Directed graph connectivity - algorithm

Given a directed graph G, what is the best way to go about finding a vertex v such that there is a path from v to every other vertex in G?
This algorithm should run in linear time. Is there an existing algorithm that solves this? If not, I'd appreciate some insight into how this can be solved in linear time (I can only think of solutions that would certainly not take linear time).

Make a list L of all vertices.
Choose one; call it V. From V, walk the graph, removing points from the list as you go, and keeping a stack of unvisited edges. When you find a loop (some vertex you visit is not on the list), pop one of the edges from the stack and proceed.
If the stack is empty, and L is not empty, then choose a new vertex from L, call it V, and proceed as before.
When L is finally empty, the V you last chose is an answer.

This can be done in linear time in the number of edges.
Find the strongly connected components.
Condense each of the components into a single node.
Do a topological sort on the condensed graph, The node with the highest rank will have a path to each of the other nodes (if the graph is connected at all).

I think I've got a correct answer.
Get the SCC.
Condense each of the components into a single node.
Check whether every pair of adjacent nodes is reachable.
This is a sufficient and necessary condition.


How to find which vertex has out-degree equal to v-1 in a simple DAG with only adjacency matrix in O(V)?

I have a simple directed graph, with no anti-parallel edges. I need to find an algorithm to determine if this graph contains a vertex with out-deg=|V|-1 and in-deg=0.
The input of this algorithm can only be an adjacency-matrix of this graph. And using this adjacency-matrix, we need to do it in O(|V|).
Thank you for your help.
Since there can be at most one such node, this can be done by iteratively eliminating candidates.
First, put all nodes onto a stack. We will use this stack to keep our candidates.
As long as we have at least two nodes p and q on the stack, check if the edge (p, q) exists. If it exists, then q cannot have in-degree 0 and we can remove it from the stack. If it does not exist, then p cannot have out-degree |V|-1, so we can remove it from the stack. Hence, after each check, we remove exactly one candidate, which allows us to arrive at a single candidate after O(|V|) checks.
Now we only need to check this node for the given in- and out-degree by checking the corresponding row and column in the adjacency matrix, which can also be done in O(|V|).

Find Two vertices with lowest path weight

I am trying to solve this question but got stuck.
Need some help,Thanks.
Given an undirected Connected graph G with non-negative values at edges.
Let A be a subgroup of V(G), where V(G) is the group of vertices in G.
-Find a pair of vertices (a,b) that belongs to A, such that the weight of the shortest path between them in G is minimal, in O((E+V)*log(v)))
I got the idea of using Dijkstra's algorithm in each node which will give me O(V*((E+V)logv))),which is too much.
So thought about connecting the vertices in A somehow,did'nt find any useful way.
Also tried changing the way Dijkstra's algorithm work,But it get's to hard to prove with no improvment in time complexity.
Note that if the optimal pair is (a, b), then from every node u in the optimal path, a and b are the closest two nodes in A.
I believe we should extend Dijkstra's algorithm in the following manners:
Start with all nodes in A, instead of a single source_node.
For each node, don't just remember the shortest_distance and the previous_node, but also the closest_source_node to remember which node in A gave the shortest distance.
Also, for each node, remember the second_shortest_distance, the second_closest_source_node, and previous_for_second_closest_source_node (shorter name suggestions are welcome). Make sure that second_closest_source_node is never the closest_source_node. Also, think carefully about how you update these variables, the optimal path for a node can become part of the second best path for it's neighbour.
Visit the entire graph, don't just stop at the first node whose closest_source and second_closest_source are found.
Once the entire graph is covered, search for the node whose shortest_distance + second_shortest_distance is smallest.

Algorithm to cover all edges given starting node

Working on an algorithm for a game I am developing with a friend and we got stuck. Currently, we have a cyclic undirected graph, and we are trying to find the quickest path from starting node S that covers every edge. We are not looking for a tour and there can be repeated edges.
Any ideas on an algorithm or approximation? I'm sure this problem is NP-hard, but I don't believe it's TSP.
Route Inspection
This is known as the route inspection problem and it does have a polynomial solution.
The basic idea (see the link for more details) is that it is easy to solve for an Eulerian path (where we visit every edge once), but an Eulerian path is only possible for certain graphs.
In particular, a graph has to be connected and have either 0 or 2 vertices of odd degree.
However, it is possible to generalise this for other graphs by adding additional edges in the cheapest way that will produce a graph that does have an Eulerian path. (Note that we have added more edges so we may travel multiple times over edges in the original graph.)
The way of choosing the best way to add additional edges is a maximal matching problem that can be solved in O(n^3).
Concidentally I wrote a simple demo earlier today (link to game) for a planar max-cut problem. The solution to this turns out to be based on exactly the same route inspection problem :)
I just spotted from the comments that in your particular case your graph may be a tree.
If so, then I believe the answer is much simpler as you just need to do a DFS over the tree making sure to visit the shallowest subtree first.
For example, suppose you have a tree with edges S->A and S->A->B. S has two subtrees, and you should visit A first because it is shallower.
The total edges visited will equal the number of edges visited in a full DFS, minus the depth of the last leaf visited, which is why to minimise the total edges you want to maximise the depth of the last leaf, and hence visit the shallowest subtree first.
This is somewhat like the Eulerian Path. The main distinction is that there may be dead-ends and you may be able to modify the algorithm to suit your needs. Pruning dead-ends is one option or you may be able to reduce the graph into a number of connected components.
DFS will work here. However you must have a good evaluation function to prun the branch early. Otherwise you can not solve this problem fast. You can refer to my discussion and implementation in Java here
Detail of my evaluation function
My first try is if the length of the current path plus the distance from U to G is not shorter than the minimum length (stored in minLength variable) we found, we will not visit U next because it can not lead a shorter path.
Actually, the above evaluation function is not efficient because it only works when we already visit most of the cities. We need to compute more precise the minimum length to reach G with all cities visited.
Assume s is the length from S to U, from U to visit G and pass all cities, the length is at least sā€™ = s + āˆ‘ minDistance(K) where K is an unvisited city and different from U; minDistance(K) is the minimum distance from K to an unvisited state. Basically, for each unvisited state, we assume that we can reach that city with the shortest edge. Note that those shortest edges may not compose a valid path. Then, we will not visit U if sā€™ ā‰„ minLength.
With that evaluation function, my program can handle the problem with 20 cities within 1 second. I also add another optimization to improve the performance more. Before running the program, I use greedy algorithm to get a good value for minLength. Specifically, for each city, we will visit the nearest city next. The reason is when we have a smaller minLength, we can prun more.

Worst Case Time Complexity of Depth First Search

I know the answer to this particular question is O(V + E) and for a Graph like a tree, it makes sense because each Vertex is being explored once only.
However let's say there is a cycle in the graph.
For example, let's take up an undirected graph with four vertices A-B-C-D.
A is connected to both B and C, and Both B and C are connected to D. So there are four edges in total. A->B, A->C, B->D, C->D and vice versa.
Let's do DFS(A).
It will explore B first and B's neighbor D and D's neighbor C. After that C will not have any edges so it will come back to D and B and then A.
Then A will traverse its second edge and try to explore C and since it is already explored it will not do anything and DFS will end.
But over here Vertex "C" has been traversed twice, not once. Clearly worst case time complexity can be directly proportional to V.
Any ideas?
If you do not maintain a visited set, that you use to avoid revisitting already visited nodes, DFS is not O(V+E). In fact, it is not complete algorithm - thus it might not even find a path if there is a one, because it will be stuck in an infinite loop.
Note that for infinite graphs, if you are looking for a path from s to t, even with maintaining a visited set, it is not guaranteed to complete, since you might get stuck in an infinite branch.
If you are interested in keeping DFS's advantage of efficient space consumption, while still being complete - you might use iterative deepening DFS, but it will not trivially solve the problem if you are looking to discover the whole graph, and not a path to a specific node.
EDIT: DFS pseudo code with visited set.
for each u such that (v,u) is an edge:
if (u is not in visited):
It is easy to see that you invoke the recursion on a vertex if and only if it is not yet visited, thus the answer is indeed linear in the number of vertices and edges.
You can visit each vertex and edge of the graph a constant number of times and still be O(V+E). An alternative way of looking at it is that the cost is charged to the edge, not to the vertex.

sharir kosaraju algorithm and vertices

Let's say we run sharir kosaraju algorithm on a Directed graph. And we have an arc (u,v) on this graph.
In this algorithm we have two DFS passes.
Now suppose we insert vertex u into the first depth tree T.
Where can v appear? Is it in another tree created earlier or maybe later?
Thanks in advance !
I'm learning for a test... So this is a kind of homework I guess but I really have no clue!
Kosaraju's Algorithm is based on the fact that, Transpose of a Graph has the same number of Strongly Connected Components (SCCs) as the original Graph.
1) You have a graph G and an empty Stack S.
2) While S does not contain all the nodes in G, choose a random vertex u and do DFS on u. When you are done exploring a node v during this DFS, push the node v in S.
Back to your question, if there is an directed edge (u,v), v will be inserted in the stack S surely before u. But, there can be more nodes between insertion of v and insertion of u.
3) You do DFS of Transpose of G, by popping vertices from stack S, till S is empty. This will get you all the SCC's in the Graph G.
The wiki: is pretty instructive. I have implemented the algorithm and it is available here.
The primary thing to understand is that the top elements in the stack in the first step after a pass would be the parents and that in the second step they would be popped out earlier and operate on the transpose where the nodes that were strongly connected in the original graph will remain strongly connected in the transpose.
The whole reason for the first pass is to get the parents to the top of the stack.
