selenium is able to find but unable to click on an unicode character - selenium-rc

I am having trouble getting selenium RC to click on a button. There is a button on a page that has the character "pi" on it and I am trying to click on it. The html code looks something like this
<div id="abc">
<a class="my keys one" keystring="Pi" keyvalue="π"
This is what I have done so far -"//div[#id='abc']/a[1]");
This returns an OK but on the page, when I see visually, the button is not clicked (on click, the page has to do something).
I have tried other stuff like getting the Attribute and making it click on it, but doesnt work-"//div[#id='abc']/a[1]#keystring"));
I have even tried converting the above selenium.getAttribute to a unicode value and then clicking on it. That does not work too.
Also, I added a line to check if at least selenium thinks the character pi is present on the page. I used the unicode of pi-
On eclipse, when I run it, this shows up- isElementPresent[?, ] on session...
and returns a false.
I am stumped. Can anyone please point to me what is it that I am doing wrong?

i thin this may help you."//a[#class='my keys one']");
or"xpath=//a[#class='my keys one'"]");
if it is not workin use css path.

I a similar issue. My button has a "black down-pointing triangle" on it and none of the other attributes are unique (the "class", "id", and "role" are reused over and over on the same page). The only unique thing I have is a "value" that is a symbol.
value="▼ "
I, too, would like to know if there is a way to click on this button.


Can't click an input type="button" that exists but it's not visible

First of all... I red everything I could and tried everything I found!!
With the following gems installed in WinXp:
Watir-webdriver 0.6.10 |
selenium-webdriver 2.42.0 |
Firefox 30
I have a type="button", inside an input tag element, which I'm sure it exists in the browser (returns true to exists?), but that it's not visible to watir (returns false to visible? or present?), despite being visible to the user.
I've tried the .hover, .fire_event "onmouseover", .click and fire_event("onclick") approaches and none solved the problem.
With the first I get a native event problem whether I disable native events in firefox, as suggested in watir webdriver website, or not.
b.div(:class, "buttons btnGuardarCancelar").button(:id, "guardar").hover
b.div(:class, "buttons btnGuardarCancelar").button(:id, "guardar")
With the second I get a true answer, but nothing happens, even with a wait_until_present or when_present after that command.
b.div(:class, "buttons btnGuardarCancelar").button(:id, "guardar").fire_event("onmouseover")
b.div(:class, "buttons btnGuardarCancelar").button(:id, "guardar")
With the third I get a timeout, saying the element is not visible.
b.div(:class, "buttons btnGuardarCancelar").button(:id, "guardar")
And with the last one it fires some other onclick event, but not the one associated with the button I indicate.
b.div(:class, "buttons btnGuardarCancelar").button(:id, "guardar").fire_event("onclick")
Also tried xpath with the following:
b.element(:xpath, "//input[#id='guardar']")
b.button(:xpath, "//input[#id='guardar']")
the code is what follows:
<div class="buttons btnGuardarCancelar" name="">
<input id="cancelar" class="formButton margingleft" type="button" value="Cancelar" onclick="openUserServiceConfigMenu(1);" tabindex="12"></input>
<input id="guardar" class="formButton margingleft" type="button" value="Guardar" name="guardar" onclick="sendForm();" tabindex="12"></input>
The behaviour is the same for both buttons. I don't know what to do more, to get this working. Important to say that I have no control over the website.
1) it works when interacted directly by a human user.
2) it also doesn't work via irb.
3) i don't need the click any other buttons to access this button.
Just tried:
b.element(:css, "div.buttons.btnGuardarCancelar > input[name=guardar]").click
Received the following error:
[remote server] file:///D:/DOCUME~1/p056988/LOCALS~1/Temp/webdriver-profile20140
js:8791:5:in `fxdriver.preconditions.visible': Element is not currently visible
and so may not be interacted with (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisible
Well, found my answer... tried to answer yesterday, but since my rep is still low I couldn't until 8 hours after I posted.
After digging deep in the website code, using the Firefox built-in inspector, I found the issue ...
It seems that there are some other buttons in the same page, with the same identifiers - html just like the one I was trying to address -, but they are hidden and so watir-webdriver tries to click the first it gets in the html page code and it gets a not visible error.
I managed to solve the problem by editing the button parents to be more specific, starting with the first "present?==true" element in the path., "tab_user_service_options").div.div.div.div(:class, "buttons btnGuardarCancelar").button(:id, "guardar").click
Thanks for all your kind answers.
Sometimes the .click doesn't work. There are many different factors that could cause this and that really depends on the implementation of your application. Utilize the OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions.Actions class to simulate the user movements instead of executing a click event on an element.
OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions.Actions actions = new OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions.Actions(driver);
This will move the mouse to the desired location and then click it. Based on your previous comments you are able to find the web element so it should function to move the mouse and click there. There is also an[IWebElementGoesHere]).Perform(); which I have found also usually works, but if it doesn't then you can use the move and then click.
Depending on your application you might have to move your mouse and wait before clicking if there is some behind the scenes actions that take place...but that totally depends on the implementation of your application.
The element you are trying to 'click' is most likely being 'covered' by another element (possibly a 'span' element). The element will return 'exists?' but is not 'clickable', "because another element would receive the click"
On the site I'm currently testing the UI guy will use a 'span' to stylize the elements on the page. So where it looks like i'm clicking on a 'button' element, in actuality I'm clicking on the span that is on top of the button element.
I would suggest using Selenium IDE and recording the flow, it should give you some clues as to the element you can use in your script.
As per the documentation of Watir, it first check whether element exists(Returns whether this element actually exists), and which doesn't check element is visible or not. So before performing any action,it is necessary that element should be visible.
def click
I generally check for presence for element and then check whether element is preset or not. If not use, wait_until_present and then perform any desired action.
browser.element(:css => locator).wait_until_present
browser.element(:css => locator}").click
Try out this and revert if this works for you!

Interacting with VB6 client using hidden control in embedded web browser control

I'm having difficulty trapping a programmatically triggered click event on a hidden button control from a ASP.NET MVC 4 web app inside a VB6 thick client (which is using a web browser control). I'm able to trap the click event itself using the following:
Private WithEvents WebDoc As HTMLDocument
Private Function WebDoc_onclick() As Boolean
Select Case WebDoc.activeElement.iD
Case "A"
Do something
Case "C"
Do something else
End Select
WebDoc_onclick = True
End Function
And this works just fine if the control is visible. But if the control is invisible:
<div class="HideBtnDiv">
<input id="C" name="NoItems" type="button" class="BtnDiv" style="display:none"/>
and I try to trigger a programmatic click via one of the following:
I'm getting an empty string for the "id" attribute and as a result I can't distinguish which button was clicked. This button serves no purpose other than to indicate to the VB6 app that a certain criteria has been met and that's the reason why I need it to be hidden. Does anyone have any idea why the id is getting stripped? Or is there any other way to communicate back to the client?
I've also tried filtering by element style using
Select Case WebDoc.activeElement.Style
Case "display:none"
Do something else
End Select
but it came back as "[Object]" so no luck there either. Please let me know if there is a way around this.
You seem to have tried several ways of dynamically triggering the click event, but did you try the most obvious way:
But here is what I would do:
1- Make all of your buttons visible, by removing "display:none" from their style
2- Wrap the buttons you want to hide in a new DIV
3- Set "display:none" style in the newly created DIV
4- You can then trigger the .click() event of any button even if not visible by calling $(id).click();
Thanks, Ahmad. Actually I meant .click() not .('click'). Sorry about that.
Anyway, I tried your suggestion and made the button visible and set the style of the wrapping div to display:none but the id attribute was still coming through as an empty string.
However, I did figure out another way to get this to work. If I keep the wrapping div and button as visible and then focus and click when the condition is met and then do a hide(), my problem is resolved!
The button doesn't get displayed and VB6 still passes the id on the click event. The weird thing is it requires the focus() call to still be made. Without it, I'm back to square one. Not sure if this is a bug.

Access button in div popup watir web-driver

I am trying to retrieve, modify, and reinsert some text in a pop up dialog using watir web-driver. All was going swimmingly until I tried to find a way to click the "Save Book Info" button pictured here:
However I am unable to find the button. To access the pop up box I gather all the links with the correct name into an array:
#browser.imgs.each do |img| #The links are imgs
if img.title.include?('Edit/Delete Book')
#books << img
From there I can access the links with #books[index].click. I am able to access and edit the text_fields with:
url = #browser.text_field(:name=>'url').value
... do stuff with url ..
#browser.text_field(:name=>'url').set url
But when I try and find the "Close" button I only get the buttons that are on the main page. After many headaches I managed to find the title of the window I want to work with using #browser.div(:class=>'dijitDialogTitleBar').title, which returns "Edit Book". Success! No. I still can't figure out how to access the buttons on that popup!
If anyone could help me with this I would be most grateful. This is my first time using Watir so it's probably a simple answer...
If more information is needed I'd be happy to supply it. Thanks in advance.
Here is the html for the button:
<span id="dijit_form_Button_2_label"
class="dijitReset dijitInline dijitButtonText"
dojoattachpoint="containerNode">Save Book Info</span>
It looks like you have a span tag that is styled to be looked like a button. You need to access it is a span instead of a button.
#browser.span(:text => 'Save Book Info').click

Clicking a button with WATIR WebDriver

I have been struggling with this all morning and was hoping to get some assistance.
I have this button on a webpage that pulls up a control panel that lets the user select which widgets to display. I'm trying to get this to fire using watir webdriver and firefox 9.0 but having no luck at all. I'm able to login to the site, get to the page that contains the button but just can't click the 'CHOOSE YOUR FEATURES' button.
<div class="personalizationButton">
<span class="personalizationStatus"></span>
<b class="widgetPanelLink neo-button button-white">
I've been concentrating on using div class 'personalizationButton' but perhaps I need to point to that 'b class'? Just not sure how to format it. Here are some examples of what I have tried
$browser.div(:class, 'personalizationButton')
$browser.button(:text => 'CHOOSE YOUR FEATURES').click
$browser.button(:div => 'personalizationButton').click
etc, etc... just not sure I'm getting the format right. I watch it get to the page, I see the 'CHOOSE YOUR FEATURES' button on the page, but it never clicks it. Usually I get an error like this depending on which version was used:
unable to locate element, using {:text=>"CHOOSE YOUR FEATURES", :tag_name=>"button"}
This is the version I think should work, When I try it I get no errors but see nothing happen in the browser either:
$browser.div(:class => "personalizationButton").click
I'm not seeing anything inherently clickable (with output) in the HTML. With the IRB output, it shows that it is finding the div, but there is no action when clicking it. The <b> element is just the "bold" style, so we shouldn't need to try that.
If you can access the span with text CHOOSE YOUR FEATURES, that should be your button.
$browser.span(:text => "CHOOSE YOUR FEATURES").click
. . i have tried doing the same thing with buy it did work.
on the main page there is a button labeled "Buy Now" using the code below
brow.div(:class => 'gdhp-domain-link gdhp-rounded-corners').span(:text => 'Buy Now').click
I was

How can I know what element is clicked in IE?

I'm automating IE with watir, and I want to know what html element(s) are clicked (selected). Can this be done using watir? win32ole? In a last chance, without ruby?
Something like:
Click a button -> button with id=213 and class=btn_class was clicked.
Click a text field -> text field with id=123 and value=my_text was clicked.
Try one of the recorders, Selenium IDE for example.
I'm not sure if I completely understand either, but would a custom function like this work?
def click(item, how, what)
#browser.item(how, what).click
puts "#{item} with #{how}->#{what} was clicked"
click("button", ":id", "awesome")
Edit: If you're attempting to identify page elements so that you can then use them in a Watir script, the Developer Toolbar is perfect for this application, much like Firebug for Firefox.
Your comment to me & your response to Zeljko appear to contradict each other. If you want to use WATIR for this task, the code above will execute a mouse click and post the information to console. The only other way to get information is to locate the object in WATIR and fish for more details:
object = #browser.button(:name, /myButton/)
object.height, etc.
#browser.divs.each do |div|
puts, div.title
I'd recommend a strong look at the capabilities of the various developer tools, such as are provided with Chrome, Firefox, and IE. those are generally the best means to get this kind of information.
Watir is really about driving the browser, and getting info out of the DOM. it's not really setup to report on manual interactions with the browser.
