How can I use Maven to build a jar with required libraries in a sub-folder (like Eclipse) - maven

In Eclipse, you can create a project jar with its required dependencies in an adjacent sub-folder by doing ...
Export->Java->Runnable JAR file
Select Library handling option: Copy required libraries into a sub-folder next to the generated JAR
Is there a way to do this with the Maven assembly plugin? Or is there another Maven plugin that would be more appropriate for this task?

yes you can use assembly plugin.
<!-- final name set the jar name, if left it
will give defualt "${artifactId}-${version}" -->
<finalName>jar final name</finalName>
<!-- compiler plug in -->
<!-- assembly plugin -->
<!-- the assembly plugin is used to define your
final deploy output (jar, zip, dir, war, etc..)-->
<!-- The filename of the assembled distribution
file defualt ${}-->
<!-- A list of descriptor files path to generate from-->
<!-- jar plug in -->
<!-- to create a class path to your
dependecies you have to fill true in this field-->
<!-- if you put your dependencySet/outputDirectory
in the assembly file is in a specific folder (lib for example),
you need to add classpathPrefix-->
<!-- if you defined your dependencySet/outputFileNameMapping
in the assembly, instead of using the classpathPrefix,
you should use customClasspathLayout,
add the classpathPrefix at the begining of the
customClasspathLayout, and then add the pattern of the outputFileNameMapping,
supported only from version 2.3>-->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--the id will be add to the end of the distribution file -->
<!-- you need to create the bat file yourself -->
<!--define the outputDirectory of the dependencies,
NOTICE: if it's diffrent from '/' make sure to
change the classPath configuration for
the maven-jar-plugin in the pom-->
<!-- maping the dependencies jar names.
NOTICE : if you used this definition, you need to use
customClasspathLayout classPath configuration
for the maven-jar-plugin in the pomg-->

It's not exactly what you want but if you use the war:war goal (with -DfailOnMissingWebXml=false) it will put the dependencies in the WEB-INF/lib directory in your target folder.
Alternatively check out the dependency plugin.


How can a jar with specific deps be created, after using maven-dependency-plugin to select the wanted deps?

My goal is to create a jar with specific dependencies from my dependency list in the pom. I'm using maven-dependency-plugin like so:
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
and an assembly.xml file holding:
<assembly xmlns=""
After mvn clean install all relevant dependencies appear in target/uber-deps as I would expect. My problem is with the next plugin under <plugins> - maven-assembly-plugin. Seems to me as if it doesn't take uber-deps in.
I know this only by trying to unpack the jar using jar xf to see if the deps in uber-deps were packed in the jar created after mvn clean install.
What should be changed?
The jar you are building as part of the assembly-plugin will be called (by default) ./target/<artifactId>-plugin.jar
Note that the plugin part is what you've put under id in your assembly xml file.
Since you already unpack the dependencies to a folder, you should use fileSets rather then dependencySets:
BTW if you want the outputs of your own project in that jar you should add another fileSet:
4) Also just noted that your assembly plugin definition is not stating the location of your assembly xml file and that you try to define mainClass using shade-plugin configuration. This is how it should look in assembly plugin (assuming that your assembly file is located under src/assembly/plugin.xml:

Maven Create Jar and exclude Files

I am trying to create a runnable Jar file. I have to create a Jar of only one single java class (MyClass which is under the folder structure src/main/java/org/miso/mcs/util/MyClass) and exclude others. I am able to create to JAR but it has everything.
I am using mvn clean package assembly:single command to create Jar.
You won't be able to do that by using the predefined jar-with-dependencies descriptor. However, we can make our own assembly descriptor for that:
<assembly xmlns=""
unpackOptions allows to control the content the unpacked dependencies in the JAR. In this case, we are excluding everything under the org.miso package (which I assume are the classes of your project) and we're only including the class you're interested in (org.miso.mcs.util.MyClass). This will result in a runnable JAR with only the specified class of your project.
Since your project is a WAR, it is a little more complicated. The first dependency set declares all the dependencies of the project and unpacks them. The second only uses the projects attachments and includes only the classes attachment built by the maven-war-plugin.
If you save that snippet into a file called assembly.xml located under src/assembly, your POM will then look like:
With such a configuration, you just need to invoke Maven with mvn clean install and it will correctly generate the JAR. Then, you can launch that JAR with java -jar name-of-jar.jar.

Generate several war for spring boot application

It seems that spring boot will repackage the package generated by maven package phase, and then repacke the war to make it executable.
Now I want to genrate multiple wars for different environments by a single maven command, I tried to use maven-assembly-plugin:
1 unzip the war generated by `spring-boot-maven` plugin to a directory
2 Assembly with the files in the directory, and add some other filtered resources
3 create the war
Check this post:generate multiple artifacts in maven
While it works, and I got multiple wars, but none of them can be executeable by java -jar xx.war. It seems that the classes are corrupted.
So I wonder if there is an alternative solution?
update my pom.xml:
<!-- unzip the contents of the war(executeable) generated by spring-boot to a certain directory -->
<echo message="extract war generated by spring-boot-maven-plugin"/>
<delete dir="${basedir}/target/${}-spring" includeemptydirs="true"/>
<unzip src="${basedir}/target/${}.war" dest="${basedir}/target/${}-spring/"/>
<!-- file from the unpacked contents -->
<!-- add environment awared resources -->
At first I got the error:
No main class detected
Then I add the following for maven-assembly-plugin,
After that I repackage the wars, and I got error when I ran:
Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Incompatible magic value 4022320623 in class file org/springframework/boot/loader/WarLauncher
The class files are being corrupted when you're repackaging the war file. I suspect that's because you're filtering all of the files:
You don't want to filter binary files as they may happen to contain data that looks like a ${} placeholder. You should update the assembly to avoid applying the filtering to class files. The simplest way to do that would be to disable filtering entirely:
If you need filtering for text files, you should use two fileSets. One that includes the binary files and disables filtering, and one that includes the text files and enables filtering.

Move a text file into target folder when compiling a Maven project

I have a slight different version of the question that I made recently.
I have a Maven project under Netbeans 7.3, which doesn't have any build.xml file to configure building options, while there is the pom.xml that I use to import other libraries. Now, I have a text file (let's say textfile.txt) stored in the project folder in Netbeans 7.3, e.g.
project folder
When I compile I get a target folder where the jar file is put in, e.g.
project folder
How can I make the file textfile.txt being copied under target folder when I compile the Maven project?
A first way is to put the files into src/main/resources that is the folder devoted to store the complied resources, i.e. the resources included into the jar file (e.g. images for the icons).
If you need to make the config file to be distributed with the jar, but separated by it, you must edit the pom.xml file. A possible answer is the to add the following plugin between the <plugins> and </plugins> tags.
<copy file="textfile.txt" tofile="${basedir}/target/textfile.txt"/>
Moreover, as you can read here you can also import all the resources from an "input" directory to an "output" directory inside target by using the dedicated plugin, e.g.:
<!-- here the phase you need -->
The simplest way, to use some resource as I know (additional information about resources configuration you can find here:
<!-- your plugins, including or not maven-resource-plugin -->
<filtering>true</filtering><!-- if it is neccessary -->
<directory>${project.basedir}</directory><!-- from -->
<targetPath>${}</targetPath><!-- to -->
<includes><!-- what -->
For building my setting files and updating production this worked for me:
<directory>${project.basedir}</directory><!-- from -->
<targetPath>${}</targetPath><!-- to -->
<includes><!-- what -->
To have an absolute control of the output of your build you can use the "Apache Maven Assembly Plugin". You can define pretty much everything (format, subfolders...).
The Assembly Plugin for Maven is primarily intended to allow users to aggregate the project output along with its dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files into a single distributable archive.
More info
You have to install the plugin in your pom file:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- append to the packaging phase. -->
<goal>single</goal> <!-- goals == mojos -->
In your case the descriptor "yourassembly.xml" would be as follows:
<assembly xmlns=""

maven assembly dir with a jar dependency from project

I am trying to use maven to assemble a directory for a install package. The install package requires several things: configuration files, dependency libraries and an executable jar of my class files. I am having trouble figuring out how to add the executable jar.
Here is what I have so far:
<name>my project</name>
Then my assembly descriptor looks like this:
If i call mvn assembly:assembly I get a directory with all the libraries and configuration files. Works great.
But now I want to add an executable jar of all my compiled code. I can create this jar alone by adding this to my pom and calling mvn jar:jar
The question is, how can I get that jar into my assembly automatically?
I have tried a couple things but I have no idea where to start. Can I somehow call the jar execution from my assembly?
Any help appreciated.
I think you should turn your useProjectArtifact to true (this is the default value).
It determines whether the artifact produced during the current project's build should be included in this dependency set.
