Bourne Shell Script to print out last argument - shell

Im trying to create a bourne shell script that will take 0 or more arugments and print out the last arugment, I am use to writing Java and im so confused by this, slowly starting to learn C.

An alternative to #Michael's solution:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "${#: -1}"
$# is the array with all the parameters.
: is used to split strings normally (you can try this with echo "${USER: -1}" to verify that it prints the last character of your user name), but can also be used for arrays to get the last element.
The curly brackets are needed for the array indexing to work
The quotes are simply good practice, to make the code more flexible in case you want to mix in other variables, or the value needs to be used in a statement which needs an empty string rather than nothing in case of no parameters (for example if [ "${#: -1}" = "--help" ])

lastArg=`echo $# | awk '{print $NF}'`

Here is a short Bash script that will do it:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "${!#}"
This is not a Bourne shell script, though. Args are not read from the keyboard with the read command. Instead they are supplied on the command line when running your script. For example, if you put this text in and run ./ a b c d e it will print:

In bash:
last_arg=`echo $* | rev | cut -d " " -f1 | rev`;
echo $last_arg
Your question mentions C. In C its easier:
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *last_arg = argv[argc - 1];

This should work:
eval lastarg='$'$#
echo last arg is $lastarg
This works with /bin/sh being bash or dash.
I am unable to test it with a "real" /bin/sh, whatever that would be.


Issue understanding a parameter expansion in a bash script

I am trying to understand what a parameter expansion does inside a bash script.
# For my understanding I tried to print the contents of files
echo $files
pkill bb_stream
if [ "x$VERBOSE" != "" ]; then
while [ 1 ]; do cat $files; done | bb_stream $ARGS
When I run ./third_party_bash_script, all it prints is a hyphen - and nothing else. Since it did not make sense to me, I also tried to experiment with it in the terminal
$ set one="1" two="2" three="3"
$ files="${*:--}"
$ echo $files
one="1" two="2" three="3"
$ set four="4"
$ files="${*:--}"
I can't seem to understand what it's doing. Could someone kindly help me with the interpretation of ${*:--} by the sh?
"$#" is an array of the arguments passed to your script, "$*" is a string of all of those arguments concatenated with blanks in between.
"${*:--}" is the string of arguments if any were provided (:-), or - otherwise which means "take input from stdin" otherwise.
"${#:--}" is the array of arguments if any were provided (:-), or - otherwise which means "take input from stdin" otherwise.
$ cat file
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
awk '{ print FILENAME, $0 }' "${#:--}"
When an arg is provided to the script, "$#" contains "file" so that is the arg that awk is called with:
$ ./ file
file foo
file bar
When no arg is provided to the script, "$#" is empty so awk is called with - (meaning read from stdin) as it's arg:
$ cat file | ./
- foo
- bar
You almost always want to use "${#:--}" rather than "${*:--}" in this context, see for more info on "$#" vs "$*".
${param:-default} expands to the value of $param if $param is set and not empty, otherwise it expands to default.
$* is all the command-line arguments to the script.
In ${*:--}, param is * and default is -. If $* is not an empty string, it expands to the script arguments. If it's empty, it expands to the default value -.
This can be used in a script to implement the common behavior that a program reads from the files listed in its arguments, and reads from standard input if no filename arguments are given. Many commands treat an input filename argument - as standing for the standard input.
NOTE: addressing OP's original, pre-edited post ...
See shell parameter expansion for a brief review of different options.
While the other answers reference the use of ${*:--} (and ${#:--}) as a alternate means of reading from stdin, OP's sample script is a bit simpler ... if the variable $* (ie, script's command line args) is empty then replace with the literal string -.
We can see this with a few examples:
$ third_party_bash_script
$ third_party_bash_script a b c
a b c
$ echo 'a b c' | third_party_bash_script
If we replace ${*:--} with ${*:-REPLACEMENT}:
$ third_party_bash_script
$ third_party_bash_script a b c
a b c
$ echo 'a b c' | third_party_bash_script
I'm guessing in OP's actual script there's more going on with the $files variable so in order to know for sure how the ${*:--} is being processed we'd need to see the actual script and how it's referencing the $files variable.
As for OP's set|files=|echo code snippets:
$ set one="1" two="2" three="3"
$ files="${*:--}"
$ echo $files
one=1 two=2 three=3
We can see the same behavior from the script with:
$ third_party_bash_script one="1" two="2" three="3"
one=1 two=2 three=3

How to input a read value when calling a shell script

Let say I have this line in a shell script in unix:
read -n 1
It will prompt the user to get value but is there a way to call the script so it takes the input as argument instead?
Like this for example: "M"
I want to call the script from a build engine so it cannot answer with keyboard input.
To use argument values in shell script you can pass the argument with the script and then refer them using $1, $2, $3 and so on.
You can use Here Strings in bash: <<< "M"
Or use pipeline:
echo "M" |
Here string documentation
Use this with some frequency:
hello() { read -n1 CHAR; echo $CHAR; }
echo world | hello
How about $(read -n 1)

Quoting parameters with spaces for later execution

I have this (test) script:
my_cmd_bad_ ( ) {
my_cmd_good_ ( ) {
my_cmd_bad_ ls -l "file with space"
my_cmd_good_ ls -l "file with space"
The output is (the file does not exist, which is not the point of this question):
» ~/
ls: cannot access file: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access with: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access space: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access file with space: No such file or directory
I am surprised that the first version does not work as expected: the parameter is not quoted, and instead of processing one file, it processes three. Why?
How can I save the command that I want to execute, properly quoted? I need to execute it later, where I do not have "$#" anymore.
A simple rework of this test script would be appreciated.
See similar question: How to pass command line parameters with quotes stored in single variable?
Use those utility functions ho save a command to a string for later execution:
bash_escape() {
# backtick indirection strictly necessary here: we use it to strip the
# trailing newline from sed's output, which Solaris/BSD sed *always* output
# (unlike GNU sed, which outputs "test": printf %s test | sed -e s/dummy//)
out=`echo "$1" | sed -e s/\\'/\\''\\\\'\\'\\'/g`
printf \'%s\' "$out"
append_bash_escape() {
printf "%s " "$1"
bash_escape "$2"
your_cmd_fixed_ ( ) {
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
cmd=`append_bash_escape "$cmd" "$1"` ; shift
You can quote any single parameter and evaluate it later:
my_cmd_bad_ ( ) {
for i in "$#"; do
j=$(( $j + 1 ))
eval ${cmd[*]}
You are combining three space-delimited strings "ls", "-l", and "file with space" into a single space-delimited string cmd. There's no way to know which spaces were originally quoted (in "file with space") and which spaces were introduced during the assignment to cmd.
Typically, it is not a good idea to try to build up command lines into a single string. Use functions, or isolate the actual command and leave the arguments in $#.
Rewrite the command like this:
my_cmd_bad_ () {
cmd=$1; shift
$cmd "$#"
Note that your second version is greatly preferred most of the time. The only exceptions are if you need to do something special. For example, you can't bundle an assignment or redirect or compound command into a parameter list.
The correct way to handle the quoting issue requires non-standard features. Semi-realistic example involving a template:
function myWrapper {
typeset x IFS=$' \t\n'
{ eval "$(</dev/fd/0)"; } <<-EOF
for x in $(printf '%q ' "$#"); do
echo "\$x"
myWrapper 'foo bar' $'baz\nbork'
Make sure you understand exactly what's going on here and that you really have a good reason for doing this. It requires ensuring side-effects can't affect the arguments. This specific example doesn't demonstrate a very good use case because everything is hard-coded so you're able to correctly escape things in advance and expand the arguments quoted if you wanted.

What is the problem with my code for multiplying two numbers in a different way using Bash?

This is my first time using Bash, so bear with me. I'm using Git Bash in Windows for a college project, trying to rewrite some C code that provides an alternate way of multiplying two numbers "a" and "b" to produce "c". This is what I came up with:
declare -i a
declare -i b
declare -i c=0
declare -i i=0 # not sure if i have to initialize this as 0?
echo "Please enter a number: "
read a
echo "Please enter a number: "
read b
for i in {1..b}
let "c += a"
echo "$a x $b = $c"
I think part of the problem is in the for loop, that it only executes once. This is my first time using Bash, and if anyone could find the fault in my knowledge, that would be all I need.
There are problems with your loop:
You can't use {1..b}. Even if you had {1..$b} it wouldn't work because you would need an eval. It's easiest to use the seq command instead.
Your let syntax is incorrect.
Try this:
for i in $(seq 1 $b)
let c+=$a
Also, it's not necessary to declare or initialise i.
for i in {1..b}
won't work, because 'b' isn't interpreted as a variable but a character to iterate to.
For instance {a..c} expands to a b c.
To make the brace expansion work:
for i in $(eval echo "{1..$b}")
The let "c += a" won't work either.
let c+=$a might work, but I like ((c+=a)) better.
Another way is this:
for ((i = 1; i <= b; i++))
((c += a))
(might need to put #!/bin/bash at the top of your script, because sh does less than bash.)
Of course, bash already has multiplication, but I guess you knew that ...
If the absence of "seq" is your issue, you can replace it with something more portable, like
# Print an endless sequence of lines
yes |
# Only take the first $b lines
head -n "$b" |
# Add line number as prefix for each line
nl |
# Read the numbers into i, and the rest of the line into a dummy variable
while read i dummy; do
# Update the value of c: add line number
c=`expr "$c" + "$i"`
echo "$c"
done |
# Read the last number from the while loop
tail -n 1
This should be portable to any Bourne-compatible shell. The while ... echo ... done | tail -n 1 trick is necessary only if the value of c is not exported outside the while loop, as is the case in some, but not all, Bource shells.
You can implement a seq replacement with a Perl one-liner, but then you might as well write all of this in Perl (or awk, or Python, or what have you).

lambda functions in bash

Is there a way to implement/use lambda functions in bash? I'm thinking of something like:
$ someCommand | xargs -L1 (lambda function)
I don't know of a way to do this, however you may be able to accomplish what you're trying to do using:
somecommand | while read -r; do echo "Something with $REPLY"; done
This will also be faster, as you won't be creating a new process for each line of text.
[EDIT 2009-07-09]
I've made two changes:
Incorporated litb's suggestion of using -r to disable backslash processing -- this means that backslashes in the input will be passed through unchanged.
Instead of supplying a variable name (such as X) as a parameter to read, we let read assign to its default variable, REPLY. This has the pleasant side-effect of preserving leading and trailing spaces, which are stripped otherwise (even though internal spaces are preserved).
From my observations, together these changes preserve everything except literal NUL (ASCII 0) characters on each input line.
[EDIT 26/7/2016]
According to commenter Evi1M4chine, setting $IFS to the empty string before running read X (e.g., with the command IFS='' read X) should also preserve spaces at the beginning and end when storing the result into $X, meaning you aren't forced to use $REPLY.
if you want true functions, and not just pipes or while loops (e.g. if you want to pass them around, as if they were data) I’d just not do lambdas, and define dummy functions with a recurring dummy name, to use right away, and throw away afterwards. Like so:
# An example map function, to use in the example below.
map() { local f="$1"; shift; for i in "$#"; do "$f" "$i"; done; }
# Lambda function [λ], passed to the map function.
λ(){ echo "Lambda sees $1"; }; map λ *
Like in proper functional languages, there’s no need to pass parameters, as you can wrap them in a closure:
# Let’s say you have a function with three parameters
# that you want to use as a lambda:
# (As in: Partial function application.)
trio(){ echo "$1 Lambda sees $3 $2"; }
# And there are two values that you want to use to parametrize a
# function that shall be your lambda.
# Then you’d just wrap them in a closure, and be done with it:
λ(){ trio "$pre" "$post" "$#"; }; map λ *
I’d argue that it’s even shorter than all other solutions presented here.
What about this?
somecommand | xargs -d"\n" -I{} echo "the argument is: {}"
(assumes each argument is a line, otherwise change delimiter)
function customFunction() {
eval $1
command='echo Hello World; echo Welcome;'
customFunction "$command"
if you want only xargs (due parallel -P N option for example), and only bash as function code, then bash -c can be used as parameter for xargs.
seq 1 10 | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -n 1 bash -c 'echo any bash code $0'
tr and -0 option are used here to disable any xargs parameters substitutions.
Yes. One can pass around a string variable representing a command call, and then execute the command with eval.
command='echo howdy'
eval "$command"
The eval trick has been already mentioned but here's my extended example of bash closures:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
function multiplyBy() {
cat <<-EOF
echo "$X * \$Y = \$(( $X * \$Y ))"
function callFunc() {
eval "$CODE"
MULT_BY_2=`multiplyBy 2`
MULT_BY_4=`multiplyBy 4`
callFunc "$MULT_BY_2" 10
callFunc "$MULT_BY_4" 10
PS I've just came up with this for a completely different purpose and was just searching google to see if sb is using that. I actually needed to evaluate a reusable function in the context (shell) of main script.
