Forming Dynamic Programming algorithm for a variation of Knapsack Problem - algorithm

I was thinking,
I wanted to do a variation on the Knapsack Problem.
Imagine the original problem, with items with various weights/value.
My version will, along with having the normal weights/values, contain a "group" value.
Item1[5kg, $600, electronic]
Item2[1kg, $50, food]
Now, having a set of items like this, how would I code up the knapsack problem to make sure that a maximum of 1 item from each "group" is selected.
You don't need to choose an item from that group
There are multiple items in each group
You're still minimizing weight, maximizing value
The amount of groups are predefined, along with their values.
I'm just writing a draft of the code out at this stage, and I've chosen to use a dynamic approach. I understand the idea behind the dynamic solution for the regular knapsack problem, how do I alter this solution to incorporate these "groups"?
for (w = 0 to W)
V[0,w] = 0;
for(i = 1 to n)
for(w = 0 to W)
if(w[i] <= w)
V[i,w] = max{V[i-1, w], v[i] + V[i-1, w-w[i]]};
V[i,w] = V[i-1, w];
return V[n,W];
That's what I have so far, need to add it so that it will remove all corresponding items from the group it is in each time it solves this.

just noticed your question trying to find an answer to a question of my own. The problem you've stated is a well-known and well-studied problem called the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem. If you google that you'll find all sorts of information, and I can also recommend this book:, which dedicates a whole chapter to the problem. In the classic formulation of MCKP, you have to choose one item from each group. However, you can easily convert that version of the problem to your version by adding a dummy item to each group with profit and weight = 0, and the same algorithms will work. I would caution you against trying to adapt code for the binary knapsack problem to the MCKP with a few tweaks--this approach is likely to lead you to a solution whose performance degrades unacceptably as the number of items in each group increases.

c[i] : The category of the ith element
V[i,w,S] : Maximum value of the knapsack such that it contains at max one item from each category in S
Recursive Formulation
V[i,w,S] = max(V[i-1,w,S],V[i,w-w[i],S-{c[i]}] + v[i])
Base Case
V[0,w,S] = -`infinity if w!=0 or S != {}`


Dynamic programming from cormen's book

When reading about dynamic programming in "Introduction to algorithms" By cormen, Chapter 15: Dynamic Programming , I came across this statement
When developing a dynamic-programming algorithm, we follow a sequence of
four steps:
Characterize the structure of an optimal solution.
Recursively define the value of an optimal solution.
Compute the value of an optimal solution, typically in a bottom-up fashion.
Construct an optimal solution from computed information.
Steps 1–3 form the basis of a dynamic-programming solution to a problem. If we
need only the value of an optimal solution, and not the solution itself, then we
can omit step 4. When we do perform step 4, we sometimes maintain additional
information during step 3 so that we can easily construct an optimal solution.
I did not understand the difference in step 3 and 4.
computing the value of optimal solution
constructing the optimal solution.
I was expecting to understand this by reading even further, but failed to understand.
Can some one help me understanding this by giving an example ?
Suppose we are using dynamic programming to work out whether there is a subset of [1,3,4,6,10] that sums to 9.
The answer to step 3 is the value, in this case "TRUE".
The answer to step 4 is working out the actual subset that sums to 9, in this case "3+6".
In dynamical programming we most of the time end up with a huge results hash. However initially it only contains the result obtained from the first, smallest, simplest (bottom) case and by using these initial results and calculating on top of them we eventually merge to the target. At this point the last item in the hash most of the time is the target (step 3 completed). Then we will have to process it to get the desired result.
A perfect example could be finding the minimum number of cubes summing up to a target. Target is 500 and we should get [5,5,5,5] or if the target is 432 we must get [6,6].
So we can implement this task in JS as follows;
function getMinimumCubes(tgt){
var maxi = Math.floor(Math.fround(Math.pow(tgt,1/3))),
hash = {0:[[]]},
cube = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= maxi; i++){
cube = i*i*i;
for (var j = 0; j <= tgt - cube; j++){
hash[j+cube] = hash[j+cube] ? hash[j+cube].concat(hash[j].map(e => e.concat(i)))
: hash[j].map(e => e.concat(i));
return hash[tgt].reduce((p,c) => p.length < c.length ? p:c);
var target = 432,
result = [];
result = getMinimumCubes(target);
So in this code, hash = {0:[[]]}, is step 1; the nested for loops which eventually prepare the hash[tgt] are in fact step 3 and the .reduce() functor at the return stage is step 4 since it shapes up the last item of the hash (hash[tgt]) to give us the desired result by filtering out the shortest result among all results that sum up to the target value.
To me the step 2 is somewhat meaningless. Not because of the mention of recursion but also by meaning. Besides I have never used nor seen a recursive approach in dynamical programming. It's best implemented with while or for loops.

Divide a group of people into two disjoint subgroups (of arbitrary size) and find some values

As we know from programming, sometimes a slight change in a problem can
significantly alter the form of its solution.
Firstly, I want to create a simple algorithm for solving
the following problem and classify it using bigtheta
Divide a group of people into two disjoint subgroups
(of arbitrary size) such that the
difference in the total ages of the members of
the two subgroups is as large as possible.
Now I need to change the problem so that the desired
difference is as small as possible and classify
my approach to the problem.
Well,first of all I need to create the initial algorithm.
For that, should I make some kind of sorting in order to separate the teams, and how am I suppose to continue?
EDIT: for the first problem,we have ruled out the possibility of a set being an empty set. So all we have to do is just a linear search to find the min age and then put it in a set B. SetA now has all the other ages except the age of setB, which is the min age. So here is the max difference of the total ages of the two sets, as high as possible
The way you described the first problem, it is trivial in the way that it requires you to find only the minimum element (in case the subgroups should contain at least 1 member), otherwise it is already solved.
The second problem can be solved recursively the pseudo code would be:
// compute sum of all elem of array and store them in sum
min = sum;
globalVec = baseVec;
fun generate(baseVec, generatedVec, position, total)
if (abs(sum - 2*total) < min){ // check if the distribution is better
min = abs(sum - 2*total);
globalVec = generatedVec;
if (position >= baseVec.length()) return;
// either consider elem at position in first group:
generate(baseVec,generatedVec.pushback(baseVec[position]), position + 1, total+baseVec[position]);
// or consider elem at position is second group:
generate(baseVec,generatedVec, position + 1, total);
And now just start the function with generate(baseVec,"",0,0) where "" stand for an empty vector.
The algo can be drastically improved by applying it to a sorted array, hence adding a test condition to stop branching, but the idea stays the same.

Partition a Set into k Disjoint Subset

Give a Set S, partition the set into k disjoint subsets such that the difference of their sums is minimal.
say, S = {1,2,3,4,5} and k = 2, so { {3,4}, {1,2,5} } since their sums {7,8} have minimal difference. For S = {1,2,3}, k = 2 it will be {{1,2},{3}} since difference in sum is 0.
The problem is similar to The Partition Problem from The Algorithm Design Manual. Except Steven Skiena discusses a method to solve it without rearrangement.
I was going to try Simulated Annealing. So i wondering, if there was a better method?
Thanks in advance.
The pseudo-polytime algorithm for a knapsack can be used for k=2. The best we can do is sum(S)/2. Run the knapsack algorithm
for s in S:
for i in 0 to sum(S):
if arr[i] then arr[i+s] = true;
then look at sum(S)/2, followed by sum(S)/2 +/- 1, etc.
For 'k>=3' I believe this is NP-complete, like the 3-partition problem.
The simplest way to do it for k>=3 is just to brute force it, here's one way, not sure if it's the fastest or cleanest.
import copy
arr = [1,2,3,4]
def t(k,accum,index):
print accum,k
if index == len(arr):
return copy.deepcopy(accum);
return [];
element = arr[index];
result = []
for set_i in range(len(accum)):
if k>0:
clone_new = copy.deepcopy(accum);
result.extend( t(k-1,clone_new,index+1) );
for elem_i in range(len(accum[set_i])):
clone_new = copy.deepcopy(accum);
result.extend( t(k,clone_new,index+1) );
return result
print t(3,[[]],0);
Simulated annealing might be good, but since the 'neighbors' of a particular solution aren't really clear, a genetic algorithm might be better suited to this. You'd start out by randomly picking a group of subsets and 'mutate' by moving numbers between subsets.
If the sets are large, I would definitely go for stochastic search. Don't know exactly what spinning_plate means when writing that "the neighborhood is not clearly defined". Of course it is --- you either move one item from one set to another, or swap items from two different sets, and this is a simple neighborhood. I would use both operations in stochastic search (which in practice could be tabu search or simulated annealing.)

Can someone explain one of the algorithms that solves this Google Code Jam problem?

I'm referring to Shopping Plan problem from the Practice Problems. Here is a link to the solutions page.
Without looking at the solutions, this appears to be a standard DP.
Each state is represented by the list of items left to buy (2^15 combinations) and current position of the car (50 stores + 1 original position = 51 possible options).
Transition from one state to others is easy.
def minCost(itemsLeft, currentPosition)
current_minimum = INFINITY
for (each store in the list) {
if (store.containsSomeOf(itemsLeft)) {
candidate = minCost(itemsLeft - store.items, store)
+ cost_of_items_bought_at_store + cost_of_driving
current_minimum = min(current_minimum, candidate)
return current_minimum
Naturally, itemList is represented as a bitmask and not an actual list.
You'll need to consider perishable items also, but that's purely technical.
Finally, you'll need to either apply memoization to recursion or rewrite it as pure DP.

What is a good non-recursive algorithm for deciding whether a passed in amount can be built additively from a set of numbers?

What is a non recursive algorithm for deciding whether a passed in amount can be built additively from a set of numbers.
In my case I'm determining whether a certain currency amount (such as $40) can be met by adding up some combination of a set of bills (such as $5, $10 and $20 bills). That is a simple example, but the algorithm needs to work for any currency set (some currencies use funky bill amounts and some bills may not be available at a given time).
So $50 can be met with a set of ($20 and $30), but cannot be met with a set of ($20 and $40). The non-recursive requirement is due to the target code base being for SQL Server 2000 where the support of recursion is limited.
In addition this is for supporting a multi currency environment where the set of bills available may change (think a foreign currency exchange teller for example).
You have twice stated that the algorithm cannot be recursive, yet that is the natural solution to this problem. One way or another, you will need to perform a search to solve this problem. If recursion is out, you will need to backtrack manually.
Pick the largest currency value below the target value. If it's match, you're done. If not, push the current target value on a stack and subtract from the target value the picked currency value. Keep doing this until you find a match or there are no more currency values left. Then use the stack to backtrack and pick a different value.
Basically, it's the recursive solution inside a loop with a manually managed stack.
If you treat each denomination as a point on a base-n number, where n is the maximum number of notes you would need, then you can increment through that number until you've exhausted the problem space or found a solution.
The maximum number of notes you would need is the Total you require divided by the lowest denomination note.
It's a brute force response to the problem, but it'll definitely work.
Here's some p-code. I'm probably all over the place with my fence posts, and it's so unoptimized to be ridiculous, but it should work. I think the idea's right anyway.
Denominations = [10,20,50,100]
Required = 570
Denominations = sort(Denominations)
iBase = integer (Required / Denominations[1])
BumpList = array [Denominations.count]
iTotal = 0
for iAdd = 1 to Bumplist.size
iTotal = iTotal + bumplist [iAdd] * Denominations[iAdd]
if iTotal = Required then exit true
//this bit should be like a mileometer.
//We add 1 to each wheel, and trip over to the next wheel when it gets to iBase
finished = true
for iPos from bumplist.last to bumplist.first
if bumplist[iPos] = (iBase-1) then bumplist[iPos] = 0
else begin
finished = false
bumplist[iPos] = bumplist[iPos]+1
exit for
until (finished)
exit false
That's a problem that can be solved by an approach known as dynamic programming. The lecture notes I have are too focused on bioinformatics, unfortunately, so you'll have to google for it yourself.
This sounds like the subset sum problem, which is known to be NP-complete.
Good luck with that.
Edit: If you're allowed arbitrary number of bills/coins of some denomination (as opposed to just one), then it's a different problem, and is easier. See the coin problem. I realized this when reading another answer to a (suspiciously) similar question.
I agree with Tyler - what you are describing is a variant of the Subset Sum problem which is known to be NP-Complete. In this case you are a bit lucky as you are working with a limited set of values so you can use dynamic programming techniques here to optimize the problem a bit. In terms of some general ideas for the code:
Since you are dealing with money, there are only so many ways to make change with a given bill and in most cases some bills are used more often than others. So if you store the results you can keep a set of the most common solutions and then just check them before you try and find the actual solution.
Unless the language you are working with doesn't support recursion there is no reason to completely ignore the use of recursion in the solution. While any recursive problem can be solved using iteration, this is a case where recursion is likely going to be easier to write.
Some of the other users such as Kyle and seanyboy point you in the right direction for writing your own function so you should take a look at what they have provided for what you are working on.
You can deal with this problem with Dynamic Programming method as MattW. mentioned.
Given limited number of bills and maximum amount of money, you can try the following solution. The code snippet is in C# but I believe you can port it to other language easily.
// Set of bills
int[] unit = { 40,20,70};
// Max amount of money
int max = 100000;
bool[] bucket = new bool[max];
foreach (int t in unit)
bucket[t] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < bucket.Length; i++)
if (bucket[i])
foreach (int t in unit)
if(i + t < bucket.Length)
bucket[i + t] = true;
// Check if the following amount of money
// can be built additively
Console.WriteLine("15 : " + bucket[15]);
Console.WriteLine("50 : " + bucket[50]);
Console.WriteLine("60 : " + bucket[60]);
Console.WriteLine("110 : " + bucket[110]);
Console.WriteLine("120 : " + bucket[120]);
Console.WriteLine("150 : " + bucket[150]);
Console.WriteLine("151 : " + bucket[151]);
15 : False
50 : False
60 : True
110 : True
120 : True
150 : True
151 : False
There's a difference between no recursion and limited recursion. Don't confuse the two as you will have missed the point of your lesson.
For example, you can safely write a factorial function using recursion in C++ or other low level languages because your results will overflow even your biggest number containers within but a few recursions. So the problem you will face will be that of storing the result before it ever gets to blowing your stack due to recursion.
This said, whatever solution you find - and I haven't even bothered understanding your problem deeply as I see that others have already done that - you will have to study the behaviour of your algorithm and you can determine what is the worst case scenario depth of your stack.
You don't need to avoid recursion altogether if the worst case scenario is supported by your platform.
Edit: The following will work some of the time. Think about why it won't work all the time and how you might change it to cover other cases.
Build it starting with the largest bill towards the smallest. This will yeild the lowest number of bills.
Take the initial amount and apply the largest bill as many times as you can without going over the price.
Step to the next largest bill and apply it the same way.
Keep doing this until you are on your smallest bill.
Then check if the sum equals the target amount.
1. Sort currency denominations available in descending order.
2. Calculate Remainder = Input % denomination[i] i -> n-1, 0
3. If remainder is 0, the input can be broken down, otherwise it cannot be.
Input: 50, Available: 10,20
[50 % 20] = 10, [10 % 10] = 0, Ans: Yes
Input: 50, Available: 15,20
[50 % 20] = 10, [10 % 15] = 15, Ans: No
