Why does my application triggers the Installer of another application? - vb6

When using a legacy VB6 application and opening some specific forms inside that application, the Windows Installer belonging to Microsoft Navision (which is installed on the same machine) pops-up like in the attached image.
It happens every time, but on this machine only.
The VB6 application has absolutely no relation with Navision!
What can be done to avoid this anomalous interaction between the two applications?

This is down to a corrupt windows installer database and your app is using some component that Microsoft Dynamics tried to install.
Your best bet is to remove and reinstall Microsoft Dynamics NAV, or use MSICUU to remove the "broken" package.
Update: MSICUU was retired in preference to the Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter but I've not used this new utility.


Get executable Windows 8 app

I am developing a Windows 8 app (Modern UI) and I was asking if I could get the 'executable' of the app to install and test it in other computers without submitting the app to the market.
I am using the visual studio 2012 ultimate, if it helps.
Thank you in advance.
Right-click the project and choose Store - Create App Package and deselect uploading to the store. This will create a folder with the package for your app and all dependencies. Use the powershell script, which is also located in the folder to install the app. Normally if you run it for the first time it will probably ask you to change your ExecutionPolicy, but then it will install the app.
You can sideload an application on another machine without requiring the application be in the Windows Store.
One way, mentioned by Kai in another response to this question, leverages a developer license on the targeted machine. Because this mechanism uses a developer license it's not a suitable method for distributing apps for several reasons:
The license states "You may use the developer license only for the purpose of developing, testing and evaluating apps"
A developer license has a 30 (or 90 day) limit, after which the user will be re-prompted to renew the license; that's not a suitable experience for a 'finished' app.
Acquiring the license requires an internet connection, so the app may not start if offline.
The approved mechanism for distributing applications to the end-user outside of the Windows Store is via Windows 8 Enterprise or by purchasing enterprise side-loading activation keys for devices not running Enterprise (like RT). Some information on this process can be found here and here.

Use existing Win7 code base in Windows 8 App

In my company we have an existing product that runs on Windows 7 and communicates with our web services.
We wish to make a Windows 8 tablet version of our product, and my first thought was:
"Hey, its just a new Windows version, so we can probably use our existing model, data access and business layer logic projects, and just focus on making a new UI layer"
But I fear that this is not the case, or am I wrong?
I tried opening our VS2010 solution file in VS2012 Express, but received an error "This edition of Visual Studio only supports Windows Store apps".
So, my naive hope now is: Can anyone tell me the easiest way to make our existing code work in a Windows 8 App?
The code is .NET C#, and my thought was that I just wanted to make a Windows 8 app so that the product had a tablet/touch friendly interface.
In general, you'll make a new UI using XAML, reuse a lot of your existing code, and change the data access to use SQLite.
VS2012 Express Edition is for making Windows Store apps. By "Windows Store" app, I mean an app which uses the WinRT APIs. Depending on your code, making a Windows Store version of your app can be straightforward.
If you need other features, you might need a different version of Visual Studio 2012. You definitely need to be on 2012 though. You can't build a Windows Store application with Visual Studio 2010. I think you know this already though.
If your existing .NET app uses WPF for the UI, you can reuse a lot of your XAML knowledge for the Windows 8 port. It's not as simple as recompiling, but it should be straightforward.
SQL CE is currently not an option for Windows Store applications. Instead, consider using SQLite.
Take a look at a post on MSDN called .NET for Windows Store apps - supported APIs. Some APIs you may be familiar with have been moved to WinRT. Sometimes porting is as simple as changing namespaces.
You mention that you also write to the C: drive. There's a sample on MSDN on how to read and write files.
So You need to build a new Metro Style Interface.
Wen You built interface just copy the Logic of your old application.
You can open old application in old VS 2010 and copy code line by line.
You can't convert old Windows app to Metro Style App.

windows service msi installer created in vs2003 hangs in win7 while installing

We have few windows services developed using .Net framework 1.1(VS2003).For each windows service an msi installer(set up project) is created to make installation easier.These installers are able to install windows services successfully in windows XP.But these installers unable to install windows service in WIN7 though I have admin privileges on the machine in which I am trying install them.While I am trying to install the windows service in win7, Through msi installer,installation is progressing till 90%.After that it is neither completing nor throwing an error.I am unable to understand what the problem is.
I tried following ways.
1.Opened cmd window in admin mode and tried to execute the msi with the command msiexec -i --Din't work
2.Right clicked on the actual exe(windows service exe) file and tried to run it in admin mode.--Din't work
3.Changed the UAC to never notify, restarted the machine and then tried to install--Din't work
4.Right clicked on both exe and msi and open their properties and changed the compatibility to lower version of windows and tried to install--Din't work
One thing I have noticed is that for all the custom actions of our windows service installer, primary output of our main project(exe) was given as input.I build the msi installer by removing all the custom actions.Then i tried to install it in win7.Then it was installed.But during the installation system not prompted for account details (which is the actual case while installing windows service) and also the service was not appeared in services manager window.
I spent somuch time to identify the cause and resolution.But I dint find any posts on this issue.I suspect that the problem is with custom actions.But not sure.If the problem is with custom actions please let me know how to overcome it.
Please provide a resolution for this issue or share me if there are any links which talks about this.
FWIW, .NET 1.1 isn't supported on Win7. Also I'm guessing you are using InstallUtil custom actions to drive the setup of your .NET Windows Service. These are very fragile and you can eliminate all those brittle points by refactoring and using the ServiceInstall ServiceControl tables in MSI.

VS2010 web setup project needs IIS6 (metabase) compatibility on IIS7. Consequences or other issues for the application?

When trying to install a web setup project (MSI) created in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 2008 Server the setup will fail, with some generic error.
According to http://devio.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/pitfalls-installing-web-setup-msi-on-iis-7/ this is because of a compatibility problem between the setup project en IIS7.
To resolve this I've to enable/install IIS6 metabase compatibility in my windows configuration. This workaround did fix the problem, but raises 2 questions:
Does this have any (negative) impact on functionality of IIS 7?
How can I notify a user running the installation of this problem so he or she can take proper action and install the metabase compatibility component? Is it possible to pop-up the windows component configuration dialog from this install, to make life easier for the user?
I don't think this will have any impact on the application itself, as long as it's implemented the way to talk to IIS7 via its native API. Otherwise, if it doesn't support IIS7 you'd have to enable IIS6 compatibility anyway.
The standard approach to search for anything on a target machine is searching registry and file system. I don't know how it is possible in VS setup project, but e.g. WiX has special elements for this (RegistrySearch, DirectorySearch, FileSearch). Basically, this post to WiX Tips and Tricks thread shows how to check for IIS6 compatibility in WiX and block the installation if it's not enables/installed. It's rather straight-forward even if you don't know WiX, but know the concepts of Windows Installer, and it can help you translate the code into the similar thing in VS setup project.
We seem to be having one negative impact on our servers.
Everytime we roll out a .NET 4.0 application with a msi made in Visual Studio, We get a recycle of ALL our application pools, even the ones not affected by the install.
Apparently the root cause of this is the IIS 6 compatibility. ( This was reported to us by a developer of microsoft in response to our support question about this.
At the moment we have no solution. It's impossible to convert all our installers to Wix.

Running Visual Studio with Elevated Privileges for Azure : any way to avoid the side effects?

I'm working on some Azure web apps, and in order to debug I'm running VS 2010 as Administrator (I normally right click the shortcut and run-as-admin, I'm aware that there are properties I can change or use Ctrl-Shift).
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio - The Windows Azure compute emulator must be run elevated. Please restart VS in elevated administrator mode in order to run the project"
If I do this, Azure simulator works OK, but I get two other side effects.
1) I can't drag and drop onto the solution explorer. This is a pain. (Ctrl C/V works but I can't drop whole files into the solution explorer)
2) I develop inside of a DropBox file structure. If I've developed on my desktop, and grab my laptop, projects in my Azure solution that are created within, and shared with, other non-azure projects fail to load. Edit: If I develop outside of dropbox, zip a copy into dropbox, unzip that on the new machine, its all fine.
3) I get "Could not load file or assembly. Access is denied" for various DLL's used by the project - I can fix this for individual DLL's by giving permissions to Network Service but I get the error for resource files too and the same trick doesn't seem to work.
This interworking between machines works fine without elevated privileges - I've been doing it for 2 years on about 20 projects without issue.
So is there a way of running just the compute emulator elevated, or some other way of avoiding these side effects?
OS Version Win 7 Pro SP1 X64
Azure Tools for MSVS2010 Platform v1.4 (11/04/2011)
Windows Azure SDK (11/04/2011)
Windows Azure SDK 1.4.1 Refresh (11/04/2011)
Windows Azure AppFabric SDK V1.0 (29/06/2011)
Consistent over all machines
EDIT: Having already given Network Service user all permissions to the entire folder structure to the project, I get the following error. Prior to doing that, the error was similar, but was for access to the DLL's in the project's bin folder.
Parser Error Message: Access to the path 'C:\Users\ Beko2011Azure\Website\App_GlobalResources\EditorLocalization.uk-UA.resx' is denied.
Source Error: [No relevant source lines]
Source File: /App_GlobalResources/EditorLocalization.uk-UA.resx Line: 1
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319;
As far as #1 goes, you can still CTRL+C and CTRL+V to the solution explorer. For everything else you described, the elevated priviliges are probably not the problem. This has especially nothing to do with Azure tools. I have them installed on several machines, and VS works elevated (I always use elevated mode because it's impossible to debug in IIS otherwise). I never had any problems with it.
The DLL/file access denied might be Dropbox's fault. Have you succesfully used this type of file structure in any other projects?
I have no idea what you meant by #2. What fails to load? Azure projects? And do you have the SDK installed on all machines? Same version? Did you mark a web site as hosted in IIS - this also prevents loading of projects.
Also, please update your post with: Operating system version, Azure SDK version...
Update: looking at your error message I can't help but wonder the problem is caused by Dropbox locking files that are needed, and these files then not being accessible by IIS when required. Could you try killing Dropbox service and checking to see if the application performs OK at that point?
As of Azure SDK 2.1 you no longer need to run the Emulator with Elevated privileges. See my answer here
