I have an operator stored in a variable Op and two integers are stored in X and Y. Now, I want to do something like (Z is X Op Y), but this syntax seems not to be correct.
Does anybody know if there is a way to do this in Prolog?
Thanks for your answers
you can do it by building the predicate using the =.. operator.
try it like:
compute(X,Y,Op,Z) :-
Eq=..[Op, X, Y],
Z is Eq.
An operator is really just like any other functor.
You can mimic the effect:
operator(Z,X,plus,Y):-Z is X + Y.
operator(Z,X,times,Y):-Z is X * Y.
I tried this on ideone.com for SWI-Prolog with:
OP=times, operator(Z,3,OP,8).
And I got:
OP = times,
Z = 24.
I know that functions in prolog don't "return" a value and moreover, functions don't exist (?), but instead we have predicates. However, I'm trying to write code to use Newton's method to find roots of a real-valued function. My code looks something like this:
newton(N,X) :-
N > 0,
write(X), nl,
Y is f(X),
Y_prime is f_prime(X),
X_new is X - ((Y)/(Y_prime)),
S is N-1,
By simply writing, for example, 3*(X*X*X)-6*X+3 instead of f(X) and 6*(X*X)-6 instead of f_prime(X) we get a code that works perfectly when calling something like:
newton(10, 2).
However I would like to add some kind of previous statements (or predicates) like:
Y is 3*(X*X*X) - (X*X) + 6.
Y is 6*(X*X) - 2*X.
And use these to somehow assign a value to Y and Y_prime in the main newton predicate. Is there a way to do this?
The same way you do with querying newton(N,X)
newton(N,X) :-
N > 0,
write(X), nl,
f(X, Y), % <--
f_prime(X, Y_prime), % <--
X_new is X - ((Y)/(Y_prime)),
S is N-1,
First of all, this is a homework question, so please just give me a hint!
%Here is a rule that defines sum/3 that returns yes if Z is sum of X and Y
sum(X,Y,Z) :-
Z is X + Y.
%How can I make product/3
product(X,Y,Z) :- % based on sum/3 above?
Also, how can write a query on product such that it returns the answer of X * Y and not that it's merely true?
Consider that in mathematics:
x * 0 = 0
x * y = x + x * (y - 1)
That should help you write your rules.
As for a query, you can use something like this to get a result like this:
?- product(5, 3, Result).
Result = 15 ?
In short, if you have an unbound variable in a query, it tries to find a value for that variable such that the predicate succeeds.
I'm working on some prolog that I'm new to.
I'm looking for an "or" operator
registered(X, Y), Y=ct101, Y=ct102, Y=ct103.
Here's my query. What I want to write is code that will:
"return X, given that Y is equal to value Z OR value Q OR value P"
I'm asking it to return X if Y is equal to all 3 though. What's the or operator here? Is there one?
Just another viewpoint. Performing an "or" in Prolog can also be done with the "disjunct" operator or semi-colon:
registered(X, Y) :-
X = ct101; X = ct102; X = ct103.
For a fuller explanation:
Predicate control in Prolog
you can 'invoke' alternative bindings on Y this way:
...registered(X, Y), (Y=ct101; Y=ct102; Y=ct103).
Note the parenthesis are required to keep the correct execution control flow. The ;/2 it's the general or operator. For your restricted use you could as well choice the more idiomatic
...registered(X, Y), member(Y, [ct101,ct102,ct103]).
that on backtracking binds Y to each member of the list.
edit I understood with a delay your last requirement. If you want that Y match all 3 values the or is inappropriate, use instead
...registered(X, ct101), registered(X, ct102), registered(X, ct103).
or the more compact
...findall(Y, registered(X, Y), L), sort(L, [ct101,ct102,ct103]).
findall/3 build the list in the very same order that registered/2 succeeds. Then I use sort to ensure the matching.
...setof(Y, registered(X, Y), [ct101,ct102,ct103]).
setof/3 also sorts the result list
I am new to prolog and trying out to learn how to program. I want to know how to compute x^y in Prolog both being integers.
I know for a fact that it goes something like this:
% exp(y,x,z) <- z is x**y
Try this:
?- [user].
exp(X,Y,Z) :- Z is round(X**Y).
?- exp(3,4,R).
R = 81
Difference to your solution:
1) The (:-)/2 operator is usually used in Prolog to define rules and not the (->)/2 operator.
2) (* * )/2 yields a float. There are a couple of possibilties to convert a float to
a integer. Besides floor/1 and truncate/1, the round/1 function probably works best
here sind the result of (**)/2 might not be precise.
P.S.: There is a proposal for a native integer power function, it would use the operator
(^)/2. For more information see:
The native power function might yield better results where the above implementation might run into an overflow or imprecise results. Here is an example with different results (SWI Prolog 5.11.33):
?- X is round(123.0**45.0).
X = 11110408185131957010659080963921001637101840276079092263812695592440203675146350059871151325184.
?- X is 123^45.
X = 11110408185131956285910790587176451918559153212268021823629073199866111001242743283966127048043.
I'm trying to let Prolog instantiate a variable to the opposite key of a public/private key pair, if that is even possible.
So I basically have:
Given the nature of Prolog I don't think you could manage something like
inverseOf(X) :-
(keyPair(X,Y), return(Y),!);(keyPair(Y,X),return(Y),!).
Why I want/need this?
I have a rule
init(Init_1, Init_2,Init_3)
and I want to check for something like
Init_3 == inverseOf(Init_2).
Any ideas?
inverseOf(X, Y):- keyPair(X,Y), !.
inverseOf(X, Y):- keyPair(Y,X), !.
and then use
inverseOf(Init_2, Init_3).
With something like this defined:
keypair(pub1, priv1).
keypair(pub2, priv2).
keypair(pub3, priv3).
keymatch(A, B) :- keypair(A, B).
keymatch(A, B) :- keypair(B, A).
You could ask things like:
keymatch(pub1, X).
keymatch(priv2, X).
keymatch(priv3, pub3).
An aside...
Prolog does not have functions; you can't say something like Y = f(X) in Prolog (actually you can, but it doesn't do what you'd expect if you're coming from a C/Java/Python/etc background.
To implement the functionality of Y = f(X) in Prolog, you would do something like this
f(X, Y) :- Y is X + 1.
and invoke it like this
f(3, Y).
Y would evaluate to the value 4.