Automated control of a Telerik RadDatePicker - telerik

I'm using WatIn to create an automated test for a Web App that uses Telerik controls: my first challenge is to drive a Telerik date control - a RadDatePicker.
Simply entering the text in the likeliest input field doesn't work: the value is reset to blank as the form is posted. So I imagine I need a more complex set of automated interactions -- for example, I found this thread on the Telerik site discussing how to automated a selection from a Telerik combo box.
Can anyone supply the magic combination of interactions I need?
(I'm sure that the answer would help anyone using any automated test tool, hence I've also flagged this question with a couple of other test frameworks too :-))

I'm using Selenium RC and had a similar problem few days ago. It took me ages to find the right way of doing it so I thought I will share the solution that worked for me:
(NOTE: I couldn't use $find)
The javascript to set the date on the RadDatePicker is:
var appBrowser = this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow();
var datepicker = appBrowser.yourDatePickerId; //note: no quotes
var selectDate=new Date();
and then use selenium GetEval in your test to call javascript code to set the date:
selenium.GetEval("javascript here");
You should definitely wrap it around some parametrised helper class that will generate the javascript code for you each time you want to set the date in the test by passing id of the control and date.

I finally have a solution that works. The key is to use javascript to call the client-side API for the telerik control. The same technique is required for all complex Telerik controls, e.g. RadInput.
I used the technique recommended on the WatiN website for writing your own control to come up with this:
public class TelerikDatePicker : Control<TextField>
public DateTime? Value
var jScript = string.Format(#"$find(""{0}"").get_selectedDate();", Element.Id);
var selectedDateStr = Eval(jScript);
return TranslateJavascriptDateStringIntoDateTime(selectedDateStr);
var jScript = string.Format(#"$find(""{0}"").set_selectedDate(new Date(""{1:MMMM dd,yyyy}""));", Element.Id, value);
public void SetValue(DateTime? value)
if (value.HasValue)
Value = value.Value;
public void Clear()
var jScript = string.Format(#"$find(""{0}"").clear();", Element.Id);
private string Eval(string script)
return Element.DomContainer.Eval(script);
public bool IsEnabled()
var jScript = string.Format(#"$find(""{0}"").get_enabled();", Element.Id);
return Eval(jScript) == "true";
private DateTime? TranslateJavascriptDateStringIntoDateTime(string jsDateStr /*E.g. Mon Mar 12 00:00:00 UTC+0100 2012*/)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(jsDateStr) || jsDateStr == "null") return null;
var abbreviatedMonth = jsDateStr.Substring(4, 3);
var dayOfTheMonth = jsDateStr.Substring(8, 2).TrimEnd(' ');
var year = jsDateStr.Substring(jsDateStr.Length-4, 4);
const string format = "d MMM yyyy";
var dateStr = dayOfTheMonth + " " + abbreviatedMonth + " " + year;
return DateTime.ParseExact(dateStr, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

I had the same issue with a RadDatePicker that would post back empty after typing in values.
I managed to automate typing in the date into the input field with these steps:
Select the dateInput text box associated with the control.
Do a dateInput.MouseClick() on it
Type the date into the field Manager.Desktop.KeyBoard.TypeText("1/1/1990")
Do a .MouseClick() on any other element on the page, e.g. some div
I found that #4 was needed to fire the events to make the control blur therefore "saving" its value.
Then you can submit and the value should go along with it.

Solved that problem for SeleniumIDE - you have to use "fireEvent" method with value "blur" for "ControlID" after you've set value using "sendKeys" or "type" methods. Strange that this problem does not occur when automating with WebDriver.


Is there a way to make a field in Dynamics CRM as one time entry field?

Basically, what I want is that the user should be able to select the dropdown and not be able to change it after making and saving the selection. So it will be a one-time entry field.
Below is a screenshot of the field I want to apply this property.
So this field has a Yes or No selection. And to make the business logic from failing I have to make it a one-time entry field only.
I looked up the form editor for possible things but couldn't find anything that would let me achieve this.
Below is my onload function:
function Form_onload() {
var formType = Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType();
var p = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("opportunityid");
--------------NEW CODE--------------------------------
if(formType ==2){ //form type 2 means the form is a saved form. form type 1 is new form.
var myattribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("var_internal");
var myname = myattribute.getName();
if (Xrm.Page.getControl(myname) != null) {
--------------NEW CODE---------------------------
if (formType == 1 && p != null && p.getValue() != null) {
alert('Child Opportunities can only be created by clicking the Create Child Opportunity button in the Opportunity ribbon.');;
No code solution: I think you could use an Option set with a Yes/No option and a default of Unassigned Value. Then add that field to Field Level Security with "Allow Update" set to No.
When updating the FLS field permissions, be sure that the profile is associated with the organization "team" so that all users can see the field:
Arun already gave you an hint how to proceed, I just tried this req on one of my instance.
Create one extra field (dummy field) in my case I call it new_hasfieldbeenchanged1
This field will hold data when field is changed. Lock this field (always) and keep this field on form (but visibile =false)
Now you need 2 trigger Onload and OnSave. Below function will do your work. Let me know if this helps.
function onLoad(executionContext) {
var formContext;
if (executionContext && executionContext.getFormContext()) {
formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
if (formContext.getAttribute("new_hasfieldbeenchanged1") && formContext.getAttribute("new_hasfieldbeenchanged1").getValue()!=null) {
if (formContext.getControl("new_twooptionfield")) {
function onSave(executionContext) {
var formContext;
if (executionContext && executionContext.getFormContext()) {
formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
if(formContext.getAttribute("new_hasfieldbeenchanged1") && formContext.getAttribute("new_twooptionfield") && formContext.getAttribute("new_twooptionfield").getIsDirty()){
formContext.getAttribute("new_hasfieldbeenchanged1").setValue((new Date()).toString());
if (formContext.getControl("new_twooptionfield")) {
Due to environment-specific settings in my DEV, I was not able to reproduce what was suggested by #Eccountable. Although, his solution worked in other environments.
#AnkUser has a good answer as well but I was looking to shorten the code and make things as simple as possible.
My solution
I was able to handle this using Javascript on client-side. using the XRM toolbox.
In the XRM toolbox, I located the javascript for the opportunity and observed field changes in formType when the Opportunity was New and when the Opportunity was Existing. This variable (formType) was =1 when the Opportunity was New and =2 when it was Existing/Saved.
Using this piece of information I was able to leverage my Javascript as follows in Form_onload()
function Form_onload() {
if (formType == 2) {
var myattribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("internal");
var myname = myattribute.getName();
if (Xrm.Page.getControl(myname) != null) {
There’s no OOB configuration for such custom requirements, but we can apply some script logic.
Assuming this is a picklist with default null and not a two-option bool field, we can use onLoad form script to check if it has value & lock it. No need to have onChange function.
If it’s a bool field, then it’s hard to achieve. You have to track the initial value & changes made to implement the logic you want. Or through some unsupported code.

Dynamic menu configuration section with conditional inputs on Magento custom module

I've followed this tutorial to create a custom dynamic backend configuration with serialized data, and everything is working as expected. yay
But now I want to take another step and only show some inputs when a specific value is selected in a select box. I know that I can use when doing this with system.xml, but how can I accomplish the same thing via code with dynamics serialized tables?
I ended up doing some kind of Javascript workaround to enable/disable a certain input.
function togleSelect(element)
var val = element.value;
var name =;
if (val == 0) // select value to be triggered
name = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf("[")) + "[name_of_my_input]";
var target = document.getElementsByName(name);
target[0].disabled = false;
name = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf("[")) + "[name_of_my_input]";
var target = document.getElementsByName(name);
target[0].disabled = true;
It's not the best solution but it's working.

How to get "Repro Steps" of a list of work items?

My team has been using VSTS for 8 months. Now, Our customer is asking to get "Repro Steps" of the work items in VSTS.
Is there any way to get the content of "Repro Steps" without the HTML format?
No, because the Repro Steps value is the rich text that can contain image etc…. So, the value is incorrect if just return the data without HTML format.
However, you can remove HTML tag programing.
Simple code:
public static string StripHTML(string input)
return Regex.Replace(input, "<.*?>", String.Empty);
var u = new Uri("[collection URL]"");
VssCredentials c = new VssCredentials(new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.WindowsCredential(new NetworkCredential("[user name]", "[password]")));
var connection = new VssConnection(u, c);
var workitemClient = connection.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
var workitem = workitemClient.GetWorkItemAsync(96).Result;
object repoValue = workitem.Fields["Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps"];
string repoValueWithOutformat = StripHTML(repoValue.ToString());

Telerik - RecurrenceRule - TryParse not working

I am trying to parse recurrence rule string to telerik object but it does not work for me at all. The result is always null even though the string pattern seems to be right (passed from Kendo Recurrence control). Thank you for any thoughts on this.
Update: I tried another case to prove if the parse is working or not, here is the result:
As per this post recurrence rule works when INTERVAL is specified.
As to the exceptions thrown by RecurrenceRule.TryParse, I noticed that
it is caused when INTERVAL rule is missing. If you want to use the
RecurrenceRule.TryParse method, you will need to add it manually.
here is the modified code that was originally uploaded by jonno
var today = DateTime.Now.Date;
var start = today.AddDays(-14).AddHours(19);
var end = start.AddHours(2.5);
// Create a few recurring events using Kendo Web Scheduler and use the recurrence rules
var patterns = new[]
// Now figure out which events will trigger in the next week - server side only - using Telerik.Web.UI.dll RecurrenceRule class.
foreach (var expr in patterns)
var rrule = string.Format("DTSTART:{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}\r\nDTEND:{1:yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ}\r\nRRULE:{2}", start, end, expr);
RecurrenceRule recRule = null;
var b = RecurrenceRule.TryParse(rrule, out recRule);
if (recRule == null)
Console.WriteLine("PARSE ERROR: " + expr);
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("PARSE ERROR: " + expr);

isolated storage in windows phone developement

Im using VS to develop a windows phone app. Im doing it wp8 but it doesnt matter because it the code works for 7 too. Anyway, I have a text box and a button. When the text from the text box is entered, and the button is clicked it adds that to isolated storage.
On my other page, I have a textblock. Which should display what I wrote in the text box. It does work, but first let me sho you my code.
if (appsettings.Contains("name"))
appsettings.Add("name", TitleTextBox.Text); //rename if already exists
and then the second page that collects the info is below.
if (appsettings.Contains("name"))
string content = appsettings["name"].ToString(); //converts to string
titleTextBlock.Text = content; //shows title in text block
The problem is, the "name" works. However, if I call it ANYTHING else it does not. I want to add a different name because i want to be able to input two lots. For example two text box's and then when you press the button and go to the other page, it has two textblocks displaying each string in each one. I can't seem to do this because only "name" works. Ive changed it to other names and it doesnt work. Does anyone know why?
IsolatedStorageSettings works as a Dictionary. If you want to acces a specific key it should exist in the Dictionary.
If you try to change the value that already exists you can do like this:
if (appSettings.Contains("key")) appSettings["key"] = "new value";
else appSettings.Add("key", "new value");
Don't also forget to save your appSettings:
And also according to your code - in ISS you can put not only string - it can be any object, if you want to get it, you should make a cast or use as:
string content = (string)appsettings["name"]; //converts to string
string content = appsettings["name"] as string;
EDIT - after comments, rebuild once more
If you want to have a to-do-list and you know that every task has its specific title, description and time then I would advise to create a special class for this, for example:
public class myTodo
public string TaskTitle { get; set; }
public string TaskDescription { get; set; }
public TimeSpan ElapsedTime { get; set; }
I used TimeSpan because I think it's easier to manage Time with it. Then if you want to Save/Load your myTodo you can do like this:
// create an example of your task
myTodo newTask = new myTodo() { TaskTitle = "Clean", TaskDescription = "Clean room", ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0) };
// add it to ISS and save
if (appSettings.Contains("firatTask")) appSettings["firatTask"] = newTask;
else appSettings.Add("firatTask", newTask);
// try to load
myTodo read = appSettings["firatTask"] as myTodo;
You can access your item like this:
read.Title = TitleTextBox.Text; // and so on
Consider also making a List<myToDo> and be aware that ISS shoul also handle this:
List<myTodo> listJob = new List<myTodo>();
listJob.Add(firstTask); // firstTask is myToDo
listJob.Add(secondTask); // secondTask is myToDo
if (appSettings.Contains("listTask")) appSettings["listTask"] = listJob;
else appSettings.Add("listTask", listJob);
List<myTodo> readList = appSettings["listTask"] as List<myTodo>;
