Pushing .gitignore files to specific remote - heroku

I made a Sinatra app, that will be hosted on Heroku, and the source will be up on GitHub. The problem is that i have a file with API keys, that is currently in .gitignore. Is there a way, that I can push my repo to heroku with the key file and exclude the file when pushing to GitHub?
Thanks in advance!

It is possible to maintain a separate branch just for deployment, but it takes much discipline to maintain it properly:
Add a commit to a production branch that adds the config file (git add -f to bybass your excludes).
To update your production branch, merge other branches (e.g. master) into it.
However, you must then never merge your production branch into anything else, or start branches based on any “production commit” (one whose ancestry includes your “add the keys” commit).
An easier path is to adopt Heroku’s custom of using environment variables to communicate your secret values to your instances. See the docs on Configuration and Config Vars:
heroku config:add KEY1=foobar KEY2=frobozz
Then access the values via ENV['KEY1'] and ENV['KEY2'] in your initialization code or wherever you need them. To support your non-Heroku deployments, you could either define the same environment variables or fall back to reading your existing config files if the environment variables do not exist.

The Figaro gem provides a good way to manage this issue. It basically simulates Heroku's environment variable approach locally, and makes it easy to keep your keys in sync between your development environment and Heroku.


Generating app.json for Heroku pipeline without committing it to master

I am investigating adding an app.json file to my heroku pipeline to enable review apps.
Heroku offers the ability to generate one from your existing app setup, but I do not see any way to prevent it from automatically committing it to our repository's master branch.
I need to be able to see it before it gets committed to the master branch because we require at least two staff members to review all changes to the master branch (which triggers an automatic staging build) for SOC-2 security compliance.
Is there a way that I can see what it would generate without committing it to the repository?
I tried forking the repo and connecting the fork to it's own pipeline, but because it did not have any of our heroku add-ons or environment, it would not work for our production pipeline.
I am hesitant to just build the app.json file manually - it seems more prone to error. I would much prefer to get the automatically generated file and selectively remove items.
As a punchline to this story, I ended up investing enough time into the forked repository on it's own pipeline to demonstrate a POC
When you generate your app.json file, it should take you to a secondary screen that has the full app.json in plaintext at the bottom.
Why not open a PR with its contents in your project root. Once it's detected on the repository Heroku shouldn't ask you to regenerate it again.

Heroku pipeline config vars

I've been having this issue many times. When I promote my staging app to production its config vars are not loaded properly. Right now my production app is using my staging's config vars. How can I fix this?
From the docs:
Pipelines only manage the application slug. The Git repo, config vars,
add-ons and other environmental dependencies are not considered part
of a pipeline and must be managed independently.
So if your "build artifact" (i.e. your slug) contains config vars from your staging app, it will get promoted to prod. All pipelines really do is allow you to skip the slug compilation by simply using the exact same slug from the previous environment. If you cannot remove config vars from the slug compilation for your code base in the staging environment, I would avoid pipelines.
Note: this is true as of the time this answer was submitted, who knows if Heroku will be able to change this in the future.

Maintaining staging+prod environments from single repo, 2 remotes with revel buildpack on heroku

Revel models are defined under the models package; so in order to import them one must use the full repo path relative to the %GOPATH/src folder which in this case project/app/models thus results in
import PROJECTNAME/app/models
so far, so good i'f you'r using your app name as the folder name of your local dev machine and have dev+prod environments only.
Heroku's docs recommends using multiple apps for different environment (i.e. for staging). with the same repository with distinct origins;
This is where problem starts, now, since the staging enviromnent resides on alternative appname(let's say PROJECTNAME_STAGING), it's sources are stored under PROJECTNAME_STAGING but the actual code still import PROJECTNAME/app/models instead of import PROJECTNAME_STAGING/app/models; so compile fails, etc.
Is there any possibility to manage multiple environments with a single local repo and multiple origins with revel's heroku buildpack? or a feature is needed in the buildpack that is yet to be implemented?
In addition, there is this possible issue with the .godir file that is required to be versioned and contain the git path to the app, so what about the multi-environment duality regarding this file?
Solution was simple enougth;
The buildpack uses the string in .godir both for the argument for revel run as well as the directory name under GOPATH/src. My .godir file had a git.heroku.com/<APPNAME>.git format; Instead I just used APPNAME format.

Is there a way to set a default app for Heroku Toolbelt?

I have more than one app/git remote at heroku and I would like to know if it is possible to configure a default application so that, whenever I forget to specify the app (--app), the toolbelt would use it.
You can set the heroku.remote key in your repo's Git config to the name of the default remote. For example, if your remote is called staging, you could do this:
$ git config heroku.remote staging
To see how this works, here is the relevant source.
For more, information about this, see Managing Multiple Environments for an App.
You could also go for:
heroku git:remote -a <name-of-the-app>
or if you tend to make a lot of mistakes in the configuration of wrong apps, you can use this library I made: https://github.com/kubek2k/heroshell
This is a Heroku wrapper shell that allows you to work in the context of a given Heroku application
You can set the HEROKU_APP environment variable.
Found this question while searching for it myself. The other answers refer to Heroku's old ruby-based CLI. The new JS CLI doesn't seem to support the same git-remote-reading feature. A quick search of the source code on GitHub found this.

heroku create should not name remote as "heroku"

When I do
heroku create
then a remote is added with name heroku.
I want that name to be changed to "heroku1". Is it possible?
I know it might be a bad practice but we have a complicated situation.
Not bad practice at all - I very rarely even have heroku in there at all - it's just a name for how you want to refer to the remote. I typically use development or production.
To rename a remote is easy;
git remote rename heroku heroku1
You can specify the name of the remote as part of the heroku create command, as well:
heroku create --remote heroku1
There are other useful options as well, heroku help create for details.
I don't see why it's bad practice — the name should be whatever helps you (or any other developers on the project) understand the process. For example, one of my apps has two Heroku remotes, staging and heroku. The staging app lets us test things out and is just on the free service level, where the heroku app is the live user-facing site, and is scaled up appropriately.
