gnumeric: sum of positive values in a range sans creating new column - gnumeric

Using gnumeric, how do I sum the positive values in a range, without
creating a new column?
I'm thinking something along the lines of:
SUM(B21:B25, #>0&)
SUM(SELECT(B21:B25, #>0&))
"#>0&" is Mathematica-ese for a function returning true if its
argument is greater than 0, false otherwise.
More generically: how do I apply an aggregate function to cells in a
range that meet a specific condition?

Try using the SUMIF function:
=SUMIF(B21:B25, ">0")
The gnumeric documentation linked above doesn't contain very much detail on the usage of the SUMIF function. The documentation claims that it is Excel compatible, so you may have some luck reading the documentation for Excel's SUMIF function if you want any more information.


Extract substring using importxml and substring-after

Using Google sheet 'ImportXML', I was able to extract the following data from a url(in cell A2) using:
=IMPORTXML(A2,"//a/#href[substring-after(., 'AGX:')]").
But, I want to extract the code after "/vector/AGX:". The code is not fixed to 3 letters and number of rows is not fixed as well.
I used =INDEX(SPLIT(AP2,"/,'vector',':'"),1,2). But it applied to only one line of data. Had to copy the index+split function to the whole column and had to insert an additional column to store the codes.
But, I want to be able to extract the code(s) after AGX: using ImportXML in one go. Is there a way?
Your issue is in how you are implementing the index formula. The first parameter returns the rows (in your case each element) and the second the column (in your case either AGX or the code after that).
If instead of getting a single cell we apply this formula on a range and we do not set any value for the row, the formula will return all the values achieving what you were aiming for. Here is its implementation (where F1:F5 will be the range of values you want this formula to be applied) :
If you are interested in a solution simply using IMPORTXML and XPATH, according to the documentation you could use a substring as follows:
The drawback of this is that it will return the full string and not exclusively what is after the SGX: which means that you would need to use a Google sheet formula to splitting this. This is the furthest I have achieved exclusively using XPath. In XML it would be easier to apply a forEach and really select what is after the : but I believe in sheets is more complicated if not impossible just using XPath.
I hope this has helped you. Let me know if you need anything else or if you did not understood something. :)

assistance needed constructing JSONata query

I am trying to construct a JSONata query using the Invoice data.
The query I am trying to pose is select distinct OrderID where Order.Product.Price is < 50?
I have not been able to figure out how to do this using the predicate in square brackets notation ... my attempts have been thwarted when I try to get past the $.Account.Order.Product array.
Using $map and $reduce I was able to come up with this rather complex solution ... which still doesn't correctly handle duplicate OrderIDs. (I see that the issue of duplicate removal has been requested here)
Q: What is the proper way to express this query in JSONata?
I think this does what you need:
Account.Order[Product.Price.($ < 50)].OrderID
The expression in the predicate, which gets tested for each Order, will generate an array of Booleans (one for each Product.Price). The resulting predicate will evaluate to true if any of the Booleans within that array are true, due to the semantics of the $boolean function which is implicitly applied.
Overall, the expression will return the OrderID for every Order which has at least one Product whose Price is less than 50

Google Sheets COUNTIF syntax across different tabs

I am currently trying to work out how to make the current Google Sheets version of COUNTIF properly count how many times the value of a cell (C3) is higher than the value if another cell (E3), according to the following formula:
You'll note that the formula is run in a different tab than the one where the cells being counted are located in (which is named "4"). The formula returns a zero '0', when it should be returning a one '1', as the value in '4'!$C$3 actually is higher than the value in '4'!$E$3.
Clearly, I am doing something wrong.
So, the user I'-'I ( suggested the following edit:
=COUNTIF('4'!$C$3,">'4'!$E$3") --> COUNTIF('4'!$C$3,">"&'4'!$E$3)
This suggestion resolved my issue.

Picking random cells based on previous random cell selection in Excel

This formula works well to return a random traveldestination1 value if it does find a match for C1 in the moderange range. It goes to #N/A otherwise:
How can I improve the formula to search another moderange range (non-adjacent) if a match for C1 is not found in moderange1 (it returns #N/A) (or moderange2 or moderange3 etc...)? It never actually gets to the point of displaying “nope” in this current formula so any code I add there doesn’t get used.
If it doesn't find a match in moderange1, I want it to search moderange2 and if it finds a match there, it should pick a random from traveldestination2 and so on.
I've managed to figure it out! - using nested IFNA conditions did the trick:
=ifna(ifna(ifna(code as above),next range's code, next range's code),"not found")

SUMIFS function in Google Spreadsheet

I'm trying to have a similar function to SUMIFS (like SUMIF but with more than a single criterion) in a Google Spreadsheet. MS-Excel has this function built-in (
I've tried to use ArrayFormula (, similar to the SUMIF:
=ARRAYFORMULA(SUM(IF(A1:A10>5, A1:A10, 0)))
By Adding AND:
=ARRAYFORMULA(SUM(IF(AND(A1:A10>5,B1:B10=1), C1:C10, 0)))
But the AND function didn't pick up the ArrayFormula instruction and returned FALSE all the times.
The only solution I could find was to use QUERY which seems a bit slow and complex:
=SUM(QUERY(A1:C10,"Select C where A>5 AND B=1"))
My Target is to fill up a table (similar to a Pivot Table) with many values to calculate:
=SUM(QUERY(DataRange,Concatenate( "Select C where A=",$A2," AND B=",B$1)))
Did anyone manage to do it in a simpler and faster way?
The simplest way to easily make SumIFS-like functions in my opinion is to combine the FILTER and SUM function.
SUM(FILTER(sourceArray, arrayCondition_1, arrayCondition_2, ..., arrayCondition_30))
For example:
Explanation: the FILTER() filters the rows in A1:A10 where A1:A10 > 5 and B1:B10 = 1. Then SUM() sums the values of those cells.
This approach is very flexible and easily allows for making COUNTIFS() functions for example as well (just use COUNT() instead of SUM()).
I found a faster function to fill up the "pivot table":
=ARRAYFORMULA(SUM(((Sample!$A:$A)=$A2) * ((Sample!$B:$B)=B$1) * (Sample!$C:$C) ))
It seems to run much faster without the heavier String and Query functions.
As of December, 2013, Google Sheets now has a SUMIFS function, as mentioned in this blog post and documented here.
Note that old spreadsheets are not converted to the new version, though you can try copy-pasting the data into a new workbook.
This guy used the Filter function to chop down the array by the criteria, then the sum function to add it all in the same cell.
It worked like a charm for me.
