkInt
using Plugin.CurrentActivity;
public void GetLocation(SearchViewModel viewModel){
var context = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.AppContext;
var activity = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity;
if (ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(context, Manifest.Permission.AccessCoarseLocation) == (int)Android.Content.PM.Permission.Granted)
//Permission is granted, execute stuff
ActivityCompat.RequestPermissions(activity, new string[] { Manifest.Permission.AccessCoarseLocation }, YOUR_ASSIGNED_REQUEST_CODE);
It's dead simple
public bool CheckPermission()
const string permission = Manifest.Permission.ReceiveSms;
return ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(Forms.Context, permission) == (int) Permission.Granted;

Start then Stop Windows Service very fast, the OnStop method did not call

I am doing a windows service (call it SampleService), every is fine. When I started then stopped service through Windows Service Management Tool (service.msc), it run properly.
But my service will be request Start and Stop by another application. So I will not use Windows Service Management Tool in this case.
This is my service implement.
using System.ServiceProcess;
public partial class SampleService : ServiceBase
public SampleService()
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
// Doing start service logic down here
// Some service logic like create some files.
// Or just leave it empty like a brand new Windows Service.
protected override void OnStop()
// Doing clean service logic down here.
// Some service logic like: delete files.
// Or just leave it empty like a brand new Windows Service.
static readonly object synObject = new object();
public void WriteLog(string message)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
// Write log.
lock (synObject)
using (var wr = new StreamWriter(#"C:\logfile.txt", true))
wr.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + "-" + message);
And this is code logic use to Start and Stop service inside my another application. I can not modify this another application. The bellow source code simulate what happen.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ServiceController sc = new ServiceController("SampleService");
// start service
// doing some logic cost deltaTime or just stand by in deltaTime.
// stop service first time, nothing happen.
// stop service second times, by dump people or apllication.
// It got an exception here: "The service cannot accept control messages at this time".
// But the service did stopped.
The problem is:"When deltaTime is too short (bellow 3000ms with empty OnStart(), OnStop()), Service will stop incorrectly. The output log OnStop will never show up, that mean OnStop method did not called.
My service will doing clean up work in OnStop (like delete some file), but if it not be called, these files still there.
I cannot change logic of another application but I can change SampleService.
I want to ask:
Is this an Windows Service base issue and I cant do anything with it?
What ever it is, can I do clean up some where else?
Thank you!

Host Web Api in self hosted NServiceBus

I'm looking for how to use a self hosted NServiceBus, which starts and hosts Web Api. I can't seem to find any resources on it. Anyone care to point me to a direction or provide some examples?
Here is a sample app that walks though the various things you should know when self hosting NServiceBus
The main code is as follows
class SelfHostService : ServiceBase
IStartableBus bus;
static void Main()
using (var service = new SelfHostService())
// so we can run interactive from Visual Studio or as a service
if (Environment.UserInteractive)
Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress any key to stop program\r\n");
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
bus = Configure.With()
bus.Start(() => Configure.Instance.ForInstallationOn<Windows>().Install());
protected override void OnStop()
if (bus != null)
It also walks you through the various sc.exe commands to install it as a service

Adding profile values for auto-generated user

I'm creating a ASP.NET MVC 3.0 website, and have a couple of different database initializations based on whether the site is intended for development, testing, or production. I'm stuck on the testing initialization, as I'm trying to get a test user created. I can get the user to create just fine, however when I try to add some profile values, I get: System.Web.HttpException: Request is not available in this context. Is there a way to add Profile values in a situation where the request isn't going to be available?
Following code is what is being run:
protected void Application_Start()
if (ApplicationServices.GetInitialCatalog() != "tasktracker")
Database.SetInitializer(new TaskTrackerDropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges());
Database.SetInitializer(new TaskTrackerCreateDatabaseIfNotExists());
using (var db = new TaskTrackerContext())
public class TaskTrackerDropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<TaskTrackerContext>
protected override void Seed(TaskTrackerContext context)
// Set up the membership, roles, and profile systems.
ApplicationServices.InstallServices(SqlFeatures.Membership | SqlFeatures.Profile | SqlFeatures.RoleManager);
// Create the default accounts and roles.
if (ApplicationServices.GetInitialCatalog() == "tasktracker_testing")
if (Membership.GetUser("testuser", false) == null)
Membership.CreateUser("testuser", "password", "");
MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser("testuser", false);
user.IsApproved = true;
var profile = ProfileBase.Create("testuser");
profile.SetPropertyValue("FirstName", "test");
profile.SetPropertyValue("LastName", "user");
profile.SetPropertyValue("TimeZone", "US Mountain Standard Time");
Interesting question. Have you looked at using the new Universal Providers? Dunno if you will run into the same httpcontext issue but may be worth a look:
Did you try to do a call of "Initialize()" :
profile.Initialize(username, true)
after your create action to see if the context should be Initialized.
By using Reflector i saw the ProfileBase of Initialize (see below) creates this kind of context from the settings:
public void Initialize(string username, bool isAuthenticated)
if (username != null)
this._UserName = username.Trim();
this._UserName = username;
SettingsContext context = new SettingsContext();
context.Add("UserName", this._UserName);
context.Add("IsAuthenticated", isAuthenticated);
this._IsAuthenticated = isAuthenticated;
base.Initialize(context, s_Properties, ProfileManager.Providers);
It seems working here, the SettingsContext() seems taking account of my custom properties declared in the web.config.
I come back again because the solution I added with the "Initialize()" function in fact not run really after an other test. So in fact I found a way which runs correctly.
The problem of "request is not available in this context" in application_start in your case could be due to the application mode "Integrated" which is new from II7 instead of the Classic mode.
To see a good explain you ca go on the Mike Volodarsky's blog IIS7 Integrated mode: Request is not available in this context exception in Application_Start .
I copy/paste an extract which could indicate the main reason:
" *This error is due to a design change in the IIS7 Integrated pipeline that makes the request context unavailable in Application_Start event. When using the Classic mode (the only mode when running on previous versions of IIS), the request context used to be available, even though the Application_Start event has always been intended as a global and request-agnostic event in the application lifetime. Despite this, because ASP.NET applications were always started by the first request to the app, it used to be possible to get to the request context through the static HttpContext.Current field.* "
To solve this you can use a workaround that moves your first-request initialization from Application_Start to BeginRequest and performs the request-specific initialization on the first request.
A good example of code is done in his blog :
void Application_BeginRequest(Object source, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)source;
HttpContext context = app.Context;
// Attempt to peform first request initialization
class FirstRequestInitialization
private static bool s_InitializedAlready = false;
private static Object s_lock = new Object();
// Initialize only on the first request
public static void Initialize(HttpContext context)
if (s_InitializedAlready)
lock (s_lock)
if (s_InitializedAlready)
// Perform first-request initialization here
// You can use your create profile code here....
s_InitializedAlready = true;
