Methods for crossover in genetic algorithms - algorithm

When reading about the crossover part of genetic algorithms, books and papers usually refer to methods of simply swapping out bits in the data of two selected candidates which are to reproduce.
I have yet to see actual code of an implemented genetic algorithm for actual industry applications, but I find it hard to imagine that it's enough to operate on simple data types.
I always imagined that the various stages of genetic algorithms would be performed on complex objects involving complex mathematical operations, as opposed to just swapping out some bits in single integers.
Even Wikipedia just lists these kinds of operations for crossover.
Am I missing something important or are these kinds of crossover methods really the only thing used?

There are several things used... although the need for parallelity and several generations (and sometimes a big population) leads to using techniques that perform well...
Another point to keep in mind is that "swapping out some bits" when modeled correctly resembles a simple and rather accurate version of what happens naturally (recombination of genes, mutations)...
For a very simple and nicely written walkthrough see
For some more info see

I always imagined that the various stages of genetic algorithms would be performed on complex objects involving complex mathematical operations, as opposed to just swapping out some bits in single integers.
You probably think complex mathematical operations are used because you think the Genetic Algorithm has to modify a complex object. That's usually not how a Genetic Algorithm works.
So what does happen? Well, usually, the programmer (or scientist) will identify various parameters in a configuration, and then map those parameters to integers/floats. This does limit the directions in which the algorithm can explore, but that's the only realistic method of getting any results.
Let's look at evolving an antenna. You could perform complex simulation with an genetic algorithm rearranging copper molecules, but that would be very complex and take forever. Instead, you'd identify antenna "parameters". Most antenna's are built up out of certain lengths of wire, bent at certain places in order to maximize their coverage area. So you could identify a couple of parameters: number of starting wires, section lengths, angle of the bends. All those are easily represented as integer numbers, and are therefor easy for the Genetic Algorithm to manipulate. The resulting manipulations can be fed into an "Antenna simulator", to see how well it receives signals.
In short, when you say:
I find it hard to imagine that it's enough to operate on simple data types.
you must realize that simple data types can be mapped to much more intricate structures. The Genetic Algorithm doesn't have to know anything about these intricate structures. All it needs to know is how it can manipulate the parameters that build up the intricate structures. That is, after all, the way DNA works.

In Genetic algorithms usually bitswapping of some variety is used.
As you have said:
I always imagined that the various stages of genetic algorithms would
be performed on complex objects involving complex mathematical
What i think you are looking for is Genetic Programming, where the chromosome describes a program, in this case you would be able to do more with the operators when applying crossover.
Also make sure you have understood the difference between your fitness function in genetic algorithms, and the operators within a chromosome in genetic programming.

Different applications require different encondigs. The goal certainly is to find the most effective encoding and often enough the simple encodings are the better suited. So for example a Job Shop Scheduling Problem might be represented as list of permutations which represent the execution order of the jobs on the different machines (so called job sequence matrix). It can however also be represented as a list of priority rules that construct the schedule. A traveling salesman problem or quadratic assignment problem is typically represented by a single permutation that denotes a tour in one case or an assignment in another case. Optimizing the parameters of a simulation model or finding the root of a complex mathematical function is typically represented by a vector of real values.
For all those, still simple types crossover and mutation operators exist. For the permutation these are e.g. OX, ERX, CX, PMX, UBX, OBX, and many more. If you can combine a number of simple representations to represent a solution of your complex problem you might reuse these operations and apply them to each component individually.
The important thing about crossover to work effectively is that a few properties should be fulfilled:
The crossover should conserve those parts that are similar in both
For those parts that are not similar, the crossover should not introduce an element that is not already part of one of the parents
The crossover of two solutions should, if possible, produce a feasible solution
You want to avoid so called unwanted mutations in your crossovers. In that light you also want to avoid having to repair a large part of your chromosomes after crossover, since that is also introducing unwanted mutations.
If you want to experiment with different operators and problems, we have a nice GUI-driven software: HeuristicLab.

Simple Bit swapping is usually the way to go. The key thing to note is the encoding that is used in each candidate solution. Solutions should be encoded such that there is minimal or no error introduced into the new offspring. Any error would require that the algorithm to provide a fix which will lead to increased processing time.
As an example I have developed a university timetable generator in C# that uses a integer encoding to represent the timeslots available in each day. This representation allows very efficient single point or multi-point crossover operator which uses the LINQ intersect function to combine parents.
Typical multipoint crossover with hill-climbing
public List<TimeTable> CrossOver(List<TimeTable> parents) // Multipoint crossover
var baby1 = new TimeTable {Schedule = new List<string>(), Fitness = 0};
var baby2 = new TimeTable {Schedule = new List<string>(), Fitness = 0};
for (var gen = 0; gen < parents[0].Schedule.Count; gen++)
if (rnd.NextDouble() < (double) CrossOverProb)
CalculateFitness(ref baby1);
CalculateFitness(ref baby2);
// allow hill-climbing
return parents.OrderByDescending(i => i.Fitness).Take(2).ToList();


Can genomes be heterogeneous and express entities with heterogeneous elements?

I never took a formal GA course, so this question might be vague: I'm trying to see whether I'm approaching this problem well.
Usually a genome is represented as a sequence of homogeneous elements, such as binary numbers, logic gates, elementary functions, etc., which can then be assembled into a homogeneous structure like a syntax-tree for a computer program or a 3D object or whatever.
My problem involves evolving a graph of components, lets say X, Y and Z: the graph can have N nodes and each node is an instance of either X, Y or Z. Encoding such a graph structure in a genome is rather straightforward, however, I also need to attach additional information for what X, Y and Z do themselves--which is actually the main object of the GA.
So it seems like my genome should code for a heterogeneous entity: an entity which is composed both of a structure graph and a functionality specification. It is not impossible to subsume the elements (genes) which code for the structure and those that code for functionality under a single parent "gene", and then simply separate them when the entity is being assembled, but this doesn't feel like the right approach.
Is this a common problem in GA? Am I supposed to find a "lower-level" representation / genome encoding in this situation? What are the relevant considerations?
Yes you can do that with GA, but strictly speaking you will be using Genetic Programming (GP) as opposed of Genetic Algorithms. GP is considered a special case of GA where the genome representation is heterogenous. This means your individual is a "computer program" instead of just "raw data" look here and here. This means you can really get creative on what this "computer program" means, how to represent it and handle it.
Regarding the additional information, it should be fine as long as all your genetic operators consider this representation. For instance, your crossover. It could be prepared to exchange half of the tree and half of the additional information of the parents. If for some reason the additional information cannot be divided, your crossover may decide to clone it from one of the parents.
The main disadvantage of this highly tuned approach is that you probably can't use high level GA/GP frameworks out there (I'm just assuming, I don't know much about them).

Human-interpretable supervised machine learning algorithm

I'm looking for a supervised machine learning algorithm that would produce transparent rules or definitions that can be easily interpreted by a human.
Most algorithms that I work with (SVMs, random forests, PLS-DA) are not very transparent. That is, you can hardly summarize the models in a table in a publication aimed at a non-computer scientist audience. What authors usually do is, for example, publish a list of variables that are important based on some criterion (for example, Gini index or mean decrease of accuracy in the case of RF), and sometimes improve this list by indicating how these variables differ between the classes in question.
What I am looking is a relatively simple output of the style "if (any of the variables V1-V10 > median or any of the variables V11-V20 < 1st quartile) and variable V21-V30 > 3rd quartile, then class A".
Is there any such thing around?
Just to constraint my question a bit: I am working with highly multidimensional data sets (tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of often colinear variables). So for example regression trees would not be a good idea (I think).
You sound like you are describing decision trees. Why would regression trees not be a good choice? Maybe not optimal, but they work, and those are the most directly interpretable models. Anything that works on continuous values works on ordinal values.
There's a tension between wanting an accurate classifier, and wanting a simple and explainable model. You could build a random decision forest model, and constrain it in several ways to make it more interpretable:
Small max depth
High minimum information gain
Prune the tree
Only train on "understandable" features
Quantize/round decision threhsolds
The model won't be as good, necessarily.
You can find interesting research in the understanding AI methods done by Been Kim at Google Brain.

Automatic probability densities

I have found automatic differentiation to be extremely useful when writing mathematical software. I now have to work with random variables and functions of the random variables, and it seems to me that an approach similar to automatic differentiation could be used for this, too.
The idea is to start with a basic random vector with given multivariate distribution and then you want to work with the implied probability distributions of functions of components of the random vector. The idea is to define operators that automatically combine two probability distributions appropriately when you add, multiply, divide two random variables and transform the distribution appropriately when you apply scalar functions such as exponentiation. You could then combine these to build any function you need of the original random variables and automatically have the corresponding probability distribution available.
Does this sound feasible? If not, why not? If so and since it's not a particularly original thought, could someone point me to an existing implementation, preferably in C
There has been a lot of work on probabilistic programming. One issue is that as your distribution gets more complicated you start needing more complex techniques to sample from it.
There are a number of ways this is done. Probabilistic graphical models gives one vocabulary for expressing these models, and you can then sample from them using various Metropolis-Hastings-style methods. Here is a crash course.
Another model is Probabilistic Programming, which can be done through an embedded domain specific language, directly. Oleg Kiselyov's HANSEI is an example of this approach. Once they have the program they can inspect the tree of decisions and expand them out by a form of importance sampling to gain the most information possible at each step.
You may also want to read "Nonstandard Interpretations of Probabilistic
Programs for Efficient Inference" by Wingate et al. which describes one way to use extra information about the derivative of your distribution to accelerate Metropolis-Hastings-style sampling techniques. I personally use automatic differentiation to calculate those derivatives and this brings the topic back to automatic-differentiation. ;)

What are the differences between genetic algorithms and evolution strategies?

I've read a couple of introductory sections of books as well as a few papers on both topics, and it looks to me that these two methods are pretty much exactly the same. That said, I haven't had the time to actually deeply research the topics yet, so I might be wrong.
What are the distinctions between genetic algorithms and evolution strategies? What makes them different, and where are they similar?
In evolution strategies, the individuals are coded as vectors of real numbers. On reproduction, parents are selected randomly and the fittest offsprings are selected and inserted in the next generation. ES individuals are self-adapting. The step size or "mutation strength" is encoded in the individual, so good parameters get to the next generation by selecting good individuals.
In genetic algorithms, the individuals are coded as integers. The selection is done by selecting parents proportional to their fitness. So individuals must be evaluated before the first selection is done. Genetic operators work on the bit-level (e.g. cutting a bit string into multiple pieces and interchange them with the pieces of the other parent or switching single bits).
That's the theory. In practice, it is sometimes hard to distinguish between both evolutionary algorithms, and you need to create hybrid algorithms (e.g. integer (bit-string) individuals that encodes the parameters of the genetic operators).
Just stumbled on this thread when researching Evolution Strategies (ES).
As Paul noticed before, the encoding is not really the difference here, as this is an implementation detail of specific algorithms, although it seems more common in ES.
To answer the question, we first need to do a small step back and look at internals of an ES algorithm.
In ES there is a concept of endogenous and exogenous parameters of the evolution. Endogenous parameters are associated with individuals and therefore are evolved together with them, exogenous are provided from "outside" (e.g. set constant by the developer, or there can be a function/policy which sets their value depending on the iteration no).
The individual k consists therefore of two parts:
y(k) - a set of object parameters (e.g. a vector of real/int values) which denote the individual genotype
s(k) - a set of strategy parameters (e.g. a vector of real/int values again) which e.g. can control statistical properties of mutation)
Those two vectors are being selected, mutated, recombined together.
The main difference between GA and ES is that in classic GA there is no distinction between types of algorithm parameters. In fact all the parameters are set from "outside", so in ES terms are exogenous.
There are also other minor differences, e.g. in ES the selection policy is usually one and the same and in GA there are multiple different approaches which can be interchanged.
You can find a more detailed explanation here (see Chapter 3): Evolution strategies. A comprehensive introduction
In most newer textbooks on GA, real-valued coding is introduced as an alternative to the integer one, i.e. individuals can be coded as vectors of real numbers. This is called continuous parameter GA (see e.g. Haupt & Haupt, "Practical Genetic Algorithms", J.Wiley&Sons, 1998). So this is practically identical to ES real number coding.
With respect to parent selection, there are many different strategies published for GA's. I don't know them all, but I assume selection among all (not only the best has been used for some applications).
The main difference seems to be that a genetic algorithm represents a solution using a sequence of integers, whereas an evolution strategy uses a sequence of real numbers -- reference:
As the wikipedia source ( and #Vaughn Cato said the difference in both techniques relies on the implementation. EA use
real numbers and GA use integers.
However, in practice I think you could use integers or real numbers in the formulation of your problem and in your program. It depends on you. For instance, for protein folding you can say the set of dihedral angles form a vector. This is a vector of real numbers, but the entries
are labeled by integers so I think you can formulate your problem and write you program based
on an integer arithmetic. It is just an idea.

Evaluating a function at a particular value in parallel

The question may seem vague, but let me explain it.
Suppose we have a function f(x,y,z ....) and we need to find its value at the point (x1,y1,z1 .....).
The most trivial approach is to just replace (x,y,z ...) with (x1,y1,z1 .....).
Now suppose that the function is taking a lot of time in evaluation and I want to parallelize the algorithm to evaluate it. Obviously it will depend on the nature of function, too.
So my question is: what are the constraints that I have to look for while "thinking" to parallelize f(x,y,z...)?
If possible, please share links to study.
Asking the question in such a general way does not permit very specific advice to be given.
I'd begin the analysis by looking for ways to evaluate or rewrite the function using groups of variables that interact closely, creating intermediate expressions that can be used to make the final evaluation. You may find a way to do this involving a hierarchy of subexpressions that leads from the variables themselves to the final function.
In general the shorter and wider such an evaluation tree is, the greater the degree of parallelism. There are two cautionary notes to keep in mind that detract from "more parallelism is better."
For one thing a highly parallel approach may actually involve more total computation than your original "serial" approach. In fact some loss of efficiency in this regard is to be expected, since a serial approach can take advantage of all prior subexpression evaluations and maximize their reuse.
For another thing the parallel evaluation will often have worse rounding/accuracy behavior than a serial evaluation chosen to give good or optimal error estimates.
A lot of work has been done on evaluations that involve matrices, where there is usually a lot of symmetry to how the function value depends on its arguments. So it helps to be familiar with numerical linear algebra and parallel algorithms that have been developed there.
Another area where a lot is known is for multivariate polynomial and rational functions.
When the function is transcendental, one might hope for some transformations or refactoring that makes the dependence more tractable (algebraic).
Not directly relevant to your question are algorithms that amortize the cost of computing function values across a number of arguments. For example in computing solutions to ordinary differential equations, there may be "multi-step" methods that share the cost of evaluating derivatives at intermediate points by reusing those values several times.
I'd suggest that your concern to speed up the evaluation of the function suggests that you plan to perform more than one evaluation. So you might think about ways to take advantage of prior evaluations or perform evaluations at related arguments in a way that contributes to your search for parallelism.
Added: Some links and discussion of search strategy
Most authors use the phrase "parallel function evaluation" to
mean evaluating the same function at multiple argument points.
See for example:
[Coarse Grained Parallel Function Evaluation -- Rulon and Youssef]
A search strategy to find the kind of material Gaurav Kalra asks
about should try to avoid those. For example, we might include
"fine-grained" in our search terms.
It's also effective to focus on specific kinds of functions, e.g.
"polynomial evaluation" rather than "function evaluation".
Here for example we have a treatment of some well-known techniques
for "fast" evaluations applied to design for GPU-based computation:
[How to obtain efficient GPU kernels -- Cruz, Layton, and Barba]
(from their Abstract) "Here, we have tackled fast summation
algorithms (fast multipole method and fast Gauss transform),
and applied algorithmic redesign for attaining performance on
GPUs. The progression of performance improvements attained
illustrates the exercise of formulating algorithms for the
massively parallel architecture of the GPU."
Another search term that might be worth excluding is "pipelined".
This term invariably discusses the sort of parallelism that can
be used when multiple function evaluations are to be done. Early
stages of the computation can be done in parallel with later
stages, but on different inputs.
So that's a search term that one might want to exclude. Or not.
Here's a paper that discusses n-fold speedup for n-variate
polynomial evaluation over finite fields GF(p). This might be
of direct interest for cryptographic applications, but the
approach via modified Horner's method may be interesting for
its potential for generalization:
[Comparison of Bit and Word Level Algorithms for Evaluating
Unstructured Functions over Finite Rings -- Sunar and Cyganski]
"We present a modification to Horner’s algorithm for evaluating
arbitrary n-variate functions defined over finite rings and fields.
... If the domain is a finite field GF(p) the complexity of
multivariate Horner polynomial evaluation is improved from O(p^n)
to O((p^n)/(2n)). We prove the optimality of the presented algorithm."
Multivariate rational functions can be considered simply as the
ratio of two such polynomial functions. For the special case
of univariate rational functions, which can be particularly
effective in approximating elementary transcendental functions
and others, can be evaluated via finite (resp. truncated)
continued fractions, whose convergents (partial numerators
and denominators) can be defined recursively.
The topic of continued fraction evaluations allows us to segue
to a final link that connects that topic with some familiar
parallelism of numerical linear algebra:
[LU Factorization and Parallel Evaluation of Continued Fractions
-- Ömer Egecioglu]
"The first n convergents of a general continued fraction
(CF) can be computed optimally in logarithmic parallel
time using O(n/log(n))processors."
You've asked how to speed up the evalution of a single call to a single function. Unless that evaluation time is measured in hours, it isn't clear why it is worth the bother to speed it up. If you insist on speeding up the function execution itself, you'll have to inspect its content to see if some aspects of it are parallelizable. You haven't provided any information on what it computes or how it does so, so it is hard to give any further advice on this aspect. hardmath's answer suggests some ideas you can use, depending on the actual internal structure of your function.
However, usually people asking your question actually call the function many times (say, N times) for different values of x,y,z (eg., x1,y1,... x2,y2,... xN,yN, ... using your vocabulary).
Yes, if you speed up the execution of the function, making the collective set of calls will speed up and that's what people tend to want. If this is the case, it is "technically easy" to speed up overall execution: make N calls to the function in parallel. Then all the pointwise evaluations happen at the same time. To make this work, you pretty much have make vectors out of the values you want to process (so this kind of trick is called "data parallel" programming). So what you really want is something like:
RESULT(I)=F(X[J],Y[J], ...)
How you implement PARALLEL DO depends on the programming language and libraries you have.
This generally only works if N is a fairly big number, but the more expensive f is to execute, the smaller the effective N.
You can also take advantage of the structure of your function to make this even more efficient. If f computes some internal value the same way for commonly used cases, you might be able
to break out the special cases, pre-compute those, and then use those results to compute "the rest of f" for each individual call.
If you are combining ("reducing") the results of all the functions (e..g, summing all the results), you can do that outside the PARALELL DO loop. If you try to combine results inside the loop, you'll have "loop carried dependencies" and you'll either get the wrong answer or it won't go parallel in the way you expect, depending on your compiler or the parallelism libraries. You can combine the answers efficiently if the combination is some associative/commutative operation such as "sum", by building what amounts to a binary tree and running the evaluation of that in parallel. That's a different problem that also occurs frequently in data parallel computation, but we won't go into further here.
Often the overhead of a parallel for loop is pretty high (forking threads is expensive). So usually people divide the overhead across several iterations:
RESULT(J)=F(X[J],Y[J], ...)
The constant M requires calibration for efficiency; you have to "tune" it. You also have to take care of the fact that N might not be a multiple of M; that requires just an extra clean loop to handle the edge condition:
RESULT(J)=F(X[J],Y[J], ...)
DO J=int(N/M)*M,N,1
RESULT(J)=F(X[J],Y[J], ...)
