Team Foundation Server asking for Logon Credentials - visual-studio-2010

Everytime I open VS2010 and or attempt to connect to Team Foundation Server it asks for my credentials. I've done some extensive searching for this problem and its solutions (including this website) and none of the solutions work. Upon attempting to connect to Team Foundation Server in VS2010 I get the following error:
"TF31003: Either you have not entered the necessary credentials or your user account does not have permission to connect to the Team Foundation Server at ... Click the Use different credentials link below, or ask your server administrator to add the appropriate permissions to your account..."
I've done the follow:
Added a Windows Credential with the TFS Server name, user name, and password. Added logon credentials in "Stored User Names and Passwords" with the TFS Server name, user name, and password. Gone to the TFS Web Access URL, entered my logon credentials and clicked the remember my logon information (which stores it in "Stored User Names and Passwords"
So far, I can get into my TFS server via Internet Explorer without having to re-enter the logon credentials, but visual studio still keeps asking me for them.
I use Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition on Windows 7.
Anyone have any other possible solutions?

I'm not entirely sure why you're getting the error, although I suspect there is a configuration issue on the machine hosting the TFS server. I'd verify that your user settings are correct.
As far as Visual Studio constantly asking your for credentials, I've had success with the method outlined in this blog post:
Make sure to add the domain part to the user as well as Visual Studio can be quite strict when it comes to these user names. If the domain is not there, you may see these issues.

I had exactly the same problem and the following link gave me the clues how to fix the damn thing.
You need to absolutely get rid of this abomination called "enchanced IE security". In 2008R2 this is done in server manager ("Configure IE ESC")
Go to IE and make sure your TFS server is in "local intranet" zone. If necessary, alter the defaults. I personally added my company's default domain (*.mycompany.local) to the list of intranet hosts. This also will help you with step 3
This step is crucial: many organizations put an alias to TFS server to point to something else, such as you are supposed to connect to tfs.mycompany.local, but really it goes to tfs99xyz50.domain.something.something.local. Easiest way to save creds for this kind of configuration is to open the TFS server URL in IE. IE will prompt you for creds and allow saving them, and you're done.
3a. If you are accessing TFS via proxy, also repeat the step 3 with proxy address.

What helped for me was to clear the IE cache and then connect to TFS again


Change default credentials in Tee-clc. MacOS

I installed tee-clc 14.135 using brew install on MacOS Catalina. I set it up with my credentials that were saved and every time I do checkin it uses those credentials.
tf checkin
Access denied connecting to TFS server http:severname:8080/ (authenticating as UserName/DomainName)
I need to substitute cached credentials with the new ones. Any ideas how to do so?
I tried:
export TF_AUTO_SAVE_CREDENTIALS=1 and using different credentials.
Uninstalling tee-clc didn't help. Still picks up old credentials
I need to substitute cached credentials with the new ones.
You could clear mac cached credentials by reference to Password, Credential Manager and Keychain Editing for guidance.
If you use Eclipse, please close all Eclipse instances, clear TFS/DevOps caches %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\x.0\Cache, and restart the Eclipse as Administrator.
If you use Visual Studio, please refer to this thread: Clear stored TFS credentials in Visual Studio for more details.
In addition, if your organization is secured with a firewall or proxy server, please refer to this doc: Allowed address lists and network connections to configure your Network environment.
BYW, this thread talks more about this issue, might be helpful too.

ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED visual studio 2019 deploy IIS. Noob

I'm setting up an server for school and I am getting ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED.
I have looked over the internet and everyone says that it has to do with not being administrator or not having access to the site. I am just getting confused. I added the user to the local administrator group. added him to iis manager permissions and to IIS manager users in like 3 different ways (same user different type of name, with server/name, name, iis manager user name).
Man I am just trying to publish to this server and I've been at it for like 5 hours (not that much but still I havent gotten any further at all).
To give some more detail:
I setup a publish profile in visual studio, correct host, username,password,site name and I think correct url (we have no dns setup yet so its just the ip of the server). INTERESTING PART HERE (I Think) when I click validate connection it works correctly (in edit) but when I publish it gives the error stated above. Also when I change https to http in the url it makes the error ERROR_USER_NOT_ADMIN, which the user is... .
To summarize, I have no clue what I am doing please help me god.
Take as long as you want to, I just want to get this done.
Check if you open VS with administrative right?
I forgot to mark this as solved and post the solution.
Apparently the solution was that I didn't mark the folder(inside the site in iis manager) as an application.
Solution is simply, open iis, select the server, select the site, right click the main folder with all your stuff, click mark as application.
I couldn't find this anywhere on the internet or on the help page it shows but it solved the problem. (litterally just started to turn insane a bit after trying stuff for 5 hours so stopped and went at it again next day and solved it in 5 minutes).

Issue with TFS user management view

TFS user management has been changed to small purple box(link taking us to visual studio page), how do we maximize and bring back it regular view.
Apart from this users tab everything else looks okay.
How do we resolve this issue, is it normal behavior of TFS ?
Could not reproduce it with the same TFS version. Suggest you also try some more client machines to see if the issue exist, if not this should be a client side issue.
Sign out your account, use another account to login the web portal, and take a look at users page if you got same result.
Besides you could also try with some other browsers IE/Chrome/Firefox to narrow down the issue.
If this is not a client side issue, since the web portal is automatically installed and configured when you install or upgrade TFS. You could check the Event View on TFS server machine if there are some error message. Select a recently TFS server backup and restore it, this may do the trick.
Found solution for this issue.
The thing causing the issue is URL SCAN that was installed along with IIS.
it is blocking certain requests on TFS and some css(which caused change in TFS user management view)
Once after removing this from the IIS, user management view came back to normal.

Why I cannot access to TFS on the server via Remote Desktop?

I'm trying to access to TFS but it doesn't let me.
In my personal PC I open the Remote Desktop, then I proceed to connect to the server where is located the Team Foundation Server. Then inside the server, I go to the Google Chrome and try to sign in to TFS but it just asks me my credentials over and over again saying that I have to provide valid credentials to have access to the TFS.
This is the same if I try to log on from Visual Studio so, I don't know what is going on...
But if I try to access from my local machine, I mean, not from the server, I can properly enter with my TF credentials. Do any body knows whay is this happening?
I hope you can help me.
Thank you!
Thanks everyone for answering my question.
I've found the issue.
The problem was that I tried to access specifying the tfs like this
but it was wrong. Been at server I just had to specify the url like this:
tfs:8080/tfs and that's it.
I can now access correctly to my tfs from server.
Again thank you everybody for our time.
I would try to disable the Loopback check (see this page for an example).

Why is there a Red Cross against my User Group in Team Explorer > Team Members?

Recently our Development user group (Windows) has started showing with a Red Cross in Team Explorer and we cannot expand it anymore.
I have tried removing and re-adding the group but to no avail.
Does anyone know why it would display like this?
We are using TFS 2010 with VS2010 SP1 and August's Power Toys.!
BTW, "Technical Testing Team" is another Windows Domain User Group, just like Development and that works OK.
In general, the red crosses on particular services are caused either by that service being unavailable or by permissions issues...
Are you still able to perform actions that require admin permissions? Does this apply to a single project or all?
How are you defining your developers? A windows domain group? If so, is the TFS server able to see the DC?
I'd suggest you try installing Team Explorer on the TFS server and running it when logged on as yourself - see if you have the same problem. If not, it may be network or firewall problems between your dev machine and the server. At least it would narrow the problem down.
Edit 1:
Do reports work properly? (Specifically, do the graphs show up in reports)?
What auth are you using? Kerberos?
What account is TFS running as? What permissions (if any) does that account have on the network?
Can you see the security information you'd expect in the TFS_Configuration database? (Try tbl_SecurityAccessControlEntry) [Usual "Change nothing, do it at your own risk" disclaimer]
Edit 2:
As per the install docs, the TFS service should be running under its own account (IIRC they suggest Domain\TFS.Service). Check the permissions on the windows services on the TFS Server and see who they're running as. Makes sure the permissions for that user are correct as per the installation instructions
NTLM can cause problems as it doesn't allow credentials to be delegated/relayed the way Kerberos does (and has some picky setup requirements) - but that's obviously not why it's broken all of a sudden (and that usually manifests as graphs not displaying in reports).
WRT: the SecurityAccessControlEntry table, I was more interested in making sure there were entries and that it could be read properly than the contents.
I assume you've tried deleting/recreating groups - If not, give it a shot (deleting the domain group may be an issue with other services but try using a different (new) group and removing the old one from TFS entirely)
I have to admit I'm running out of ideas after that. If it were me, I'd try a clean install on a new server/VM and either point the new install at the old data store [multiple server setup] or export/import projects [single server setup].
For Multiple server setups, this would determine if it's a TFS installation issue/data corruption. For single-server, there's a good chance this would just clean up the problem. You could, of course, also ex/import on multi-server too if it does turn out to be a data thing.
You may want to hang on to see if someone has a less drastic solution.
Looking in the General tab of the VS Output windows there is a message:
Skipping loading group Development into Team Members because it has 102 members.
Looks like VS has a limit on here.
