apt-pkg compile issue - compilation

I am trying to compile a third party code which uses apt-pkg. The error is
/usr/include/apt-pkg/depcache.h:188: error: ‘regex_t’ was not declared in this scope
I've verified that regex.h exists at /usr/include/regex.h
I am using ubuntu 10.4 64 bit to compile code.
what could be wrong?

You need to include regex.h in depcache.h before you use regex_t, or include it in whatever code includes depcache.h, before you include depcache.h.
Or perhaps there is an #ifdef that is set incorrectly for your environment and that is blocking the include of regex.h.


wxWidget C1189 #error: "wxUSE_ACTIVEX must be defined."

I use VS2015+ wxwideget 3.10 to run a very simple example from wxwidget examples
Yesterday this example was able to run properly but today the example starts to display "Error C1189 #error: "wxUSE_ACTIVEX must be defined." when building it. I didn't change the configuration settings so this thing is quite confusing. Where could be the bugs?
the place where error occured(in chkconf.h):
f/* ensure that MSW-specific settings are defined */
#ifndef wxUSE_ACTIVEX
# error "wxUSE_ACTIVEX must be defined."
# else
# define wxUSE_ACTIVEX 0
# endif
#endif /* !defined(wxUSE_ACTIVEX) */
my property settings:
additional include directories: $(WXWIN)\include; $(WXWIN)\include\msvc;
additional library directories: $(WXWIN)\lib\vc_x64_lib
First of all, it's completely impossible that something that worked yesterday stopped working today without anything else. You did change something and, of course, only you know what it was.
Second, all wxUSE_XXX constants are defined in include/wx/msw/setup.h which is copied to lib/vc_x64_lib/mswu/wx (or another similar directory depending on debug/release, lib/DLL build settings) during the library build and is found there by by include/msvc/wx/setup.h. So if it's not defined, the first thing to do is to check that this file didn't get changed somehow (maybe accidentally, although I have trouble imagining how this could happen).

Undefined reference for a specific library: FastNoiseSIMD

I'm new to C++ and I'm trying to include a header file from this library, https://github.com/Auburns/FastNoiseSIMD
When I write this line, FastNoiseSIMD* myNoise = FastNoiseSIMD::NewFastNoiseSIMD(); I get the error: main.cpp:36: undefined reference to FastNoiseSIMD::NewFastNoiseSIMD(int)
Here is how I'm including the header:
#include "FastNoiseSIMD/FastNoiseSIMD/FastNoiseSIMD.h"
As you can see, the files are in folders that are located in the working directory of my program. I'm working on Linux using c++11 and g++. I don't see any library files that I need to link so I'm stuck here.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Check this undefined-reference-to-pow-and-floor

Adding and compiling new code in the linux kernel

This may sound like a very noob question.
I'm trying to implement a UDP-based protocol in the linux kernel. I was following the UDPLite protocol implementation as a reference.
Step 1
I created a new_protocol.c in net/ipv4/
This file has a function
void _init protocol_init(void){*Code here*}
I also used
#include "udp_impl.h"
in this file as I was using some functions from the UDP protocol
Step 2
I modified the file net/ipv4/udp_impl.h to include net/new_protocol.h
Step 3
I created the file include/net/new_protocol.h where I defined the function
void protocol_init(void);
Step 4
Finally, I called the function in net/ipv4/af_inet.c. Also, I gave an include statement in this file for net/new_protocol.h
Now when I try to build the kernel, I get an error saying
undefined reference to `protocol_init()'
What am I missing here? Is my way of including header files incorrect? Do I need to include some info in the makefile to pick up the new net/ipv4/protocol.c?
Do I need to include some info in the makefile to pick up the new net/ipv4/protocol.c?
Yes, you need. Kernel build system doesn't autodetect source files, all of them should be listed explicitely in appropriate Makefile. In you case you need to modify net/ipv4/Makefile.
Makefiles used for kernel build are described in file Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.txt.
I just needed to add protocol.o in the makefile in net/ipv4/

Need help in enable configuration when compile Kernel module

I am using 3.10.x kernel tree. My kernel module needs config VIDEOBUF2.
That is defined in drivers/media/v4l2-core/Kconfig:
# Used by drivers that need Videobuf2 modules
So I put 'CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_CORE=y' in my Kernel config file and
compile. From the Kconfig it has CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_CORE has no
dependency and I think adding CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_CORE=y to my kernel
config should work. I am modify the right kernel config file since I
set other flags like CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV=y and that works.
The generated .config does not contain 'CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_CORE=y'
and the compilation fails with a bunch of
undefined reference to `vb2_buffer_done'
undefined reference to `vb2_buffer_done'
undefined reference to `vb2_buffer_done'
undefined reference to `vb2_buffer_done'
I really appreciate if someone can help me with this.
Thank you.
I cant directly comment on the subject as it requires 50 reputations to have this privilege. You can do : make ARCH = target_architecture CROSS_COMPILE = toolchain defconfig_file. This command execution will create a .config file in home directory of your kernel source. This file would contain default configuration for the peripherals on your target SOC ( I assume you have knowledge pertaining to defconfig files). Now if you wish to manipulate it and want to add your device support to it do : make menuconfig and you could add your device support by selecting configuration say like VIDEOBUF2_CORE in your case and then your kernel soure is ready to be compiled/cross-compiled. PS: Avoid editing .config file manually.

OpenVRML in snow-leopard (from macports)

Hey, I just Downloaded openvrml from macports
(port install openvrml)
Now I have a Sample program (pretty_print.cpp from openvrml at sourceforge) that begins like this:
# include <config.h>
# endif
# include <openvrml/vrml97_grammar.h>
# include <openvrml/browser.h>
# include <fstream>
then in Xcode, I added the following path and check "recursive" for the Header search path and Lib Search Path:
And all '***.h file not found' errors disappeared, but now I have the following two:
complex.h 943 '__pow_helper' is not a member of std
c++locale.h 71 'vsnprintf' is not a member of std
/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1/complex: In function 'std::complex<_Tp> std::pow(const std::complex<_Tp>&, int)':
/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1/complex:943: error: '__pow_helper' is not a member of 'std'
both errors come from system files.
I wonder what is causing this errors...
Can anyone advice me on how to use openvrml samples on Macs?
thanks in advance.
I've had a similar problem. I defined "recursive" flag for an '/opt/local/include' path. This pulled in some strange c++ headers from boost compatiblity includes.
In general, you do not want "recursive" flag on your include paths.
Try unchecking "recursive" from your paths.
if you put recursive on a path containing boost headers you'll use some random boost headers, which are likely designed to be used in different environment and/or different compiler, instead of standard C++ headers, meaning, for example, you'll include TR1 header instead of standard header. This is likely to be the cause of your problem (it happened to me too).
Just locate the directory which contains the headers you need and put only that in header search path instead of being lazy and using "recursive" flag, since there are a lot of header files which have same name but differ in location only.
