How do you disable jsessionid for Jetty running with the Eclipse Jetty Maven plugin? - maven

We've been experiencing problems with jsessionid and I'm trying to figure out a way to disable this. Would anybody happen to know how you can do this using the org.mortbay.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin:7.x.x? So far, all I've come across are ways to do it using the old plugin from Mortbay whose settings are incompatible with Eclipse's version.
Thanks in advance,

Submitting answer to my own question due to the fact that nobody seems to have an answer for this and I am sure someone else will eventually find it useful as well, because all the other examples of how to do this were for the old maven-jetty-plugin (<7.x).
After digging through Jetty's code for a while, I found out that the variable had been renamed as shown below:
<sessionHandler implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler">
<sessionManager implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.HashSessionManager">
<!-- Disable url sessions using JSessionID -->


Hot deployment failure with Maven jetty plugin on Windows

I have configured the Jetty Maven plugin to run my compiled war.
Here is the relevant part of my pom.xml.
If I execute mvn jetty:run-war, my war is build and Jetty serves the app as expected.
I have configured scanIntervalSeconds to allow hot redeploy.
However, if I rebuild using mvn install, I get the following error during redeployment:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to delete temp dir F:\...\myproject\target\tmp
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration.configureTempDirectory (
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration.resolveTempDirectory (
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration.preConfigure (
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.preConfigure (
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.doStart (
at org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.JettyWebAppContext.doStart (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start (
at org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.JettyRunWarMojo.restartWebApp (
at org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.AbstractJettyMojo$1.filesChanged (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner.reportBulkChanges (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner.reportDifferences (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner.scan (
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner$ (
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop (
at (
It seems that Jetty wants to delete the file, but Windows locks the file. In the plugin documentation, I have not found any configuration which seems to be helpful. Furthermore I have nothing found on Google. Is there any way to solve this issue?
I don't know if its relevant, but I do not use the jetty:run goal, because my war is build using a third party tool and I do not have a standard directory structure.
The jetty documentation contains a section about Troubleshooting Locked Files on Windows.
So I updated my plugin config according to the documentation:

How to determine what are the attribute necessary to add a plugin in pom.xml

Since last few days a lot of doubts got cleared because of the you all experts. I have one more question, when i see my pom.xml in my project , I see a lot of plugins with quite a few configuration. for e.g
<argLine>${argLine} -Xmx4g -XX:MaxPermSize=1g</argLine>
My question is how they decided the these forkcount , argLine needed to be used here? plus the dependency also. When i checked the bealdung doc for same plugin the config was very simple. is it necessary to read docs for a perticular plugin before using it. like how people take decisions for the same that what are the tags to be used or what are the mandatory tags. any links will be helpful.
I strongly recommend reading the docs of the appropriate plugin which would show like in your example defining the provider (the dependency) is usually not needed nor helpful/useful. For the other settings it depends on what kind of tests you are running but from my point of view I would strongly review my tests because needed to set 4 GiB for heapspace sounds weird .... especially for a tests? The others parts depends on the testing framework you are using.. and your use case. I usually start without any configuration for my builds ...only If i really need to change something I do so which is rarely the case. (Convention over configuration)... and read the docs:

maven tomcat7 plugin authentication fail, 403 Forbidden

I'm posting this after weeks of effort. I try and try because I felt guilty of posting this because there are thread similar to this. But still I'm getting slightly different error. So what I have is a very simple spring(no need to be spring of course bcz problem is with maven) application with maven.
This is plugins section from my pom.
Earlier I have problems with maven tomcat plugin not working with tomcat 7 etc etc but now with "tomcat7-maven-plugin" there are solved. I'm using 'http://localhost:8080/manager' as the URL. For almost all threads about this maven tomcat compiler plugin are about build failure. But my build succeed(I run as tomcat7:deploy). Problem is tomcat is replying
tomcatManager status code:403, ReasonPhrase:Forbidden
along with the html that we see when we got a authentication failure on browser. The same code works fine under my Linux box. I try different scenarios of using server element in settings.xml which is inside .m2 and inside maven_home/conf etc. Still not working.
As I figure out maven cannot authenticate tomcat. username and password is find and I can log in using GUI. So expecting a help here.
p.s - my tomcat-users.xml fiel
<role rolename="manager-gui" />
<user username="tomcat" password="s3cret" roles="manager-gui"/>
Url is not correct try with :
what is the content of tomcat-users.xml file. Did you correctly set permissions ?
I could get tomcat deploy work but environment is different. So anyway I'm going to tell how I could do it since may be It'll help someone.
In this case I have tomcat6 as my web container and I'm using eclipse Helios as the IDE.
First of all I have haven environmental variables set as described in the maven web site(Maven download installation help). Which means environmental variables M2_HOME and M2 are set and M2 is in my path variable.
Then in eclipse I have maven installation folder, local repository(In case if it is not default) and settings.xml file correctly. (These setting are in Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Installations and User settings)
In tomcat_home\conf\tomcat-users.xml I have created user with the role manager-script.(Note that here I use tomcat6)
< role rolename="manager-script"/>
< user password="s3cret" roles="manager-script" username="tomcat"/>
In POM.xml I have maven tomcat plugin defined as follows.
Then on eclipse Run Configurations I create a configuration to run goal "tomcat6:deploy" ( This site from apache says tomcat:deploy is the goal but it didn't work).
Which runs perfectly and deploy my app to the container. Once it is deployed app need to be undeplyed using "tomcat6:undeploy" before deploying again.
I'm not a expert about this and still I have doubts on some facts. But since I saw this question in lots of places I thought this will help someone it the same problem.
Thank you
Today I tried same application with Tomcat 7. I need to change plugin artifactId to "tomcat7-maven-plugin". And I have to change the url as "http://localhost:8080/manager". After doing these changes deploy works fine. Also I figure out that maven read settings.xml inside .m2 folder. There is also a settings.xml file inside mvaen_home/conf but it is not the one it read. Another thing I found is there is no undeploy for tomcat7 for tomcat6 there was a undeploy.
Sometimes when all from the above criteria are matched and You still get the error there is a chance that You are using mvn tomat7:deploy command. And at the same time the server is maintained by Eclipse wchich dosen't go heand in heand. You could stop the server in Eclipse IDE and than try again with the mvn command.
After trying several things the following configuration worked for me.
Please give it a try
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user password="tomcat" roles="manager-gui" username="tomcat"/>
<!-- Maven Tomcat Plugin -->

How to access for resource filtering

I am using maven 3.0.4 and would like to make the build timestamp accessible to my application. For this, I'm putting a placeholder in a .properties file and let maven filter on build. While this is working fine for ${project.version}, ${} is not substituted on filtering.
The property seems to be available on build - I can use it to modify the artifact name:
So why is it not available for resource filtering? And, more importantly, how do I make it accessible?
I have discovered this article, explaining that due to a bug in maven, the build timestamp does not get propagated to the filtering. The workaround is to wrap the timestamp in another property:
<>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm</>
Filtering then works as expected for
I can confirm as of Maven 3.x {} is "working" now. They work arounded the problem, apparently. No additional properties workaround needed anymore.
However, be careful your "filtering" plugin (maven-resources-plugin) is up to date. It needs to be relatively new, so if mvn help:effective-pom shows an old version (ex: 2.6), bump it to something newer, fixed it for me, 3.x ex:
<properties><timestamp>... workaround is no longer required...
This also cleared up, kind of, why it was working in IntelliJ but not the command line. IntelliJ probably uses their own "modified/internal" maven constants, so it was working there, but not from maven command line.
Also note if you add a filtering resource directory to you pom, you may need to also "re-add" the default directory, it gets lost, ex:
<directory>src/main/resources-filtered</directory> <!-- to get "" into resource properties file -->
<directory>src/main/resources</directory> <!-- apparently have to add this is you have the other... -->
NB if you're using spring boot as your parent, you have to use instead. Also note if you're using spring boot there's a file META-INF/ that is optionally created by the spring-boot-maven-plugin that you can read (spring provides a BuildProperties bean for convenience reading it).
In order to enrich the Stackoverflow content for others, that like me, found this post as a way to solve the "problem" of ${}. This is not a maven bug, but an expected behavior of m2e, as can be seen in this post.
Therefore, I believe that we can not expect the solution to be "corrected", since, from what I understand, the correction involves conceptual issues.
In my case, what I did was use the plugin (buildnumber-maven-plugin) as described in this other post.
Adding Maven properties at the pom project level doesn't take into account correct local Timezone, so timestamp may appear wrong :
Using the build-helper-maven-plugin applies the correct timezone and current daylight saving to the timestamp :
<pattern>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss</pattern>
When packaging, Maven will replace any token timestamp in /resources folder, e.g. resources/ :
You can then load this properties file in your Application.

Anyone who actually got Tycho to work?

I'm trying to get Tycho working with m2eclipse. Problem is that all I find are outdated sites and old versions to download. I've found my way to and downloaded the source. Problem is that the guide at isn't of much help. When trying to build I run into an error message saying I'm using invalid syntax..... And there seems to be nowhere to ask for further guidance.
So are there anyone out there who actually got this working? Or got a better alternative for continuous integration / automatic build solution for eclipse plug-ins?
Tycho is a maven plugin, so you don't need to download it, just declare it in your pom.xml files.
See for details of a simple project.
This hint from Igor Fedorenko helped me to get it running:
If you are not pressed for time, I'd suggest to wait for the upcoming Update of m2eclipse, though. It was recently announced to follow shortly after Maven 3 release.
Robert, it does work for me as long as you don't try to build an Eclipse application. I have integrated it into CruiseControl and I am quite happy with building and testing plugins.
The main trick for me was to ignore all the P2/target stuff. I couldn't get it to work at all. Instead I call maven with an parameter that points to the Eclipse installation like this:
mvn -Dtycho.targetPlatform=C:\Programmer\eclipse
These are the necessary Plugin definitions:
Current Tycho Version is 0.13.0.
I would like to build Eclipse Applications but need support myself for that.
I hope that helps.
I had trouble with Tycho for a while until I realized it required Maven 3. If you're running Maven 2 it won't work.
