How to store salt and IV in file cocoa? - cocoa

So I have implemented salts and IVs, but the decryption is now a bit buggy. Of course, I need both the salt and IV for decryption as well, but the user can't enter that... I need to be able to store both the salt and IV in the encrypted file, then retrieve the salt and IV when the user is decrypting the file. How would I go about doing this? How would I go about storing and retrieving that data?

As Peter said, the initialization vector and the salt for key derivation should be stored together with the encrypted file, in a header or such.
Instead of creating your own ad-hoc file format for encrypted storage, have a look at the OpenPGP message format (as used by both PGP and GnuPG, and maybe other programs). It is specified in RFC 4880. You will likely not have to implement all of it, but grab the portions that you need for your application.
As an added bonus, the user can then use PGP/GPG (with the right options and the password/key) to decrypt the data, if your program should somehow cease to work.

Store them along with the ciphertext. You'll need to come up with a suitable file format in which to do it; a keyed archiver will make it easy.


Algorithm to encrypt local file such way, that can be decrypted to lots of real-looking results (symmetrical)

I have a local file passwords.txt where I store all logins and passwords from lots of web-services I personally use
There are some symbols and shortcuts in really critical entries, so it already has some level of security
But I also want to encrypt it from potential remote or physical access, but be able to easily decrypt it when I need to read it or add some
So, I need some script that will take passwords.txt and some its own password, that will create encrypted_passwords file with bytecode inside, that can be easily decrypted by password, like:
>>> encrypt passwords.txt password
>>> decrypt encrypted_passwords password
Encryption algorithm should produce such encrypted_passwords, decryption of which with wrong passwords, potentially can produce contents, that can be treated as something real, and then has to be checked only manually
For example, Me:
>>> cat passwords.txt mylogin1 mypassword1 mylogin2 mypassword2
>>> encrypt passwords.txt password
Here comes Attacker, that found my encrypt and decrypt scripts, and:
>>> decrypt encrypted_passwords one-of-the-wrong-passwords
>>> cat passwords.txt
So the attacker can get something probably even in different length and format, but treat it like: "Hmm, looks real, make sense", when, actually, it has nothing to do with reality
So, which algorithm can be used for such purposes and how strong its password should be?
I am ready, that password can weight even 100+ megabytes and has to be stored in some other file or multiple files, but will be glad to be able to keep it in mind
P.S. I'll also be glad if there are also some reliable bash or python tools/scripts/libraries
I'm sure this is a lot more trouble than it's worth, but just for the record, this is what you do:
Acquire a list of real passwords that you can use to build a statistical model of what real passwords look like;
Use that model to build a compressor, like a PPM compressor that can compress your password list ( Compressing your password list with this model will remove all the redundancy and give you a much shorter string of random-looking data. The compressor and the model will be built into your program.
Your encryption program will then compress and encrypt your password list.
Now when you decrypt with any password, you'll get a string of random-looking data. Be sure there are no headers or padding in your encrypted format that would give away whether the data is correct or not.
When you decompress any string of random-looking data, the model will generate a plausible list of passwords. The plausibility of this list depends on how good your statistical model is. Also be sure that your compressed format doesn't include any headers or markers that would indicate whether the decompression is correct or not.
As I said, this is a lot more trouble than it's worth. Making a good model and a good compressor for this task is quite difficult.

Is there a way to decrypt an encoded string without a key in Ruby?

Here's the problem, a string has been passed through three separate encryptions in the following order: Original -> Base64 -> AES-256 -> Blowfish (Keyless) -> Final. Write a method that takes this triple encoded string mystery_string = "OXbVgH7UriGqmRZcqOXUOvJt8Q4JKn5MwD1XP8bg9yHwhssYAKfWE+AMpr25HruA" and fully unencrypts it to its original state.
I looked into different libraries/documentation for aes256 and blowfish but all of them required a key. The only one that did not require a key was Base64 (i.e. Base64.encode64('some string') ). Not really sure where to go from here.
Firstly, the only way to crack AES-256 and Blowfish without the key is by brute force enumeration of every possibly 32-byte combination that could be used as the key. In theory, this means it's not crackable in our lifetime. There may be some vulnerabilities you could exploit as you also have the plain text, but I doubt you would have that in a real-life situation.
Second, and most importantly, just going by that site, encode-decode.com, you don't actually have enough information to decode the string even if you did know the password.
The various modes of operation for the AES256 cipher function requires either a 32-byte (or sometimes a 64-byte) key. The secret that you used (you may have just left it blank) needs to be converted into a 32-byte encryption key. This is done using a hashing algorithm, but we don't know which one is used. Hopefully, the site used a key derivation function, which provides several security benefits. However, key derivation functions require multiple parameters, and we would need to know what parameters to enter along with our secret to get the right encryption key.
Finally, we don't know if the secret is being concatenated with a salt before being hashed. Without knowing if a salt is used and what the salt is, we cannot determine the correct 32-byte key used to encrypt the plain text.
In summary, the answer to your question is: No, there is not a quick way to decrypt that string without knowing the key.
However, encryption is an awesome topic to learn.
I'd encourage you to look over the ruby docs for the OpenSSL library. They're actually quite good (besides the don'ts I mention below).
The PBKDF2 Password-based Encryption function is one of the key derivation functions I was referring to.
When encrypting with AES, you will most likely want to use AES-256-GCM which is authenticated encryption.
A couple of don'ts:
Don't use ciphers at random... understand their strengths and weaknesses
Don't use AES-128-EBC - explination
Another good encryption library is rb-NaCl.

hash file location on Mac?

If I encrypt a file as file1 using openssl, where is the hash of that password stored?
No matter what I Google, the closest I get are instructions to enable root and navigate to /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users directory. Unless I'm just not recognizing it, I am unable to find anything that looks like what I want in there.
If I understand the question correctly (i.e. that it's about encrypting a file with openssl enc -ciphername or the shorthand openssl ciphername), then the answer is: the hash is not stored anywhere.
What happens is that the password (and salt) are run through a hash function to derive an encryption key, and that key is used to encrypt the contents of the file. The key (i.e. the hash) is then discarded.
When you go to decrypt the file, it runs the password you entered and the salt (stored in the file) through the same hash function, and attempts to use that to decrypt the file's contents. If the password is the same as that used to encrypt, you get your original file back. If the password is different, you get back gibberish. openssl might be able to tell it's gibberish if the padding doesn't make sense, but it might not. As the man page says:
All the block ciphers normally use PKCS#5 padding also known as
standard block padding: this allows a rudimentary integrity or
password check to be performed. However since the chance of random
data passing the test is better than 1 in 256 it isn't a very good

Is it really not required to generate salts for bcrypt?

I'm using the package for storing passwords. Looking at documentation and other SO questions, it seems like I'm not supposed to (or at least don't have to) generate a salt for the password before I generate the hash. This seems counter to everything that I've read about cryptography and modern password storing, and makes me a bit nervous. Is it really secure enough to just pass the user's normal password into bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword, or am I reading things wrong?
The bcrypt package generates the salt for the application. The return value from GenerateFromPassword encodes the cost, salt and hash of the password.

Encryption puzzle / How to create a PassStub for a Remote Assistance ticket

I am trying to create a ticket for Remote Assistance. Part of that requires creating a PassStub parameter. As of the documentation:
PassStub: The encrypted novice computer's password string. When the Remote
Assistance Connection String is sent as a file over e-mail, to provide additional security, a
password is used.<16>
In part 16 they detail how to create as PassStub.
In Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, when a password is used, it is encrypted using
PROV_RSA_FULL predefined Cryptographic provider with MD5 hashing and CALG_RC4, the RC4
stream encryption algorithm.
As PassStub looks like this in the file:
If you want to generate one yourself run msra.exe in Vista or run the Remote Assistance tool in WinXP.
The documentation says this stub is the result of the function CryptEncrypt with the key derived from the password and encrypted with the session id (Those are also in the ticket file).
The problem is that CryptEncrypt produces a binary output way larger than the 15 byte PassStub. Also the PassStub isn't encoding in any way I've seen before.
Some interesting things about the PassStub encoding. After doing statistical analysis the 3rd char is always a one of: !#$&()+-=#^. Only symbols seen everywhere are: *_ . Otherwise the valid characters are 0-9 a-z A-Z. There are a total of 75 valid characters and they are always 15 bytes.
Running msra.exe with the same password always generates a different PassStub, indicating that it is not a direct hash but includes the rasessionid as they say.
Another idea I've had is that it is not the direct result of CryptEncrypt, but a result of the rasessionid in the MD5 hash. In MS-RA ( The "PassStub Novice" is simply hex encoded, and looks to be the right length. The problem is I have no idea how to go from any hash to way the PassStub looks like.
I am curious, have you already:
considered using ISAFEncrypt::EncryptString(bstrEncryptionkey, bstrInputString) as a higher-level alternative to doing all the dirty work directly with CryptEncrypt? (the tlb is in hlpsvc.exe)
looked inside c:\WINDOWS\pchealth\helpctr\Vendors\CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US\Remote Assistance\Escalation\Email\rcscreen9.htm (WinXP) to see what is going on when you pick the Save invitation as a file (Advanced) option and provide a password? (feel free to add alert() calls inside OnSave())
