Magento 503 errors, intermittent, capacity problems? - magento

I'm having intermittent 503 errors, out of the blue, on a Magento install. Occasionally the page will half load, without JS or CSS, or sometimes the images will not load, but the rest of it will.
I'm running 1.5 magento, and no settings have been changed before it started going awry.
My hosting guys (it's on shared hosting) have said:
Basically every time someone hits the site, you spawn about 10 - 20+
connections for every hit to:
For example:
And this is maxing out the capacity. I've disabled cache, and the problem persists. Is there a way I can check why this is happening, or am I at the whim of my hosting chaps.
Thanks in advance.

Not the cache you've disabled, turn that back on as it only causes more severe system loading as everything that would normally be cached has to be recompiled on every request.
This is the image cache. Your system is being overloaded serving out images to your customers. Therefore your server is probably suboptimal and not able to properly handle the loads being placed on it. Typical symptom on a shared hosting plan when attempting to run Magento, this typically causes your website to fall flat on its face the first time Bing, Yahoo and Google decide to simultaneously index your website.
The first thing to do when you start noticing the website to get boggy is to go into "Customer - Online Customers" and see how many Magento reports are online. Sort by IP and see who's hogging resources and take that ip over to Bots VS Browsers to see if it's a known web indexer. The next step is to get your Web Server Access log and start viewing what's being requested to make sure you don't have some script kiddie on your site trying to break it.
One way of eliminating your image loading problem is to go over to Amazon Web Services, sign up for CloudFront and serve your images out through this CDN. Basically it serves as a proxy system so your images only get requested on the initial view and then get served out through CloudFront. Your server still probably is going to have problems with overloading, but it won't be image serving that causes most of it.

Your "shared hosting guys" guys don't have the decency to tell you that they're not capable of hosting a Magento installation for you. This,
you spawn about 10 - 20+ connections for every hit to:
while I'm sure describes something they've uncovered, doesn't accurately describe it.
Whatever the specifics of the problem you're running into are, the servers your on right now are designed to host a different type of application. You'll continue to run into problems. Move to a host that supports Magento.


My website is not refreshing CSS changes made

I have one specific domain that this issue is connected with. I have 10+ more domains from the same registrar. This one domain is on a on a different webhosting account that the rest of the domains (the same webhosting company though).
Whenever I make changes to CSS, the changes are not reflected until I change an IP address via VPN. And even then, it only refreshes once, then I need to change the IP again to see another change made. Sometimes not even that helps.
This happens on different internet networks.
The website runs on wordpress, but I have tested it with a separate set of files outside of WordPress.
Does anyone have a clue what it may be and how could it be resolved? Thank you!
I have tried broadband, mobile network but it's the same scenario for both. This makes me believe that it's not a router or device issue (local cache). It goes without saying that I have cleared cache and DNS multiple times.
One thing to mention is that all of my domains run through Cloudflare - yet only one is affected.
My webhosting company is not very helpful this time and only have checked whether my IP is blocked, which I think is a useless taken the above scenario.
All of my other 10+ domains reflect the changes immediately, even without clearing the cache.
Just in case anyone is experiencing something similar, it was due to Cloudflare. I have set the nameservers to point directly to the hosting provider and that fixed the issue.

My website is slow and I don't know how to fix it

It's been 2 days and I think i might have to kill myself.
My website for some reason suddenly started taking way way wayyyy to long to load.
I have cloudflare enable on my domain to cache content so my site can load faster, I've tried turning it off, but my site is still taking forever to load.
I've used pingdom(!/dFvagb/ and according to the results it shows that the domain itself is taking to much time to load(whut?).
I've tried visiting other section of my site like my admin panel and the site loads up pretty fast.
I have no idea how to pin point the root of this problem.
it depends a bit on the circumstances:
Could the case be that you have much higher load than usually?
If not, did you perform any code changes that might be responsible for that change?
it could also be the case that the server your website is on is under unusual high load or in some weird half-dead state. Sending a mail to your ISP asking them to check your server might be a good idea in any case.

Openshift Prestashop 1.5.6 Performance Tuning

In the prestashop performance page, it offers caching with APC, memcached, File System, and XCache. There's a warning about making sure the infrastructure contains one front-end server. If not sure, ask your hosting company. What's available and best here?
I'm currently using the free 3 gear set up. 1 small gear with PHP 5.4 and scaling turned on (minimum 1, maximum all available), 1 small gear for mysql 5.5. the HA Proxy shows one of my gears as active/down (red) with 0 bytes of anything. I'm assuming because I don't have the High Availability turned on correctly. I'm getting page load times of 1.5 to 3 seconds on average. I know the small gear is low cpu, but is that a normal response time? How can I tune this to sub 1 with what I have? I'd like to see the performance capabilities and scaling abilities before I kick over a CC to grab bigger gears and more of them.
Speaking of scaling I see this The code in the git repository is copied to each new gear, but the data directory begins empty. I just recently made some post_deploy hooks to symlink an images directory so that my git updates from my local machine didn't destroy custom uploads. Am I going to have to switch to some kind of CDN? I believe I saw an option to set CDN servers in the application.
Thanks in advance,
Prestashop is probably a pretty beefy application to run on a small gear, even with moving the database to it's own gear. Your web gear would have to receive enough traffic to scale up to another web gear, but as long as you are just getting a few requests to it, it might respond slowly and not scale up. For a few cents an hour, it might be worth spinning up a medium/large gear and checking it's performance.
As for the data directory symlink. On a scaled application, anything you upload into your OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR will not be synced across gears that are spun up. You might want to consider finding some kind of Amazon S3 plugin or similar.

Server response time - Drupal on Bluehost

In the past, when I checked the site speed in google page speed or many similar tools, the site got very high scores (good css & js optimize). I installed the Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation module and boost module to get high score.
Then, suddenly, I started to get message on the google page speed (and other tools), saying my server response time is slow - around 3 seconds.
My site built with Drupal 7 and hosted on Bluehost Shared hosting.
Bluehost technical support says that the problem is not in their side
What do you think causing the server to be slow?
How can I fix it?
Or at least, what should I check (images, caching, something else)?
The first thing to figure out is what's a desirable response time. For example, if you have lots of modules and pretty heavy site/homepage then maybe 3 seconds is ok unless something is done to change the processing time(caching, using less modules etc).
Back to your case of where should i check:
Check, your homepage and what views and other things are loading for your homepage to be rendered. Then make a list and go one by one to ask:
Is it optimal/can it be improved? maybe something is throwing the caching out(dynamic parameters be injected by each request for the item etc).
If you're using views, enable the sql view to see what sql statements its using and you can use tools to analyze/improve it(this could be a question by itself)
Look at the modules that load/being used to make sure you need them.
Check on the drupal caching(/admin/config/development/performance) and make sure the correct checkboxes are checked.
This could as well be blue host's problem because if they're hosting so many sites on the server, the server will start kicking some sites out of memory and load them back as they're requested by the visitors hence the slow load(server requests the site, drupal loads it from database etc).
You can ask specific questions after you check those.

Please Help Me Troubleshoot Why My Site Is Loading So Slowly

My website is It runs on the latest version of wordpress and is hosted via GoDaddy on a shared web server.
My website takes at anywhere from ten seconds to one minute to load, and I don't understand why. I have tested in IE, FireFox, and Chrome, and the page speed is the same. I performed several speed tests at various online speed test sites and have an average load time of 5 - 6 seconds. Yet when I click on a link to my URL or enter it directly it takes in excess of 30 seconds (sometimes more than a minute) to load the index page.
Here is what I have done so far to troubleshoot the issue:
I have the YSlow and Page Speed extensions installed in Firebug
Yslow test gives me a "Grade A -Overall performance score 90"
My Page Speed a score is 94/100
I have the W3Cache wordpress plugin installed and am using page, browser, and database object caching
I've tried minimizing as much CSS and JavaScript as possible
The site is using HTTP compression
Is there anything more I can do with this design, or is it case of my shared web server being overloaded? Thanks in advance for all your help.
YSlow, etc detect problems in the HTML, Javascript and CSS parts, and these are probably OK. It looks like your hosting is to blame.
If those plug-in results are correct (and I've no reason to doubt they are), then it's most likely a case of your virtual server simply being overloaded.
I presume you have no such issues running an identical site in a "local" production environment either, although you might want to try this to confirm if you've not already done this.
Incidentally, a tale-tell sign of an overloaded VPS/shared hosting solution is if the first page load is incredibly slow, but subsequent loads are "normal" - a common reason being that your "decicated" sandbox is being awoken from a sleep/low resource state. (This also seems to be the case as far as your site is concerned.) As such, it's possible (I don't know the details of this server, such as whether you have a "guaranteed" resource level for CPU, memory, etc.) that other sites on this particular server are using more than their fair share of bandwidth until your site kicks in.
Based on some tests from a tool that I built (The Performance Grader at, wow is it bad...
Notice that the HTML took approximately 21.83 seconds to download (from the initial request, to the last object being downloaded). Not to mention that the page is nearly 300kb (which is fairly large for only having 7 images)...
This is where the issue is. Notice that the connection and DNS phases are fine, but the generation phase is really REALLY slow. That's where your problems are. It's server-side. So, you need to debug why it's slow. Some areas to look at are the SQL queries that are being executed (and if they are slow), any slow plugins, etc. Try disabling things one at a time to see if each makes a measurable difference or not.
My "hunch" is that your database is either overloaded, or your queries are very expensive. So in short, you can try another host to see if that helps (which is the solution more than you'd think)...
As most of you pointed out, the issue seemed to be with the server. I contacted GoDaddy and explained the situation. It turns out that my site was hosted on one of their legacy servers and was most likely overloaded. They switched me over to one of their grid servers (no cost) and now everything is loading quickly. Thanks for all the responses. I spent a lot of time tweaking the design, removing plugins one by one, reducing as many HTTP requests as possible, and generally went crazy trying figure out how to best optimize my site. After a few days and a lot of tests, I could not accept that the problem was client-side, especially after all the optimization test I ran showed my site was ok. So good to have it settled...for now, at least.
GoDaddy's webhosting is the bottleneck to your website, you should probably go for a VPS if you have got an advanced website with loads of lookups!
