MooTools: How do package data for a POST ajax request? - ajax

I'm using MooTools 1.4.1. I want to create an ajax post requst, but I can't figure out how to construct the "data" attribute, which I wish to contain the name value pairs of a form whose id is "myForm".
$('save').addEvent('click', function(event) {
var req = new Request({
method: 'post',
url: 'save',
data: { ... },
onRequest: function() {
// on request
onComplete: function(response) {
Anyone know how I should populate the "data" attribute? Thanks, - Dave

You can use
Alternatively, The MooTools More package has a Form.Request() class to send a Form using Ajax.

As Savageman commented, you can throw your form element into toQueryString() and send it through in the data property, or by running .send() or .post() on the request object.
You also seem to be missing a closing squiggly bracket.
Anyhow, this is how I make AJAX requests:
new Request({
url: 'http://url/to/ajax/script.php',
onSuccess: function(data) {
I'd recommend you use Request.JSON if you're planning on sending stuff back. It's less "shotgun approach"-ey.

You can just pass form element to "data" property, and conversion is automatic.
var req = new Request({
method: 'post',
url: '',
data: $('myForm'),
onRequest: function() {
// on request
onComplete: function(response) {
data - (mixed: defaults to '') The default data for Request:send, used when no data is given. Can be an Element, Object or String.
If an Object is passed the Object:toQueryString method will be used to convert the object to a string.
If an Element is passed the Element:toQueryString method will be used to convert the Element to a string.


Ajax link does not send POST request

I have the following ajax link:
#Html.AjaxActionLink(item.Name, "", new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST" })
However, although it is set to POST, it seems that it still sends GET request.
As suggested below, I also tried with js functuion like this:
function DownloadAsset() {
type: "POST",
url: '',
success: function () {
However, it still seems to be GET request. Parameters must be passed as query and not in the body of the request because they are expected like that by the target action. I don't know why (it would be more natural to have GET request) but back-end developer designed it like this due to some security reason.
If I use razor form like this, then it works:
<form action="" method="POST">
<button>Send my greetings</button>
However, I can not use this because I already have bigger outer form on the page and I'll end up with nested forms which is not allowed by razor/asp.
The only way is to use javascript but for some reason it does not make POST request.
#Html.AjaxActionLink will generate to <a> tag,and tag will only have HttpGet request method.If you want to send HttpPost with <a> tag,you can use it call a function with ajax,here is a demo:
function myFunction() {
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: { tokenValue: "e58367c8-ec11-4c19-995a-f37ad236e0d2", fileId: "2693", position:0 },
success: function (data) {
Since you want to make a POST request, but the values need to be as query string params in the URL, you need to use jquery.Param.
You should set the params, like below :
url: 'your url',
type: 'POST',
data: jQuery.param({ tokenValue: "your token", fileId : "2693", position: 0}) ,
Try this instead,
First remove the action url from the from
Second put the result in the success function to return response
and for parameters, I always use FormData() interface to post with Ajax
And last don't forget to include dataType, contentType, processData to not get an unexpected behavior
your code will look like this
var form_data = new FormData();
form_data.append('tokenValue' ,'add899c5-7851-4416-9b06-4587528a72db&fileId=2693');
form_data.append('position' ,'position');
type: "POST",
dataType: 'json',
data: form_data,
url: '',
success: function (result) {

django ajax, can't capture a list from get ajax request

I'm trying to capture a list of filters in an ajax request, but although I can capture a single filter, when I try to capture a list, I just get an empty list for some reason.
Below is the relevant part of my view and the ajax (jQuery) function. When I try and send a single filter with $.ajax({ .... 'filters': fixed }) this works but fails with a list.
Update: trying data: {'filters': JSON.stringify([fixed])}, does pass the data through as a string to django '["fixed"]' (which I can handle if I don't use getlist but .get and then json.loads() but I think there must be a simpler method here.
def quotes_results_filter_view(request):
results_filters = request.GET.getlist('filters') or []
quotes_results = request.session['quotes_results']
for results_filter in results_filters:
Ajax function:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#id_filter').change(function (e) {
var fixed = $(this).val()
url: '/users/filters/',
data: {
'filters': [fixed]
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
When you send a list through jQuery it changes the keyword to
so in Django you probably have to get like this:

Retrieve post value in the controller sent by ajax call

I am unable to retrieve value sent as a post through ajax call in cake php controller file
type: "POST",
url: "share",
data: country,
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
if (response.success) {
// Success!
} else {
console.log(, response.code);
I have tried with the below ways of retrieving the data sent in the above code through POST. But none of them worked.
The url points to the function in the controller page.
Please can any of you let me know how the value can be retrieved.
When submitting data via ajax and you want cake to pick it up in the usual way just use $('whatever').serialize().
if you don't have an actual form to serialize you can fake it by submitting the data as follows:
data: {
data: country
Note how cake generates fields like data[Model][field]. you don't need the Model part but the data part is important.

ajax request in jquery, data sent to the server not working

var p = JSON.stringify(parameter);
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: p,
success: function(status) {
console.log(p) shows {"o_fname":"hh","o_lname":"jkhk","o_email":"","o_phone":"","b_name":"bmnbmbm,b","b_address":"","b_city":"","b_postal":"","b_phone":""}
but in my page print_r($_POST) is giving me an empty array Array()
var p = JSON.stringify(parameter);
That is your problem.
When you pass string data to .ajax, it sends it “as-is” – but PHP only popuplates $_POST if it receives data encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
So don’t make your data into a string, but pass your parameter object directly as value for data – then jQuery will take care of sending it the right way, so that PHP understands what it is supposed to do with it.
I think park of the problem may be that in data: you're passing the parameter details, but to the function on the other side of the jQuery you're passing a parameter name and nothing else.
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: {parametername:p},
success: function(status) {
With parametername replaced with the parameter name ajax.php is expecting.

Putting a JSON response into a hidden field and retrieving it into a function

I'm retrieving the number of rows contained by a table in my database with the following function using JSON.
function rowCount()
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
type: "GET",
url: "/wagafashion/ajax/CmsRowCount.htm",
success: function(response)
error: function(e)
alert('Error: ' + e);
In the success handler, the response is arriving as expected. There is no problem on the server side.
The response is just mapped with the long type of Java which represents the number of rows in a database table.
I'm putting this response in a hidden field whose id is rows using $("#rows").val(response); in the success handler.
The above function is invoked when the form is submitted using the following jQuery function.
$(function() {
$('#dataForm').submit(function() {
rowCount(); //Invokes the above function that makes a JSON request.
var rows=$("#rows").val();
alert("rows = "+rows);
return false;
The alert box attempts to alert the value contained by the hidden field (which is the JSON response as described above) but it is empty for the first time. It alerts the actual value only when I press the submit button once again (without a page refresh).
Also tried to replace the preceding function with the following.
$(function() {
$('#dataForm').submit(function() {
rowCount(); //Invokes the first function that makes a JSON request.
var form = $(this),
url = form.attr('action'),
rows = form.find('input[name="rows"]').val();
alert("rows = "+rows);
return false;
But it didn't work either. Why does this happen? What is the way of retrieving the correct value of that hidden field into the preceding jQuery function?
The alert box attempts to alert the value contained by the hidden field (which is the JSON response as described above) but it is empty for the first time.
Ajax calls are asynchonrous. When you call rowCount, you start the call, but then rowCount returns and your code continues. The call doesn't complete until later (which is why ajax accepts a callback).
If you trigger the next step in what you're doing from the callback, you'll have the value. You typically do this by having rowCount accept a callback of its own, like this:
function rowCount(callback) // <==== Accept the callback
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
type: "GET",
url: "/wagafashion/ajax/CmsRowCount.htm",
success: function(response)
callback(); // <==== Call the callback
error: function(e)
alert('Error: ' + e);
callback(); // <==== Probably want to give it a value telling it things failed
Then using it:
$(function() {
$('#dataForm').submit(function() {
var form = $(this); // <== Grab this outside the callback
rowCount(function() {
var url = form.attr('action'),
rows = form.find('input[name="rows"]').val();
alert("rows = "+rows);
return false;
If you want to decide whether to allow the form to be submitted on the basis of the callback, you'll have to always cancel the submission, and then trigger submitting it programmatically from the callback if you want to allow it.
