Visual Studio 2010 - C++ project - remove *.sdf file - visual-studio-2010

I would like to know if I can safely delete the sdf file that stores information for Visual Studios Intellisense - is it going to be rebuilt the next time that I open the solution?
Do I lose anything by doing so? Is it possible to break the solution this way?
The motivation to do so is that by having multiple small projects stored - each and every sdf file is more or less 20Mb in size which adds up to a noticeable amount of disk space.

You can safely delete the .sdf file and ipch folder but you can also stop VS from putting those files in the project folder in the first place. (Useful if you have your source in an SVN or other synchronised folder, or if you store your project on a small volume like a USB stick or SSD and you don't want those large files stored in the same folder)
Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced
In the "Fallback Location", set "Always Use Fallback Location" to True and "Do Not Warn If Fallback Location Used" to True.
In "Fallback Location" you can either put a path like C:\Temp or if you leave it blank then VS will use the temporary directory in your AppData folder.

You can safely delete the file. Visual Studio will rebuild the file the next time the solution is opened.

The short answer is yes, you can safely delete the .sdf file.
However, note that you can actually prevent VS from creating .sdf files in the first place by setting the following option to True:
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable Database

for sake of completeness, you can safely delete:
- *.sdf
- Debug folders (usually at two levels)
- ipch folder (c#)

You can delete this local file, don't worry.
The SDFwill be from your "xxxDBDataSet.xsd" file.
if you change it, the SDF file also be new.


In visual studio 2015, solution folder leads to a unsupported error [duplicate]

I have a Visual Studio Solution. Currently, it is an empty solution (=no projects) and I have added a few solution folders.
Solution Folders only seem to be "virtual folders", because they are not really created in the Filesystem and files inside solution folders are just sitting in the same folder as the .sln file.
Is there a setting that i've overlooked that tells Visual Studio to treat Solution Folders as "real" folders, that is to create them in the file system and move files into it when I move them inside the solution into one of those folders?
Edit: Thanks. Going to make a suggestion for VS2010 then :)
There is a workaround, that actually behaves as expected.
Add a New or Existing Web Site to the Solution. (I usually create a new one.)
Just make sure it's created inside your solution folder. (I sometimes even create a "link" to an external folder, e.g. 'Docs' or 'Marketing' on a network share. In that case it's ignored by Git of course.)
Make sure to go to the "Project" settings or Configuration Manager to exclude this "Web Site" from Build and Deploy!
Done. Now Solution Explorer will reflect any change in the file system and vice versa (including subfolders).
I (miss)use it for specs, docs, PM and some DevOps scripts that are shared within the team. It's easy to choose, what to include in source control or not, and (if set up correctly) it doesn't conflict with build.
I know the feature is not intended for that use case, but except for the maybe misleading "Project" icon I didn't find any shortages to that hack yet. And there still are use cases where the classical (virtual) Solution Folders that VS provides, fit in the picture. What do you think?
No special setting. I don't think it's supported.
You can create real folders in a "project" within the solution, but not in the solution itself.
In Visual Studio 2017, click on the "Solutions and Folders" icon in the Solution Explorer window. This button toggles from the virtual "solution" view into a "source view" that matches the layout of folders and files on the file system. When you add a new folder, the folder is physically created in the expected location.
The chosen answer suggests it would be possible to use actual projects instead of solution folders, but does not really explain how. I guess what I'm describing here is possibly the least awkward way of achieving that... :-P
The problem with regular project files is that they eventually will be compiled by MSBUILD. And if you want have a project which only contains non-compilable files, that will be an issue.
But some time ago Visual Studio introduced a new project type: Shared Project (.shproj extension). This project type does not get compiled by default, but only when (and only if) it is referenced by another project.
So one part of the trick here is to use shared projects instead of solution folders. It's obviously possible to add a shared project that is never referenced by any other project, meaning we can avoid the issue presented above.
Then, by using <None Include="**/*" /> clause in the .shproj file, we can make it automatically reflect any new files and/or subfolders.
So basically do this:
Create a new folder in your solution.
Add a new .shproj file at the root of this new folder.
Reference the new .shproj in your solution.
For instance, in my case, I've created a DockerDev.shproj, so I can group some docker-related scripts that we run only in our development machines:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- DockerDev/DockerDev.shproj -->
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<None Include="**/*" />
This .shproj file will keep track of any file, in any subfolder of this new DockerDev folder in my solution.
As far as I could see, this solution works pretty much like what the OP requested: it will work as a non-compilable reference to a folder, and it will automatically reflect any changes made to it.
Sara Ford contributed a Macro to add do this. In Visual Studio 2010, if you open your Macro Explorer, you will see a macro called "GenerateSlnFolderOnDirStructure." This will automate the creation of the Solution Folders and add the files.
Folder To Solution Folder By Cecilia Wirén - CeciliaSHARP
Remove the hassle of adding several files to solution folder. Just use the context menu for the solution and just below the option of creating a new solution folder you now find 'Add Folder as Solution Folder'. This will create a solution folder with the same name as you selected and add the items inside of that folder to the solution folder. This will not move the files on disk.
You can just sync your new solution folder nesting level and also name with the actual filesystem folder and it works like a charm!
Existing project :
Create the actual folder
Create the solution folder with the exact same name
Copy your project folder into the new folder (Actual file system)
(in solution explorer) - Righ-click on same folder
Add => Existing project
Add new project :
Create your solution folders
(Right-click on solution) => Add new project
Change the Location address under the project name you want to add, to the exact same address in your solution folders
No, it's not supported. As you suspected, solution folders are simply virtual subentries in the .sln file, nothing to do with the file system.
For C# in Visual Studio 2019 I used this way (Seems to be similar to this answer, but that didn't work at least in C# solutions)
In solution explorer click on switch views
Choose folder view
You can add individual folders to the solution
To get back to the regular view of solution explorer just click switch views again and choose the solution.
There seems to be a limitation using this way (comment from #montonero):
... just open a solution with multiple projects and try to move the projects to some other real folders through the folder view. The issue is VS doesn't update paths to projects in a solution file
Visual studio has no support for this. I made an extension that does something similar for VS2013 though. It maps solution folders to physical folders on your hard drive, though the mapping is one way (from hard drive to solution). That means a solution folder's contents will reflect the hard drive folder's contents, and not the other way.
With that out of the way, the extension may still be useful.
It has support for mapping solution folders to physical folders, filtering files and directories based on regex, and remembering mappings in your .sln file. Properties are non-intrusive so developers without the extension can still open the sln and not be affected.
Hosted on visual studio gallery:
Edit: Uploaded to bitbucket. Now open source. MIT license.
Create "Solution folder". This will create logical folder, but not physical one.
Right click to the solution folder and open a new project dialog. But before you click OK, you have to change a project location to your desired physical folder and VS will create it and place the project inside.
Create an empty solution then
open .sln file in an editor
and put these lines of code after MinimumVisualStudioVersion
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "src", "src", "{9D8C3BB1-AEDB-4757-8559-995D12A4E6D0}"
open the solution in vs and you should add the same folder to it
now you can see the folder and add a project to it
you have a real folder in windows and a virtual one in vs
be sure that you
created the projects with that path
You can add real folders by choosing "Add new filter" for a Visual Studio project file. You can also do "Add new filter" under an existing folder. Once the folder is created, rename it and add source or header file or whichever suits your project. This is one way I know which lets us create real folders through the Visual Studio IDE.
I've wanted this feature a few times myself, but at the end of the day, you really do NOT want the ability to do this. Think of your Solution (file) as as the root of a web application and think of Solution folders as Virtual Directories (literally and functionally). The contents of a web virtual directory could be physically on a different server altogether. Where Visual Studio muddled up the solution folders concept is by allowing you to create new files inside the folder. You should always "Add Existing" when adding content. When you add existing, it creates a link to the source location of the file.
But as for the reason you do not want solution folders to behave like "physical" folders is because your solution layout may not necessarily use the same convention as your source control layout. Solution folders allow you to customize the hierarchy of your projects so that you can group projects and items together any way you like, and then decide you don't like it and change it again without having to go through the nightmare of moving source control items around and irritating the rest of your team.
Note: Yes this is possible you can create a folder on root but its lil bit tricky....
By giving some extra efforts you can do it How?
Lets follow the step--
1-Create Folder eg: "newfolder" on root (where your .sln file reside).
2.Copy and paste your projects inside the folder.
3.go to your sln file and find moved projects and append newfolder\ in moved project's address.
4.Save sln file.
5.Open your project and Commit the repository in git or so...
6.Take the repository on fresh location.
YOU are done...
if still you are not able to see your folder -----
1.Add a solution folder xyz.
2.Open sln file and change that folder name with your folder name.
Congrats you are done..
If you face any problem just write me for help..
The folder created underneath the solution will be virtual as said. Maybe this might be called a workaround but you can physically create the folder on disk either before or when you add new item/project and Robert should be a sibling of your dad.
ps- on closer look maybe i should explain "bob's your uncle" means your fine/sorted.
I have a bit of a workaround for this (it's not great, but it works).
Create a folder in your solution (i.e. "Contoso")
Right click on the solution and then click "Open Folder in Solution Explorer"
Create the physical folder (i.e. "Contoso") in the solution directory
Copy/Create files in the physical folder.
Drag the files into the virtual folder in the solution explorer.
It's not great because you will need to manually maintain the file references, but it works for me.
Yes, it is possible in Visual Studio 2019 for the project
Though this is an old topic, I will add my answer, because I had the same issue and searched for a solution but it seemed that everyone is 100% sure that there is no way to do it. So I started to experiment with VS 2019, tried a lot of settings, and eventually figured the way out.
1 Button :D
You only need to click 1 button - Show All Files, and you will see the physical structure of your Visual Studio Solution:
Now you can add files and folders to the project and they will be added to the file system (physically)
Right-click on your project → Add → New Folder
Note that the option changed from New Filter to New Folder
My recommendation for C++
Create a root folder inside your project's directory which will contain all the application related stuff (code, headers, data, libs... ). I name it Project
Add subfolders as you'd like to structure your code. I prefer the following layout: include, src, data, libs, etc
Now setup Visual Studio to recognize these folders as headers and sources directories.
Click on your project in the Solution Explorer. Note, in my case, it is CrazyDemo, not the Solution 'CreazyDemo' (1 of 1 project)
Go to the project properties menu: Project→Properties
Open Configuration Properties→VC++ Directories tab
Edit Include Directories and set to $(ProjectDir)/Project/include;$(IncludePath)
Edit Library Directories and set to $(ProjectDir)/Project/libs;$(LibraryPath)
Edit Source Directories and set to $(ProjectDir)/Project/src;$(SourcePath)
You may use the Scope to This option if you want to focus on 1 project. Just right-click on the Project folder and press Scope to This
Note that after this action, in order to open Project Properties you need to click on any of your project files (like main.cpp in the example) and then click on the editable client area (like when you want to change the code) and only after that you'll be able to see the Project→CrazyDemo Properties option. [Visual Studio is Insane 🤦‍♂️]
Finally, you may have a project like this

VisualStudio.bak inside Roaming folder is extremely large. Can I delete it?

When I look at the following folders, they are exteremely large.
C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio (12GB)
C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio.bak (36GB)
What is VisualStudio.bak folder for? Can I delete VisualStudio.bak folder (since it has bak extension)?
Thanks in advance!
Answer: I found similar post here.
ReflectedSchemas folder in the user's AppData folder (Visual Studio)
Short Answer: Yes, they are backup files created by Visual Studio for Auto Recovery.
Long Answer:
Let me explain, this is a visual studio feature to recover your solution files wherever something bad happens, and really you should keep this in mind. That auto recover can save you a lot of time when something on your system goes wrong, for example, if you laptop battery suddenly dies on you ‘seen that, done that…’
Visual studio simply creates an backup of your files with the extension .bak, you can try opening the files and see that it’s just a backup of an solution file.
But, if you keep your solution on source control you can save some time by disabling this feature, here’s how.
You need to deselect the AutoRecover setting to stop backup files if from being created:
Go to Tools->Options->Environment->AutoRecover (check that the “Show All Settings” is enabled) and just uncheck the AutoRecover option.
Tools -> Option
At this point you can clean the solution, just make a search in solution directory on your disk and delete every .bak file.
And that’s it, from now visual studio will stop creating that pesky files on your solution, but keep in mind that this is a feature to help you in case something wrong happens, but if you are connected to a source control it can save you some time and spare working in you solution.

change solution file to a different folder

How do I change the folder of my existing solution file (sln)?
It's right now inside one of my project's folder; if I cut the solution file and paste it in the root folder,it doesn't load any of my projects.
Open solution explorer in Visual Studio and select the solution.
Click on File > Save MyProject.sln As ...
and choose the new location.
The solution file is just a text file. You should be able to move it and then edit it to make sure that any relative paths referenced in the file are correct.
I've also been able to right-click on the solution file in the solution explorer and then use save-as to save it in a different location. That doesn't seem to work everytime for me though.
Open a blank solution, save it to a location where you would like to move. Then add "Existing Project" and select the Old.sln file to add all the projects under the old solution file.
I just had to do this with some legacy projects I inherited so thought it might be worth documenting...
After upgrading from VS 2005 solution, I noticed that the solution file was at the same level as the project files. Our standard is to have the solution file one level above.
Opening the solution file in 'Notepad' I see the following:
Add required relative path to each of the project path and save in correct location:
In my case to bring up one level 'BloombergPriceRequestService\'
SO project line(s) will look like this:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BloombergPaydownService", "BloombergPaydownService\BloombergPaydownService.csproj", "{17DDDD3E-CD39-48B4-BE3F-71E550FCBBFC}"
Don't forget to delete your old solution file!
if I cut the sln file and paste it in
the root folder,it doesn't load any of
my projects
Do this anyway, and try to open the solution. It will tell you that some projects couldn't be loaded: ignore the warning.
Then, go ahead and delete all the projects from the solution. After this right click the solution and select Add => Existing project and browse to your project file. Repeat for all projects in your solution.
Sometimes, the solution file may contain more than 5 projects attached to it.
In that case, Creating the new solution and adding projects to that is cumbersome and takes more time.
You can just edit the solution file to load the projects correctly.
Steps to do
1. Open the solution file in notepad or any text editor.
2. update the path which is underlined and made bold.
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BloombergPaydownService", "BloombergPaydownService\BloombergPaydownService.csproj", "{17DDDD3E-CD39-48B4-BE3F-71E550FCBBFC}"
Save the file and open in Visual studio.
Editing the solution file is a hazardous way to do things and I found a better way. Just create a new solution and add copies of the folders containing the various projects (in their respective folders) to the project.
You need
to select solution in solution explorer
then to find button File -> SaveAs solution.sln as
Press it
There are two ways you can do it:
Simply delete the entire project and create the entire project again in the other folder ( which is not recommended).
Here are the steps to follow without missing any files.
a. Goto Source control explorer Create a new folder or Just move the solution to which you want to move the folder to.
b. Load the solution in your local and it will prompt a message saying that do you want to reload it from source control click yes.
c. Once we load the solution you will see that the project you have moved won’t be loaded (Since we moved to the other folder)
d. So now, Remove the project which was not loaded and then add it as an existing project
e. I am sure that if you have added nugetPackages they won’t get loaded.
f. Goto file explorer of the particular project open the .csproj file and try to check the packages location, Error condition, Project reference and Import and apart from them if there are any
Which are pointing to a directory.
g. The simplest way is just adding some nuget package and see what is the path generated by visual studio.
h. Once we change the locations they will be loaded in references
i. After adding references try to build the solution and it will throw some build errors because we moved the project from one folder to other.
j. Add the project reference wherever needed after moving the files
k. Now the build will be succeeded.

The project file has been moved renamed or is not on your computer

I get this error when I try to load a VS 2008 project from TFS source control:
The project file has been moved, renamed or is not on your computer
After I click OK the project says "unavailable".
What is the problem? How do I resolve this? I never had this problem before. Some blogs said to delete the .suo file but I can't locate the .suo file. I deleted the entire project on my local computer so that the next time it opens it will create a new one, but I still get same error.
What typically helps to fix it is deleting the Solution User Options aka "SUO".
VS up to 2013
In the older VS it is stored as a "hidden" SolutionName.suo in the same folder as the main .sln file.
VS2015 or later
In VS2015 the same data was moved to a "hidden" .vs folder under the same folder as the main .sln file.
I just ran into this issue using VS 2013 after renaming a project. Stanley's answer guided me to the solution:
Close VS - delete .suo file - start VS again.
Delete the .suo file in a special way.
Don't have the solution open when you delete the hidden .suo file.
Restart VisualStudio.
Open solution and Add project without error message.
TFS works like most source control packages: It remembers what it has put on your computer so that when you "Get Latest" it only has to get the chnages since your last "Get" instead of having to get absolutely everything.
This has one caveat: If you delete or rename the local files on your disk, TFS won't know that you have done this, and it will still think they are where it left them.
If you then "Get Latest" it will not bother to update the missing files.
You are then likely to get all kinds of "missing file" errors, from TFS and any other tools that look for the files.
To get around it, you need to:
If you think you might have any changes in there that you don't want to lose, copy the source folder on your PC as a back up just in case!
Right click on the project (in Solution Explorer) or folder (in Source Control)
Choose "Get Specific Version" from the context menu
Choose to get the "Latest Version" and tick the option that says (something like) "force get of files already in your workspace", which tells TFS to forget about what it "knows" and get all the files again anyway.
If you have any locally-changed (writable) files, then be careful. There is a second option that will overwrite these, losing your changes. But you have the backup, so you should be safe. It's generally better to tick this option as well to make sure that all your source code is completely up to date. (But obviously only if you don't mind losing any local changes!)
When you OK, this will forcibly get all the files in the project to your local drive, and should correct the problem.
Easiest option worked out for me is:
Right click the project & Remove the "not loaded" or "unavailable" project
Right click the solution & Add "Existing Project"
Though it's well known VS defect, definately we can handle it!
Open the solution file in edit mode
Modify the relative path to match the modified/moved physical path ..
SccProjectUniqueName1 = Source\\Order\\Order.csproj
SccProjectName1 = Order.ApplicationService
SccLocalPath1 = Order.ApplicationService
Also, makesure of correct relative path for the referring project(s)
Project("{asdasd-301F-11D3-BF4B-asdasd}") = "Order",
"Source\Order\Order.csproj", "{E25641BC-C990-40E2-8876-08AE8728F763}"
Try opening the .csproj or .vbproj instead of the .sln. What has probably happened is the .sln (solution) file has a absolute file reference (instead of a relative path) to the compoenent project(s). You may need to re-create the .sln, or hand-edit it.
In my case, deleting the .suo file was insufficient. I discovered that my workspace configuration had an error. I discovered and resolved the problem with these steps:
In Team Explorer, "Manage Workspaces..."
Click "Edit..."
Correct the value under "Local Folder"
Finally, delete the affected .suo files per the accepted answer.
I found it easiest to create a new Solution sln file.
Clear out your workspace mappings (File -> Source Control -> Workspaces). Edit the workspace and either clear out all the mappings (more repercussion) or find the one that's associated to this server path. Then open Source Control Explorer and remap. Double click the SLN in Source Control explorer and it should get latest. Not entirely sure what has happened or what state you managed to get into, but with this should get you moving again.
I ran into this issue and was able to resolve it by obtaining the .rptproj files from a co-worker and copying them into my local directory. The project was then able to re-load.
I spent a lot of time for trying solve this problem. I did these steps : rename project, rename namespaces, rename project folder, edit .sln file, edit hidden .suo file. Project loaded but it was unrecognizable for TFS! Finally I found this guide.
If you're using Resharper and TFVC is your version control, follow these steps :
Right-click the project in Solution Explorer, select Rename, and enter the new name
Right-click the project again and select Properties. Change the "Assembly name" and "Default namespace" on the Application tab.
Right-click the project again and select Refactor -> Adjust Namespaces. Accept the changes.
Change the AssemblyTitle and AssemblyProduct in Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
Delete bin and obj directories in Windows Explorer
Open the Source Control Explorer and rename the project's directory. This will close the solution. Let it be closed.
Open the SLN file (with a text editor such as Notepad++) and change the path to the project (there should be multiple places).
Open the Solution again. Clean and Rebuild the project.
Right click on the unavailable project and edit the project file ... chances are, you will find a hardcoded file path or a virtual one that does not match where you checked the project out to.
Solution for this
Again rename the project folder
Set specific version & force get in TFS
remove read only & hidden option in the latest folder (not the rename one)
Now you can open the project without any issues
Sometimes, even though you changed .sln and .csproj path, and manually rename, you might forget to check the folder name that contains the project.
It happened to me too. Apparently the csproj files were not checked in when I had created them in my old computer, and so when I downloaded the project from TFS in my new computer, the files were not there.
After checking them in using my old computer and getting them from TFS in the new computer, I succeeded in reloading the project.
In my case, because I modified .csproj file, it changed to .csproj.user .
I remove .user from the end of the file.

Visual Studio - Fixing the error "A file of that name is already open"

Occasionally (usually after having updated my .sln file in source control) I get a strange Visual Studio error wherein I'm unable to open some of my files. The files in question show up in the appropriate project, but trying to open them results in an error dialog saying "A file of that name is already open."
This is virtually identical to Why does it say "Project with that name already opened in the solution"?, except for files, not projects. The solution given there was does not fix this.
Visual Studio internally maintains a list of currently opened files, to avoid problems caused by opening files more than once. Any number of things (crashes, reboots, updating files in source control outside of VS) can cause this list to become corrupted.
In any case, the problem can be fixed by deleting the hidden Solution.suo file which is in the same directory as your Solution.sln file. This will cause you to lose your current workspace state (open files, window layout, etc.), but it won't have any other adverse affects on your solution.
This is a hidden file, so to see or delete it you either have to enable viewing hidden files in Explorer or use del /AH Solution.suo on the command-line.
Delete the hidden .suo file and edit the .csproj file to remove the lines below:
Now, reopen the solution to solve the issue.
Do you have any linked files in the solution?
Visual Studio has an invariant that only a single file of a given path can be open at one time. This invariant is hit most often when you have a linked file in your project / solution and attempt to open both the original and one of it's linked references.
Open csproj file of the project and delete following lines:
These lines are most probably created due to project is added to visual svn i.e. when project/solution is added to source control project/solution files are updated to include source control integration info and these lines are added which causes issues.
Delete these lines and just reload your project (or solution), this should fix issue.
