shadow message in Wolfram Workbench 2.0 - wolfram-mathematica

I am writing documentation for a package with WB 2.0.
Very often, when I create links or insert cells using the documentation tools palette, I get the following message:
GlobalStyleNames::shdw: Symbol StyleNames appears in multiple contexts {Global,System}; definitions in context Global may shadow or be shadowed by other definitions. >>
This message appears even after I start a new session of Workbench - Mathematica.
Except for this, everything else seems to work fine. The documentation pages seem ok, although I have not yet made a "Build". Links, for ex, work as expected.
Can you explain why I get this message and how to fix it?
Should I expect problems at the Build stage?
The only "hint" I can give (maybe irrelevant) is that the first time I created the symbol pages (automatically from the usage messages), WB got "confused" somehow and included the pages for the Numerical sample package which I downloaded from the Wolfram Workbench web site. I erased these symbol pages and eliminated any link/connection/extension relating to this Numerical package and since then everything seems ok, except for the above message.
I just experimented a little further with this problem and this is exactly what happens:
Start WB 2.0
In package explorer, doubleclick on a .nb file so that MMA is automatically started as default editor (I use the CardDeck.nb file in the CardDeck sample package found on Workbench site)
When in MMA, open the DocumentationTools palette
Click on the sample tutorial page button (or most other buttons for that matter)
Bang! I get the message:
GlobalStyleNames::shdw: Symbol StyleNames appears in multiple contexts {Global,System}; definitions in context Global may shadow or be shadowed by other definitions. >>
in the message window.
So it seems that this problem is not related specifically to my package files, but is somehow linked to the DocumentationTools palette.
Does anybody else have this problem?
Is it a corrupted installation?
Thank you for any help

You could try switching off the automatic source loading for specific notebooks via Properties, Notebook Properties.


Many bugs and errors in 2SXC installation

Many bugs and errors in 2SXC installation
Can someone please give me some help?
This is supposed to be trivially easy.
I have spent 7 hours on this and got nowhere.
In deploying the module on new DNN install :
v. 09.02.01 (533)
Install 2SXC into the DNN - Successful
Deploy Content Module on to empty page: Successful
Click circular icon. Popup appears requiring Auto Configure button to be clicked.
Auto-Configure Content for 2sxc 11
Dialog Text:-
Auto-Configure Content for 2sxc 11? (Yes, I do)
install recommended content package? (Yes, I do)
Popup: Do you want to install these packages? (Yes, I do)
- Default content for 2SXC11
It takes about 10 seconds per package. Don't re-load the page while it is installing.
I click OK
1 second later
Popup: An Error occurred.
An Error Occurred
Spinner rotates ad infinitum
Try the help page: It says:-
"Run Auto-Configure and confirm the "are you sure" question, then wait a few seconds. Once you see the confirmation, everything worked". (Oh, No. It certainly did not!)
Installing default content templates
An error occurred.
Looked up the Wiki
Tried to upload the Content Templates .zip file into a Content Module Admin/App. An Error Occurred on the upload. Instruction says: See below for error. (There was nothing below).
Any advice welcome!
What you describe should be really easy - I agree.
My guess is that something has gone wrong in a way that's hard to spot. Maybe an installation once got interrupted or something like that. It should be easy, so I really suggest one of the following options:
Quickly replay the same scenario with a blank DNN to experience how it should work, and to ensure that your PC isn't doing something funny (for example, the file is downloaded by the DNN server, and if your PCs firewall would prevent the IIS from getting files, this would fail).
If that worked, probably just uninstall 2sxc completely and also uninstall the DB (that doesn't happen automatically, because you may just uninstall and want to keep the data) - use - then try again
Ask a friend to play this through once with you
We just installed 2sxc on our development site, I’m super hopeful about it working - especially its ability to generate a json / json api. But! Today I used the Evoq page settings to delete “Content” instances on a test page - after that the “Add Module” to add a new “Content” instance fails - 2sxc’s javascript fails. Mysterious why just removing then trying to add “Content” instances would break 2sxc.

Lazy load CKEditor 4

Currently finding issue lazy loading CKEditor 4, appreciate any advice. What I tried:
Including ckeditor_basic.js but this already needs a CKEDITOR
Loading ckeditor.js on click but this complains
'Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because
of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience.' as well as
some others errors, fails badly.
Any advice appreciated!
If you would like to insert CKEditor script dynamically you can use technique from this code pen - It is important to wait for ckeditor.js to load before creating editor instance thus using setInterval to check if CKEDITOR object is available seems like a good idea.
In your comments you have written, you don't want editor to load every time you load the page. One of the reasons for that might be the size of ckeditor.js file.
If you think editor.js is too big it is important to answer yourself how much plugins you really need and then create editor accordingly to your needs using the online builder. Please have a look at below samples using dev-tools and notice the difference in ckeditor.js size: Full package has 600KB while Basic Package has only 400KB. If you just need the basic formatting then your ckeditor.js could get even smaller and should not be a problem when loading the page.
If you have created some custom plugins then recommended practice is to get CKEditor source code from Githhub, fork it, make changes/add custom plugins, build your editor. That way you will get minified and obfuscated editor instance which includes your custom plugins and again should not be a problem when loading the page.

API KIT Console in Mule not showing any Output

I tried to look through all the tutorials for RAML and I was pretty excited.
I found most of the online resources available but I could not understand why, when i set up everything and the flows are generated, then i run it locally as a mule application, when i point to localhost:8081/api/console/ i get a huuuuuuuge json response, but not the UI described for example here.
Yes i also faced the same issue with Any Point Studio. It is not at all displaying in the API KIT Console present in Any Point Studio. But to feel good and to see the output i have just tried it with Google Chrome Browser and i got the expected User Interface as i was expecting from API KIT Console. Hope this issue will be fixed from next release onwards.
Here is the URL i used to see it on Browser : http://localhost:8081/remote-vending/api/console/
Here is my output from Google Chrome browser for the API KIT Tutorial
My GUI didn't show in the Anytime studio tab: APIkit Consoles, one way to fix this:
make sure you have started your application
right click for the context menu
select encoding
click auto-select
I have had the same problem and resolved it by removing invalid whitespace. One of the example files I was including had an invalid trailing space.
The way I found out;
Open the Network panel in the Developer Toolbar in your browser
Go to http://localhost:8081/api/console/
Find the response for a request to '/api' with the request header 'Accept:application/raml+yaml'.
This response should contain the fully compiled RAML, where all include files have been included.
Copy this entire content into a new RAML-file in Anypoint Platform API Designer or some other YAML editor with error reporting.
It highlighted the invalid whitespace immediately for me.
It should work Out of the box.
It could be a bug of an earlier version.
Could you check the behaviour in more recent releases?
Changing my default browser from Firefox to Chrome resolved the issue for me.

netbeans form loading issues

Error in loading component: [jDialog]->mainPanel->titleBar
cannot create instance of <qualified classname>
The component cannot be loaded.
Error in loading layout: [JDialog]->mainPanel->[layout]
Failed to initialize layout of this container
Errors occured in loading the form data. It is not recommended to use this form now in editable mode - data that could not be loaded would be lost after saving the form. Please go through the reported errors, try to fix them if possible, and open the form again. If you choose to open the form as View Only you may see which beans are missing.
recently moved a class that was being used in several forms but all the paths in both form and java files were updated to point to the new location. Anyone know what could cause an error like this?
Things I have tried: clean + build, removeing and re-adding all library jar files, making sure the title bar and the old version in SVN were identical except for the package changes. Doing the same comparison with their respective form files.
In the View menu there is an IDE log option that allowed me to see what was happening behind the scenes to cause this error.
custom code for the text of one of the labels was throwing an exception.

Very newbie troubleshooting. Basic p5.js index.html setup on Atom, not generating anything on browser?

literally just got into the world of coding, so if my question seems absolutely insane, I do apologise.
Anywho, was following some tutorials (Daniel Shiffman's how to setup a basic p5.js file on Atom, and generate a green window to test if the code is working. Really basic setup, nothing should've went wrong.
For some reason the text editor wouldn't read my code while I was typing; so then I clicked on the index.html file from the root folder.
Instead of having to show a green window, nothing actually happened. I don't know if this is a software issue, seems like nobody has encountered such a basic problem.
Nothing seems to be wrong here. And it opened a white window when it should've been green
You might have missed a couple of steps in the video:
You can simply (manually) double click index.html from the yayme folder on your Desktop. This should open your default browser with the page. This works for simple sketches but once you start loading assets (images/sounds/data from other sites, etc.) it's best to use a local web server
You can use any http server as Daniel Shiffman's video mentions or the atom-live-server package (notice the install button on that page which will open Atom for you). Once that's installed you can access it via Atom > Packages> atom-live-server
