Firefox duplicates URL - firefox

I am developing a website, which is currently running on my test server (IIS7). I can access the web site from any browser (including different versions of Firefox), but one specific Firefox does this:
I have no clue what to look for… Has anyone had such a problem?

You must have to have
but not
Some browsers do "smart" thing to correct these urls, but it's bad practice.


open ssrs report in an iframe

I have developed a website which runs at SSL (https). I want to open some SSRS reports at the website in an iframe. But it is not opened since browsers say that "Blocked loading mixed active content" in the browser's console.If I hit report's URL in another tab or another browsers window then it opens.Also if I run my website at http only then browser opens the report in the iframe perfectly at the website.I think this problem is arises since website runs on https and report url is http only.
What can I do to resolve this issue without change in any of the URL.
Thanks in advance.
What version of SSRS are you using? It is possible to install multiple instances of SSRS on the same machine. They may not have access to the same sets of reports, but I'm not sure if that would even be an issue for you. The configuration you are attempting seems a bit messy. Personally I would try to get all of the sites on SSL to be consistent, but that sounds like you may not be able to achieve that, politically.
Anyway, here's a link to get you started with the multiple SSRS instance approach, if you'd like to try it.

firefox has blocked content that isn't secure

I am running a site. Some of its pages are not working in Firefox, but work perfect in Chrome. In Firefox it shows me a gray shield next to the URL and when I click on that shield and manually click on disable protection on this page then my page works fine. So now the problem is that there are many users on my site, and some of them don't know how to do it so I want to handle it on my site so its users don't need to do that.
How can I do it? I Googled and found a setting of Firefox in about:config named security.mixed_content.block_active_content. If we set it to false then it works. So is there a way to do it programmatically or other way so that users just view that page without seeing that shield?
As I understand it, content that is blocked by default by Firefox now is http content that is accessed from an https page. Common types of content that fall foul of this are external stylesheets and images.
As far as I am aware the way to prevent the problem on your site is to make sure that if a page is served by https, any and all other files that it references are also served by https.
Hi Friends,
The reason you see this error in Mozilla Firefox is because your
website is a Mixed Box that is, your website has many internal links
which are not SSL protected.
In order to avoid this error from showing up in Mozilla Firefox you
will have to make sure all the internal links on your website are SSL
So, Use https:// in your page not http://
I hope I was clear enough in answering your query.
firefox has blocked content that isn't secure means there are some contents on your website are not secure.
I had same issue as my fonts were downloading with http://google.apis.something instead of https
Then I change to //google.apis.something and problem get solved.
To know what is not secure in you website use this link

Firefox Extensions: Distinguish Navigation vs Resources

I'm trying to copy the mixed content feature of chrome into firefox. What I've got so far is to block all non-https requests on a site that is https. The problem is that navigation is treated the same as resources. Specifically, once on an https website, I can't navigate away from the site because the non-http request to navigate away is being rejected due to my code.
How do I see the difference between navigation and resource requests?
Well, I couldn't find an answer specifically to my question, but through other roots my friend was able to get the same solution. Resources that were useful follow:
2:40 AM
2:41 AM

the bookmarklet doesn't work on the HTTPS website?

Here's how I make develop a bookmarklet, get the input control value on web page ,
I write a javascript function, add the bookmarklet to my browser, load my test web page, is test the bookmarklet, the result is ok,
but then i test the bookmarklet on HTTPS website ,the bookmarklet can not get the input control value, why? the bookmarklet doesn't work on the HTTPS website?? Is there any way to make the bookmarklet work on https sites?
3 questions :
Why cant you get the input value : there is no reason why it does not work, almost certainly you are looking for the wrong id.
Do bookmarklets work on HTTPS : absolutely, HTTPS is not the problem
Can I make it work on https sites : if you provide a code sample, we might be able to tell you what is wrong with it.
I know this is a pretty old question, but since I came across it while searching for a similar problem, I will add my thoughts. If you wrote your own bookmarklet, this is most likely caused by your bookmarklet trying to access insecure content. If you have other static content that your bookmarklet references on your own server, such as HTML, JS, CSS, or image files, the browser will block that content from loading. This is because of the Same Origin Policy. This question is also discussed in this question. If you, or someone else viewing this is having the same problem, attempt to serve your content up as https or access only other content that is https.

Turn all links on a page into https within firefox

Lets just say that I wanted to be extra careful with the website I'm visiting (irrespective of whether the site is offered in https) and wanted to convert every href in the web page received into its https equivalent.
Is there a way/add-on to do this ? or do I have to write my own :(
As Paul said, most sites will break if you do this. However, if you wanted to do something similar to this (grabbing all the links on a page and doing something to them), a Greasemonkey script would be easier and quicker than writing a Firefox add-on.
You can't just point all links to https, most of them will break, and secure sites will redirect you to https anyway.
