Way to make Windows Phone 7 Panorama Items Text gather up? - windows-phone-7

How would I allow panorama items text to gather up like in the picture below? (By the way the image is not mine).
Notice how the Panorama Item titles are like "Contacts Chats" not spaced out like regular Microsoft panorama has it? How would I do that?

I'm pretty sure that is a Pivot Control, which looks similar to a Panorama Control.
There's a good video at Channel 9 on the two controls: Windows Phone Design Days - Pivot and Pano


How to have Pivot.Background appear like Panorama Background

I'm developing a custom UI witch i need it to be a Pivot but i would like to have the stretched through items background just like in the Panorama
Has anyone found a way to achieve that?
Thanks in advance

How to include canvas under panorama page in windows phone?

I have a panorama page with two panorama item and would like to include a canvas inside the second panorama item. So, when I do it, I get a overflow of the first panorama item in my canvas. As it should be made such that it takes around one and half page. So it should be like 2 and a half panorama page with two items a panorama item and a canvas item.
Make sure all the margin values are zero. Sometimes, Expression Blend will add margins to a child control to fit into the ItemTemplate of the panorama control. Remember a Canvas doesnt act like other components, it's contents are mapped to the pixel.
Also, if you are looking to make an item 1.5 page widths, consider changing the panorama item's orientation to horizontal.
Maybe put another canvas under the grid in your second panorama item?

How to know if the element is on the screen?

I have a horizontal ListBox with Images, which are pretty big and take 80% of the screen. User scrolls through this ListBox and images change quickly, and I'd like to highlight the image which is actually on the screen. What is the best way to do it?
Personally, I would use the class proposed by AnthonyWJones in this topic:
Restoring exact scroll position of a listbox in Windows Phone 7
The idea remains the same. You'll just change the vertical listbox to horizontal listbox.
Thus, you can recover the exact position of your listbox.

Animation in blackberry with several Images

I want to display a number of images in the same position so that it looks like animation. these images should come one after other within microsecond at the moment when the screen loads
There is a very good example of what you want to do on the supports forum knowledge base article Display an animatedGif
See the progress animations section of the BlackBerry knowledgebase article "Implement advanced buttons, fields, and managers"
It has a working code sample for slicing up an image of concatenated frames, and displaying each one for a period of time to create a progress animation.

How is/can the WP7 Office Hub panorama header markup be created?

WP7 Office hub panorama header looks like this:
What is it?
one solid image
two images (one for logo, one for "microsoft Office")
all vector elements
The answer interests me only because I know how to achieve this only in the first two cases.
Basically I need to create a TextBlock in PanoramaHeaderTemplate, that would be like this:
<TextBlock Foreground="Black"><Run Text="smallBold" FontWeight="Bold"/><Run Text="Normal"></TextBlock>
So the resulting panorama should have a look:
If I use FontWeight directive in the PanoramaHeaderTemplate - it for some reason has no effect.
If I use PanoramaTitleTemplate, I get the controllable text weight, but I have a panorama header element appear for some reason, that only displays a x:Key element name of the PanoramaItem, that results in an appearance of a header I don't need at all. This happens even if I don't define the panorama header.
So which is the correct way to achieve the look on the Panorama "upper element", whether it is Title or Header, that is shown on the smallBold.Normal figure?
I don't know what Office uses but it's irrelevant because, as a native app, it wasn't created with Silverlight.
You can create the same effect by changing the Panorama.TitleTemplate to contain whatever you want (TextBlocks, images, etc.). You may also have to adjust the defautl Style applied to the template to set a Height and Width for the PanningTitleLayer.
It's an image, straight across the panorama. It's very simple, as the panorama view was set up to display long images to support a better scrolling feel for the user.
So i would look into using images, as it's easier to achieve, what you are trying to do, with images, rather than a background image.
Some useful related questions/articles:
May Help, StackOverflow
UI Concepts For Windows Phone 7
How I made the ‘myChannel9' wp7 app
Capturing Windows Phone 7 Panorama Images
