Does using the Oracle OCI API require C programming? - oracle

I was looking here:
but everything looks like C or C++. Can I use any other language to use the OCI?
EDIT: I need to use direct path for LOB object (blob, clob, etc.) I believe I have to use the OCI to do that.
EDIT: I base my OCI assumption on this: Can a direct path insert into a LOB column?

According to Oracle
"Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is the most comprehensive, high
performance, native 'C' language based interface to the Oracle
Database that exposes the full power of the Oracle Database."
However, there are different ways to work with an Oracle database. What sort of language do you want to use, and what do you actually want to achieve?

If you want to use Java, you can use JDBC OCI. I believe that there are also ways to acess OCI through Perl, Python, and Ruby, if you want (though I've never used them).

Theoretically, every language that can call standard C functions should be able to use OCI. This includes languages such as C++ and Delphi, but also includes managed languages such as C# (that can access these functions through P/Invoke) or Java (with Java Native Interface).
However, if your goal is simply to access the Oracle, but don't care to do it specifically through OCI, it is much better to use whatever library is specifically geared towards your language of choice. For example, use ADO.NET under C# or JDBC under Java.
Most of these libraries use OCI internally anyway (with notable exception of some direct-to-wire ADO.NET and JDBC drivers).

You will find that most Oracle APIs in other languages are really bindings to the OCI using whatever mechanism that language normally uses to interoperate with C libraries. Examples include cx_Oracle for Python, OCI*ML for OCaml and Oratcl. These typically abstract the OCI which is very low level, into something easier to use from a high-level langauage (e.g. connecting to a database is one line in those langauges, but it is a page of code in OCI as everything must be set up explicitly).


Encrypt decrypt PL SQL Packages in oracle

Is there any way to encrypt the SQL Packages (Stored procedure, Functions etc) in oracle using specific key and decrypt using the same key for security purpose???
i am using oracle 12c....
Yes, you can use the wrap tool for this, see PL/SQL Source Text Wrapping
You can wrap the PL/SQL source text, thereby preventing anyone from displaying that text with the static data dictionary views *_SOURCE.
In principle decryption is not supported, however you can use tools like Unwrap It!.
I like Wernfried's answer. I would like to expand a little if I may.
Assuming you will try the WRAP method (some say easily cracked), here are things to try to check it's effectiveness:
Check with tkprof if executing the WRAPd objects reveals any logic or SQL
Check the V$SQL and related views to see if executing the WRAPd objects reveals any logic or SQL
Check with OEM to see if executing the WRAPd objects reveals any logic or SQL
I've never tested the above, but if I was considering using WRAP I would do so that I know the limits of whatever protection it gives. Given the importance of DBAs being able to monitor and tune queries, I would be surprised if the SQL at least was not ascertainable via standard performance views/queries.
Also note, if your code has any dynamic SQL or PLSQL, this could show up in the symbol table of the wrapped file (as hex codes).
I think you cannot wrap TRIGGER code (though, you could of course have triggers call PLSQL procedures that are wrapped).
If you are a software vendor concerned about customer DBA poking around your code, given the above point about SQL monitoring, and assuming the DBA have access to a suitable cracker I don't think there is much you can do to stop them them. You might be able to prevent non-DBA users from doing this by restricting access to DBA_SOURCE, V$SQL and related views.
Out of interest I had a look at Native Compilation of PLSQL, to see if the compiled M-code could be shipped instead of the PLSQL source, but it seems that you have to ship the PLSQL code too.
What other options are there? Can the PLSQL be hived off to a remote protected database and consumed via REST API calls? That depends heavily on application logic and data access, and if having such a service on a protected remote server is feasible.
The one last thing I'd consider if it was absolutely necessary to hide the logic would be to implement as ProC/C/Java modules to create EXTERNAL LIBRARIES. But note here as well, SQL calls within the ProC/C/Java will still be exposed in V$SQL. Plus, there aren't many around who write Pro*C anymore.
Using wrap functionality is only obfuscation, not encryption. It is easily undone with a variety of available web sites, python scripts, and other PL/SQL procedures. There are additional obfuscations that you can do to make interpretation of your code more difficult (Oracle's SQL Developer has some built-in functions for this) so that even if your code is unwrapped it is still difficult to read. Here's an example of one other custom obfuscation toolkit, too: For a commercial-grade toolkit, check this out:

Read CDPOS/CDHDR Sap tables using vbscript

I am trying to read sap change log using rfc + vbs as buffer.
I know that I need to use CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS and CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS functions to do this, but have not found any research how to do this properly with the help of vbscript.
I have already found out how to read normal tables using BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE but it doesn’t work with CDPOS...
Any ideas?
First, if you want to use VBscript to integrate with SAP, you will go through RFC channel using SAP NWRFC library or SAP .Net Connector 3.0, and the SAP functions or BAPIs you can call must be remote enabled. Unfortunately, the two functions, CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS and CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS, are not remote enabled. I could imagine CDPOS is difficult for you because CDPOS has wide fields which cannot be processed by BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE.
Once we are aligned with the objective challenges, there are two options to help you move forward:
Write your own custom "Z" function module, which is remote enabled, and call CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS and CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS inside the function;
Use third party commercial library (our company AecorSoft developed such ADO.NET compliant library for SAP integration).
I would suggest you explore #1 first. You can follow this blog to get started.
Dunno about BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE but RFC_READ_TABLE perfectly reads CDPOS
If you need to header-based query you will need 2 sequential reads: first for CDHDR headers and the second for positions, constructing second query from the first.

Oracle database driver benchmark

I'm actually working in a situation where a .NET stack is managing an Oracle Database. Now, because the legacy code is consistently based on PL SQL stored procedures that deal with the majority of the work, the correct choice of driver to connect to the database is of primary importance.
For this reason, knowing that Oracle provides a large number of driver for the most known programming languages, I was trying to find a documented benchmark (even with all the problem and the influence of the context in which the tests are made) that could compare the different Oracle drivers for the different programming languages, just to support the hypothesis that the best choice in terms of performance for an isolated test microservice would be to use the Java driver in combination with Scala (Java is now property of Oracle now, after all).
Are there any on the internet that could support (or not) this hypothesis?
I didn’t provide all the information. What I’m trying to achieve is develop a series of microservices focused on fetching data from the database and convert them into json to be consumed by the front end. .NET driver behaves seamlessly until the numbers become really overwhelming (> 1000 rows).
That’s why I was wondering if it could make any sense using JDBC to increase performance, having heard that, for instance, .NET driver for SQL server, both made by the same Company, performs 5 times better than the oracle one when it comes to gathering data from a cursor.
Your choice of drives may not give you the milage if most of the work is in PL/SQL or stored procedures. Having said that, jdbc is a good choice. However do not fight if developers are more familiar with other drivers like Oracle ODBC, oracle provider for .NET, ADO,etc.. all protocols have a Oracle drive to access Oracle DB.
You don’t have to convert to json. Oracle DB can convert it. Your network latency is more impacted by how big the pipe is ,array size,and packet size than protocols.

POSTing XML from Oracle to WebAPI's

Our company is in the process of creating an ASP.NET service to accept XML data sent from ERP systems such as Oracle. We have no experience (at all) with Oracle, so please excuse the simplicity of this question.
I see online that Oracle has a tool called JDeveloper that can hook up to WCF Services that use a DataContract/WSDL to send/receive data with relative ease.
Can anyone advise about the situation regarding WebAPI's, where no WSDL or DataContracts exist? Is it simple to craft a POST in Oracle to send to a WebAPI, or is the former option better/easier to work with?
Thanks in advance.
It's simple enough to call web service directly from Oracle:
There are a good support of XML/XSLT/XQuery to construct requests and parse responses (XML DB)
Oracle have an API to work with HTTP/HTTPS requests (UTL_HTTP package).
So if you decide to call web service from Oracle - it's possible and relatively simple for SOAP and REST web-services.
You can find example code in this answer on StackOverflow.
Update - answer on a comment
To make it clear, example above isn't work at a "database query level" because it's implemented on PL/SQL. Oracle Database engine natively incorporates support for two different languages:
traditional SQL, which is ANSI SQL standards implementation (traditionally with some incompatibilities and extensions);
PL/SQL, which is procedural programming language tightly integrated with a traditional SQL.
This two things are really different. Even there are a common questions about performance affected by switching context between SQL and PL/SQL engines and mostly caused by improper procedures design.
PL/SQL as a procedural language can access a rich set of APIs, provided by Oracle as a set of built-in packages. Among others there are a number of packages directly related to network communication protocols and standards: UTL_TCP, UTL_URL, UTL_SMTP, UTL_MAIL, UTL_INADDR, UTL_HTTP, HTP, HTF, DBMS_LDAP.
Needs to be said, that there are a set of APIs, provided to support publishing of PL/SQL code on the web. Set of OWA_xxxx packages supports access through mod_plsql. Another thing is a support for publishing SOAP web services in Oracle XML DB.
If you need to unload data from Oracle to web service on a schedule then look at DBMS_SCHEDULE and DBMS_JOB packages to start unload procedures periodically.
Most of this system packages implemented on Java and it's possible to write your own Java extensions callable from PL/SQL.
P.S. There are a UTL_DBWS package dedicated for implementation of calls to SOAP services from Oracle Database, but seems that it produces more problems than solves and I can't find reference to it in 11g documentation (10g only).
P.P.S. Some statements may be slightly inaccurate or contain exaggerations, but that should be enough to understand the overall picture.

Is it possible to use LINQ to SQL with Oracle?

I need to develop a program that must delete and insert data into an Oracle database. Is it possible to use LINQ to SQL with Oracle?
For development I use MS SQL server but it will be a Oracle database in production. What do you recommend?
Officially No. Linq to SQL was originally build with the ability to swap out the data provider to allow connections to other databases, but they disabled this functionality in the released versions to encourage people to use more stable and supported data access layers (like EF). The recommended approach is to use Entity Framework if you want to switch between SQL and Oracle.
Also, Patrick is very right, make sure you are developing and testing against the same database platform you are going to use in production, there is a world of difference in how they operate. Sure, you should be able to abstract it away to not care about whether you are using SQL or Oracle, but that is almost never really the case.
No, you can't. Although LINQ to SQL was initialy designed with multi-database support in mind (you can see this when looking at the code using .NET Reflector) using a provider model, this model was never made public and Microsoft has no intensions in adding multi-database support to LINQ to SQL.
If you need multi-database support, please use Entity Framework.
No, LINQ-to-SQL doesn't support Oracle. Internally, the project had support for multiple back-ends, but this never made it into the final public release. I believe LINQ-to-Entities supports other databases.
