Load balance/distribution for postgresql - performance

I am coming here after spending considerable time trying to understand how to implement load balancing (distributing database processing load) between postgresql database servers.
I have a postgresql system which attracts about 100s of transactions per second and this is likely to grow. Please do note that my case has so many updates + inserts + selects as well. So any solution for me needs to cater to all insert/update and reads.
I am planning to use plproxy as suggested through db tools from skype at http://www.slideshare.net/adorepump/database-tools-by-skype.
Now I am also hearing that "postgresql streaming replication + hot standby" in postgres 9.0 can be considered
Can someone suggest me if there is any simple (or complex) solution to implement for the above scenario?

If your database is smaller than 100GB then you should first try to maximize what you can from one computer.
You'd need:
a good storage controller with large battery backed cache;
a bunch of fast disks in RAID10;
another bunch of disks in RAID10 for WAL;
more RAM than you have data;
as many fast processor cores as you can.
You'd be able to do several 1000s of tps with this one computer.
If it won't be enough I'd try to add a second hot standby server with streaming replication. You'd use it to run long running read-only report queries, backups etc. so your master server won't have to do these.
Only if it prove not enough then you should try to add more streaming replication hot standby servers to load balance read-only queries. This will be complicated though - because it is asynchronous there's delay between master confirming and stand-by seeing a change. You'd have to deal with it in your client application. Your setup will be a lot more complicated.


Load 600+ million records in Synapse Dedicated Pool with Oracle as Source

I am trying to do a full load a very huge table (600+ million records) which resides in an Oracle On-Prem database. My destination is Azure Synapse Dedicated Pool.
I have already tried following:
Using ADF Copy activity with Source Partitioning, as source table is having 22 partitions
I increased the Copy Parallelism and DIU to a very high level
Still, I am able to fetch only 150 million records in 3 hrs whereas the ask is to complete the full load in around 2 hrs as the source would be freezed to users during that time frame so that Synapse can copy the data
How a full copy of data can be done from Oracle to Synapse in that time frame?
For a change, I tried loading data from Oracle to ADLS Gen 2, but its slow as well
There are a number of factors to consider here. Some ideas:
how fast can the table be read? What indexing / materialized views are in place? Is there any contention at the database level to rule out?
Recommendation: ensure database is set up for fast read on the table you are exporting
as you are on-premises, what is the local network card setup and throughput?
Recommendation: ensure local network setup is as fast as possible
as you are on-premises, you must be using a Self-hosted Integration Runtime (SHIR). What is the spec of this machine? eg 8GB RAM, SSD for spooling etc as per the minimum specification. Where is this located? eg 'near' the datasource (in the same on-premises network) or in the cloud. It is possible to scale out SHIRs by having up to four nodes but you should ensure via the metrics available to you that this is a bottleneck before scaling out.
Recommendation: consider locating the SHIR 'close' to the datasource (ie in the same network)
is the SHIR software version up-to-date? This gets updated occasionally so it's good practice to keep it updated.
Recommendation: keep the SHIR software up-to-date
do you have Express Route or going across the internet? ER would probably be faster
Recommendation: consider Express Route. Alternately consider Data Box for a large one-off export.
you should almost certainly land directly to ADLS Gen 2 or blob storage. Going straight into the database could result in contention there and you are dealing with Synapse concepts such as transaction logging, DWU, resource class and queuing contention among others. View the metrics for the storage in the Azure portal to determine it is under stress. If it is under stress (which I think unlikely), consider multiple storage accounts
Recommendation: load data to ADLS2. Although this might seem like an extra step, it provides a recovery point and avoids contention issues by attempting to do the extract and load all at the same time. I would only load directly to the database if you can prove it goes faster and you definitely don't need the recovery point
what format are you landing in the lake? Converting to parquet is quite compute intensive for example. Landing to the lake does leave an audit trail and give you a position to recover from if things go wrong
Recommendation: use parquet for a compressed format. You may need to optimise the file size.
ultimately the best thing to do would be one big bulk load (say taking the weekend) and then do incremental upserts using a CDC mechanism. This would allow you to meet your 2 hour window.
Recommendation: consider a one-off big bulk load and CDC / incremental loads to stay within the timeline
In summary, it's probably your network but you have a lot of investigation to do first, and then a number of options I've listed above to work through.
wBob provided a good summary of things you good look at to increase your transfer speed. In addition to that, you could try to bulk export your data into chunks of data files, and in-parallel transfer the files to azure datalake or azure blob storage, this way you can maximize your network throughput.
Once the data is on the datalake, you can scale up your Synapse instance and take advantage of fast loads using the COPY command.
I faced the same problem in our organization, and the fastest way to get the data out of SQL Server was using bcp into a fast storage layer.

Redis vs memcached vs Scylla Cache - Which one to choose?

I'm designing an application where I want to cache million data each around 10kb.. I did some analysis and on the fence between using Redis vs memcached vs Scylla as Cache.. Can some experts suggests which might best suits my needs?
Highly performant
High availability
High Throughput
Low pricing?
Full disclosure - I work on the Scylla project.
I think it is a question of latency and HA vs cost. As a RAM-based system, Redis will be the lowest latency. If you need < 1 millisecond response, then Redis or memcached are the choice.
Scylla is a disk-based system. Those values that are in Scylla's RAM will be low latency, but those that need to pull from disk will be slower. So your 99p latency is likely to be slower. How slow? Depends on your disk. NVME can be 99p 3-5 ms. SSD, maybe 5-10 ms. If this is an acceptable latency, then Scylla will be much less expensive, as even NVME is much cheaper than RAM.
As for HA - Redis and memcached are intended as a cache. While there are some features and frameworks that you can use to replicate data around, these are all bolt-ons and increase complexity. Scylla is a distributed system by design. So the replication to allow for multiple layers of HA is built-in (node, rack and DC-availability)
Redis (and to a lesser extend, memcached) are phenomenal caches. But, depending upon your use case, Scylla might be the right choice.
All three options you mentioned are open-source software, so the pricing is the same - zero :-) However, both Scylla and Redis are written and backed by companies (ScyllaDB and RedisLabs, respectively), so if your use case is mission-critical you may choose to pay these companies for enteprise-level support, you can inquire with these companies what are their prices.
The more interesting difference between the three is in the technology.
You described a use case where you have 10 GB of data in the cache. This amount can be easily held in memory, so a completely in-memory database like Memcached or Redis is a natural choice. However, there are still questions you need to ask yourself, which may lead you to a distributed database, such as Scylla depending on your answers:
Would you be using powerful many-core machines? If so, you should probably rule out Memcached - my experience (and others' - see
Can memcached make full use of multi-core?) suggests that it does not scale well with many cores. On an 8-core machine you will not get anywhere close to 8 times the performance of a one-core machine.
Redis is also not really meant for multi-core use - https://redis.io/topics/benchmarks says that Redis "is not designed to benefit from multiple CPU cores. People are supposed to launch several Redis instances to scale out on several cores if needed.". Scylla, on the other hand, thrives on multi-core machines. You should probably test the performance of all three products on your use case before making a decision.
How much of a disaster would be to suddenly lose the entire content of your cache? In some use cases, it just means you would need to query some slightly-slower backend server, so suddenly losing the cache on reboot is acceptable. In such cases, a memory-only cache like Memached or Redis is probably exactly what you need. However, in other cases, there may be a big penalty for starting from scratch with an empty cache - the backend server might be very slow, or maybe the original content is stored on a far-away server with a slow and expensive WAN. In such a case you would want a disk-backed cache, so if the memory cache is lost, you can still refresh it from disk and not from the backend server. Redis has a disk backing option, and in Scylla disk backing is the main way.
You mentioned a working set of 10 GB, which can easily fit memory of a single server. But is it possible this will grow and in a year you'll find yourself needing to cache 100 GB or 1 TB, which no longer fits the memory of a single server? In memcached you'll be out of luck. Redis used to have a "virtual memory" solution for this purpose, but it is deprecated and https://redis.io/topics/virtual-memory now states that Redis is "without considering at least for now the support for databases bigger than RAM". Scylla does handle this issue in two ways. First, your cache would be stored on disk which can be much larger than memory (and whatever amount of memory you have will be used to further speed up that cache, but it doesn't need to fit memory). Second, Scylla is a distributed server. It can distribute a 100 GB working set to 10 different nodes. Redis also has "replication", but it copies the entire data to all nodes - while Scylla can optionally store different subsets of the data on different nodes.
In-memory is actually a bad thing since RAM is expensive and not persistent.
So Scylla will be a better option for K/V or columnar workloads.
Scylla also has a limited Redis api with good results [1], using the CQL
api will result in better results.
[1] https://medium.com/#siddharthc/redis-on-nvme-with-scylladb-5e12afd38dbc

Azure Redis cache latency

I am working on an application having web job and azure function app. Web job generates the redis cache for function app to consume. Cache size is around 10 Mega Bytes. I am using lazy loading and all as per the recommendation. I still find that the overall cache operation is slow. Depending upon the size of the file i am processing, i may end up calling Redis cache upto 100,000 times . Wondering if I need to hold the cache data in a local variabke instead of reading it every time from redis. Has anyone experienced any latency in accessing Redis? Does it makes sense to create a singletone object in c# function app and refresh it based on some timer or other logic?
could you consider this points in your usage this is some good practices of azure redis cashe
Redis works best with smaller values, so consider chopping up bigger data into multiple keys. In this Redis discussion, 100kb is considered "large". Read this article for an example problem that can be caused by large values.
Use Standard or Premium Tier for Production systems. The Basic Tier is a single node system with no data replication and no SLA. Also, use at least a C1 cache. C0 caches are really meant for simple dev/test scenarios since they have a shared CPU core, very little memory, are prone to "noisy neighbor", etc.
Remember that Redis is an In-Memory data store. so that you are aware of scenarios where data loss can occur.
Reuse connections - Creating new connections is expensive and increases latency, so reuse connections as much as possible. If you choose to create new connections, make sure to close the old connections before you release them (even in managed memory languages like .NET or Java).
Locate your cache instance and your application in the same region. Connecting to a cache in a different region can significantly increase latency and reduce reliability. Connecting from outside of Azure is supported, but not recommended especially when using Redis as a cache (as opposed to a key/value store where latency may not be the primary concern).
Redis works best with smaller values, so consider chopping up bigger data into multiple keys.
Configure your maxmemory-reserved setting to improve system responsiveness under memory pressure conditions, especially for write-heavy workloads or if you are storing larger values (100KB or more) in Redis. I would recommend starting with 10% of the size of your cache, then increase if you have write-heavy loads. See some considerations when selecting a value.
Avoid Expensive Commands - Some redis operations, like the "KEYS" command, are VERY expensive and should be avoided.
Configure your client library to use a "connect timeout" of at least 10 to 15 seconds, giving the system time to connect even under higher CPU conditions. If your client or server tend to be under high load, use an even larger value. If you use a large number of connections in a single application, consider adding some type of staggered reconnect logic to prevent a flood of connections hitting the server at the same time.

Balancing Redis queries and in-process memory?

I am a software developer but wannabe architect new to the server scalability world.
In the context of multiple services working with the same data set, aiming to scale for redundancies and load balancing.
The question is: In a idealistic system, should services try to optimize their internal processing to reduce the amount of queries done to the remote server cache for better performance and less bandwidth at the cost of some local memory and code base or is it better to just go all-in and query the remote cache as the single transaction point every time any transaction need processing done on the data?
When I read about Redis and even general database usage online, the later seems to be the common option. Every nodes of the scaled application have no memory and read and write directly to the remote cache on every transactions.
But as a developer, I ask if this isn't a tremendous waste of resources? Whether you are designing at electronic chips level, at inter-thread, inter-process or inter-machine, I do believe it's the responsibility of each sub-system to do whatever it can to optimize its processing without depending on the external world if it can and hence reduce overall operation time.
I mean, if the same data is read over hundreds or time from the same service without changes (write), isn't it just more logical to keep a local cache and wait for notifications of changes (pub/sub) and only read only these changes to update the cache instead reading the bigger portion of data every time a transaction require it? On the other hand, I understand that this method implies that the same data will be duplicated at multiple place (more ram usage) and require some sort of expiration system not to keep the cache from filling up.
I know Redis is built to be fast. But however fast it is, in my opinion there's still a massive difference between reading directly from local memory versus querying an external service, transfer data over network, allocating memory, deserialize into proper objects and garbage collect it when you are finished with it. Anyone have benchmark numbers between in-process dictionaries query versus a Redis query on the localhost? Is it a negligible time in the bigger scheme of things or is it an important factor?
Now, I believe the real answer to my question until now is "it depends on your usage scenario", so let's elaborate:
Some of our services trigger actions on conditions of data change, others periodically crunch data, others periodically read new data from external network source and finally others are responsible to present data to users and let them trigger some actions and bring in new data. So it's a bit more complex than a single web pages deserving service. We already have a cache system codebase in most services, and we have a message broker system to notify data changes and trigger actions. Currently only one service of each type exist (not scaled). They transfer small volatile data over messages and bigger more persistent (changing less often) data over SQL. We are in process of moving pretty much all data to Redis to ease scalability and performances. Now some colleagues are having a heated discussion about whether we should abandon the cache system altogether and use Redis as the common global cache, or keep our notification/refresh system. We were wondering what the external world think about it. Thanks
(damn that's a lot of text)
I would favor utilizing in-process memory as much as possible. Any remote query introduces latency. You can use a hybrid approach and utilize in-process cache for speed (and it is MUCH faster) but put a significantly shorter TTL on it, and then once expired, reach further back to Redis.

read redis when redis mass insertion

I have a server running all day using redis as the data storage. There is one huge data updating (nearly 10 million rows) on a specific time (3 am) every day and a lot of real time but few data (nearly 100 rows) updating at other time.
I choose the redis mass insertion mode to accelerate the data insertion, which costs 30 seconds. But at that time, the redis query performance is really bad. Any ideas to avoid this problem?
If I use redis master-slave mode to separate the read and write, and the master writes as well as the slave reads. But when the batch insertion happens on the master, and there are also a lot of data needed to be synced to slave, and I doubt that it is still the hot spot on the slave redis for querying.
Any suggestion on this kind of senario?
Thank you.
First of all, I'd investigate where the bottleneck is. Is it network I/O? You might want to setup a dedicated route with (virtual) nic's, and even a dedicated internet connection to address that. Is it CPU? You might want to spread out the mass insertion.
If you use simple non-transactional pipelining, it should give redis time to breathe, so clients won't notice the mass insertion.
An alternative could be using client-side connections. Let the client connect to a different slave, which you promote to master temporarily. After the mass insertion is complete, you let the client connect to the 'real' slave again. You might be able to use redis sentinel for this, but with redis pub/sub you can accomplish the same result but with more control. Use a separate small redis instance with redis connection hosts/ports stored in a HSET.
Hope this helps, TW
