Code equivalent for size property in Interface Builder - cocoa

I'm creating some NSTableColumns dynamically and they appear too tall in the table. In the Interface Builder there is a general setting to adjust the object size (mini, small, regular). Is there any code equivalent for this or should I simply select the font manually?
I found that I can get the font with:
NSFont *font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]];
However, the row height doesn't match the items' height. Setting the font in code does nothing with the row height. I use NSTextFieldCells and NSPopUpButtonCells as data cells.
Oh, and I'm building for 10.6.

In addition to changing the font, you need to set the control size of the cell.
NSCell *theCell = ...;
[theCell setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]]];
[theCell setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];

Apple is now providing an official guide for this.
Here's copied code snippet.
float fontSize = [NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
NSCell *theCell = [theControl cell];
NSFont *theFont = [NSFont fontWithName:[[theCell font] fontName] size:fontSize];
[theCell setFont:theFont];
[theCell setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
[theControl sizeToFit];


Misaligned NSAttributedString in macOS NSStatusItem's button

I would like to display a two-line NSAttributedString as the button title of the NSStatusItem of my macOS app.
However, it seems to move the text up a few pixels and, thus, cut it off. This problem did not occur before macOS Big Sur.
With some effort I managed to generate an NSImage of the text and use it as the button's image.
Is there any way to position the NSAttributedString correctly without using an image?
I found a way to workaround this problem, but I don’t know if this way is correct, the code with Objetive-C is as follows
NSMutableParagraphStyle *style = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init];
CGFloat minMaxLineHeight = (font.pointSize - font.ascender + font.capHeight);
[style setMinimumLineHeight:minMaxLineHeight];
[style setMaximumLineHeight:minMaxLineHeight];
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, text.length);
[attriString addAttribute:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName
[attriString addAttribute:NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName

Drawing correct CALayer colors honoring NSAppearance

I am looking into theming my app by setting window.appearance.
In my app, I draw some stuff inside layers. I also use Core Plot, which renders its charts in layers.
For the default aqua appearance, I just use the system colors (such as NSColor.textColor and NSColor.gridColor) and they are drawn in the correct color in CALayer. But changing the window's appearance to vibrant dark causes colors to be drawn incorrectly.
Is there any way to obtain the correct color for a givenNSAppearance? Private API is acceptable too.
If the question is not clear, here is a very simple example to show the problem.
I set up a CATextLayer that is added as a sublayer of the main view's sublayers and an NSTextFied that is added as a subview:
CATextLayer* textLayer = [CATextLayer new];
textLayer.string = #"Is this colored correctly? (Layer)";
textLayer.foregroundColor = NSColor.textColor.CGColor;
textLayer.contentsScale = 2.0;
textLayer.frame = (CGRect){0,0, [textLayer preferredFrameSize]};
NSTextField* textField = [NSTextField new];
textField.stringValue = #"Is this colored correctly? (View)";
textField.textColor = NSColor.textColor;
textField.font = (__bridge id)textLayer.font;
textField.editable = NO;
textField.selectable = NO;
textField.bezeled = NO;
textField.backgroundColor = nil;
[textField sizeToFit];
textField.frame = (CGRect){0, 60, textField.bounds.size};
[self.view.layer addSublayer:textLayer];
[self.view addSubview:textField];
On an Aqua window, both appear correctly:
However, on a dark vibrant window, the layer does not, while the text field does:
I'd like to know how to get the correct color for a given NSAppearance.
So I had an incorrect approach.
The right way to do it, is to implement -updateLayer in the view and take the colors' CGColor snapshot there. -updateLayer is called when the appearance changes, so the view can update it with the correct color values.

NSButton(Cell) setFont

It seems that NSButtonCell's setFont method is not available anymore from 10.9.
Is there any way (or category) to (re)implement it?
I don't know why Apple forces it's own styles on buttons.
I am trying for 2 days to style my own custom button (I also needed a category to simply change the button's text color - shame).
You can use -setAttributedTitle: of NSButton to set the style of button title.
Sample code:
NSDictionary *attributes = #{NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [NSColor redColor], NSFontAttributeName: [NSFont userFixedPitchFontOfSize:13.0f]};
NSAttributedString *aString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:#"Button" attributes:attributes];
[button setAttributedTitle:aString];

iOS 7: What is UIBarButtonItem's default font?

What is the default font of the title of a UIBarButtonItem with a style of UIBarButtonItemStyleDone?
The following just returns nil:
[doneBarButtonItem titleTextAttributesForState:UIControlStateNormal]
[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:17]
Note: I confirmed this by doing:
UIFont *font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:17];
[doneBarButtonItem setTitleTextAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName: font}
And then, I took screenshots of the before & after and compared them. They were identical.
You can retrieve the default font for a UILabel (which includes UIBarButton's title label) by querying
UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: UIFont.labelFontSize)

Incorrect font measures

On a NSTextField I'm setting a custom font with a size of 140. The text is set to #"28". But as you can clearly see on the image, the text field has plenty of space on top. This only happens with certain type of fonts, not all of them. My question is what information from the font could be affecting the textfield that ends up cropping the text ? (Ascender, Cap Height ?). And if so, can I modify the font file to fix it ?
The baseline will vary between fonts. In addition, there are other metrics that vary. You can work around this problem with NSAttributedString. You could try varying the NSBaselineOffsetAttribute and from within a paragraph setMinimumLineHeight and setMaximumLineHeight. The following is an example. Make sure to create two textField labels and connect their outlets.
self.Label1.stringValue = #"Test Text";
// baseline is different for each font!
//self.Label2.stringValue = #"Test Text";
NSFont *otherFont = [NSFont fontWithName:#"MarkerFelt-Thin" size:40.0f];
NSNumber *baseline = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat: 5.0f];
NSMutableParagraphStyle *paraStyle = [[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy];
[paraStyle setParagraphSpacingBefore:20.0f];
[paraStyle setMinimumLineHeight:30.0f];
[paraStyle setMaximumLineHeight:50.0f];
NSDictionary *otherFDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: paraStyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
otherFont, NSFontAttributeName, baseline, NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName, nil];
NSMutableAttributedString *otherText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:#"Test Text" attributes:otherFDict];
self.Label2.attributedStringValue = otherText;
